The Search for Noah's Ark with steven Rudd

Sumerian, Eridu Genesis & Flood: 2150 BC


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Instructions of Shuruppak:

Click to ViewSumerian Cuniform: 2150 BC

Click to ViewZi-ud-sudra is the "Noah-like" character in the Greek flood account by Berossus (280 BC)

Click to ViewShuruppak is listed in the Sumerian Kings list (2119 BC) museum



"A flood will sweep over the land. A decision that the seed of mankind is to be destroyed has been made. ... Zi-ud-sura [built] a huge boat. ... because of preserving the animals and the seed of mankind" (Sumerian Eridu Genesis Flood)






1.        The Pennsylvania Museum tablet of the Sumerian flood story is the oldest known of any flood story in the world.

2.         It was kiln fired about the time Abraham was born: 2150 BC.

3.         It contains references to Zi-ud-sura and Šuruppag.

4.         It details how Zi-ud-sura was saved from destruction in a very large boat along with animals from a global flood 800 years before the book of Genesis.

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A.    Why this tablet is important:

1.       Zi-ud-sudra is a real historical king who was the "Noah-like" character the Greek flood account by Berossus (280 BC).

2.       Zi-ud-sudra's counterpart in the Epic of Atra-Hasis (1635 BC) was Atra-Hasis.

3.       Zi-ud-sudra's counterpart in the The Epic of Gilgamesh (11 50 BC) was Ut-napištim.

4.       Shuruppak is a real historical name listed in the Sumerian King List (2119 BC)

Zi-ud-sura the king, the gudug priest


B.     Full Text section:


Sumerian Eridu Creation, Flood: 2150 BC



Segment A

approx. 36 lines missing

1-10. ...... sets up ....... "I will ...... the perishing of my mankind; for Nintur, I will stop the annihilation of my creatures, and I will return the people from their dwelling grounds. Let them build many cities so that I can refresh myself in their shade. Let them lay the bricks of many cities in pure places, let them establish places of divination in pure places, and when the fire-quenching ...... is arranged, the divine rites and exalted powers are perfected and the earth is irrigated, I will establish well-being there."

10-14. After An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa had fashioned the black-headed people, they also made animals multiply everywhere, and made herds of four-legged animals exist on the plains, as is befitting.

approx. 32 lines missing


Segment B

1-3. 3 lines fragmentary

4-5. "I will oversee their labour. Let ...... the builder of the Land, dig a solid foundation."

6-18. After the ...... of kingship had descended from heaven, after the exalted crown and throne of kingship had descended from heaven, the divine rites and the exalted powers were perfected, the bricks of the cities were laid in holy places, their names were announced and the ...... were distributed. The first of the cities, Eridug, was given to Nudimmud the leader. The second, Bad-tibira, was given to the Mistress. The third, Larag, was given to Pabilsaĝ. The fourth, Zimbir, was given to the hero Utu. The fifth, Šuruppag, was given to Sud. And after the names of these cities had been announced and the ...... had been distributed, the river ......, ...... was watered, and with the cleansing of the small canals ...... were established.

approx. 34 lines missing


Segment C

1-27. in heaven. ...... flood. ...... mankind. So he made ....... Then Nintur ....... Holy Inana made a lament for its people. Enki took counsel with himself. An, Enlil, Enki and Ninḫursaĝa made all the gods of heaven and earth take an oath by invoking An and Enlil. In those days Zi-ud-sura the king, the gudug priest, ....... He fashioned ....... The humble, committed, reverent ....... Day by day, standing constantly at ....... Something that was not a dream appeared, conversation ......, ...... taking an oath by invoking heaven and earth. In the Ki-ur, the gods ...... a wall. Zi-ud-sura, standing at its side, heard: "Side-wall standing at my left side, ....... Side-wall, I will speak words to you; take heed of my words, pay attention to my instructions. A flood will sweep over the ...... in all the ....... A decision that the seed of mankind is to be destroyed has been made. The verdict, the word of the divine assembly, cannot be revoked. The order announced by An and Enlil cannot be overturned. Their kingship, their term has been cut off; their heart should be rested about this. Now ....... What ......."

approx. 38 lines missing


Segment D

1-11. All the windstorms and gales arose together, and the flood swept over the ....... After the flood had swept over the land, and waves and windstorms had rocked the huge boat for seven days and seven nights, Utu the sun god came out, illuminating heaven and earth. Zi-ud-sura could drill an opening in the huge boat and the hero Utu entered the huge boat with his rays. Zi-ud-sura the king prostrated himself before Utu. The king sacrificed oxen and offered innumerable sheep.

12-17. six lines fragmentary

approx. 33 lines missing


Segment E

1-2. "They have made you swear by heaven and earth, ....... An and Enlil have made you swear by heaven and earth, ......."

3-11. More and more animals disembarked onto the earth. Zi-ud-sura the king prostrated himself before An and Enlil. An and Enlil treated Zi-ud-sura kindly ......, they granted him life like a god, they brought down to him eternal life. At that time, because of preserving the animals and the seed of mankind, they settled Zi-ud-sura the king in an overseas country, in the land Dilmun, where the sun rises.

12. "You ......."

approx. 39 lines missing


(Translation by Oriental Studies, University of Oxford)




 The global flood from the oldest archeology on earth:









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Sumerian Eridu

Sumerian Kings





Date of tablet

2150 BC

2119-2112 BC

2100 BC

1635 BC

1150 BC

280 BC


Sumerian Cuneiform

Sumerian Cuneiform

Akkadian Cuniform

Akkadian Cuneiform

Akkadian Cuneiform


Noah figure


"he obtained immortality"

Cush, Noah's grandson


"he obtained immortality"


"he who is very wise"


"he obtained immortality"


"he obtained immortality"








Destroyer God







Mutinous god who warned of flood







Where tablets found

Nippur, Iraq

Larsa, Iraq

Abu Salabikh Iraq

Sippar, Iraq

Nabu, Iraq

Nineveh, Turkey

Quoted by Josephus etc.


Pennsylvania Museum: Object B10673

Ashmolean Museum in Oxford, England

Iraq Museum, Baghdad

(looted 2003)

British Museum

Room 56

British Museum, Room 55

No originals.

More Details

Sumerian Eridu

Sumerian Kings






By Steve Rudd 

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Noah’s Ark, Flood and Tower of Babel