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Title:Bible Quiz: 100's of questions for Outdoor Fairs & Home Shows
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Body:100's of questions for Outdoor Fairs & Home Shows

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Click to View Fair questions at Outdoor festival 2002

Here are the 44 questions we used: Theme: "How to be saved!"

What is the biblical definition of SIN?

1 John 3:4

× Sin is anything that harms another person.

× Sin is anything that makes us feel bad.

× Sin is breaking one of God's rules revealed in the Bible. 1

True or False: Identify the Sin!

× Living common law with a set wedding date. (Heb 13:4)

× Working on the Sabbath day. (Col 2:16)

× The recreational use of drugs like marijuana, shrooms and "E" ecstasy. (Gal 5:20)

× Pointing out sin in another person's life. (Matt 7:5; John 7:24)

× Disconnecting the mileage counter (odometer) on your car to retain its cash value for resale. (1 Cor 6:10)

× Missing a weekend family function to attend church. (Heb 13:4)

× A Homosexual relationship. (Lev 18:22; Rom 1:26)

× Parental spanking of children. (Prov 23:13; 13:24; 22:15; 29:15)

× Getting angry with another who sinned against you. (Eph 4:26)

× Failing to do what we know is right. (James 4:17)


What is the penalty if we sin just once?

Romans 6:23

× The more we have sinned, the longer we will be tormented in purgatory, after which, God will allow us to enter heaven.

× We can avoid eternity in hell if we live good moral lives and balance our sin with and equal amount of good deeds.

× We will be eternally separated from God and spend eternity in hell, unless we are obedient to Christ. 3

True or False: Why did Jesus die on the cross?

× Jesus died to provide a way that God could forgive us of our sins. (Romans 5:8)

× Jesus died so would live sin-free lives on earth.

(1 John 1:8)

× Jesus died to destroy the devil's power. (Hebrews 2:14)

× Jesus died to heal our physical diseases. (1 Pet 2:24; Heb 12:13)

× Jesus died to substitute himself for us, the just for the unjust. (1 Peter 3:18)

× Jesus died to provide us with material wealth. (Luke 12:33)

× Jesus died to suffer the punishment we deserved.

(1 Peter 2:24)

× Jesus died because the Devil changed God's plan. (Acts 2:23)

× Jesus died in our place, so we could have eternal life.

(John 3:16; Rom 6:22-23; Heb 5:7-9)

× Jesus died to fulfill over 60 prophecies of the Old Testament. (1 Cor 15:3-4; Acts 26:22; 8:32)


Which of the following ways to salvation are in the Bible? (Acts 2:38)

× Infant Baptism and church attendance as an adult.

× Invite Jesus into your heart with the "Sinner's Prayer".

× Believe in Jesus and be immersed in water to forgive your sins. 5

True or False: Who is Jesus?

× Jesus is Mighty God (Isa 9:6; John 1:1; 20:28; Heb 1:8)

× Jesus is the created angel Michael (Heb 1:5)

× Jesus was just a man like you and I. (John 1:1; 20:28)

× Jesus is the one who created you. (John 1:3; Col 1:16)

× Jesus is a political leader to rule the world governments from Palestine. (John 18:36)

× The Islamic Bible of Muslims, (the Koran) gives the correct

view of Jesus. (Gal 1:6-9)

× Jesus is our only judge on Judgement Day. (John 5:22)

× Jesus is the appointed military leader to wage war on earth against the Anti-Christ (Matt 26:52; John 18:36; 1 John 2:18)

× Jesus is eternally pre-existent God (Phil 2:6; John 13:3f; Micah 5:2)

× Jesus is the only child of Mary. (Mt 12:46; 13:55; Acts 1:14)


Which method of baptism is valid? (Acts 8:36)

× Click to View

× Both

× Click to View

How you can be saved!

Read the Bible verse and Guess which lights will come on:

Guess the lights Ø

Believe ¡

Repent ¡

Confess ¡

Baptized ¡

× "Unless you repent, you will perish." (Luke 13:3)





× If you confess me before men I will confess you before God. (Matt 10:33)





× Just as water saved Noah, baptism saves you. (1 Peter 3:21)





× "He who believes and is baptized shall be saved" (Mark 16:16)





× "Repent and be baptized to get your sins forgiven" (Acts 2:38)





× "Confess Jesus and believe God raised Him and you will be saved." (Rom 10:9)





× The Samaritans believed and were baptized, but didn't have the Holy Spirit. (Acts 8:16)





× Paul believed, fasted for three days and was baptized. (Acts 22:16)





× "The Ethiopian said, "I believe" and was immediately baptized (Acts 8:37)





× The Jailer believed, washed Paul's wounds & was baptized at 2 AM. (Acts 16:33)





× What must you do to be saved? Mt 4:4 Ø





Fair questions at Outdoor festival 2002 (children's festival)

Here are the 44 questions we used: We made the questions easier for children to do, but we found it wasn't really necessary because the children who did the quiz were generally older than 8 years old. But these are great new questions just the same!

If the Bible was taught in school what Subjects would it teach?

2 Tim 3:16-17

× Photography

× Evolution

× Math, science, history . 1

True or False: Is this mystery solved in the Bible?

× The promise of a special born redeemer.

× When will Christ return.

× How to get to heaven.

× Are there aliens.

× Were we once apes.

× How many hairs are on your head.

× How to re-gain your lost items.

× What does God look like.

× What does heaven look like.

× How old is the earth.


How many times is the word love found in the Bible?

× 666 times

× 201 times

× 444 times 3

True or False: A Good Bible Student...

× Hears what God the LORD will say. (Ps 85:8)

× Says they love God, but their heart is far from God. (Mark 7:6)

× Longs for the pure milk of the WORD. (1 Peter 2:2)

× Puts man's teachings before God's. (Mark 7:7)

× Wants to learn and desires to live in truth.(Psalm 86:11)

× Relies on money for spiritual security. (Mark 10:24)

× Learns to do good. (Isaiah 1:17)

× Lusts after the opposite sex. (Matthew 5:28)

× Studies to prove they are acceptable to God. (2 Timothy 2:15)

× Tests to see if they are in the faith. (2 Corinthians 13:5)


Why do we need God?

× So we get rich.

× So we won't suffer.

× To learn the reason we He created us on the earth.

True or False: Are these the correct heroes in our Bible Adventures?

× Daniel faced a pack of hungry lions.

× Moses built the ark.

× The witch of Endor fools king David.

× Gideon's army tricks the enemy with "firecracker" noise.

× Peter is shipwrecked at sea.

× Jonah led the battle at Jericho.

× Esther won a beauty contest.

× Peter successfully walks on water.

× David fought a bear.

× Jesus went shopping in the temple.


"I was glad when they said to me, Let us go to the house of the LORD." (Psalm 122:1) This verse means...

× Reading the Bible and attending church is enjoyable.

× Reading the Bible and attending church is boring.

× Attending church every Sunday is optional.

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Fair questions at Outdoor festival 2001

Here are the 46 questions we used (including two extra multiple choice we rotated in.) in the summer of 2001

Written by Steve Rudd

What is the Biblical definition of death: (Eccl 9:7; Isa 59:1-2; 1 Cor 7:9; Rev 21:8)

Death is the opposite of life.

Death is unconscious, non-existence.

Death is a separation between two things.

What is the most dangerous false teaching today? (Jn 17:21; 1 Cor 1:10; Mt 7:15)

That: "God doesn't care about the different teachings in different churches."

That: "Jesus never rose from the dead."

That: "Jesus was JUST a man like you and I."

How often should Christians partake of communion? ( Acts 20:7)

Once a year at Easter.

Every Sunday (first day of the week)

Once a month.

How was Jesus different from all other world religion founders? ( Mark 16:1-6)

He claimed to be a direct spokesman for God.

He was the only one who was raised from the dead.

He did not have flesh and bones as a man.

Who was Cain's Wife? (Gen 5:4)

He married his sister.

He married his mother Eve after Adam died.

God created the woman of his dreams.

Why is wine forbidden, but not grape juice to use in communion? ( 1 Cor 5:7)

It contains alcohol.

It contains leaven or yeast.

Christians are abstainers.

True or False: Bible Doctrines

Mary had other children after the virgin birth of Jesus. (Mt 12:46; 13:55; Acts 1:14)

After being saved, a Christian can sin and be lost again. (Gal 5:4)

Weekly Sunday church attendance is optional for a Christian. (Heb 10:24)

It is sin for two people to speak in tongues at the same time in a church service. (1 Cor 14:27)

The Bible teaches infant baptism. (Acts 8:37; Mk 16:16)

There is only one anti-Christ. (1 Jn 2:18)

There is no conscious life after death and before resurrection. (Luke 16:19)

The gift of tongues was always a known language. (Acts 2:6)

Miracle-healing TV preachers are usually fakes. (Mt 7:22)

Babies are born in sin and are lost. (Ezek 18:20; Mt 18:1-3; 19:13-14)

Guess the date???

(Press all 10 buttons to light up timeline)

When was baptism changed from immersion to sprinkling?

When was instrumental music first used in worship?

When was Baptism for the remission of sins first taught?

When was Charismatic "Slain in the Spirit" first practiced?

When were priests first prohibited from marrying?

When was "the rapture" doctrine first taught?

When did Christians first start worshipping on Saturday instead of Sunday?

When was the first celebration of Christmas (Dec. 25)?

What is the date for the first Pope to exist?

What is the date when the Lord will return?

True or False: Bible Quotes:

"Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be saved" (Mk 16:16)

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners" (1 Tim 2:5)

"A man is justified by works and not by faith only" (Jas 2:24)

"Baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace" (1 Pet 3:21)

"Baptism now saves you" (1 Pe 3:21)

"Baptism is a public confession of faith" (Acts 8:38)

"Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins" (Acts 22:16)

"Let your conscience be your guide" (Acts 23:1)

"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved" (Mk 16:16)

"Whatever your wife says to you, do as she tells you" (Gen 21:12)

True or False: Moral Issues

Its OK to steal back from your employer an amount equal to what he has ripped you off. (1 Pet 2:18-20)

Long hair on a man is forbidden in the New Testament. (1 Cor 11:14)

God will allow you to divorce and remarry only if your spouse has first committed adultery. (Mt 19:9)

Living common law is OK if you have a wedding day set. (Heb 13:4)

Tattoos are forbidden in the Bible. Lev 19:28

Birth control is condemned in the Bible. (1 Cor 7:2)

The Bible teaches that if a man refuses to work, he should not be permitted to eat. (2 Thess 3:10)

One Christian can take another Christian to court. (1 Cor 6)

The Bible condemns the recreational use of drugs like marijuana, shrooms and "E" ecstasy. (Gal 5:20)

The New Testament authorizes the Canadian Government to execute murderers with capital punishment. (Rom 13:4)

Click to View Fair questions at Outdoor festival 2000

Question 1

Which of the following is a book of the Bible?

1. Habakkuk

2. Hezekiah

3. Elijah

Identify the Bible quotes

"Love is blind"

"Know for certain that once you are saved, always saved"

"Whatever your wife says to you, do as she tells you" Gen 21:12

"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned"

"I escaped only by the skin of my teeth" Job 19:20

"Cleanliness is next to godliness"

"There's nothing new under the sun"

"Idle hands are the Devil's workshop"

"You have fallen from grace, severed from Christ"

"A drop in the bucket" Isa 40:15

Question 3

Where was Jesus born?




Identify which doctrine is in the Bible.

Infant baptism.

Tithing 10% to the church collection.

Jesus had many brothers and sisters.

Jesus was once the created angel Michael.

Apostle Peter was married.

Christians kept the weekly Sabbath.

Every Christian is both saint and priest.

Ordination of pulpit ministers.

Bishops and pastors MUST be married men with children.

Conscious life after death.

Question 5

The discovery of the Dead Sea Scrolls proved that

the text of the Bible is unchanged in 2000 years.

Jesus rose from the dead.

the Dead Sea once supported life.

Identify the Bible quotes

"Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be saved"

"Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now"

"A man is justified by works and not by faith only"

"Baptism is an outward sign of an inward grace"

"Baptism now saves you"

"Baptism is a public confession of faith"

"Arise and be baptized and wash away your sins"

"Let your conscience be your guide"

"He who believes and is baptized shall be saved"

"Whoever doesn't abide in the doctrine of Christ doesn't have God"

Click to View 8 fair questions at Outdoor festival 1999

Best outdoor evangelistic fair ever!

We have been doing fair booths for 8 years. We began by paying 1500 for a four day spot in a professional home show then discovered the free outdoor summer fairs and learned they were way more productive than the professional shows! We have tried every approach and system imaginable and we believe that we have struck the perfect system.

29 leads for Bible study.

In the past we have tried both aggressive and passive methods to get studies. Years ago, we would aggressively hand each quiz participant a clipboard and ask them to fill in a coupon for a Bible correspondence course. We would get 70 enrollments typically over 4 days, but the return rates were very low. We concluded that people were "forced" to give their name because we were so direct, when in fact they did not want to study at all. A few years later, we went to the passive approach, where we handed out detailed information, lesson one of the Bible course etc including assembly information. We found that the material was a complete waste because we got almost no results. We learned that if you don't get their name and number at the booth, you will never hear from them again, even if they promise you the moon at the time! Then my good friend and fellow Canadian, John Hains, in Dayton, Ohio told me of the great success they had with their recent fair. So we adopted their simple approach of asking "Are you interested in further Bible study?" We did not offer any Bible correspondence courses, so a personal Bible study was implied! We got 29 forms filled in!

What we "handed out"

Enclosed is the flyer we handed out to each person who walked into the booth. On one side, we advertised the assembly, on the other, we offered "further Bible study". This was the launching pad for either inviting them to the assembly or getting their name for Bible study.

Amazingly by co-incidence, the major local newspaper ran a 1.5 page article, during the fair, that someone predicted Sunday, July 4 was the end of the world! These two signs were 2x3 feet. We also had the 3 x 12 foot sign that said, "Bible Quiz".


We had a wide range of people come in for many different reasons. Such signs generated tremendous interest! We would direct people to the first question that showed them immediately that Y2K had nothing to do with the Bible. After they learned that we were not some whaco cult, connecting Y2K with Bible prophecy as would often be their first impression, they would often be visibly relieved. At this point we would say to them, while handing them on of our fliers, "We are promoting sensible, responsible Christianity and are trying to expose the churches and TV preachers who are making lots of money off these irresponsible scare tactics." "We are Y2K bug repellant." "We are exposing the TV preachers" "We are squashing the Y2K Bible prophecy Bug." "Tired of wild Y2K speculation? worship with us! Sensible Christianity!" People would immediately agree and became quite receptive to us as they completed the last 7 quiz questions.

Here Are The 8 Questions In The Order They Appear On The Button Board:



If there is global disaster New Years Day, 2000 AD

1. It is the fulfillment of Bible prophecy.

2. TV preachers are prophets.

3. It has nothing to do with the Bible.



When do the "end times" or "last days" begin? (Acts 2:15-17; Hebrew 1:2; 1 Peter 1:20)

1. In 1947 when Israel became a nation fulfilling the fig tree prophecy.

2. In the first century

3. In the year 2000 AD



When are Jesus' words fulfilled: "And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come."? (Mt 24:14; Col 1:23)

1. With the aid of the internet, the Gospel will soon be preached to the whole world soon after the year 2000 A.D.

2. The Gospel was already preached to the whole world within the last 100 years.

3. Gospel was already preached to the whole world before 63 A.D.



We have collected 224 different end of world predictions dating from 44 A.D. to 2047 A.D. How many of the 224 predictions were made since 1900 A.D.? (Matt 24:11)

1. 36 different predictions since 1900 A.D

2. 124 different predictions since 1900 A.D

3. 210 different predictions since 1900 A.D

Ask to see the 20 pages of all 224 end of the world predictions!



When does the Bible predict the world will be destroyed? (Matt 24:36 + 2 Peter 3:10 + Rev 20:11)

1. 2000 A.D. based upon Hezekiah 8:12-14.

2. Within one generation of 2000 A.D. based upon Revelation 32:14.

3. When Christ returns at a time when only God knows.



The next time Christ returns at the second coming: (2 Peter 3:10 + Rev 20:11 + 1 Cor 15: 20-28)

1. The universe will be destroyed, all the dead will be raised imperishable and then stand before God in judgement.

2. The saved will be invisibly raptured away, while the wicked will be left on earth for the 3 1/2 year tribulation.

3. Jesus will take control of the earth by physically ruling from Jerusalem for 1000 years.



Which of the following is a quote from the Bible? (1 Peter 3:21; James 2:24)

1. "You see that a man is saved by faith only"

2. "Baptism now saves you"

3. "Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be saved"



What is the most frequent sin warning in the Bible? (2 Tim 4:1-5)

1. Sex sins (Adultery, premarital sex and homosexuality)

2. Not loving your neighbor

3. Believing false doctrine

Extra (new) unused question:


The easiest way to prove that God exists. (Romans 1:20)

1. Is to quote a passage in the Bible.

2. take a nature walk and observe creation.

3. to touch God with your inner feelings.

Click to View 8 fair questions at Outdoor festival 1998

The "Who Is Jesus" Bible quiz!

The most important thing Jesus provided for man was

a sinless, loving example for how we ought to live morally

His shed blood for forgiveness of sins

divine insight into the spirit world

Supporting Bible Verse: 1 John 1:7

How was Jesus different from all other world religion founders?

He claimed to be a direct spokesman for God.

He did not have flesh and bones as a man.

He was the only one who was raised from the dead.

Supporting Bible Verses: Mark 16:1-6

How long has Jesus existed?

Jesus has existed from all eternity, being God.

Jesus was created by God just before Genesis 1:1

Jesus did not exist before his birth through Mary.

Supporting Bible Verses: John 1:1-3; Col 2:9

How else is Jesus described in the Bible?

Jehovah (YHWH)

The archangel Michael

The half brother of the Devil

Supporting Bible Verses:

Isa 41:4; 44:6; 48:12

Rev 1:17; 2:8;22:13

Who does the New Testament identify as the actual creator of the universe?

The Father

The Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ

Supporting Bible Verses: Colossians 1:16f; Heb 1:8f; John 1:3

Men tried to worship Peter, an angel, and Jesus. Which of these three accepted this worship?

Jesus allowed his followers to worship Him in Matthew 14:33; 28:9 & John 9:38

Peter allowed Cornelius to worship him in Acts 10:26

An angel allowed John to worship him in Revelation 19:10 & 22:8-9

"You shall only worship the lord your God" Mt 4:10 (Jesus said to Devil)

Prophecy Question! When is Jesus seated upon the Throne of David as King? (2 Samuel 7:14)

At His second coming

At His resurrection

At his 'triumphal entry' into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday)

Supporting Bible Verses: Acts 2:29-36; 1 Cor 15:24-26; John 18:36

Why did the Jews want to stone Jesus 3 different times?

He falsely claimed to be a full blooded Jew.

He was performing genuine miracles of healing.

Jesus was teaching them He was God.

Supporting Bible Verses: John 5:18; John 8:59; John 10:30-33

When Jesus rose from the dead it proved that He was

a great philosopher with divine insight.


a Spirit filled social reformer

Supporting Bible Verse: Romans 1:4

What does the word "Christ" mean in "Jesus Christ"?

Christ is Jesus' last name, like John "Doe."

"anointed one"

"God with us"

Supporting Bible Verses: Acts 4:25; Psalm 2:2

Click to View 12 fair questions at professional home show

We have a canopy tent all our own that is 9X12 feet. Inside we are setting up three question/answer tables, each of which are 6 feet long with four questions on each board. There are push-buttons and green and red lights for each question. The person pushes the answer and finds out immediately if it is right. We are called the booth "The Bible Quiz Booth".

Click to View 12 fair questions at professional home show

Bible Foundation Question #1

Since Ephesians 3:4 tells us that we can understand the Bible by merely reading, then

You must rely upon priests and pastors to interpret it for you.

We must have the direct operation of the Holy Spirit to know God's will.

Using a daily Bible reading schedule is a good tool to gain Bible knowledge.

Bible Foundation Question #2

Since 2 Peter 1:3 tells us that the Bible is a complete guide for our lives and doctrine then we

Need man-made creeds and church Catechisms.

Should learn the Bible's blueprint for moral conduct & religious doctrine then imitate the pattern exactly today.

Need not worry if we worship different from what the Bible instructs.

Bible Foundation Question #3

Using the Bible as our blueprint for religion means that we

Should use creeds, catechisms & statements of faith, to pattern our worship to God

Can practice things that first century Christians did not.

Must pattern our worship & doctrine strictly after the Bible.

Bible Foundation Question #4

People who say they are too busy to study the Bible right now because of work or school commitments

Need to change their priorities before it is too late.

Will find their schedules will lighten up as they get older.

Will find their spiritual interest will increase the longer they put off Bible study.

Interior Decorating Question #1

The single most important factor in resolving conflict between family members is

Professional counseling from a pastor.

Discussing the problem with a close friend who believes in God and lives by the Bible blueprint.

Forgiving the one who wronged you.

Interior Decorating Question #2

The single greatest cause of conflict between family members in the home is




Interior Decorating Question #3

Family happiness will be the greatest if we

Focus all our energies on job, money and decorating our homes

Invest in our family's spiritual values through weekly attendance with a Bible believing church

Adopt the moral values currently practiced by the majority

Interior Decorating Question #4

Inward Feelings of salvation are trustworthy when you

Accept what your pastor teaches without checking it out for yourself in the Bible

Memorize your church's catechism or statement of faith

Compare your personal beliefs with the Bible blueprint

Exterior Doctrine Question #1

There is widespread religious division in our community because

The Bible is difficult to understand.

Church leaders do not use the Bible alone to determine doctrine.

Churchgoers usually check to see if their church's teachings had their origin in the Bible.

Exterior Doctrine Question #2

The fact that there are over 1000 denominations, each teaching their own distinct set of doctrines means that

Doctrine must not be very important to God.

You can attend the church of your choice with confidence.

Someone must be teaching false doctrine.

Exterior Doctrine Question #3

Churches today offer Hollywood style worship services, exercise classes & midweek daycare because

The most important thing is that it attracts more people to attend every week with the church, especially those "hard to reach baby boomers".

Christians in the first century worshipped God in similar kinds of ways.

Church leaders know that weekly attendance would drop if they stopped attracting people with these artificial methods.

Exterior Doctrine Question #4

When a pastor or minister says, "I have been ordained" it means that

He is legally bound to only teach the unique set of doctrines of the denomination which ordained him.

You can trust that everything he preaches from the pulpit had its origin in the Bible

He is free to teach Bible truth even when it contradicts the official teaching of his denomination.

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12 questions for a black African community outdoor festival booth


Ephesians 3:4 says "When you read you can understand". This means that:

1. You must have a priest or a pastor explain the Bible to you.

2. You must have the Holy Spirit to know God's will.

3. Reading the Bible daily is a good way to learn the Bible.

Who was the first African who converted to Christianity in the Bible?

1. Simon in Acts 8:13

2. The Ethiopian eunuch in Acts 8:38

3. Philip in Acts 8:5

Using the Bible as a blueprint for religion means we

1. Should use creeds, catechisms & statements of faith to pattern our worship.

2. Can practice things that first century Christians did not.

3. Must pattern our worship & doctrine strictly after the Bible.

People who say they are too busy to study the Bible right now because of work or school commitments

1. Need to change their priorities before it is too late.

2. Will find their schedules lighten up as they get older.

3. Will find their spiritual interest increases the longer they put off Bible study.

Which of the following is a book of the Bible?

1. Habakkuk

2. Hezekiah

3. Elijah

Inward Feelings of salvation are trustworthy when you

1. Accept what your pastor teaches without double-checking it in the Bible.

2. Memorize your church's catechism or statement of faith.

3. Compare your personal beliefs with the Bible blueprint.

Which of the following is a quote from the Bible?

1. "You see that a man is saved by faith only"

2. "Baptism now saves you"

3. "Pray the sinners prayer and thou shalt be saved"

Which of the following world religious leaders did God raise from the dead?

1. Mohammed.

2. Malcolm X.

3. Jesus Christ.

Which of the following is a quote from the Bible?

1. "Beauty is only skin deep".

2. "God helps those who help themselves."

3. "I escaped by the skin of my teeth."

When a pastor or minister says, "I have been ORDAINED" it means that:

1. You can trust that everything he preaches had its origin in the Bible.

2. He is legally bound to teach only his church's unique set of creeds.

3. He is free to teach Bible truth even when it contradicts the official teaching of his church.

When an unmarried couple engage in sex

1. It is acceptable as long as they are in love.

2. It is condemned in the Bible, and they risk eternal damnation.

3. It is wrong, unless they are homosexual, then it is OK.

There are over 1000 different types of churches, each teaching different doctrine therefore...

1. Doctrine must not be very important to God.

2. You can attend the church of your choice with confidence.

3. A lot of churches must be teaching false doctrine.

Which of the following is a quote from the Bible?

"Charity begins at home"

"Listen to the voice of your wife and do all that she commands you"

"As you make your bed, you must lie in it."

Who was a Christian:

John the baptist


Phillipian jailer

Which of the following is a book of the Bible

Book of Nahum

Book of Fallacians (fallacious + Galatians)

Book of Hezekiah

When did Christ say the Kingdom would come?

During the 20th Century.

At His second coming.

During the lifetime of some who heard Jesus preach.

God's word says, "Work out your own salvation with fear and trembling" (Phil. 2:12). This means...

Man has no role to play in his own salvation

Man has freedom of choice, he can choose to obey or not.

Man can be saved by what others do.

When it comes to Bible study, people were encouraged to...

Let the religious leaders do the studying only.

Search the scriptures to see if what was taught was true.

Not question what they were taught.

What does the Bible say about baptism?

It is an outward sign of an inward grace.

It is for infants.

It washes away sin.

The scriptures teach us that God created man on which day?




John 3:16 says, "Print whole verse". This means...

Jesus died for all people.

Jesus died for an elect few.

Jesus didn't die for anyone.

Which of the following phases are found in the Bible?

Good things come to those who wait.

The apple of his eye.

There is no time like the present.

Finish the following Biblical phrase. "Faith comes by hearing...

"..and doing God's will."

"..and hearing by the word of God."

"..and the Lord will give you life."

The Bible reveals when the apostle Paul had his sins washed away. Was it just after...

...he heard the voice of Jesus.

...he confessed the Lord.

...he arose and was baptized.

Which of the following phrases are found in the Bible?

Cleanliness is next to Godliness.

There is nothing new under the sun.

When in Rome do as the Romans.

What has the power to convert people to Christ?

The gospel.

Personal testimonies.


Who was a Christian?


Philippian Jailer.

John the Baptist.

When preachers of the gospel commanded people to be baptized, was this...



A burial.

Which statement is not found in the Bible?

Faith only will save you.

Not everyone who says unto me Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven.

Faith without works is dead.

Here is part of a verse, see if you can complete the line. "All scripture...

... is hard to be understood."

... is given by inspiration of God."

... is changing to keep up with the time."

According to the scriptures, how are individuals added to the church?

By being voted in.

By the Lord.

By attending so many services.

The Bible says that sin is...


Transgression of law.

Committed without freewill

Who is the head of the church?

The preacher.

Jesus Christ.

The elders.

Finish: John 1:1, Write all but the last word. "...and the Word was.."

...a god."


... an angel."

According to John 4:24, how are we to worship God?

Anyway we want to.

As little as possible.

In spirit and in truth.

James 2:24, reveals that man is saved...

By faith only.

Not by faith only.

Not by faith.

The apostle Paul tried to persuade king Agrippa to become what?

A Christian.

A better ruler.


Which phrase is found in the Bible? (Hint: Job 19:20)

To err is human, to forgive, divine.

I am escaped with the skin of my teeth.

Honesty is the best policy.

In the list of qualifications for elders of a church (I Tim. 3:1-7 & Titus 1:6-9), which one is not on either list?

Be married.

Having believing children.

Be over 50 years old.

Bible Quiz resources

Isn't it interesting that some things we think are in the Bible aren't really there. Didn't you also find it interesting that we are unaware of some of the things that are actually in the Bible.

and that many things that you did not think were in the Bible were in fact in the Bible?

Bible quotes

"A man is justified by works and not by faith only"

"Baptism now saves you"

Mary conceived without original sin 33 AD (1854 ad)

No conscious life after death 1590

"There's nothing new under the sun"

"As a jewel of gold in a swines snout"

"Listen to the voice of your wife and do all that she commands you" Gen 21:12

"A drop in the bucket" Isa 40:15

"If God be against us who can be for us"

Tim 6:7 "For we have brought nothing into the world, so we cannot take anything out of it either."

A little bird told me. Ecc 10:20

I am escaped with the skin of my teeth: Job 19:20

Stolen waters are sweet. Proverbs 9:17

Misquotes and things not in the Bible

A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush!'

A burned child dreads the fire.

A little bird told me.

A stitch in time saves nine.

A word to the wise is sufficient.

All is well that ends well

All men are created equal.

All's well that ends well.

An idle mind is the devil's workshop.

An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure,

Apostles' Creed

As the twig is bent, so shall the tree grow"

As you make your bed, you must lie in it.

Beauty is only skin deep.

Beggars should not be choosers

Better half a loaf than no bread at all.

Blood is thicker than water.

Bread is the staff of life.


Charity begins at home.


Cleanliness is next to godliness"

Confession is good for the soul.


Easter as a festival.

Eternal vigilance is the price of liberty,


Every cloud has a silver lining"

Every generation shall grow weaker and wiser.

Every tub must stand on its own bottom.

Everything that glitters is not gold.

Extreme Unction

Familiarity breeds contempt.

Give the devil his due.

God helps those who help themselves"

God is in His Heaven, and all is right with the world.

God moves in mysterious ways, His wonders to perform.

God's mill grinds slow but true.

Haste makes waste.

Heart-felt religion.

Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.

Honesty is the best policy.

Honor is the reward of virtue.

Idle hands are the Devil's workshop"

Ill blows the wind that profits nobody.

In unity there is strength

It is wise to choose the lesser of two evils.

Know thyself

Knowledge is power


Let your conscience be your guide,

Life is short but sweet.

Lord, what fools these mortals be.

Love is blind

Money is the root of all evil

Neither a borrower nor a lender be.

Once in grace always in grace.

Our sins are buried in the sea of God's forgetfulness'


Procrastination is the thief of time.


Rob Peter to pay Paul


Spare the rod and spoil the child.

Speech is silver, silence is gold

Strike while the iron is hot.

Sweet are the uses of adversity.

Tall oaks from little acorns grow

The gift without the giver is bare.

The time if out of joint.

There is none so blind as he who will not see.

Think twice before you speak.

Time and tide, wait for no man.

To err is human, to forgive, divine.

To the victor belongs the spoils.

To thine own self be true

United we stand, divided we fall.

Unpardonable sin.

What is to be will be

When in Rome do as the Romans do

Steve Rudd

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