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5 Point Calvinism Refuted MAIN HOMEPAGE ...
1: Great Bible Doctrines! The Interactive Bible:
Great Bible Doctrines! Archeology of the Empty Tomb of Jesus Jesus was laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. (Mt 27:57-60) The history of Jewish burials from the time of Abraham down to the time of Christ gives us a good idea exactly what the tomb of Jesus looked like. See examples of First century tombs with a rolling stone door just like the tomb of Jesus. Archeology of the tomb of Jesus 32 "Sign Acts" in the Bible A "sign act" is where a prophet engages in a non-verbal theatrical display in order to visualize in advance, the outcome of a prophecy. Catalogue of 32 Sign Acts in the Bible Jesus dressed like a Rabbi Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who wore blue tassels on his robe, arm Tefillin, head Phylactery and Bible verses inside His door Mesusah. Jesus dressed like a Jewish Rabbi 70 Joseph/Christ antitypes 70 similarities of Joseph as a type of Christ About Jesus Christ Click to View 1. What are the Old Testament Anti-types of the Blood of Jesus? 2. Was Jesus Christ really born of a ... ...

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2: Interactive Bible Home Page
How to Be Saved You need the blood of Christ! Here is how to apply it to your soul! 2. The Bible is God's Inspired Book! Do you really believe the Bible is Inspired? 3. Interactive Bible study series lessons where you learn Bible truths while on line for yourself. Anyone can understand what the Bible says. It is fun!!! 4. Fundamental Bible Doctrines What the Bible teaches on doctrinal subjects 5. Do you know what your church teaches: Official teachings of almost every church. 6. Sin and Morality How God expects you to live to get to heaven. 7. Searching for New Testament Christianity Seek and you will find! 8. Family Life Marriage, parenting, teens, dating, loneliness, low-self esteem etc. 9. The Supernatural God, Holy Spirit, angels, demons, Deity of Christ, heaven, hell, soul, spirit 10. Expository Files: Bible book outlines. 11. Evangelism 12. Bible prophecy 13. Psychiatry, Mental illness, Anxiety and Depression 14. Commentary on the book of Revelation 15. Holy Spirit: Tongues have ... ...

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3: The Interactive Bible: False Doctrine Home page
Sunday and not Saturday. For Jehovah's Witness New Converts Information every new Jehovah's Witness should know about his new religion. Evolution vs 6 day creation When God created the earth in 6 days He was taking His time! The Roman Catholic church examined Is the Roman Catholic church the original one true church? Mormonism Exposed Are the Book of Mormon and the golden Nephi plates from God or man? Calvinism refuted The famous 5 point T-U-L-I-P doctrinal system refuted by scripture! 20th Century Tongues exposed Are modern day tongue speakers guided by divinity or self-delusion? Neo-Sadduceeism A doctrine that takes all the supernatural out of the Bible! (Human saviour, souless man, heavenless hope, non-existent Holy Spirit) Rapture and Pre-millenialism A system that teaches our God couldn't make it happen the first time! Searching for New Testament Christianity Seek and you will find! Anti-Sola Scriptura Those who try to destroy the Bible Lies of the devil: Doctrine doesn't matter ... ...

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4: Interactive Bible Home Page
Anyone can understand what the Bible says. It is fun!!! The Bible is God's Inspired Book! Do you really believe the Bible is Inspired? Fundamental Bible Doctrines What the Bible teaches on doctrinal subjects Do you know what your church teaches: Official teachings of almost every church. Sin and Morality How God expects you to live to get to heaven. Early Christians Speak! Historical documentation of what early Christians believed Searching for New Testament Christianity Seek and you will find! Family Life Marriage, parenting, teens, dating, loneliness, low-self esteem etc. The Supernatural God, Holy Spirit, angels, demons, Deity of Christ, heaven, hell, soul, spirit How to Be Saved You need the blood of Christ! Here is how to apply it to your soul! Systems of False Doctrine: Do you know what your church teaches: Official teachings of almost every church. Sabbath Keepers Refuted An defense of why Christians worship on Sunday and not Saturday. For Jehovah's Witness New Converts ... ...

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5: Various Domino theological systems
What is a "domino theology"? A domino theology is a system of doctrine that consists of several component parts. All the parts are required to maintain the system. Further the individual parts are interdependent, even symbiotic. By refuting any one single part of the system, you defeat the entire system! It is like playing dominos! Knock one doctrine over and you destroy the entire system! Have fun playing! Various domino theologies: Refute any one doctrine and refute the entire system! Neo-Sadduceeism detailed refutation Hell is annihilation rather than eternal torment Man has no soul being "monochotomous in nature" No conscious life after death Heaven is a literal restored "garden of Eden" on earth The Holy Spirit doesn't exist, but is merely a personification of God's power The Devil doesn't exist, but is the personification of Sin Demons don't exist, but are personification of disease Jesus, being created by God, ceased to exist for 3 days in tomb. Click to View Calvinism detailed ... ...

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6: Review of the Official Creed of the Official Creed of the One ...
Matt and Rachel Shuttlesworth as the head pastors. Rachel Shuttlesworth is the daughter of Peter Rigo, so beware, the nutette may not fall far from the Peter Rigo tree. Of course, scripture specially forbids and condemns women pastors: "A woman must quietly receive instruction with entire submissiveness. But I do not allow a woman to teach or exercise authority over a man, but to remain quiet." (1 Timothy 2:11-12) Peter Rigo has disappeared and may have taken our advice in finally quitting preaching and gone into factory work, as we suggested below. Legacy Church is just another in a long list of charismatic churches that claim direct supernatural guidance for the Holy Spirit, but its all words and nobody ever witnesses anything supernatural, just claims. Review of Peter Rigo's church: The new name "One Community Church" is an attempt to repackage and rebrand the Dominion Christian Centre in order to escape all the bad media publicity surrounding Peter Rigo. It was also a good idea, ... ...

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7: Rapture Doctrine invented by John Darby in 1830 AD
Rapture doctrine did not exist before John Darby invented it in 1830 AD. Before it "popped into John Darby's head" no one had ever heard of a secret rapture doctrine. click to view Join Live Reports from Jerusalem! We will be on location in Jerusalem to expose Rapture theology as false and anti-biblical. Follow our live reporting from Jerusalem on Between May 21 and Pentecost June 8, 2011 Introduction: See our main Rapture page here. 1. Rapture doctrine is one of the most recent "new doctrines" in the history of the Church. The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935. 2. The fact that John Nelson Darby invented the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine around 1830 AD is unquestionably true. All attempts to find evidence of this wild doctrine before 1830 have failed, with a single exception: Morgan Edwards wrote a short essay as a college paper for Bristol Baptist College in ... ...

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8: Seven Myths Of Denominationalism!
Seven Myths Of Denominationalism! A FREE 150 page on line book! This document by David B. Brown Click to View We Speak the Truth in Love... But sometimes it hurts! Email your comments to the author: Click to View Table Of Contents Note #1: This is a 150 page book, when you click on a link below, it may take up to 60 seconds to load that link. Please be patient Note #2: the first seven chapter headings are denominational myths, not biblical truths. Chapter 8 is Bible truth Introduction Preface Myth 1: The Bible is Too Complicated to Understand for further study Myth 1: The Bible is Too Complicated to Understand 1.1 Why Believe or Teach This? 1.2 What the Bible Says 1.3 Supporting Evidence 1.4 Bible Complexity 1.5 You Can Prove Anything with the Bible 1.6 Why People Do Not Understand 1.7 Conclusion Myth 2: The Old Testament is Just as Binding as the New Testament for further study Myth 2: The Old Testament is Just as Binding as the New Testament 2.1 Why is This Important ... ...

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9: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
Why did God Kill My loved one? Why did God allow my husband to die? I prayed for him. Why did God no answer my prayer? Why did God take my child whom I loved? Why would God be so heartless and cruel? How could a loving God do such a thing? Why does God allow suffering? Does God even exist? Why??? I have heard these kinds of questions many times. Someone gets sick and dies, and the surviving loved one goes on a "Hate God" rampage! You have no more of a right to get angry at God when your loved one dies, then when you stub your toe. Stated differently, it is as logical to get angry at God for stubbing your toe, as it is to be angry at God when your loved one dies. First lets clear a few things up. Life on earth is not predestined where God chose before the earth was created who would live, and when and how they would die. Fate and predestination are both false doctrines of Calvinism. Second, God did not make your loved one sick, neither did he kill him as a direct act. (Although God does ... ...

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11: cr-UBF-university-bible-fellowship
God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit. We believe that God created the heavens and the earth and all other things in the universe: that He is the Sovereign Ruler of all things; that the Sovereign God reveals Himself; we believe in his redemptive work and in his final judgment. We believe that the Bible is inspired by God; that it is the truth; that it is the final authority in faith and practice. We believe that since the fall of Adam, all people have been under the bondage and power of sin and are deserving of the judgment and wrath of God. We believe that Jesus Christ, who is God and man, through his atoning, sacrificial death on the cross for our sins and his resurrection, is the only way of salvation; he alone saves us from sin and judgment and purifies us from the contamination of the world caused by sin. We believe that Jesus Christ rose from the dead, ascended into heaven and sits at the right hand of God the Father. We believe that regeneration is by the work of the Holy Spirit, ... ...

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12: Review of what the Canadian Christian Missionary Alliance church ...
Baptist with Wesleyan mix. They are classed among the "conservative Protestant" churches. Our examination reveals that only 6 of the 11 articles in the statement of Faith are true from the Bible, the other 5 are false doctrine. Article #1: correctly states the nature of God where Jesus is not a creature and the Holy Spirit is a person. They are Trinitarian and this is correct. Article #2: correctly states the nature of Christ being both uncreated God and man and the virgin birth and the second coming. Article #3: teaches false doctrine about the work of the Holy Spirit. It says, "The Holy Spirit is a divine person, sent to indwell, guide, teach and empower the believer, and to convince the world of sin, of righteousness, and of judgment" (Christian Missionary Alliance Statement of Faith, Article 3). The error is in applying these functions to believers today, when the original context of the functions was a supernatural empowering to the apostles and other first century Christians who ... ...

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13: Psychiatry is founded upon the "medical/chemical model" which ...
Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. Click to View Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Man is not just a pile of chemicals or a binary computer! Click to View Click to View Introduction: Psychiatry is founded upon the "biological/chemical model" which is opposed to the "Moral/spiritual model" revealed in scripture. Psychiatry views man as wholly physical, just a bunch of chemicals and denies the both the existence of God and the spirit of man. Psychiatry openly mocks and ridicules God and Christians, calling Christian theology "foolish, misleading and obsolete". The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders is called the "Bible of Psychiatry". The DSM-IV is the central and most important book for classifying and diagnosing mental illnesses in North America. The most recent edition (2004 AD) has this to say about the Christian view that man has a spirit that is distinct from his body: ""organic" versus ... ...

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14: Pre-tribulation Rapture Gap Theory refuted. The church age
The Gap Theory refuted: Prophetic clocks can't stop! The church is part of God's eternal purpose not an after-thought. Go to Rapture Refuted home page click to view clilck to view The signs of Matthew 24 prophecies the destruction of Jerusalem in 70AD not the second coming and certainly not some "Rapture" theology that was invented in 1830 AD by John Darby. When Christians saw the signs, they fled the city and were saved. Go to Rapture Refuted home page Click to View The Gap Theory refuted: Prophetic clocks can't stop! The church is part of God's eternal purpose not an after-thought Introduction: 1. The Gap Theory is a false doctrine taught by pre-tribulation Rapture advocates. 2. It is rooted in the 70 weeks of Daniel where the clock stops at week 69, because God did not expect the Jews to reject as their earthly King, and it starts again when Israel became a nation again in 1948 AD... at least that is how the story goes. 3. The problem is, that you cannot stop the clock with TIME ... ...

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15: Pseudo-Philo: 60 AD Creation in 5886 BC, Septuagint Chronology
Genesis 5,11 Chronology: Septuagint vs. Masoretic Augustine the Jellyfish, accepts the two different sets of numbers as inspired. "For from Adam to the deluge there are reckoned, according to our copies of Scripture [Septuagint], 2262 years, and according to the Hebrew text, 1656 years." (Constantine, Aug., De civ. Dei 15.20.2) Introduction: 1. Augustine was a theological Jellyfish with poor logical skills who felt at ease in teaching things that directly contradicted the Bible. a. Augustine is a good example of "just because you write a lot of stuff doesn't mean you have any idea what you are talking about". Kind of like the internet today! b. Augustine is known for a lot of strange theology and ideas in his many writings since he is considered the father of 16th century Calvinism. c. Clearly in intellectual, he did openly discuss many subjects in detail. d. The value of Augustine is not in the wacky stuff he believed, but in observing the pro and con arguments and opinions of himself ... ...

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16: Death: Why did God Kill My loved one?
Why did God Kill My loved one? Why did God allow my husband to die? I prayed for him. Why did God no answer my prayer? Why did God take my child whom I loved? Why would God be so heartless and cruel? How could a loving God do such a thing? Why does God allow suffering? Does God even exist? Why??? I have heard these kinds of questions many times. Someone gets sick and dies, and the surviving loved one goes on a "Hate God" rampage! You have no more of a right to get angry at God when your loved one dies, then when you stub your toe. Stated differently, it is as logical to get angry at God for stubbing your toe, as it is to be angry at God when your loved one dies. First lets clear a few things up. Life on earth is not predestined where God chose before the earth was created who would live, and when and how they would die. Fate and predestination are both false doctrines of Calvinism. Second, God did not make your loved one sick, neither did he kill him as a direct act. (Although God does ... ...

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