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Church of Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard) OTiii ...
1: Church of Scientology (L. Ron Hubbard) OTiii
From broke science fiction writer to founder of Scientology! Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Scientology Legal Harassment Tactics: Click to View Judges legal condemnation of Scientology Click to View Hubbard's Educational credentials exposed! Click to View Harassment letter from a Scientology "Reverend" Click to View After 23 years: ex OT-7 Michael Pattinson Speaks out! MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY MONEY Click to View Scientology will cost you $380,000 to be a member! While all other world religions offer "salvation" to everyone without paying a cent, Scientology is only attained with LARGE amounts of money. "If you ain't got money... you can't get their religion" Click to View Once rich, but still famous Scientology members! Click to View "make a million dollars: start a religion" Hubbard Theology of Scientology: Click to View Christianity and Scientology comparison chart Hear Hubbard say: "there was no Christ" Click to View Scientology and the ... ...

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2: Church of Scientology Creed reviewed (L. Ron Hubbard)
Secret documents exposed!!! Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website The Creed of Scientology: Click to View Click to View Scientology, in their creed basically say: (in our words not theirs) We believe in free speech, that others should be able to criticize us openly without threat of legal action. That man's own spirit alone, without divine help, can heal the body and the spirit of man can be saved by the spirit alone without the assistance of God. That all men, of every race, sex, colour or creed were created with equal rights and have inalienable rights to their own religious practices and their performances, lives, sanity, defense, and free thought in themselves and the free thought of others. That man is a survivor who is basically good, who must depend only upon man for his survival without God. It is wrong to kill or enslave another man, or his sanity. Note: If this is not accurate, we will change it and make corrections. Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The ... ...

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3: Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology
Enturbulated by all the suppressive terminology on ars? Feeling nattery, want to blow? Suffering from severe MU phenomenon? Or are your Body Thetans just acting up? Then RTFM, by Xenu! Archive information: Index: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Some definitions from the cult's literature A sample of Scientologese Notes A: Return to the Index (*), see Poodle. {_}, see Chowderpot. 1.1, see One One. 2WC, two-way comm, two-way communication. Hyped-up technobabble for simply talking between an auditor and a pc or a supervisor and a student. Also TWC, Two-Way Comm. "Use 2WC on the PC to a win." AA, attempted abortion. According to L. Ron Hubbard's book Dianetics, pregnant mothers routinely tried to kill their unborn babies with knitting needles and douches, thus most people are filled with AA engrams or hidden memories of pain. "The Preclear had 51 AA incidents in her bank." Aberrated, Hubbard's term for derangement or insanity. "The wog world is heavily aberrated." ... ...

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4: Scientology 'Minister' Demands Money... Or Else!
You are not smart enough. You haven't the funds to go through long lengthy court battles. We have. Bigger men than you have done their best to stop us. They failed. So will you be- cause you are a blatant moron in comparison. We joust only with our peers, others - like you - we will simply gobble more word out of you and I'll have you investigated. I might anyway. I have never seen one person yet that resisted Scientology who didn't have a great deal to hide. And you evidently won't look at free books sent to you, so you must, perforce have a great deal to conceal. "The letter continued with more accusations of guilt on the part of the father, along with praise of Scientology and concluded on this ominous note: "If you want to start a Donnybrook, Buddy, wail away; to use the argot of the streets I'll just start my people to work on you and then before long you will be broke, and out of a job and broken in health. Then I can have my nasty little chuckle about you and get back ... ...

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5: Scientology is not a Religion: Kent
This research paper concludes NO! By Stephen A. Kent Department of Sociology University of Alberta Edmonton, Alberta, CANADA T6G 2H4 Scientology -- Is This a Religion? Abstract: Although some social scientists insist that Scientology is a religion, the more appropriate position to take is that the organization is a multi-faceted transnational that has religion as only one of its many components. Other components include political aspirations, business ventures, cultural productions, pseudo-medical practices, pseudo-psychiatric claims, and (among its most devoted members who have joined the Sea Organization), an alternative family structure. Sea Organization's job demands appear to allow little time for quality child rearing. Most disturbing, however, about Sea Organization life is that members can be subject to extremely severe and intrusive punishments through security checks, internal hearings called "Committees of Evidence," and a forced labour and re-indoctrination program known as ... ...

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6: Ariane Jackson: New OT 8 Rundown
Dennis pointed this out to me. I had forgotten that there was a version of OT5 in the Fishman letter in addition to NOTs. That version of OT5 called "Extroversion from MEST", is NO longer valid. OT5 is just NOTs. I spent 17 years receiving very heavy criticism of, and judgment on, my actions and decisions and was put under a microscope before doing EVERY OT level. I received 100's of hours of sec-checking into every aspect of my life, including my most intimate thoughts and deeds. I was questioned at great length by "Ethics Officers", sometimes in groups calling themselves "Boards of Investigation". All this resulted in a conviction on my part that I had NEVER made a good decision, that I was TOTALLY INCAPABLE of doing so, and that I was a bad person. This experience made me avoid decisions if at all possible, always defer to my husband or a friend , ask my children's advice, do "what Ron would do", ask my auditor, do nothing until forced to act when a situation deteriorated, never ... ...

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7: Scientology: Ex OT-7 Michael Pattinson Speaks out!
Clearwater to try to recapture me. I did not pay the money. This incident is on file with the Clearwater Police Department. 3) In June of 1991 I was forced to pay, despite vehement protestations, the sum of $7,400 to Scientology on the "Freewinds" ship. The ruse used on that Wednesday was that if I did not pay then they would withhold my passport from me until I did pay. They did so and I had to pay the money to get it back. 4) At the end of 1996 I was subjected to [a] horrible kind of "religious deprogramming" in the Scientology "Fort Harrission Hotel". This was done, using an "E-meter", by a top official of the "Religious technology Centre" (RTC) namely Mr Marty Rathbun. I was interrogated for several hours on the most intimate personal religious beliefs (Christian) and his actions were designed clearly to get me to give up my Christian religious beliefs in exchange for RTC's "eligibility authorization" to read a confidential publication about a defective "OT level" I had previously ... ...

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8: What Judges say about the Church of Scientology
What Judges and others have said about Scientology! "Scientology is evil; its techniques are evil; its practice is a serious threat to the community, medically, morally, and socially; and its adherents are sadly deluded and often mentally ill... (Scientology is) the world's largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental therapy." (Justice Anderson, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia) "The government is satisfied that Scientology is socially harmful. It alienates members of families from each other and attributes squalid and disgraceful motives to all who oppose it; its authoritarian principles and practice are a potential menace to the personality and well being of those so deluded as to become followers; above all, its methods can be a serious danger to the health of those who submit to them... There is no power under existing law to prohibit the practice of Scientology; but the government has concluded that it ... ...

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9: What Christians Need to Know about Scientology
Scientology and Christianity. As a belief system based on satanic principles, Scientology is diametrically opposed to Christianity. The truth is that you cannot be both a Christian and a Scientologist. Contents Introduction L. Ron Hubbard as Liar The Satanic Roots of Scientology Scientology and Christianity The Propaganda of Scientology Appendix Creation According to Scientology The Creed of Scientology Scientology Evaluated in the Light of Biblical Christianity A Summary of the Main Differences Between Scientology and Christianity Bibliography For those of you whose Christian toes I may have stepped on, let me take the opportunity to disabuse you of some lovely myths. For instance, the historic Jesus was not nearly the sainted figure (he) has been made out to be. In addition to being a lover of young boys and men, he was given to uncontrollable bursts of temper and hatred.... You have only to look at the history his teachings inspired to see where it all inevitably leads. It is ... ...

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10: Church Of Scientology: Money cost of Membership: $380,000 !! ...
Awareness Characteristics to the right is explained at the end. You start at the bottom and climb your way up to the top. That is, if you can afford it source: "The Bridge of Knowledge" from Bridge Publishing. Special thanks to Andreas Heldal-Lund AWARENESS CHARACTERISTICS: TOTAL FREEDOM POWER ON ALL 8 DYNAMICS OT LEVELS Ability gained: As given in the materials of each level Route to Infinity Lectures The Perception of Truth Lectures Secrets of the Mest Universe Lectures Universes and the War Between Theta and Mest Lectures The Power of Simplicity Lectures Exteriorization and the Phenomena of Space Lectures The Philadelphia Doctorate Course Lectures Click to View 21 20 OT PREPARATIONS Ability gained: Set up for Solo and OT levels The Technical Bulletins of Dianetcs & Scientology The Saint Hill Special Briefing Course Lectures The Solution to Entrapment Lectures The Expansion of Havingness Lectures Click to View 19 18 CLEAR Ability gained: A being who no longer has his own reactive ... ...

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11: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book, but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry is in the section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of anger which is eating up his Heart." (The Egyptian Medical Ebers Papyrus: 1550 BC) Jumping forward 3000 years... In 1558 AD, William Bullein stated that rejection ... ...

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12: non-scientologist faq on "Start a Religion"
...The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion." (Hubbard?) L. Ron Hubbard is widely rumored to have said "The way to make a million dollars is to start a religion." There are also variant rumors. For some reason, this is often mentioned on Usenet. Evidence is discussed below, but the short answer is that it's almost certainly true. The Church of Scientology has actually taken German publishers to court for printing this story. (see below). One form of the rumor is that L. Ron Hubbard made a bar bet with Robert A. Heinlein. This is definitely not true. It's uncharacteristic of Heinlein, and there's no supporting evidence. There is, however, inconclusive evidence that Robert Heinlein suggested some parts of the original Dianetics. Another variant is that Hubbard talked of starting a religion to avoid taxes. Jay Kay Klein reports that Hubbard said this in 1947. The Church's media guide tells reporters that the rumor is confused, and that it was George Orwell who said it. In ... ...

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13: Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD
Thomas Szasz is an atheist libertarian and not a Scientologist. He views schizophrenia as a behaviour choice, rejects all physical etiologies of "insanity" and is opposed to all involuntary commitment to mental hospitals. Thomas Szasz is an honorable warrior for truth whose importance will only be recognized in coming decades. Click to View Thomas Szasz Professor of psychiatry emeritus at State University, NY "Psychiatry-a term I use here to include psychoanalysis, psychology, and all the so-called mental health professions- is one the most important institutions of modern societies. The institution rests squarely on the postulate proposition that "mental illness is an illness like any other illness." That proposition is a lie. This lie is what makes malingering-the faking of disease-the great secret of psychiatry: a popular understanding that faking illness is a form of deception (and often self-deception) would destroy psychiatry. In this book I try to advance such understanding, and ... ...

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14: Scientology is Neo-Gnosticism: Paying to learn secret knowledge ...
...Scientology is the science of knowing how to know answers." (Hubbard) A religion where you pay to learn secret knowledge that saves you!!! This article will contain material which was written by early Church Fathers to refute the Gnostics; Scientology critics will recognize many of the expressions and methods used. The following introductory quote is, however, from Wakefield's book "The Road to Xenu", chapter 10, electronic version. "Once again, I found myself studying the sage words of Hubbard: Scientology is the science of knowing how to know answers. It is an organized system of Axioms and Processes which resolve the problems of existence. This science is formed in the tradition of ten thousand years of religious philosophy and considers itself a culmination of the searches which began with the Veda, the Tao, Buddhism, Christianity, and other religions. Scientology is a Gnostic faith in that it knows it knows." [ed note: end quote from Wakefield, "Road to Xenu"] Definition: Gnostic: ... ...

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15: Scientology's Brain child: L. Ron Hubbard's College Transcript ...
Hubbard withdrew from GWU, never attaining a degree. Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of Scientology) Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...

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16: Scientology: Hubbard and the Occult
Scientology is using many Hollywood celebrities to promote its agenda. But most Scientologists, celebrity and non-celebrity alike; as well as the general public , are ignorant of the Satanic/Black Magic background of its Founder, L. Ron Hubbard, and how he used these materials to form the core of his secret "Sacred Scriptures" The ransacking of the FACTNET files and data base by the OSA Raid Team was not unexpected and the timing of the raid, not surprisingly, corresponded to the scheduled release date of this material. FACTNET Co-Director Arnie Lerma's computers and personal files were also ransacked by OSA raiders. FACTNET hopes these series of articles will create meaningful dialogue and that all readers will give this report, and future reports, the widest distribution on the Internet and other areas of Cyberspace, and amongst the general public. Hubbard and the Occult I stand before you having been accused in print by L. Ron Hubbard's followers of having an avid interest in black ... ...

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17: Scientology is anti-Christian, Satanic and Neo-Gnostic?
Scientology is anti-Christian and Satanic? Athiest? Satanic? Anti-Christian! Neo-Gnosticism? A Religion without God? Is Scientology a Religion? Two Opinion Papers Click to View Scientology is not a Religion "Hubbard realized that he could get out of paying taxes by declaring scientology a religion." Click to View Scientology is a Religion Hubbard's anti-Christian teachings! Click to View Hubbard thought he was Satan incarnate? Click to View Click to View Scientology Incompatible with Christianity Click to View Hubbard's anti-Christian teachings! Hear it in Hubbard's own words: Origin of Christianity: There was no Christ The Creator and God Man has no soul; Christianity is false Christ Game and Christ had a good "implant" Reincarnation The Church Bible Prophesy Christian Love Poverty Click to View Comparison between Christianity and Scientology Teachings Click to View Scientology is Neo-Gnosticism Click to View Hubbard thought he was Satan incarnate? Scientology Falsely Claims to be ... ...

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18: Scientology's Relationship With Eastern Religious Traditions
Journal of Contemporary Religion, Vol. 11, No. 1, 1996, page 21 STEPHEN A. KENT ABSTRACT: Scientology's founder, L. Ron Hubbard, frequently made claims that Scientology was related to or shared significant similarities with Hinduism, Theravada Buddhism and Taoism. However, careful examination of Hubbard's claims indicates that he had only a superficial acquaintance with Eastern religions, and most of his attempts to associate Scientology with these faiths are unwarranted. Moreover, social and political pressures against his organisation's alleged healing practices probably provided the catalyst for Hubbard's attempt to portray his creation as a religion with Eastern overtones. Introduction Scholars of religion are always interested in questions pertaining to the transmission of ideas from one faith to another. Transmission helps to explain similarities among basic doctrines of different belief systems and often researchers can learn about cultural contact between distant peoples. Much ... ...

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19: "Scientology: From Science Fiction to Space-age Religion"
Understanding Scientology in simple terms! An article from the Christian Research Journal, Summer 1993, page 20 by John Weldon Summary The Church of Scientology is a controversial new religion developed by L. Ron Hubbard as an extension of his earlier psychological theories of Dianetics. Drawing on ideas from Buddhist and Hindu religious philosophy, science fiction, and Western concepts in psychology and science, L. Ron Hubbard produced a religion that sees all human beings as immortal spirits (thetans) who have forgotten their identity and become deceived by the very universe they mentally emanated in order to amuse themselves. Scientology claims it can free the thetan to realize his or her true nature and powers through certain controversial procedures that allegedly heal the mind and free the spirit. Although the church claims its beliefs are not incompatible with Christian faith, an evaluation of what Scientology teaches in the areas of God, man, the creation, salvation, and death ... ...

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20: Is Scientology A Religion? YES! Alan Black
This research paper concludes YES! By Alan W. Black Associate Professor of Sociology University of New England Armidale, New South Wales Australia Table Of Contents I. Professional background II. Dimensions of religion Ii.i. The practical and ritual dimension Ii.ii. The experiential dimension Ii.iii. The narrative or mythic dimension Ii.iv. The doctrinal and philosophical dimension Ii.v. The ethical dimension The social and institutional dimension Ii.vii. The material dimension Iii. Analysing scientology Iii.i. the doctrinal and philosophical dimension Iii.ii. The narrative or mythic dimension Iii.iii. The practical and ritual dimension Iii.iv. The experiential dimension Iii.v. The ethical dimension The social and institutional dimension III.VII. The Material Dimension IV. Conclusion I. PROFESSIONAL BACKGROUND As a sociologist with a specialization in the study of religion, I have been asked to address the question "Is Scientology a religion?" In answering that question, ... ...

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21: The poor and famous Hollywood Scientologists
...The evidence portrays L. Ron Hubbard as ... virtually a pathological liar when it comes to his history, background, and achievements. The writings and documents in evidence ... reflect his egoism, greed, avarice, lust for power, vindictiveness, and aggressiveness against persons perceived by him to be disloyal or hostile." - Paul G. Breckenridge, Jr., Judge of the Superior Court of Los Angeles, June 20, 1984 AFTER HIS WEDDING TO NICOLE KIDMAN, TOM CRUISE was the guest of honor at a dinner party given by the powerful Creative Artists Agency at the trendy DC3 Restaurant, overlooking the Santa Monica Airport. Cruise sat at a table with CAA kingpin Michael Ovitz, often called the most powerful man in Hollywood. Right next to them sat David Miscavige, often called the most powerful man in the Church of Scientology, the self-help religion that promises "auditing" will "clear" its followers of the fears and traumas blocking them from total success--at a typical cost of $300 to $400 an hour. ... ...

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22: Scientology: Hubbard believed he was Satan incarnate!
Hubbard believed he was Satan incarnate! L. Ron Hubbard Jr. Speaks On His Father From an interview with L Ron Hubbard Jr. Ron Jr. says that he remembers much of his childhood. He claims to recall, at six years, a vivid scene of his father performing an abortion ritual on his mother with a coat hanger. Ron Hubbard Jr. remembers that when he was ten years old, his father, in an attempt to get his son in tune with his black magic worship, laced the young Hubbard's bubble gum with Phenobarbital. According to Ron Jr. drugs were an important part of Ron Jr.'s growing up, as his father believed that they were the best way to get closer to Satan--the Antichrist of black magic. "In my father's private circle," Ron Jr explains, "there were lots of mistresses. When I was younger, I participated in private orgies with him and three or four other women. His theory was that one has to open or crack a woman's soul in order for the satanic power to pour through it and into him. It got kind of far out, ... ...

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23: Psychiatry: The Science of Lies by Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD
Thomas Szasz is an atheist libertarian and not a Scientologist. He views schizophrenia as a behaviour choice, rejects all physical etiologies of "insanity" and is opposed to all involuntary commitment to mental hospitals. Thomas Szasz is an honorable warrior for truth whose importance will only be recognized in coming decades. Click to View Thomas Szasz Professor of psychiatry emeritus at State University, NY I have never harbored any patriotic sentiments toward psychiatry. My aim has been to abolish psychiatric slavery, not reform it." (Coercion as Cure, Thomas Szasz, 2007 AD, p 12) "To be sure, as long as we define psychiatry as a medical specialty, we are compelled to define coercion as care, and the deprivation of liberty under psychiatric auspices as both the prevention of suicide or homicide and the provision of therapy. Abolishing psychiatric slavery-that is, the practice of depriving of persons defined as mental patients of liberty by incarceration in hospitals-requires ... ...

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24: The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD
Thomas Szasz is an atheist libertarian and not a Scientologist. He views schizophrenia as a behaviour choice, rejects all physical etiologies of "insanity" and is opposed to all involuntary commitment to mental hospitals. Thomas Szasz is an honorable warrior for truth whose importance will only be recognized in coming decades. Click to View Thomas Szasz Professor of psychiatry emeritus at State University, NY In this book, Thomas tackles the central element of psychiatry: what is the mind. Chemical psychiatrists who are both atheistic and believe evolution by random chance processes is how man became what he is ontologically today, have no other choice but to equate the mind with the physical processes in the human brain. From an ameba in the to monkey to man, ultimately the atheist has no other choice but to conclude that the mind/personhood, is something that is generated by physical elements. All behaviour is caused by mechanical processed in the brain and drugs are an appropriate ... ...

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