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401: Role of the Husband in the Bible
Role of the Husband in the Bible "But if any man does not provide for his own, and especially for those of his household, he has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever. " 1 Timothy 5:8 "But I want you to understand that Christ is the head of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ. " 1 Cor 11:3 "Husbands, love your wives, just as Christ also loved the church and gave Himself up for her, " Ephesians 5:25 "Husbands, love your wives and do not be embittered against them. " Col 3:19 Click to View See also: Click to View Ten Commandments for Husbands! Click to View The Husband's ... Cf. qualifications of elders, I Tim. 3:4-5 and deacons I Tim. 3:12. b. Harder today. Seldom works near home; seldom home for lunch. Likewise, children are away from home higher percentage of time. Must work harder today to meet this God given responsibility. C. Provide. 1. Physical: food, clothing, shelter, I Tim. 5:8. 2. Spiritual. Cf. Example of Christ, ... ...
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402: Comparison list of 26 Moses/Paul Shadows, Types, Antitypes and ...
Click to View List of 13 Exodus Route types of our salvation in Christ Click to View Replacement Theology: The church replaced the Jewish Temple Introduction: Paul fulfilled the antitype of Moses as the lawgiver by visiting Mt. Sinai 1. The primary typology between Moses and Paul is that both are scripture writers of the canon a. Moses wrote the first five books of the Bible that were the sole written authority in Israel until the time of Samuel and David. b. Paul wrote 14 of the 27 New Testament books. Paul went to Arabia immediately after being converted: "But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I ... Both escaped death through a woven basket Ex 2:3 2 Cor 11:32-33 5. Both received the top education the world had to offer: Ex 2:10; Acts 7:22 Acts 22:3; Phil 3:6 6. Both proved their faith by works before being commissioned by God Ex 2:11 Acts 22:4-5 7. Both murdered someone immediately ... ...
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403: The False doctrine of Roman Catholic papal infallibility
apostles, even though I am a nobody." 2 Corinthians 12:11 Why was Peter was not an infallible guide in faith and morals: "But when Peter came to Antioch, Paul opposed him to his face, because he stood condemned." Galatians 2:11 Click to View George Salmon's devastating refutation of Catholic Infallibility Click to View Is the RC church infallible and unable to make errors? Click to View Here is a Picture of the Pope kissing the Qur'an. This is like kissing Satan! We are utterly shocked that any Christian would kiss the Koran. ... If Mark 7 teaches us anything, it is that the two must not be "synthesized." The written Word of God must remain the unique norm." (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 179) Click to View Peter ... Peter was not the head of the church - Jesus is the only head of His church (Eph. 1:22-23;Col.1:19) Peter was not selected to be the Vicar of Christ on earth (no references in the Bible). Peter never talked about any "successors" to ... ...
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404: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything". Then verse 33, "nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband". Then in I Peter 3:1, "Like wise you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands". None of these passages teach that women are inferior in intellect, but that her ... To love your husband means that you are a partner with him, working together toward a common goal. Then you can be appreciative of his actions, efforts and work in supporting the family. You will do all that you possibly can to see that they are comfortable ... ...
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405: Neither the Pope or Constantine changed the Sabbath from Saturday ...
If it was, the other nine commandments were; and we are at liberty to break them all as well as to break the fourth. I saw that God had not changed the Sabbath, for he never changes. But the pope had changed it from the seventh day to the first ... prophet by proving that the Pope (Catholic church) DID NOT change the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday! You be the judge! Answer: A. The first Pope did not exist until 606 AD! (over 500 years too late) This is far too late because Christians were meeting on Sundays from the earliest record of history. So Ellen G. White is a false prophet! B. But Adventist's have modified White's argument (corrected the inspired prophet) Listen to what Seventh-day Adventists now teach in their public "Revelation ... Constantine is making a civil decree that because Christians were already meeting on Sunday, as they were doing since the time of the Apostles, that Christians should not work on Sunday. Read it again! Today, it is not a sin to work on any day of ... ...
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406: 10 Things young people can do for God.
10 Things young people can do for God. Some of the world's greatest accomplishments have been done by young men and women. Alexander the Great became king before he was thirty years old. Some of the great works of Shelley, Byron, Keats, Chopin, and Mozart were ... Today, Communists make their strongest sales pitch to youth, because they know of the influence and dedication of the young. Now, much of the mission work of the church is being done by young adults. And the church needs consecrated young people. Times are perilous and our cause is the greatest that the world has ever known. The very hope of the human race lies in wise youth committed to high principles. Young people need the church - they need Christ. Those who are ... Christianity brings peace with God, peace with others, and peace within. (4) LEAD OTHERS TO CHRIST Christ has commanded His disciples to take the gospel to everyone. You can be a soul-winner. And nothing enlarges one's faith and spiritual capacity like teaching ... ...
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407: 10 Things young people can do for God.
10 Things young people can do for God. Some of the world's greatest accomplishments have been done by young men and women. Alexander the Great became king before he was thirty years old. Some of the great works of Shelley, Byron, Keats, Chopin, and Mozart were ... Today, Communists make their strongest sales pitch to youth, because they know of the influence and dedication of the young. Now, much of the mission work of the church is being done by young adults. And the church needs consecrated young people. Times are perilous and our cause is the greatest that the world has ever known. The very hope of the human race lies in wise youth committed to high principles. Young people need the church - they need Christ. Those who are ... Christianity brings peace with God, peace with others, and peace within. (4) LEAD OTHERS TO CHRIST Christ has commanded His disciples to take the gospel to everyone. You can be a soul-winner. And nothing enlarges one's faith and spiritual capacity like teaching ... ...
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408: The Bible and the Wife's responsibility to the Husband
source book to tell us what God expected of the wife in the marriage relationship. There are several verses in Ephesians, the fifth chapter that you should read, beginning with verse 22. Let me read only three of these for you. Verse 22, "Wives submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord". Then verse 24, "Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything". Then verse 33, "nevertheless let everyone of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband". Then in I Peter 3:1, "Like wise you wives, be in subjection to your own husbands". None of these passages teach that women are inferior in intellect, but that her ... To love your husband means that you are a partner with him, working together toward a common goal. Then you can be appreciative of his actions, efforts and work in supporting the family. You will do all that you possibly can to see that they are comfortable ... ...
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409: Chadwick, Henry: The Early Church
"Constantine, like his father, worshipped the Unconquered Sun; ... his conversion should not be interpreted as an inward experience of grace ... It was a military matter. His comprehension of Christian doctrine was never very clear, but he was sure that victory in battle lay in the gift of the God of the Christians." (The Early Church, Henry Chadwick, quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, Watchtower publication) "What role did this unbaptized emperor ... Chadwick comes right out and says that letters written by Constantine are powerful evidence of the genuine faith that resided within, "his letters from 313 onwards leave no doubt that he regarded himself as a Christian". That his delay of water baptism, "implies no ... The transition from solar monotheism (the most popular form of contemporary paganism) to Christianity was not difficult. In Old Testament prophecy Christ was entitled `the sun of righteousness'." (The Early Church, Henry Chadwick, p 125-6) But if you read the full ... ...
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410: Werner, Martin: The Formation of Christian Dogma
"In the Primitive Christian era there was no sign of any kind of Trinitarian problem or controversy, such as later produced violent conflicts in the Church. The reason for this undoubtedly lay in the fact that, for Primitive Christianity, Christ was . . . a being of the high celestial angel-world, who was created and chosen by God for the task of bringing in, at the end of the ages, . . . the Kingdom of God." (The Formation of Christian Dogma, An ... The cause of the Trinitarian-Christological problem, which so perplexed Post-Apostolic Christianity, lay in the transition from the apocalyptic Messiah-Son of Man concept of the Primitive Christian eschatological faith, with its sense of imminence, to the new dogma of the ... Deception Exposed: What they fail to tell the same article also says: The Significance Of The Idea Of The Divine Sonship: The designation of Christ as a pre-existent being was handed on to Post-Apostolic Christianity in the form of the 'Son of God' directly through the ... ...
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411: About who we are! The Interactive Bible:
church. This is the church for which Jesus Christ shed his blood, about which the Apostles preached and the church in which the early Christians were members. Wouldn't you like to learn more about this church that was established in 33 A.D.? We feel that the solution to the vast religious division, is for the Bible to be the only source of religious authority for worship, doctrine and morality. We believe that human creeds, catechisms and statements of faith cause religious divisions because they ... Jesus likened the Bible to the seed in the parable of the sower. We believe that if anyone plants the pure seed of the word of God, that the seed will produce exactly the same "first century church" every time. We are determined to be simply ... As is the general rule of conduct, we will give credit where we know who the copyright owner is. For example, a name below or in an image or article, generally indicates the copyright owner. We put in all our images, not to claim ... ...
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412: Official creed of Bible Chapel Brethren
BIBLE CHAPEL Statement of Faith WE BELIEVE that the Bible is divinely inspired, and is complete. final and authoritative. 2 Timothy 3:16-17 WE BELIEVE that there is one God eternally existent in three equal Persons: Father, Son and Holy Ghost. 1 John 5:7 WE Believe that the Bible declares the fill Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His sinless life, His atoning death, His bodily resurrection, His Ascension, His intercessor-y work and His imminent return for His believing people. John 1:1. Matthew 1:23, 1 Peter 2:22, 1 Peter 3:18, Luke 24:39, Ephesians 1:20, Hebrews 7:25, Revelation 22:20 WE BELIEVE In one Church, the body of Christ on earth, that its members should gather in His Name alone, for the purpose of graver. worship. ministry and evangelism. Ephesians 4:4-12 WE BELIEVE that all have sinned and are in need of salvation. Romans 3:23 WE BELIEVE that forgiveness of sins and redemption are obtained through faith alone, in the work of the Lord Jesus Christ on the ... ...
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413: 3 Old Testament Antitypes of the blood of Christ
... Then the goat was taken out to the deep wilderness and released. In the same way Jesus suffered unfairly on the cross for sins He did not commit. He was innocent and sinless yet suffered as if He had sinned. Jesus is our scape-goat! Just as the scape-goat was driven into the wilderness. Jesus was crucified outside the gate of the city of Jerusalem. The blood of Jesus therefore is a central theme for the redemption of all mankind. Eph 1:7. The blood of Christ justifies: Rom 5:9. It sanctifies: Heb 13:12; cleanses: 1 n 1:7; Washes: Rev 1:5; Brings us near to God: Col 1:20; The church was bought with the Blood of Christ: Acts 20:28; Rev 5:9. Now the grace of God sent His son to die for our sins on the cross. Eph 2:8, "By grace you are saved, through faith..." In the redemption process, God supplies the grace and man supplies the faith. Without the blood of Christ mankind would utterly we without hope. Have you applied the sacrificial blood of Christ to your sins? Click Your Choice Go To ... ...
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414: The Interactive Bible:
A body is a living organism. The church is divine in its origin, since it was built by Christ himself. Jesus told the Apostle Peter after Peter had confessed him to be the Christ, the son of the Living God, that he would build his church (Matthew 16:16-18). The church is both divine and human since it was originated by our Lord and includes human beings. Just as a ... The special qualifications are only four in number: The husband of one wife, having believing children, apt to teach, and not a novice. These last qualifications do show, incidentally, that although many people now use the terms elder and pastor to refer to the preacher, these terms were not used this way in ... The qualifications for deacons are found in I Timothy 3:8-13. They include the following: grave, not double tongued, not given to much wine, not greedy of filthy lucre, holding the mystery of the faith in a pure conscience, they must first be proved, blameless, the husband of one wife, ruling their children and ... ...
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415: Will you pass the Self-Evaluation test for Christians?
Measuring your own commitment level to Christ Self Test: Will you pass? Gauging the health of our national economy is a difficult task. There are, however, a number of external indicators that will collectively give us a general idea. Some of these include the unemployment rate, interest rates and the ... Jesus said, "you will know them by their fruits" (Matthew 7:20) Although other men cannot read your heart, they can get a glimpse of it by looking at the outward evidence of your inward faith in God. Weekly attendance We are commanded by God to attend with the church every Sunday. "Let us not forsake the assembling of ourselves together as is the habit of some" (Hebrews 10:24). ... Faith is not the product of some mysterious process. Rather it comes from the Bible as we read and study it. God speaks to us today through the scriptures. We can know God's will. There is no guess work, because He has revealed it in print. How much time do you spend with the Bible on a private basis? Do ... ...
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416: Official creed of Awana Clubs International (A.W.A.N.A.)
We believe that He was crucified, shed His blood, died to pay the penalty for our sins and was raised bodily from the dead on the third day. Forty days later He ascended to the Father's right hand where He is Head of the Church and intercedes for believers. From there He is coming again personally, bodily and visibly to this earth to set up His millennial kingdom. (Isaiah 7:14, 9:6; Hebrews 1:1-2, 7:25; Luke 1:30-35; Ephesians 4:8; ... We believe that all men are morally corrupt, and of themselves utterly unable to remedy their lost condition. (Genesis 1:26-27; Romans 1:18, 3:23, 5:12; Ephesians 2:1-3, 12) SALVATION We believe that salvation is a gift of God and is received by man through personal faith in Jesus Christ and His sacrifice for sin. We believe that man is justified by grace through faith apart from works and that all true believers, once saved, are kept secure in Christ forever. (Acts 13:38-39; Romans 4:5, 6:23, 8:1, 38-39; John 10:27-29; Ephesians 2:8-9) THE CHURCH We believe ... ...
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417: Brown, Colin: New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology
Colin Brown, 1932, God, vol 2, Three, p687, C. J. Hemer) "As far as we can establish, the NT church did not reflect on the relationship of the exalted Christ to God the Father as did later church doctrinal teaching. One may perhaps say that there is indeed no developed doctrine of the Trinity in the NT, but that the writers, particularly in the later strata, thought in trinitarian forms." (New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology, Colin Brown, 1932, Lord, vol 2, p 516) What they deceptively left out of the quote: What Anti-trinitarians quote: Full Text of article The New International Dictionary of New Testament Theology similarly states: "The N[ew] T[estament] ... It sets out the action of God in salvation history, placing God, Christ and the Holy Spirit in their right relationship: God first sends the Son and then the Spirit of his Son to continue the work of Jesus on earth. On the other hand, God and Christ especially are closely connected in two-part formulae: "one ... ...
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418: Official Creed of the American Baptist Association
... We believe that the depraved sinner is saved wholly by grace through faith in Jesus Christ, and the requisites to regeneration are repentance toward God and faith in the Lord Jesus Christ (Luke 13:3-5; John 3:16-18; Acts 20:21; Rom. 6:23; Eph. 2:8, 9), and that the Holy Spirit convicts sinners, regenerates, seals, secures, and indwells every believer (John 3:6; John 16:8, 9; Rom. 8:9-11; 1 Cor. 6:19, 20; Eph. 4:30; Titus 3:5). We believe that all who trust Jesus Christ for salvation are eternally secure in Him and shall not perish (John 3:36; John 5:24; John 10:27-30; Rom. 8:35-39; Heb. 10:39; 1 Peter 1:5). We believe that God deals with believers as His children, that He chastises the disobedient, and that He rewards the obedient (Matt. 16:27; Matt. 25:14-23; John 1:12; Heb. 12:5-11; 2 John 8; Rev. 22:12). We believe that Jesus Christ established His church during His ministry on earth and that it is always a local, visible assembly of scripturally baptized believers in covenant ... ...
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419: Scriptural refutation of "eternal Security"
Acts 4:32;5:1-11 of those who believed lied to Holy Spirit God struck dead Acts 8:9-24 Simon the sorcerer believed, baptized, received HS offered money heart not right, wickedness, gall of bitterness, bond of iniquity Acts 20:17,28-30 elders, shepherds of church false doctrine drawn away Rom 11:13-23 wild olive, grafted in v17, stand by faith V20 unbelief, not continue V20,22 not spared, cut off V21-22 1 Cor 9:26-27 Apostle Paul, preached to others body not slave Paul disqualified 1 Cor 10:1-12 standing (feel they are saved) V12 immorality, crave evil, grumble, fall V12 Gal 2:11-14 Apostle Peter false doctrine, hypocrisy Literal Greek "stood condemned" V11 Gal 5:4 severed & fallen indicates previously joined and standing seeking to keep OT severed from Christ, fallen from grace Gal 6:1 restore indicates once saved caught in trespass needed to be restored 1 Ti 1:18-20 Hymenaeus, Alexander: shipwreck indicates they once sailed good. rejected faith and good conscience, blasphemed their ... ...
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420: Arian (Jehovah's Witness) Subordination Refuted
Ask, "Are you not human because you submit to your husband?" Neither is Jesus less than God because He submits to the Father! Jehovah's Witnesses are generally not honest enough to actually answer the question. Instead they will start babbling on some irrelevant tangent as a smokescreen to hide the fact they were outright refuted by our question! Here is the obvious answer to the question they knew in their hearts to be true: Is a wife equal to her husband? Yes and no. She is equal as a class of being (human), but not equal in rank. Wives must submit to their husbands (1 Peter 3:1; Eph 5:22;33) and are not permitted to teach men or hold oversight positions over men in the church. (1 Tim 2:11-12). Yet men are commanded to "grant her honor as a fellow heir of the grace of life, so that your prayers may not be hindered" (1 Peter 3:7). This illustrates in exact parallel, the relationship between the Father and Christ. Although the wife is a lower rank below the man (submit), she is his ... ...
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421: Lesson 22: Only The Saved Are In The Lord's Church
Are you putting your trust and confidence in what men say or what God has said in the Bible? You will have to make the choice whether you are going to follow God's word or man's word. Also in order to be the church which Jesus built, the church must worship God and Christ according to the way They have specified. We are told in Ephesians 5:17, ... As we read in Ephesians 1:22, "And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church." The church is not to be overseen by a pope, patriarch, president, cardinals, association, convention, synod or any other organization that man has come up with. Each autonomous congregation of the ... If we really accept the Bible as our only authority, we will want to worship God only as He has specified. We must reject human traditions and doctrines such as creed books, catechisms, manuals, articles of faith, confessions of faith, the book of Mormon, the Koran, constitutions, disciplines and other guidelines which men ... ...
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422: The Interactive Bible:
It is a fact of history, that all denominations came into existence many centuries after the time of Jesus Christ. Denominations were unknown during the times that the apostles of Christ lived and wrote the New Testament. Divisions, or denominational tendencies, that is, the tendency for one group of Christians to teach a doctrine different from that taught by another, were known about and experienced during the first century. Contrary to many religionists today, who praise division or denominationalism the apostles who (by the guidance of the Holy Spirit of God) wrote the New Testament ... Thus, we can see that there were no denominations in the original New Testament church, indeed, the few small schisms as came into existence were quickly stamped out by the action of the apostles. ... preach any other gospel than that we have preached unto you, let him be accursed." The Bible reveals that all the knowledge that is needed for us to do every good work has already been supplied. ... ...
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423: What Early Christians believed about SALVATION BY FAITH ONLY
For He forewarns us, 'Behold, the Lord comes and His reward is before His face, to render to every man according to his work.' ... Let us therefore earnestly strive to be found in the number of those who wait for Him, in order that we may share in His promised reward. But how, beloved ones, shall we do this? By fixing our thoughts on God by faith. By earnestly seeking the things that are pleasing and acceptable to Him. By doing the things that are in harmony with His blameless will. And by following the way of truth, casting away from us all unrighteousness and sin." (Clement of Rome Letter to the Corinthians chaps. 34, 35 [companion of the apostle Paul and overseer of the church in Rome]) 69-156 AD ... by faith in Christ, prepare for themselves eternal life through good works." (Hippolytus Fragments from Commentaries "On Proverbs.") 170-236 AD Hippolytus "[Jesus], in administering the righteous judgment of the Father to all, assigns to each what is righteous according to his works.... ... ...
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424: Sola Scriptura: The illumination of the creeds by the Holy Spirit ...
The Holy Spirit is the ultimate criterion of truth, but He bears witness to the truth through this reciprocal relationship between Christian Scripture, the Christian Church, and the Christian creed. Each of these three relates to the other two in a unique way. The Scripture is the Spirit-inspired Word of God that bears witness to the truth of the regula fidei and bears witness to the identity of the Church. (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. ... According to the teaching of the early Church and of the magisterial Reformation, a rejection of this rule of faith as a hermeneutical boundary is a rejection of the perspicuity of Scripture; a rejection of the promise of Christ that the Holy Spirit would teach the Church; and a rejection of the Christian faith. (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 147) "The ecumenical creeds are simply the written form of the confession of the faith of the universal Church. They are a confession of what the ... ...
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425: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 180 AD: Irenaeus
"We have learned from none others the plan of our salvation, than from those through whom the Gospel has come down to us, which they did at one time proclaim in public, and, at a later period, by the will of God, ... revealed, then the gospel was recorded in scriptures and calls the scriptures the "ground and pillar" of faith. This should send shivers up the spine of every Roman Catholic and Orthodox because it is a clear interpretation of 1 Tim 3:15 where the same expression is used of the church. Obviously then, Irenaeus viewed that the church came second in authority under the scriptures. It is also clear that you can make no change from what the apostles teach as it was the unchangeable standard of doctrine. "1. Since therefore we have such proofs, it is not ... to whom they did commit the Churches? 2. To which course many nations of those barbarians who believe in Christ do assent, having salvation written in their hearts by the Spirit, without paper or ink, and, carefully ... ...
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426: Sola Scriptura and the Apostolic Fathers: 200 AD: Tertullian
If, then, these things are so, it is in the same degree manifest that all doctrine which agrees with the apostolic churches-those moulds and original sources of the faith must be reckoned for truth, as undoubtedly containing that which the (said) churches received from the apostles, the apostles from Christ, Christ from God. Whereas all doctrine must be prejudged as false which savours of contrariety to the truth of the churches and ... The Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches have changed the original meaning of "viva voce" from the words spoken by inspired apostles, to whatever the current practice and dogma of the church is today. Here is proof: "But the appeal to antiquity is both a treason and a heresy. It ... We who teach sola Scriptura, actually have no problem agreeing! Tertullian calls this oral tradition, "the rule of faith". We agree that it was a creed, but notice it contains absolutely nothing, except what the scriptures specifically reveal. This would have been a powerful ... ...
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427: First Century Synagogue Top Plans: Capernaum 30 AD
The second structure of importance is the likely site of Peter's house where at least two miracles occurred. Archaeology has confirmed that the house functioned as an early house church. In later centuries different church building structures were built over it. The last one known as the octagonal church is now visible to visitors. The site is now protected from the elements by a modern superstructure." (The Trowel and the Truth, Scott Stripling, p 101, 2017 AD) 3. Building on another's foundation: a. "According to the grace of God which was given to me, like a wise master builder I laid a foundation, and another is building on it. But each man must be careful how he builds on it. For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ. Now if any man builds on the foundation with gold, silver, precious stones, wood, hay, straw, each man's work will become evident; for the day will show it because it is to be revealed with fire, and the fire itself will ... ...
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428: The Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry: home page
Before you start consider this The wise old church elder said, "Depression is not a medical problem, it is a faith problem." Since insanity, schizophrenia, bipolar and depression have no biological cause, this ... Remember, there are no medical tests for any mental illness or any other human behaviour. Welcome to the truth. Read with an open mind. Find a church in my hometown for me to attend. . Click to View "The spirit of a man can endure a sick body, but who can bear a broken spirit?" (Prov 18:14) Click to View Six pillars of the Clinical Textbook of Biblical Psychiatry The Foundation is Jesus Christ, "Doctor of the Soul": "For no man can lay a foundation other than the one which is laid, which is Jesus Christ." (1 Corinthians 3:11). The Bible: "All Scripture is inspired by God and profitable for teaching, for reproof, for correction, for training in righteousness; so that the man of God may be adequate, equipped for every good work." (2 Timothy 3:16-17) The Bible is the ... ...
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429: Sola Scriptura: Mistakes made by the Apostolic Fathers based ...
is 150 AD, Justin Martyr, in Dialogue, Ch CXXIX. Widsom in Prov 8:22 is a woman! God went out of His way to make sure we didn't apply it to Christ! To show the folly of this literal interpretation of poetic language, if Jesus is Wisdom, then who is Prudence? "I, wisdom, dwell with prudence, And I find knowledge and discretion." Prov 8:12 Clark Carlton, and Orthodox defender, highlights that many of the recorded "church fathers" had initially interpreted the wrong view of Prov 8:22. This illustrates ... The controversy began with his interpretation of Proverbs 8:22ff., where Solomon speaks of Wisdom: The Lord created Me at the beginning of His work, the first of His acts of old (RSV). Everyone, both Orthodox and Arian, understood Wisdom to be ... Acts ii. 36 and Proverbs viii. 22, which are shown to refer properly to Christ's manhood alone." (Ambrose, Exposition of the Christian Faith, Book 1, 94) What sense would that make, since his humanity was there in the beginning before creation! ... ...
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430: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
The I can remember a lady years ago who gave up her faith in God because her son was killed by a train on a snowy night. She kept saying to me, "How could God allow this to happen? If there is a God, he is either indifferent to us or just doesn't care." I am reminded of another story of a young grain farmer who spent his last dollars on seed for a crop which was wiped out by drought and hail. He missed church for 3 months blaming it on God. The preacher came and said to him, "Son, God knows that, while it is impossible to grow good ... Why does God always get a bad rap when thinks go bad and we praise ourselves when things go good? When we get a promotion, it is because of our hard work, education and superior intellect. When we get fired, we are under the curse ... distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." ... ...
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431: Why Does God Allow Suffering?
The I can remember a lady years ago who gave up her faith in God because her son was killed by a train on a snowy night. She kept saying to me, "How could God allow this to happen? If there is a God, he is either indifferent to us or just doesn't care." I am reminded of another story of a young grain farmer who spent his last dollars on seed for a crop which was wiped out by drought and hail. He missed church for 3 months blaming it on God. The preacher came and said to him, "Son, God knows that, while it is impossible to grow good ... Why does God always get a bad rap when thinks go bad and we praise ourselves when things go good? When we get a promotion, it is because of our hard work, education and superior intellect. When we get fired, we are under the curse ... distressed by various trials, that the proof of your faith, being more precious than gold which is perishable, even though tested by fire, may be found to result in praise and glory and honor at the revelation of Jesus Christ." ... ...
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432: Major errors of Pentecostalism
Major errors of Pentecostalism Characteristics Of the Pentecostal Movement: 1. CULTIC ORIGINS & INFLUENCES - The Word of Faith Movement owes much of its teachings to E.W. Kenyon who was heavily influenced by Mind Science and ... PRIDE - Leaders of the WOF REFUSE to dialog with other members of the Body of Christ regarding their teaching. They claim their teachings come by direct revelation knowledge from God and are not subject to human scrutiny. 6. WORLDLY/HUMANISTIC THEOLOGY- WOF presents a distorted vision of God and the Christian life. ... These happenings are frequently referred to using the imagery of flowing water. Chances are that the quality and genuineness varies considerably from stream to stream, from church to church, and from person to person. The ... However, the most spiritual among us tends to be fairly dense without an appeal to Scripture. God gave us the Scriptures to teach us how to live godly lives (2 Tim 3:16-17). The heart is deceitful above all else (Jeremiah ... ...
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433: Sola Scriptura: The illumination of the church by the Holy Spirit ...
... right of he church not the individual: "the Holy Spirit is promised to guide the people of God into the knowledge of the truth, and therefore that which they, under the teaching of the Spirit, agree in believing must be true." (Charles Hodge, Systematic Theology, Presbyterian Calvinist, 1873, 1:113) "It is only within the Church that we find Scripture interpreted rightly, and it is only within the Church that we find the gospel." (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 268) "The authority of the Church is important for our discussion because of the fact that the Church is given the authority by Christ to teach and preach the gospel. ... Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 272) "The autonomy of the individual is equally as dangerous as the autonomy of the pope or of the Church." (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 153) "The modern Evangelical doctrine of Scripture [ie. ... ...
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434: 5 Components of a Growing Church
In the church, we do the same with our spiritual babes; we rely upon the church's public school system (weekly sermons and classes) to the neglect of personalized one-on-one training. And we wonder why the few souls we win to Christ soon fall away! If we are indifferent to merely teaching the gospel, how will we ever accomplish the more difficult task of training new converts to teach the gospel? The job before us is not merely to reproduce but to produce producers! What we have produced is a generation of mules in the church- stubborn when it comes to getting personally involved in the Lord's work, and like the mule, unable to reproduce! Christianity is a taught religion. ... You will need a specific plan tailored for the local church. Click to View Summary Equipping the saints for the work of service does hold the promise of growth if we remember that we are the workmen and God causes the growth. We need to work as if everything depends on us and pray as of everything depends on ... ...
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435: Wells, H.G.: Short History of the World
The systematic destruction by the orthodox of all heretical writings, had about it none of that quality of honest conviction which comes to those who have a real knowledge of God; it was a bawling down of dissentions that, left to work themselves out, would have spoiled good business. ... A large majority of those who possess and repeat the Christian creeds have come into the practice so insensibly from unthinking childhood that only in the slightest way do they realise the nature of the statements to which they subscribe. They will speak and think of both Christ and God in ways flatly incompatible with the doctrine of the Triune deity upon which, theoretically, the entire fabric of all the churches rests. ... By faith we said of that stuffed scarecrow of divinity, that incoherent accumulation of antique theological notions, the Nicene deity, 'This is certainly no God.'" (God the Invisible King, H. G. Wells, as quoted by anti-Trinitarians) What they fail to tell the same article also ... ...
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436: Apostate church organization: 451-588AD: The reign of the 5 Patriarchs ...
Claims of universal power were made first by the bishop of Constantinople calling himself the "Universal Bishop", but were quickly renounced by the bishop of Rome as arrogant and paving the way for the "Anti-Christ. Yet a few years later, the new bishop of Rome takes, for the first time, the title of "Universal Bishop". This power grab finally split East and West, creating the Roman Catholic church and the Greek Orthodox church. B. 452 AD: What Pope Leo I actually said: (Strong ... by the wondrous gift of God's grace might rest on Peter's solid rock: strengthening His Church so surely that neither could human rashness assail it nor the gates of hell prevail against it. (Leo I, Letter X. To the Bishops of the Province of Vienne. ... Here, therefore, we already have that characteristic combination of humility and arrogance, which has stereotyped itself in the expressions: "Servant of the servants of God," "vicar of Christ," and even "God upon earth." In this double consciousness of his ... ...
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437: Faith is used 4 ways in the Bible
Mt 7:21-27 not only call "Lord", but obey d. by faith, Abraham obeyed: Heb 11 4. Faith is said to do work: a. Gal 5:6 faith working through love b. 1 Th 1:3; 2 Th 1:11 work of faith c. Heb 13:7 considering the result of their conduct, imitate their faith C. #3: A trusting or trustworthiness: (pistis) 1. Mt 24:45; 25:21,23; Lk 19:17 "faithful servant" 2. Rom 3:3 the faithfulness of God 3. 1 Cor 4:2 stewards must be faithful 4. 1 Cor 15:14,17 if Christ is not raised your faith is vain, worthless 5. 2 Th 1:3 your faith is greatly enlarged D. #4: The System Of Doctrine And Morality Peculiar To Christianity: 1. Statements encouraging us to ... Acts 6:7 obedient to the faith d. Rom 10:8 word of faith we preach a. Lk 18:8 will Jesus find the faith upon the earth when He returns III. How do we get faith? A. Some wrongly teach faith comes directly from God, the Holy Spirit or Jesus 1. The Holy Spirit directly imparts faith independently of any medium. 2. God directly "operates" upon the ... ...
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438: Irrefutable questions that Roman Catholics can't answer
... Why did God fail to provide an inspired and infallible list of Old Testament books to Israel? Why would God suddenly provide such a list only after Israel was destroyed in 70 AD? How could the Jews know that books of Kings or Isaiah were Scripture? If the Roman Catholic and Orthodox churches both believes that the scripture: "the church is the pillar and foundation of truth" means the church is protected from error then: a. Why do they teach doctrine so different that they are not even in communion with each other? b. How do you account for the vast number of documented theological errors made by the pope and the church in general? If the both the Orthodox and Catholic churches follow apostolic oral tradition exactly, how ... 2:15, and Athanasius call scripture tradition: "the Apostolic tradition teaches in the words of blessed Peter, 'Forasmuch then as Christ suffered for us in the Flesh" Athanasius then quotes: 1 Peter 4:1; Titus 2:13; Heb 2:1 (Athanasius, To Adelphius, Letter 60, 6)? ... ...
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439: What Early Christians believed about DEACONS
And this they did in no new fashion; for indeed it had been written concerning bishops and deacons from very ancient times; for thus saith the scripture in a certain place, I will appoint their bishops in righteousness and their deacons in faith. Polycarp, Epistle 5.2 In like manner deacons should be blameless in the presence of his righteousness, as deacons of God and Christ and not of men; not calumniators, not ... But deacons ought to remember that the Lord chose apostles, that is bishops and overseers; while apostles appointed for themselves deacons after the ascent of the Lord into heaven, as minsters of their episcopacy and of the church. REFERENCES IN 4TH CENTURY WRITERS Chrysostom, Homily on 1 ... And let the deaconess be diligent in taking care of the women; but both of them ready to carry messages, to travel about, to minister, and to serve. ... It is your duty who are deacons to visit all those who stand in need of visitation. 3.20. The presbyter is only to teach, to offer, to ... ...
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440: Comparison list of 14 Joshua/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
... Rahab's Red rope was a symbol of salvation and forgiveness. A Harlot became the Great, great grandmother of David, then Jesus: Passover blood, Rahab's rope, blood of Christ Ex 12:13; Josh 2:17-19; Heb 11:30-31; 1 Cor 5:7-8; James 2:25 12. Joshua (like Abraham) promised Rahab salvation as a type of gentiles in the church by faith and works Josh 2:21 Heb 11:30-31; Rom 4:1-5; Jas 2:23-25; Gal 3:8,14; Phil 2:12-13, Mk 16:16 13. Twelve ... He will drink from the brook by the wayside; Therefore He will lift up His head." (Psalm 110:1-7) g. "In that day it will be said to Jerusalem: "Do not be afraid, O Zion; Do not let your hands fall limp. "The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. He will exult ... and understanding, so that you will walk in a manner worthy of the Lord, to please Him in all respects, bearing fruit in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God; strengthened with all power, according to His glorious might, for the attaining of all ... ...
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441: Christians Should Be Different!
Thus, Christians can have no creed but that of Christ as revealed by the Bible: Jesus prayed, soon before His execution (John 17:17-21), that all of His followers would teach the same thing so that, "They all may be one . . . that the world may believe that thou hast sent me." Many aspects ... God. Paul instructed Jesus' followers regarding family relationships as follows: "Therefore, as the church is subject unto Christ, so let the wives be to their own husbands in everything." Paul also said: "Children, obey your parents in the Lord: for this is right. Study carefully Ephesians 5:22 through 6:4. Much of the world entertainment emphasizes promiscuous sex, extols law violation and condones drug use, the Christian must look elsewhere for relaxation and entertainment. When selecting activities for recreation and entertainment, the Christian must consider: 1. Will this activity violate my conscience? Romans 14:22,23. 2. Will my doing this activity cause weaker Christians to lose their faith ... ...
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442: Did the New Testament Church have a world headquarters?
The church about which we read in the Bible is no exception to this need. The New Testament church is not a democracy. It is not an institution where every member has voting rights as to what it does and what it does not do. Quite to the contrary, it is a monarchy. It is a divine monarchy. Jesus Christ is the head or king. The Bible teaches in Ephesians 1:22-23, that God "gave him to be the head over all things to the church. Which is his body, the fullness of him that filleth all in all". He is the one and only ... The New Testament speaks of the church in a local setting such as the church at Antioch, at Ephesus or at Corinth. People in a given geographical area work together as a local congregation. Each of these is independent. There is NO sort of ... C. Episcopal: Episcopal is a transliteration of the Greek word for "bishop or overseer". All local churches are ruled from a central point. The Roman Catholic church with its Pope in Rome and the Jehovah's Witnesses with their "Governing ... ...
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443: Attending church for the wrong reasons!
Attending church for the wrong reasons! Click to View Excuses why people won't attend weekly! Following Jesus For Wrong Reasons We will now focus our attention on people who thought they were saved, but Jesus stated ... Yes, they viewed Jesus as a great teacher, but how could He claim to be divine? How could he have come down out of heaven? This they rejected. Jesus tried to teach them that the only reason they should follow him was not for bread, but because they believed He was the divine son of God. The end of this story is found in v66, "As a result of ... members would quit if the "cake and ice cream" that initially attracted them were no longer offered. There are many people today who attend church because they are "bread seekers" rather than genuine Christ seekers. ... Large (or small) number of members who attend Only members get to use the Auditorium for weddings. The ultimate excuse for not attending didn't work on Jesus! Imagine that you asked the boss for the day off to attend ... ...
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444: The Apostolic Fathers believed man-made creeds were tradition ...
Tradition #4: Uninspired man-made creeds, "Rule of Faith" (regula fidei) (1 Cor 15:3-6; 1 Timothy 3:16; 2 Timothy 2:8) The early church stated that every single thought and phrase of all early creeds were believed to be directly based upon scripture. None of the thoughts and phrases came from "extra-biblical oral tradition". A. "creed like" statements of Faith in the Bible: Below are three ... Notice they are different lengths and relate different details: 1 Corinthians 15:3-6 1 Timothy 3:16 2 Timothy 2:8 "For I delivered to you as of first importance what I also received, that Christ died ... words and writings of the inspired apostles. Irenaeus 180 AD Tertullian 200 AD "believing in one God, the Creator of heaven and earth, and all things therein, by means of Christ Jesus, the Son of ... What this passage is talking about happens all the time today when we spontaneously and unexpectedly teach a sinner the gospel in a city park when we have no Bible in hand. We rely on "oral tradition" ... ...
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445: Radio and TV for soulwinning
Radio and TV for soulwinning Click to View Stats for typical ½ hour religious programming: 60 Second Spots Work Best Audience Elderly: (79% are age 55+) Audience Small: 1958: 29%, 1985:4% 5000 in City of 1/2 million Most Just passive listeners Free Cable TV Ads ... Is Sunday worship the mark of the beast? [Re Re Re Re] Well, the Hamilton church of Christ strongly disagrees and worships every Sunday. But the Seventh day Adventist church, worships on Saturday. So together we are having a debate to determine exactly which day God wants us to worship Him. For three nights starting January 9, Steve Rudd, evangelist with the Hamilton church of Christ, and Albert Night, elder with the Adventist church will each give 35 minute lectures. Afterwards there will be a 1/2 hour open question period for you to participate. This event is free and no collections will be made. Is Sunday the Christian Sabbath? Was the Sabbath day changed to Sunday by the pope? [Re Re Re Re] Find out for yourself at ... ...
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446: Anglo/British Israelism Herbert W. Armstrong REFUTED!
birthright" by J. H. Allen, 1902,1917 AD. 6. Herbert W. Armstrong founded the Plain Truth magazine and the Church of God. They teach extinction, annihilation, Sabbatarians, premillennialists, date setters and uniquely Twinitarians in that they believe both the father and the son are God, but believe the Holy Spirit is electricity like the Jw's. ... And approximately 90% of all prophecy pertains to our time, now, in this latter half of the 20th century." p3 This contradicts the book of Revelation! This false view is foundational to many of Armstrong's views! First chapter of Revelation: "The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave Him to show to His bond-servants, ... Rev 22:10 For detailed study click here "Dual promises to Abraham... Notice the twofold promise: 1. a great nation... a promise of race ... 2. spiritual promise of grace" p18 Armstrong cannot even get the simplest facts right! There were three promises made to Abraham NOT TWO and all are fulfilled: the Great nation promise ... ...
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447: Anxiety and Depression are not caused from chemical imbalances ...
Introduction: 1. Anxiety and depression are sinful behaviours which the Bible specifically warns against. Jesus commanded us not to be anxious and to rejoice. Anxiety and depression are disobedient emotional choices in direct rebellion to Jesus Christ. We are to rely upon God for everything in all of life's situations, even if we are tortured for our faith and crucified upside down on a burning cross. ... God never said, "hugs... what can I do to make you feel better" 4. Instead God FIRED Elijah on the spot and ordered him to go anoint Elisha as his replacement. a. While at Mt. Sinai, God gave Elijah 4 chances (wind, earthquake, fire, breeze) to change his behaviour choice AND GET BACK TO WORK AS ... Recognizing these changes is an important part of treatment and returning your life to normal and reducing our stress." (The Chemical Imbalance in Mental Health Problems, Joseph M. Carver, Ph.D., Clinical Psychologist) Click to View Notice that this entire article sounds convincing, but the Ph.D. ... ...
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448: Parenting Encyclopedia: How to raise God fearing kids!
Everything You Ever Needed To Know About Raising God-Fearing Kids! Click to View Parenting Encyclopedia Click to View Major study on how to raise children. Click to View Proverbs for the home and family! ... Touching Poem and a chart that maps the effect Fathers have on their children. Click to View A Guide to surviving church services with small kids! Click to View Poem: When your child quits attending church. Click to View The results of NOT Disciplining Children the Bible way! Click to View How to Teach your Child The Bible!!! Click to View Click to View Reasons why you SHOULD NOT send your kids to day care! Click to View Sex education in schools and Abstinence Click to View A child-age-development chart Father Still Knows Best! In an age where the media and Hollywood work hard to ... Click to View Parent's Responsibility to Children & the Bible Click to View How To Understand Your Teenager & the Bible Click to View Could my children's faith in Santa destroy their faith in God? Click to ... ...
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449: The Interactive Bible:
Timothy 4:16. God was teaching this young man that two things had to be done if he were acceptable to God, live the right kind of life, and teach the right kind of doctrine. This scripture in I Timothy 4:16, teaches that doctrine plays a part in our salvation. ... He is the way, the truth, and the life (John 14:6). The Apostle John, said, "Whosoever transgresseth, and abideth not in the doctrine of Christ, hath not God. He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son" II John, verse 9. The doctrine of ... They include his church, worship, repentance, baptism, the Holy Spirit, the Lord's Supper, right living, and his second coming as well as others. Sometimes there is a tendency to emphasize Christian living and neglect Christian doctrine. This we must not do. They must not be separated. The great doctrines of Jesus form the foundation for righteous living. In I Corinthians 15, the resurrection inspires us to work for Christ, "knowing that our labour is not ... ...
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450: Sola Scriptura: All-sufficient: The Bible alone is a blueprint ...
Evangelicals view Christianity as "a system of truth" that is "infallibly preserved" only in Scripture. (THE WAY: What Every Protestant Should Know About the Orthodox Church, Clark Carlton, 1997, p 144) "For how is it not absurd that in ... riches, let us pursue after them that we may obtain also the eternal good things; which may we all obtain, through the grace and love towards men of our Lord Jesus Christ, with Whom, to the Father and the Holy Spirit, be glory, might, and honor, now and ever, and world without end. ... And thence we may disprove what is false, thence we may be corrected and brought to a right mind, may be comforted and consoled, and if anything is deficient, we may have it added to us. "That the man of God may be perfect." For this is ... of the same chapter: Now as Jannes and Jambres withstood Moses, so do these also resist the truth: men of corrupt minds, reprobate concerning the faith (2 Tim 3:8). Paul is referring here to the court magicians of Pharaoh. (Ex. 7:11-12). ... ...
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