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1: Refuted: Anti-Trinitarians misuse these passages to prove the ...
Click to View Anti-Trinitarians misuse these passages to prove the Holy Spirit is not a person: Refuted! Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted Click to View #1 The Holy Spirit is the personification of God's power. Click to View #2 The Holy Spirit is directly called the power of God in Luke 1:35. Click to View #3 The Holy Spirit is neuter gender in scripture proving it is an "it" not a person. Click to View #4 The Bible calls the Holy Spirit an "it". John 1:32; Rom 8:16,26; 1 Pet ... Two different things that are not interchangeably synonymous: "Thou didst redeem by Thy great power and by Thy strong hand" Nehemiah 1:10 Here the Holy Spirit and power are differentiated: "God anointed Him [Jesus] with the Holy Spirit and with power" Acts ... "But on the other hand, we find Jesus repeatedly using IMPERSONAL pronouns when referring to God's holy spirit, a most DISRESPECTFUL thing to do if the holy spirit were the third person of a trinity, coequal, & cosubstantial with Jehovah God himself.... ... ...
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2: False Doctrine of Modalism: As taught by the United Pentecostal ...
We merely ask Modalist one question to prove the point: "Who was Jesus praying to?" Modalism, therefore, not only contradicts the Bible, it assaults common sense by destroying the utterly obvious distinction in persons between the Father and the Son. Contact Webmaster: Click here Modalism: (Modalistic monarchianism) Click to View Monotheism Click to View The Son is not divine, but a created being with both beginning and end. Click to View Holy Spirit is a person, but it seems they view the Holy Spirit is just the power of God rather than God himself. Click to View They view God as one in number rather than one in unity Click to View They wrongly view God as having 1 personality rather than ... Cyprian and others claimed these Modalists were Patripassians); Sabellius denied that he was a Patripassian. (Schaff admits that the Patripassians did not mean a real suffering but only a sympathy. Would any Trinitarian claim that God the father had no sympathy with his own son as he hung upon the ... ...
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3: Trinity Proof Texts: 58 Triadic Bible Texts
Click to View Analysis of Triadic passages showing interchangeability Click to View A refutation of Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals to this material. Click to View Use this material as an interactive Bible class in church! Analysis of Triadic Texts showing interchangeability of terms: Interchangeability of "love": Romans 5:5-6 love of God Christ died Holy Spirit who was given Jude 20-21 love of God mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ praying in the Holy Spirit 2 Thessalonians 2:13-14 always give thanks to God loved by ... Interchangeability of "fellowship": 1 Thessalonians 1:3-6: presence of our God and Father hope in our Lord Jesus Christ power and in the Holy Spirit ... joy of the Holy Spirit Isaiah 63:8-10 My people, sons angel of His presence Grieved His ... Based upon the nature of your argument, I would be justified in concluding that Peter, James and John also had some type of trine nature. Peter and James and John are mentioned together in: Mk 13:33 and Lk 9:28. Any reasonable person would ... ...
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4: Trinity proof texts: Philippians 2:5-8
Trinity Proof Texts: Phil 2:6 Jesus is not a creature Click to View Philippians 2:5-11 Have this attitude in yourselves which was also in Christ Jesus, who, ... Before His incarnation Jesus existed in heaven in the form of God, possessing the very authority, power and appearance of God. Jesus consented to the eternal plan of the Father who placed Jesus divine Spirit into the body of a man in Mary's womb. God ... On the first day of the week, by Jesus' own divine power, along with the Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus raised himself up from the dead. (Acts 2:32; ... New Testament Commentary, Semi Kenotic Being in very nature God looks back to our Lord's pre-temporal existence as the second person of the trinity. ... He did not "empty"; He "took on" the form of a man -- i.e., was fully God and fully man -- God manifest in the flesh. Anderson, G. W., Trinitarian ... being proclaimed worthy of worship after the resurrection and exhalation by God to possess a name among men equal to Jehovah of the Old Testament. ... ...
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5: The Personality & Deity of the Holy Spirit proven from the Bible ...
Holy Spirit proven from the Bible! I. The Holy Spirit is a person! Two central and irrefutable proof texts: Click to View CN Tower verses that proves the Holy Spirit is a person: Mt 28:19; 2 Cor 13:14 (tallest free standing building in the world: Toronto, Canada) "Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit" Mt 28:19 "The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all" 2 Cor 13:14 Although the verse gives us no information of 4th century Trinitarian doctrine of ... Acts 13:2 The Spirit the Wicked said to them: "I know Jesus and Paul, but who are you" Acts 19:15 Click to View II. The Holy Spirit simply must be a person and is much more than God's power or ... E. The Holy Spirit speaks in the first person in the New Testament what Jehovah spoke in the first person in the Old Testament. Like Jesus, the Holy Spirit is Jehovah, although not the same ... ...
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6: Trinity Proof Texts: 2 Corinthians 13:14 and Philippians 2:1 ...
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View 2 Corinthians 13:14 The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit, be with you all. Philippians 2:1-2 "If therefore there is any encouragement in Christ, if there is any consolation of love, if there is any fellowship of the Spirit, ... Three different things are given to Christians by three different persons of the Godhead. This verse is so powerful in proving the Holy Spirit is a person, that anti-Trinitarians are at a loss what to do with it! They are ... Abides 1 John 3:24 John 6:56 John 14:17 In you 1 Jn 4:4 2 Cor 13:5 1 Cor 6:19 In our heart Rom 5:5 Eph 3:17 2 Cor 1:22 Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #1 "There is only one God mentioned in the verse not ... By this rendering, they are trying to project the false impression that Kindness and love come from the persons of God, but that we have "fellowship and sharing" in the power of the non-personal Holy Spirit. Jehovah's Witnesses ... ...
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7: Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive quote & False Dilemma: Trinitarian Too many to number here. See below. Catholic Encyclopedia's and Dictionaries Click to View Since the majority of Jehovah's Witnesses are former Catholics, ... Thus, in the words of the Athanasian Creed: 'the Father is God, the Son is God, and the Holy Spirit is God, and yet there are not three Gods but one God.' In this ... This the Church teaches is the revelation regarding 'God's nature which Jesus Christ, the Son of God came upon earth to deliver to the world: and ... The Catholic Encyclopedia: "Nowhere in the Old Testament do we find any clear indication of a Third Person." (The Catholic Encyclopedia, 1912, Vol. ... The New Catholic Encyclopedia: "The O[ld] T[estament] clearly does not envisage God's spirit as a person . . . God's spirit is simply God's power. ... The Doctrine in the Old Testament.- ... "Jehovah said to the angels, ministering before Him, who were created on the second day of the creation of ... ...
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8: Part1: Pagan Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. Jehovah is not only called the Only true God (John 17:3), but the "Only Saviour" (Isa 43:11; 45:21; Hos 13:4; Jude 25) , "Only King" (Zech 14:9). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Click link for more. Various Trinitarian ... They also believe that the holy ghost is not a person but God's spirit, his active force. Click to View Supporters of the Trinity say that it is founded not only on religious tradition but also on the Bible. Christians do not found the trinity upon tradition at all. We reject all human creeds and abide ONLY in the concept of trinity in the Bible where Jesus is uncreated divine God (like the Father) and the Holy Spirit is a person. Critics of the ... Hippolytus was explicitly Trinitarian as he even applies Rev 1:8 to Christ and calls Jesus "The Almighty" several times. He also said, "As far as regards the power, therefore, God ... ...
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9: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. Jehovah is not only called the Only true God (John 17:3), but the "Only Saviour" (Isa 43:11; 45:21; Hos 13:4; Jude 25) , "Only King" (Zech 14:9). If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then Jesus is also excluded from being a Saviour or King. Click link for more. Various Trinitarian ... They also believe that the holy ghost is not a person but God's spirit, his active force. Click to View Supporters of the Trinity say that it is founded not only on religious tradition but also on the Bible. Christians do not found the trinity upon tradition at all. We reject all human creeds and abide ONLY in the concept of trinity in the Bible where Jesus is uncreated divine God (like the Father) and the Holy Spirit is a person. Critics of the ... Hippolytus was explicitly Trinitarian as he even applies Rev 1:8 to Christ and calls Jesus "The Almighty" several times. He also said, "As far as regards the power, therefore, God ... ...
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10: McClintock and Strong: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and ...
Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Trinitarian The watchtower quotes in such a highly selective way, that the reader is left with the opposite impression of the source. McClintock and Strong: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and Ecclesiastical Literature Click to View How the Watchtower quoted the source: "Matthew 28:19 reads: "Go, therefore, make disciples of all nations; baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit." Do those verses say that God, Christ, and the holy spirit constitute a Trinitarian Godhead, that the three are equal in substance, power, and eternity? No, they do not, no more than ... mentioned, or their equality or divinity. ... 2 Cor. 13:14, " The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ and beloved of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. ... All a trinitarian has to do to refute JW's doctrine is prove that the Holy Spirit is a person! They deceptively misquote McClintock for he says the passage "proves only that ... ...
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11: Scholars on the Personality of the Holy Spirit
Personality of the Holy Spirit: Click to View Quotes by Scholars Anti-Trinitarians will misquote scholars so frequently, that they effectively projecting the false idea that these scholars ... The scriptures use the word "spirit" in a wide a range of meaning from "wind" to "intelligent personal beings" including: Man, Devil, demons, angels, the Holy Spirit and even God the Father Himself! The word spirit means breath in some places, but not always. The Holy Spirit is associated with God's power, but is often attributed clear personality in both the Old and New Testament. To prove the Holy Spirit is not a person, ... The Watchtower booklet, "Should you believe in the trinity?", said of Mt 28:19: "Do those verses say that God, Christ, and the holy spirit constitute a Trinitarian Godhead, that the three ... the meaning of the writer. Thus in II Cor, xiii, 13, St. Paul writes: "The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, and the charity of God and the communication of the Holy Ghost be with you all." ... ...
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12: The Error of the Catholic Nicene Trinity
Catholic Trinity Do you know the difference? Click to View Neither Catholics or Jehovah Witnesses understand the difference between 1st Century ... Click to View The Catholic Trinity speaks where the Bible was silent in explaining how God is three in one. Click to View The Catholic Trinity goes beyond the simple Bible truths of the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit and speculates the "mechanical make-up" of ... The simple affirmation of the "three-ness of God", seen at the Baptism of Jesus and the baptism of every Christian, is the Economic Trinity. ... All the Trinitarian authors below make reference to both in each statement. If you do not take the care to mentally identify the Biblical ... It tells us there is one God, a wonderful God of life and love and righteousness and power and glory and mystery, who is the creator and lord ... They give us in their writings a triadic ground plan and triadic formulas. They do not speak in abstract terms of nature, substance, person, ... ...
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13: Trinity proof texts: John 8:58
Finally, the unanimous opinion of the apostolic Fathers was that this was Jesus talking to Abraham, in Genesis 18. In this story, Abraham meets God and the two angels. This is what Jesus ... Click to View Word Study on I AM in the Bible Click to View The circus of Watchtower grammatical flip flops Click to View Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals Jesus Echoes Jehovah! Click to View Another important Document: The reader who has seen ... So entirely are they one, that he who has seen the Son, "who is the brightness of God's glory, and the express image of His person," has seen in Him who is the image, of God, God Himself. ... Since the Jehovah's Witnesses teach a view of John 8:58 that was never advocated before the 20th century, we would ask why would the Holy Spirit wait 1900 years to reveal this to them alone. How ... John 1:15,30 The power of John 1:15 is that Jesus was 6 months younger than John the Baptist, yet He is said to exist before John. Such verses as John 1:15,30, coupled with John 8:58 are ... ...
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14: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
"Should your believe in the Trinity" Our comments and expose of booklet Text of Watchtower booklet Click to View In this column down to the bottom, ... where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are commanded to be baptized in the name of three different persons. Although these verses do not teach the developed 4th century trinity doctrine, they more than teach the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. God Is One, ... Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. learn more That is why nowhere in the Bible is anyone but Jehovah called ... But how can a person be a son and at the same time be as old as his father? ... Can a man father a son without begetting him? Jesus ... Jehovah's Witnesses argue that Jesus was a powerful and knowledgeable angel who co-created the heaven and earth, yet gave up that power and ... Robertson, a Trinitarian, is right in his comments. The expression, "open up in the name of the law" is common today. Stated more ... ...
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15: Modalism refuted: UPCI's Sixty Questions On The Godhead refuted ...
Refuted: "Sixty Questions On The Godhead" (UPCI) Modalism Refuted! Anti-Trinitarian! United Pentecostal Church's: "Sixty Questions On The Godhead" Refuted! Click to View See modalism as taught by the UPCI Refuted at: ... which the American Standard Version renders Jehovah. The plural Hebrew word Eloheem is translated God. Lord and God do not always refer to each other. The author of the questions was either unaware of 2 - 5 or else ignored those facts. The expression Holy Spirit is a descriptive basically meaning separate Spirit. Godhead is an old English word for Godhood (That which makes God, God). ... In John 17:21 he quoted Jesus as praying for His apostles, "that they may be one, as You, Father, [are] in Me, and I in You; that ... Because Jesus is the express image of God's person. Hebrews 1:3. The Greek word for person in this verse literally means ... Jehovah appears in the king James Version only four times and Isaiah 43:10 is not one of them. In this passage His power, or ... ...
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16: Part 2: Bible Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
"Should your believe in the Trinity" Our comments and expose of booklet Text of Watchtower booklet Click to View In this column down to the bottom, ... where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are commanded to be baptized in the name of three different persons. Although these verses do not teach the developed 4th century trinity doctrine, they more than teach the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. God Is One, ... Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. learn more That is why nowhere in the Bible is anyone but Jehovah called ... But how can a person be a son and at the same time be as old as his father? ... Can a man father a son without begetting him? Jesus ... Jehovah's Witnesses argue that Jesus was a powerful and knowledgeable angel who co-created the heaven and earth, yet gave up that power and ... Robertson, a Trinitarian, is right in his comments. The expression, "open up in the name of the law" is common today. Stated more ... ...
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17: The Decepto-Meter goes crazy when you bring it near the Watchtower ...
... It is the height of satanic deception for the Jehovah's Witnesses to remove the phrase between two abutting quotes: "Jesus himself may not have claimed any of the Christological titles which ... JW's project the false impression that ancient Babylonians would not label the Watchtower version of God as a Triad. (Father-true God, Son-a created demi-god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God) Click to View Larousse Encyclopedia ... Reglan, Lord The Hero Deceptive quote Self-Quoting Anti-Trinitarian For once JW's and other anti-Trinitarians have found someone who actually believes that trinity is of pagan origin, but ... Outlines of the History of Dogma Deceptive Quote Trinitarian Quote only the first of several meaning of Spirit (wind/power) in order to prove the Holy Spirit is nothing but hot air! Harris, ... Taylor, Vincent 1. The person of Christ in NT teaching 2. The Expository Times, magazine Satanic Quote Trinitarian The quote is from a handwritten note in a book that was supposed to be ... ...
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18: Trinity proof texts: John 5:18
Click to View The irrefutable argument stated: Jesus quite clearly taught that he was equal to God. This was the clear impression that ... Jesus merely broke Pharisaic Jewish tradition, not the actual law of Moses. Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #3 refuted: The Mishnah and ... not bring a load out of your houses on the sabbath day nor do any work, but keep the sabbath day holy, as I commanded your forefathers. ... In fact this is exactly how Jesus argues to defend his breaking of the sabbath. The ceremonial law of circumcision of another example of a temporary law of Moses that we are permitted to break. (see Acts 15:1-4) Jehovah's Witnesses believe they can Lie for God! Although we completely disagree with this cultic view of ... not mean that a person is under obligation to divulge truthful information to people who are not entitled to it. ... Evidently the course of Abraham, Isaac, Rahab, and Elisha in misdirecting or in withholding full facts from non-worshipers of Jehovah must be viewed in ... ...
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19: Kelly, J.N.D.: Early Christian Doctrines
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Trinitarian JW's Quote Kelly in such a way as to leave the impression that he is not a trinitarian or one with no Bible basis. Kelly, ... "What the Apologists had to say about the Holy Spirit was much more meagre" (Watchtower, Aug. 1, 1984, pg 23, quoting, J.N.D. Kelly) "What the Apologists had to say about the Holy Spirit was ... His essential function in their eyes would seem to have been the inspiration of the prophets. Developing this, Justin interprets Is. 11, 2 ('The Spirit of God shall rest upon him') as ... verbal attack] against labeling as atheists 'men who acknowledge God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit, and declare both Their power in union and Their distinction in order'. ... There is nothing Kelly would say that would support the JW's view of Jesus being a creature or that the Holy Spirit cannot be a person! Go To Alphabetical Index Of Deceptive Quotes Written By Steve Rudd, Used by permission at: Click ... ...
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20: Trinity proof texts: Mark 2:7
... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted If Jesus was merely forgiving sins like men forgive sins, they would not have called Jesus a blasphemer, for the Old Testament commanded ... The very best Jehovah's Witnesses can argue is that Jesus was now performing what had previously been viewed as an exclusively divine function. The literal Greek reads: ... The verse is not saying that "God forgives sins, the moment the apostles proclaim it" but rather, when the Holy Spirit leads them to proclaim forgiveness of sins, God has ... of the mind of God. Such a view teaches a power of the "clergy over the pew-dwellers" regarding individual salvation, the exclusive right to marry, grant communion, and baptize. Click here to see Catholic position Jewish priests already had the power to grant forgiveness of sins based upon the Law of Moses. ... Jesus was giving the apostles (and by extension, the church) the privilege of announcing heaven's terms on how a person can receive forgiveness. If one believes in Jesus, ... ...
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21: SUMMARY: PROOF that TRINITY is NOT of PAGAN origin!
... Jehovah's Witnesses are willing to trust the devil SOME OF THE TIME! Anti-Trinitarians will quote from "Trinitarian modernists" (who deny inspiration, but believe in God as a Trinity) and say, "see even ... doctrines are of pagan origin: virgin birth, Jesus moral teachings, Jesus resurrection etc. Reason # Click to View Misquoting and misrepresenting Trinitarians click for documentation ... become sharers in demons." 1 Cor 10:19 and "1 Timothy 4:1-2 "But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, ... Read this quote from the Watchtower magazine: "The evidence of the holy spirit in the quality and content of the writings published by the Watchtower ... Most male gods in the Hindu pantheon also came to be represented with a female consort, symbolizing the hakti, or creative power of the deity. The ... But in so doing he is entirely inconsistent, for he admits that Brahma, the first person in that triform image, is identified with the supreme Brahm; ... ...
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22: TRINITY: Christology: Diety and Humanity of our Savour!
Jesus was tempted 3. Conclusion: Jesus cannot be God Trinitarian False dilemmas exposed 1. God cannot be tempted 2. Jesus ... Creator not a creature: Rom 1:25 c. God, but distinct from the Father and the Holy Spirit d. In heaven, Jesus was omnipresent ... In other words, Jesus differs from men and angels because they are created and He is not, regardless of the power they possess. For example, if God granted man or angels to be omnipresent, omniscient, omnipotent, they would NOT be God but a creature. ... This is the deceiver and the antichrist." (2 John 7) f. This proves that the apostolic view of the first century church was ... IV. Deity of Jesus: The Only passages: Both the Father and Jesus are Jehovah, Qualities of Joint action and nature The Only ... Here, the divinity of the person of Jesus is understood not as the endowment of the man Jesus with a divine power but ... (The person of Christ in NT teaching, Vincent Taylor, 1963, p170) By Steven Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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23: Commentary on what the early Christians believed about the Trinity
They affirmed the divinity and distinct personality of Christ quite clearly and that of the Holy Spirit less clearly. They offered no trinitarian doctrine and saw no trinitarian problem. (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, introduction, p.xv, p43, p59-61) The Apostolic Fathers: The Apostolic Fathers wrote between A.D. 90 and 140. Their discussion of the person of Jesus Christ simply repeated the teaching of the New Testament. None of ... This view. if compared with later theology and dogma, will smack of a sub-ordination or 'minoration' of the Son of God. This subordination of the Son was not precisely the formal intent ... [a verbal attack] against labeling as atheists 'men who acknowledge God the Father, God the Son and the Holy Spirit, and declare both Their power in union and Their distinction in order'. ... But he was not an Arian subordinationist for he did not make the Son a creature and an adopted son of God. (The Triune God, Edmund Fortman, p59-61) By Steve Rudd Click to View Go To ... ...
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24: Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology
Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology Click to View How the quote appears in "Should you believe in the Trinity", Watchtower, JW's booklet. "'The Triad of ... from the perspective of ancient Babylonian there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE between the Trinitarian view of God and the Arian (JW's) view of God. ... God, Son-a created demi-god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God) JW's deliberately misrepresent the fact that the Watchtower view of God is CLOSER to Babylonian polytheism than Trinitarians! Just as the Babylonians view Anu the supreme God over lesser gods. JW's view Jehovah as the supreme God who over all other lesser Gods (Elohim include angels, Jesus, Devil, men etc) Trinitarians ... When Adapa broke the wings of the South Wind Anu ordered him to appear before him. He combined power and justice, all the marks of sovereignty. Before ... Like Anu, Enlil (Bel) held the insignia of royalty which he dispensed to the person of his choice. Earthly kings, then, were only the representatives ... ...
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25: Trinity: plural references to God in the Old Testament: Plural ...
Click to View Click to View Click to View Click to View Nouns: God - elohim, Lord - adonai Pronouns: Us, Our Adjectives: holy ... Three plural pronouns, (Us, Our) used 6 different times in four different passages: Gen 1:26; 3:22; 11:7; Isa 6:8. Click here for ... that describe God: "holy". Again, this is a function of Hebrew grammar that does not exist in English. The plurality of adjectives is tagged to the associated noun, which in this case is God. It is most unusual to have a plural adjective describing God. Single verses that contain both singular and plural references to the same person. ... (Old Testament) scriptures daily" (Acts 17:11) to see if Paul's claim that Jesus of Nazareth, was the direct subject of prophecy. ... therefore, who made us, nor who formed us, neither had angels power to make an image of God, nor any one else, except the Word of ... For with Him were always present the Word and Wisdom, the Son and the Spirit, by whom and in whom, freely and spontaneously, He ... ...
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26: Biblical Trinity is not borrowed from the pagans!
... that God is "Three in One, and One in Three," without making use of such technical terms, derived from law or philosophy, as "substance" or "person." ... Click to View Devil god of world Click to View Angels gods Click to View Man gods Click to View Documentation: Dr. Bruce M. Metzger, professor of New ... of God to the Hindu's (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God), that the Hindus would immediately label JW's as polytheists! ... But it gets worse for JW's! Just as the Babylonians view Anu the supreme God over lesser gods. JW's view Jehovah as the supreme God who over all other lesser Gods. JW's call angels, Jesus, Devil, men all "lesser gods". Just as the ... Within the Watchtower article, Jehovah's Witnesses deliberately fail to tell you that Norton or Lamson is an anti-trinitarian. They always tell you ... New York: Scribner's, 1924, vol. 2, p. 566) "Confiding then in the power of Christianity to resist the infection of evil ... feeling also that ... ...
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27: Hertz, Dr. J. H.: The Pentateuch and Haftorahs
Hertz, Dr. J. H.: The Pentateuch and Haftorahs Click to View "This sublime pronouncement of absolute monotheism was a declaration of war against all ... J. H. Hertz, says of the phrase: "To the Israelites in bondage, the meaning would be, 'Although He has not yet displayed His power towards you, He will ... Jewish Rabbi's share a common desire to dispel any connection with the "I Am" of Jehovah in Ex 3 and the "I Am" of Jesus in John 8:58. The fact remains that when the Watchtower searched ... sit down and explain their view of God (Father-true God, Son-a god and Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God) Jewish Rabbis would reach for the "wooden stake" and immediately label JW's as TRINITARIANS or TWINITARIANS! Stated differently, from the perspective of Jewish Rabbis there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE between the Trinitarian view of God and the ... clearly applied to Christ proving that Jehovah's Witnesses make a deceptive argument as Lohse states: "Speaking first of the person of Jesus Christ ... ... ...
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28: Encyclopædia Britannica
Extensive quoting that misleads the reader to a conclusion opposite to what Britannica actually says. Encyclopædia Britannica Click to View Encyclopædia ... Neither view is very likely (Encyclopædia Britannica, 1971, Constantine, Vol. 6, p. 386) The Watchtower portrays Constantine as a pagan sun worshipper who ... According to the theology of the Gospel According to John, the divinity of Jesus Christ constituted the departure point for understanding his person and ... (1) as Creator, Lord of the history of salvation, Father, and Judge, who revealed himself in the Old Testament; (2) as the Lord who, in the figure of Jesus Christ, lived among men and was present in their midst as the "Resurrected One"; and (3) as the Holy Spirit, whom they experienced as the power of the new life, the miraculous potency of the Kingdom of God. ... and appeared graphically only in the form of the dove and thus receded, to a large extent, in the Trinitarian speculation. Introduction of Neoplatonic themes. ... ...
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29: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
... Holy Spirit-the force or energy of God) Muslims would immediately label JW's as TRINITARIANS or TWINITARIANS! Stated differently, from the perspective of Muslims there is NO REAL DIFFERENCE between the Trinitarian view of God and the Arian (JW's) view of God. Hindus, Jews and Muslims would label both views as POLYTHEISM! The Governing Body really blundered when they chose this route! We dare JW's to explain their view of God to Muslims and ask if they would call it is polytheism or if Anathema's would be pronounced upon them by Muslims leaders! How Muslims trash the Trinity Borrowing from Jehovah's Witnesses and other anti-Trinitarians Click here to refute this Muslim argument Is Jesus Really God Without a doubt, you have often heard the claim that Jesus is God, the second person in the " Holy Trinity." ... While Jesus performed many miracles, he himself admitted that the power he had was not his own but was derived from God when he said, " Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do ... ...
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30: Kung, Hans: Christianity and the World Religions
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Satanic Quote: Trinitarian JW's quote Kung, and project the false view that they would have an easier time converting Muslims to Watchtower view of God, (where they call Jesus Lord, a God, and Messiah) than Trinitarians to the Triune God. They failed to tell you this that Kung ... For the Christian Church, however, the central issue shifted, over the course of time, to the person of Jesus and his relation to God. And the controversy between ... The Messiah, Jesus son of Mary, / was only the Messenger of God, and His Word / that He committed to Mary, and a Spirit from / Him. So believe in God and His Messengers, ... Isn't God absolutely simple, rather than composite in this way or that? What is the meaning of a real difference in God between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit that ... "The Rage For Defining: Historians always note with surprise how little power of resistance Christianity has shown (even compared with Judaism, so much weaker ... ...
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31: Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library
Rylands, John: Bulletin of The John Rylands Library Click to View Bulletin of The John Rylands Library quoted in, Should you believe the Trinity?, ... But let me give another view. Karl Rahner, the eminent Roman Catholic theologian, considers that there are reliable applications of " theos " to ... What Anti-Trinitarians quote: "In his post-resurrection heavenly life, Jesus is portrayed as retaining a personal individuality every bit as distinct and separate from the person of God as was his in his life on earth as the terrestrial Jesus. Alongside God ... The door opened a little, the organist put his face around it, looked only at me and simply said, " Come, Holy Ghost I " When I replied that it was ... the argument the New Testament references to the Holy Spirit are left on one side, would not the resultant conception of God be a form of ditheism ? ... To him above all was the kingdom, the power and the glory for ever and ever. (John Rylands Library, Vol 50, (1967-68) p 247-261, Jesus As " Theos " ... ...
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32: The Incarnation of God, the Son: Jesus Christ
... A servant is not praised as humble because he does not kill his king to take his place. The Unitarian view, therefore, is preposterous because Jesus is held ... Indeed, how could a divine Jesus-creator God cease to exist during the three days he was dead. But Jesus certainly saw and likely even talked with the thief on the cross during Jesus' three days in paradise (Luke 23:43). On the first day of the week, by Jesus' own divine power, along with the Father and Holy Spirit, Jesus raised himself up from the dead. (Acts ... He has the power to do that. Jesus existed in the glorious majesty" (Maurice Barnett, The person of Christ, 1996, p43,47,49) d. "the "external appearance" and ... 1994) 2. Full-Kenotic Dilemma: Trinitarian While the "Full Kenotic view", does not contract the context of Phil 2:6 , it does contradict other passages. ... inherit the kingdom of God; nor does the perishable inherit the imperishable." (1 Corinthians 15:50) By Steven Rudd Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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33: The polytheistic "henotheism" of Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphi ...
Click to View Jehovah's Witness Henotheistic system of Gods Click to View Henotheism refuted Click to View Roadmap into the mind of a Jehovah's Witness ... So poorly informed are Jehovah's Witnesses, that they are not aware that their view of Jesus was a concept borrowed directly from the pagans and not the ... The Trinitarian must focus on the apostate concept that God openly approves calling Jesus, angels and Moses "Gods". The wear the divine title with divine approval. However, the Devil, demons and some men, wear the divine name of ... In fact the Holy Spirit went out of His way to make sure we would not directly equate angels with the word elohim (god) in these two passages. There are many ... Idols are called god but they in fact are not even persons, but chunks of wood and metal. The devil is a person and is also called a god. Both idols and ... A. When the Bible says that God is "Most high" a Jehovah's Witnesses thinks: "God is most high over other gods He created of lower rank and power". ... ...
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34: Trinity: "Plural of Majesty", "pluralis majestaticus", "singular ...
avoid the obvious truth that there are three persons in the one God. As we will see, all of the Anti-Trinitarian arguments are invalid leaving us with no other conclusion ... revealed by Christ and his apostles with the proclamation of the deity of Jesus. Jews could look back and see Jesus there in Genesis! ... C. History of the "Plural of Majesty" argument: Click to View "We are not amused" Queen Elizabeth 1st would not be amused... about they way ... "Every one who is acquainted with the rudiments of the Hebrew and Chaldee languages, must know that God, in the holy Writings, very ... professor, The Great Mystery, 1970, p6, ) "This first person plural can hardly be a mere editorial or royal plural that ... therefore, who made us, nor who formed us, neither had angels power to make an image of God, nor any one else, except the Word of ... For with Him were always present the Word and Wisdom, the Son and the Spirit, by whom and in whom, freely and spontaneously, He made ... ...
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35: William Barclay: Many Witnesses, One Lord
William Barclay, a leading Greek scholar, said "it is abundantly clear that a sect which can translate the New Testament like that is intellectually dishonest." Click to View Watchtower Magazine William ... Barclay is saying, with our brackets added for emphasis, "John is not here identifying the Word with God [the person of the Father]. To put it very simply, he does not say that Jesus was God [the person of ... throughout all ages the redeeming power and the sacrificial work of God has been at work. To speak of the pre-existence of the Son means that the love which was demonstrated on Calvary is an eternal movement of the heart of God to men (The Mind of Paul, p. 59). I do not think William Barclay was a Christian. In his autobiography he clearly states that he was not a Trinitarian. He did not believe that Jesus is God. He denied the doctrine of the Vicarious Atonement. He also denied the Virgin Birth of Christ, and his view of the Holy Spirit fits no discernible orthodox ... ...
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36: Schaff, Philip: 1. History of the Christian Church. 2. New Schaff ...
Schaff, Philip: 1. History of the Christian Church. 2. New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia Click to View How the quote appears in "Should you believe ... The errors Schaff refer to are not trinity! Since Schaff is a trinitarian who believes the doctrine is based upon the Bible, it should be obvious ... no modem theologian who clearly distinguishes between the degrees of revelation in the Old and New Testaments can longer maintain such a view. ... and of the Holy Spirit, who founded the church and dwells in believers; and these apparently contradictory interests could be reconciled only in the form of the Trinity, that is, by distinguishing in the one and indivisible essence of God three hypostases ... especially such sincere and humble seekers after truth as Socrates and Plato before the incarnation of the Eternal Word in the person of Jesus Christ. ... vice, which is a disease of the soul, corrupts its moral quality, but has no power or tendency to destroy its essence (" Republic," 610), etc. ... ...
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37: Early Christian faith on Trinity, deity of Christ, personality ...
Trinity Deity and eternal pre-existence of Jesus Christ Person & Personality of the Holy Spirit Click to View Regarding the "US", in Gen 1:26 "Let us make man in our image": Click to View Regarding two Yahweh's in Gen 19:24, "Then Yahweh rained on Sodom and Gomorrah brimstone and fire from Yahweh out of heaven." 50 AD The Huleatt Manuscript 50 AD The Huleatt Manuscript "She poured it [the perfume] over his [Jesus'] hair when he sat at the table. But, when the disciples saw it, they were indignant. . . . God, aware of this, ... Martyr "Jesus Christ is the only proper Son who has been begotten by God, being His Word and first-begotten, and power; and, becoming man according to His will, He taught us these things for the conversion and restoration of the ... Many but not all Trinitarians would have no problem affirming, along side of Justin, that Jesus as uncreated God, was referred to as the Angel of Jehovah.] "HOW GOD APPEARED TO MOSES. And all the Jews even now teach that the nameless ... ...
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38: PLAY: The Holy Spirit Game: Prove the Holy Spirit is a person ...
Play The Holy Spirit Game! Click to View The Holy Spirit Game (Prove the Holy Spirit is a person and not an "it".) Invented by Steve Rudd Click to View Other links: Click to View Personality & deity of the Holy Spirit proven from the Bible Click to View Why we invented the Holy Spirit Game: In order to show how absurd the Arian (Anti-Trinitarian) view of the Holy Spirit is, we invented this game. Anti-Trinitarians believe the Holy Spirit is God's active force or "electricity" and reject that the Holy Spirit is an actual person like ... Arians like Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphians, for example, call the Holy Spirit "God's active force", "energy", "like electricity". Now we know that God does indeed have what they describe. We deny not that God has an active force of energy like electricity to get things done. We question, however, why God would go to so much trouble to personify his own inherent power to the extent that it has emotions, thoughts and speech INDEPENDANT of Himself. ... ...
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39: C. H. Dodd: New Testament Translation Problems Part II, John ...
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive quote: Trinitarian Anti-Trinitarians quote Dodd's words, "The Word was a god". As a ... If it were, "a god" could not be "faulted." Murray J. Harris in his excellent book, _Jesus as God, also says that "a god" is ... Thus, had John wanted to express that the Logos was the same PERSON as the Father, he would have used the article with THEOS in clause "c." The fact that he doesn't signifies that a personal distinction is NOT in view. Dodd cites several examples where THEOS has the meaning of the "essence" of God (p. 104). He then concludes that the NEB ... The AV rendering "God is a spirit" (among other spirits) is certainly erroneous. John knows nothing of a plurality of [...]. Nor does he mean "God is the (Holy) Spirit", which would be an affirmation of personal identity. Origen. commenting on ... Thus what John is saying is that what God is, is [...] (with its attributes of immateriality, invisibility, life, power, etc.), in ... ...
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40: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
... While the Bible teaches that Jesus is Creator God and the Holy Spirit is a person, the developed trinitarian formula seems over-emphasized and a bit early. c. Polycarp being called "THE Bishop" rather than "A presbyter" marks the story after AD 200. The evolution from a plurality of elders (a presbytery) to the full-blown papal system is well documented. At the time of Polycarp's death, in AD 150 church organization had only begun to view one of the many elders as the "head elder" or "exalted bishop" During this period of "The ... Today most denominations pattern their organizations after this corrupt 3rd century organization, by calling their preacher THE PASTOR who is the top authority in a local church with veto power over his body of elders/presbyters, if ... If you think asking "What about the thief on the cross" refutes the Bible doctrine that water baptism is essential to salvation, click here. It is puzzling that the first objection most often raised to reject the early date of AD 66 ... ...
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41: The Holy Spirit is not a Personification of God's power!
Anti-Trinitarians falsely view of the Holy Spirit as a poetic device known as personification! Click to View The Holy Spirit is not a Personification of God's power! A. Definition: "A figure of speech in which a thing, quality or idea is represented as a person. To speak of a thing as having life or personality" B. Examples we are familiar with: In reference to "59 Thunderbird Coup, "She sure is a beauty" Cupid is personification of love. Expressions like. "The ... Ps 98:8 "The rivers clap their hands: Let the mountains sing together for Joy. "I tell you if these become silent, the stones would cry out." Lk 19:37-40 Of wisdom, "She stands and calls on the rooftops" Proverbs 9:1-6 "And I heard the altar say: "Yes, Jehovah God, the ... Jn 5:39; 1 Jn 5:6-8 5. Notice that we can construct a similar chart to show Characteristics that the Father shares with the Holy Spirit. The difference is that none of these things can the Bible do! The Father The Holy Spirit The Bible God the Father raised Jesus ... ...
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42: Trinity: The role of Constantine in the Nicene creed
of Christian doctrine and then imply that Constantine drafted the final Nicene text and used his power to banish only those who opposed. ... son) exiled and crushed by force, the Trinitarians Click to View Arius triumphed for 50 years after Nicea, then was defeated till the 19th century. ... The majority opposed the Nicene creed because they viewed Jesus as a creature, not God. We will grant, for argument sake that a majority opposed the Nicene creed. ... In building the "Church of the Holy Sepulchre" in 325 AD, Eusebius records how Constantine even removed the soil on the site and dumped it ... The decisive catchword of the Nicene confession, namely, homoousios ("of one substance"), comes from no less a person than the emperor ... Luther was uneasy with the term trinity, not the idea of Trinity, for Luther most certainly always was a trinitarian. Luther did not ... And we believe in the Holy Spirit. As for those who say: 'There was a time when He did not exist' and 'before He was begotten, He did not ... ...
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43: Holy Spirit: Anti-Trinitarians make God a master ventriloquist ...
Anti-Trinitarians view of the Holy Spirit makes God a Master ventriloquist! Arian logic means: The Holy Spirit is to God... What our biceps is to us! Click to View Is God a ventriloquist? Anti-Trinitarians make God into a master ventriloquist who tricks us into thinking his active force is really a person called the Holy Spirit! Click to View Why is there a Holy Spirit at all? Anti-Trinitarians not only reject the Holy Spirit is one of three members of the Godhead, ... We deny not that God has an active force of energy like electricity to get things done. We question, however, why God would go to so much trouble to personify his own inherent power to the extent that it has emotions, thoughts and speech INDEPENDANT of Himself. ... If the Holy Spirit is not a person this makes the Holy Spirit nothing more than a tape recorder that replays what is said. There are places where the Father and Jesus speak directly to men. Why confuse the simple matter with the Holy Spirit? The same thing in ... ...
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44: Sabbatatrians Refuted and Sabbath keepers Exposed: 2011 AD
... is not subject to the LAW, he gave a list of 15 sins that he said would keep a person from entering Heaven. ... one who had the power to require them fulfill their obligations, as well as to remember his actual requirements. ... Jesus redeemed the concept of baptism-- always a symbol of spiritual renewal-- from heathen cultic sources. It is impossible to divorce the Sabbath from its lunar foundations. Recall once more that Jehovah gave ... It would seem that if we were to humbly attempt to think about the way God would view this question, we would reason that if He were concerned about the linkage between the Holy Sabbath of the Hebrews and the pagan ... Robert K. Sanders clarifies what God's law really is in the next section. THE LAW OF THE SPIRIT by Robert K. ... time span of the apostasy of the Church (for Newton this means the Trinitarian Church, chiefly the Catholics). ... 1873 edition of Andrews' book, go to the Wikipedia article, "J.N. Andrews," and click on the link to the book. ... ...
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45: Personality and deity of the Holy Spirit proven!
Unitarians and the Personification of the Holy Spirit False views of the Holy Spirit identified and exposed. Click to View The Holy Spirit is not a Personification of God's power! Click to View Play the Holy Spirit game! (Prove the Holy Spirit is a "He", not an "it"!) Click to View Anti-Trinitarian proof texts against the Holy Spirit refuted Click to View Quotes by scholars on the personality of the Holy Spirit Is God a ventriloquist? Click to View Anti-Trinitarians make God into a master ventriloquist who tricks us into thinking his active force is really a person called the Holy Spirit! Click to View Anti-Trinitarians make God into a ventriloquist! If the Holy ... Anti-Trinitarians hire a laptop computers instead of lawyers when they go to court? What can a lawyer do in court, that a laptop can't? Click to View "Your Honor, I object!" (Anti-Trinitarians lawyer) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and called Him, "another comforter": ("allos parakletos") Jn 14:16. The word means, "lit., ... ...
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46: Trinity proof texts: John 17:3
Yet we know that they share these identical characteristics. Jehovah is not only called the Only true God (John 17:3), but the "Only Saviour" (Isa 43:11; ... If John 17:3 excludes Jesus from being "True God", then the Father is also excluded from being our Teacher, Master or Lord. Click to View False Arian argument stated: It is obvious that Jesus and the Father are not the same person, but two distinct persons. Therefore Jesus is not God. The fact that the Father is the "only true God", excludes Jesus as being the ... Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: Anti-Trinitarian faulty argument #1 Jehovah's Witnesses falsely argue that the Father is the top God, prime/source saviour and top ... King in John 18:37 and 1 Tim 6:15) Rev 15:4 excludes Jesus from being called Holy One. (Yet Jesus is called Holy One in Mark 1:24; Acts 3:14; John 6:69) Mark ... Yet such language did not exclude Jesus Christ from also being called good with the approval of the Holy Spirit: Mt 23:8-10 "But do not be called Rabbi; for ... ...
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47: Trinity proof texts: John 1:1
Click to View The irrefutable argument stated: This verse is so simple it is impossible to get it wrong. An illustrated paraphrase of the text would be: "In ... noun/name) and it isn't until Gen 2:4 that God is referred to as "Jehovah" (the formal personal proper noun/name), so also in John 1:1-13, "God" ... proper noun/name for the same person, thus they want to read into the passage that Jesus is the same person as the Father. This does incredible damage to the distinction of God, so vividly seen in many passages like the baptism of Jesus. ... to Acts 28:6 where there is a statement in indirect discourse; John 1:1 is direct....I am neither a Christian nor a Trinitarian." Kaufman: Dr. ... To say, "and the Word was deity" violates the Greek. It is like saying, "and the Word was Holy/begotten" These are adjectives not nouns. The use of ... It [The NT] offers no room for a statement of the relations of Father, Son, and Spirit which would imply that one of them is more or less properly on ... ...
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48: Watchtower Deceptions: Confusing Modalism as if it were trinity ...
Defeating the trinity view by refuting arguments used by Modalists Misrepresenting the Trinitarian view as if it were Modalism. Refuting Modalism position Confusing Modalism as if it were trinity doctrine Refuting Modalism Doctrine by calling Here is a perfect example of their deceptive and unscholarly argument: Click to View Modalism and Trinity deliberately confused in ... Trinitarians claim that this means that "the Word" (Greek, ho lo'gos) who came to earth as Jesus Christ was Almighty God himself. Someone who is 'with' another person cannot also be that other person." The deception is that this false argument implies ... According to the Athanasian Creed, there are three divine Persons (the Father, the Son, the Holy Spirit), each said to be eternal, each said to be almighty, none greater or less than ... Let him answer. The answer is obvious that there is only one Jehovah. When he discerns this, you have caused him to register an important fact in his mind that he might otherwise ... ...
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49: Harris, R. Laird: Theological Workbook of the Old Testament
Click to View Click to View Decepto-Meter Deceptive Quote : Trinitarian Quote only the first of several meaning of Spirit (wind/power) in order to prove the Holy Spirit is nothing but hot air! Harris, R. Laird: Theological Workbook of the Old Testament How Anti-Trinitarians quoted the source What they left out to deliberately misrepresent the source and deceive you: "His 'spirit' may indicate no more than active power. (Is 40.13)" (Theological Workbook of the Old Testament, Vol 2, page 836-7) Ruah can exhibit a range of meaning. The "breath" of God may be a strong wind (Isa 40:7; 59:19; cf. Num 11:31). His "spirit" may indicate no more than active power or mood Isa 40:13, "Who hath directed the ... This differs from liberal theology, which tends to limit ruah to an impersonal vital power that becomes individualized only in the nepesh. Thus it claims that the soul cannot exist independently of the body, i.e. that when the ruah or ,-Power" departs (Eccl 12:7), the person ceases. to exist (L. ... ...
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50: Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted!
Unitarians refuted verse by verse Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted! Click to View There are only three categories of misused proof texts: Texts that exclude Jesus from Deity. Texts that teach Jesus is a creature. Texts that claim the Holy Spirit is a thing not a person. Anti-Trinitarian proof texts refuted: 1. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly exclude Jesus from Deity John 17:3 "And this is eternal life, that they may know Thee, the only true God, and Jesus Christ whom Thou hast sent." John 17:3 is to a Jehovah's Witness, what John 3:16 is to a Christian! 2. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly teach Jesus is a creature John 8:42 "I proceeded forth and have come from God" Arians argue that "proceeded forth" indicates a creation point and origin of Jesus as a creature. 3. Texts that Anti-Trinitarians use to wrongly teach Jesus is an angel Gal 4:14 "you received me as an angel of God, as Christ Jesus Himself." Arians argue that the text says that angel of God is ... ...
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