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1: Evangelistic, Small-group Home Bible Studies: Tips for success ...
But, after a short time, you will exhaust this resource and need to try something different. The best way to get visitors to come on a steady and ongoing basis is to invite everyone you come in contact with. Here is the tool I currently use to invite people. I walk up to someone and say, Hello, I attend a small-group Bible study that is hosted in a home. ... Generally, you will have to invite 50 people (50 attempts to establish a dialogue) to get one person who holds promise. Develop the routine of devoting one hour ... The icebreaking stage continues from the time people arrive until you actually start the study. Imagine how you would feel as a visitor when you walk into a ... The Christian can find the verse in his Bible and then swap Bibles with the visitor. Or, they can share one Bible. Start on time! B. Creating Interest (during ... Hosted in homes every Monday night at 7 PM. Free. For more information call **** Business Card size personal invitation for each member: Side #1 of business ... ...
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2: Evangelistic, Small-group Home Bible Studies
Home Studies Defined Various methods of small-group home Bible studies have been around for decades. Before we discuss the differences in three of these methods, let's look at what they all have in common. First, they are evangelistic studies for non-Christians. Everything that is done in the study is for the benefit of the non-Christian visitors. These studies are hosted each week in ... If no visitors show up, the class is canceled for that evening; and the time is spent in talking about each member's contacts and praying. Click to View ... Each person present is invited to read a predetermined portion and then paraphrase the basic message of the text. The teacher is especially interested ... This method is not intended to baptize them as a result of the study but to increase their interest for further study. The teacher's goal is to promote ... Once material prepared, little preparation time required thereafter. Lecture style with minimum of visitor involvement. Leans toward the controversial. ... ...
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3: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
... of the message of salvation, with a personal object, either of the person preached, e. g., Acts 5:42; 11:20; Gal. 1:16, or, with a preposition, of the ... The three periods mark the effectiveness of "The Gospel Meeting", "The Cottage Meeting" (or home Bible study), and "The Visitor or Contact Meeting". "The Gospel Meeting" From 1900 to 1950, ... The period was closed by TV sets, more cars, and many more secular activities in which to be involved. This period of the Gospel Meeting was a special time when ... Most converts are first impressed by the good life of a righteous member. Secondly, they accept an invitation to a service, then return a few times until they ... Some preachers think that if they water down their distinctive doctrines that they will appeal to a broader range of people. This fails because the group loses ... Remember, that they may only be thinking about a religious change for a few months and a previous refusal does not indicate where their religious interest is ... ...
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4: Bulwarks of the Faith Foy E Wallace JR. Refuting Dogmas Catholicism ...
... in the Greater Houston area was even more pronounced and the general interest even greater than in the 1945 effort. ... Foy E. Wallace is a master at getting to the heart of a proposition, and then organizing and driving home his points in ... Although the Baptist denomination is the only denominational group having a section of Part Two devoted to it as a ... I shall not deviate from it in this meet-ing. Our slogan is: "Plain Bible Preaching." I stand before God as humbly as in human weakness I know how to stand, and I shall appear from time to time with you before God. Now we begin the first study of this meeting with the theme that was ... and these recorded cases of conversion make the plan of salvation too plain for any thoughtful person to misunderstand. ... we call upon you in the spirit of the gospel invitation to come and stand with us upon the Bible and the Bible ... a masterpiece of art, the host remarked to the man, "It is the visitor who is on trial." So it is with the Bible. ... ...
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5: Sabbathgate 1888 by Kerry Wynne
Adventists are having a much more difficult time keeping the "TRUTH about the Adventist 'truth' " from its own members and prospective ... After a review of what was available on the Internet regarding the Sabbath versus Sunday question, I focused on the material at I ... Fear of God and His judgment has been replaced with ever-increasing love for Him, and as a result of that growing love, I have no interest in ... are "sister denominations" in that they both diverged out of one group of Sabbath-keeping Millerites after The Great Disappointment of ... After having my faith in the Sabbath shaken by my study of the anti-Sabbatarian research of former Adventists Robert D. Brinsmead, Dale ... and manages to detour widely away from the real questions that an informed person would be likely to ask about the Sabbath question. ... Ellen White forgot about the conversation, but a few days later Elder Andrews came to the home with a copy of Paradise Lost and offered it to ... ...
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6: On the Pathology and Treatment of Hysteria, Robert Brudenell ...
Having concluded much of insanity was pure faking, he lost interest in psychiatry and specialized in eye surgery. It is a truly remarkable, ... It is clear that Carter viewed hysteria as a blatant and deliberate deception where a person acts like they are insane or sick in order to ... be a strong inducement to a girl who was under treatment in her own home, to hold out to the very last, and would keep alive a motive, which ... [drooping eyelids], aphonia [muteness], or the like, she should be told to leave them off within a certain time, as a week or a fortnight." ... They may have not listen to God in the Bible, but they are still concerned with self preservation. Many cases of mental illness today would be ... to, in mentioning its power to direct emotions upon any organ, or group of organs ; and there can be no doubt that it plays a very prominent ... Chess is a valuable study for a clever woman who likes it, but it requires a tolerably good player in the family before it can be made ... ...
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7: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal History of Tongues: 150 AD - 1901 ...
History proves Pentecostals to be heretics and false teachers! Click to View Home page: 20th Century tongues refuted Click to ... Protestant peasant group from southern France) and Jansenists (a Catholic reform movement) in 17th and 18th century France. ... Other writers have made the same statement.) A careful study of their writings and of contemporary biographies, however, ... made manifest to them that were without that it was the Spirit in the very person speaking." Chrysostom says: "tongues....used to occur, but now no longer take place." Chrysostom stated categorically that tongues had ceased by his time. ... Franciscans, Europe. ("Tongues, Gift of," B, IV, 796; "Tongues, Gift of," Smith's Dictionary of the Bible, H. B. Hackett, ad. ... of tongues had been the means of attracting widespread interest in Christianity." (Acta Sanctorum, October V, 322-23, 382, ... in that direction and led him to accept the invitation of Henry Drummond (d. 1860) (Drummond later became an Irvingite leader. ... ...
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8: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
... from Nebuchadnezzar in 587 BC returned to Jerusalem, then moved "en mass" to Egypt as a single group. Notice all of them worshipped idols. b. ... 3 Nero replied to him as follows: "Well hast thou done to come hither in person, that meeting me face to face thou mightest enjoy my grace. ... the Younger, Dio Chrysostom, Suetonius and Tacitus-who had a vested interest in denigrating the Flavians in favour of the Antonines. ... This would have been a great time to name some ancient Christian martyrs. v. If the NASB study Bible note (see above) was based upon Orosius, their ... Also at this time, the most blessed Apostle John was banished to the island of Patmos. Also among the Jews, an order was given that the race ... Yet directly, Domitian was cruelly killed in the Palace by those in his own home, and his body was carried out on a common bier by corpse ... himself. 5. In AD 325, Constantine and hosted the first general Council of the 5 city patriarchs of the church at the city of Nicaea. a. ... ...
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9: Using Surveys to generate leads for Bible study!
The church building is located at..... This is some free literature we would like to give you with the invitation to come out and visit with us any-time you may be ... of meetings beginning this coming (day and date) and we will be having services each evening next week at (time). The church meets at location) and we would like for you to visit with us any night you possibly can" (handing the person the card, handbill, or other Advertisement). Pause: (Wait for their, reaction- "Thank you, I'll try to come" or whatever). Approach: for Study (MEMORIZE) "Let me mention one other thing. We use these Bible Study Questions (showing the front) for home Bible studies. ... If the response is unfavorable toward a Study: Some Questions To The Religious Do you have a religious interest? How often do you read the Bible in your home? Do you ... Interviewer: Date: Comments: Click to View Religious survey: Member of any religious group? Which group? How often do you attend? Rank from most to least important, ... ...
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10: In Darkest England and the Way Out, William Booth 1890 AD
... Nevertheless, the bulk of my proposals are based upon the experience of many who have devoted their lives to the study of the subject, and ... strange and quaint in the language they hear read from the Bible, language which habitually refers to the Devil as an actual ... We did this, but for some time heard nothing of the result. Several weeks later a Salvationist entered a beer-house, where a group of men ... But this was impossible, and with reluctance he bid her farewell. It was an English home. By a glowing fire one night a man sat alone, and ... address of all concerned, and, if possible, a photograph of the person in who the interest is taken. "All letters, whether from these persons or from such ... Fully one-half the time that boys and girls are compelled to sit in school is spent to little or no purpose --nay, it is worse than wasted. ... When the feast was prepared and the invitation had gone forth, it is said that the starving multitudes would not come; that though labour ... ...
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11: The Key to church growth!
... It is powerful but often neglected. Three basic categories of the personal invitation approach are: first, personally inviting those we know our ... The focus of most personal invitations is best directed toward the Bible discussion groups in the home. (Also called cottage meetings or Luke/... Once we find a seeker, we need to cultivate their interest in the gospel. At this stage you are not trying to convert them but you do have two very important objectives. First, develop their thirst for more Bible study. Second, allow a cold contact to become a warm contact by letting them develop a personal relationship of trust toward you as a person and a Bible teacher. The account of Jesus and the woman at the ... All efforts to contact people should be directed toward only two Bible study programs: the correspondence course and the Bible discussion group. ... Now you are ready for the next stage of development the conviction studies. Now, for the first time, your primary motive is for them to be ... ...
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12: Personal Evangelism 101
... They studied the law and taught (blessed) the people! If we are to be more than priests in name only, we must study God's word, and bless people with the gospel so they can receive the forgiveness of their ... The key is to become Prospect Conscious. Warm contacts (friends) are better than cold ones (strangers). For this reason, most of the time, door knocking is found to be the least effective method of ... This is not high pressure door to door work; just an invitation to attend, take a Bible Correspondence Course, and ideally come hear about some specific topic of interest. Small group Bible studies in members' homes during the week for non-Christians. Christians commit to attend one of these studies and bring visitors. People are more likely to come into a home than a church building. It is one of the best ways to find "truth seekers" and to qualify your prospects I know of. Co-workers. Courting couples. Members' children. If a person has not obeyed by 15, chances are slim they ... ...
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13: Sabbath Vs. 1st Day Debate: Samuele Bacchiocchi
... Bacchiocchi, we are commanded to give; but your group has missed it by six days! Your group gives upon the last day of the week; Paul said to give upon ... In your major premise, you assume that offerings were a part of Sabbath worship in the OT and of Sunday worship in the NT. But nowhere does the Bible ... for the Sabbath Paul recommended to lay aside the offering privately at home right after the Sabbath, that is, on the the first day of the week. ... But all the utterances of the risen Savior are an invitation to work and not to rest and worship in honor of His resurrection. If you take time to study this question, John, you will discover that the resurrection in NT times was celebrated ... On the other hand, if I see that your interest is not to study the issues, but to recycled old arguments that have been largely discredited by recent ... Even if some were paid upon the first day of the week, certainly all of them were not. Paul's instructions were something which applied to EVERY person ... ...
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14: Seven Myths Of Denominationalism!
... It should be clear that we are not saved by myths, no matter how much we might believe them to be true (Mt. 7:21-23). No greater injustice can be done to a person ... The verb denominate is used throughout this book with the meaning of to give a name to with the intent of distinguishing one group from another. Thus, a ... your own independent personal study. The bible teaches only one way to build faith: "So then faith [cometh] by hearing, and hearing by the word of God" (Rom. 10:17). ... At that time the only oracles that the Jews had were the written Old Testament scriptures. Their advantage accrued from their possession of the written word of ... with any controversial doctrinal issues, and they always encouraged their converts to return to their home church, or else to go to the "church of your choice." ... Unless we have our behavior under the control of our reason and are indeed acting in the best interest of others (or God), the "feeling" love may not be on target. ... ...
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15: Door Knocking as a method of Evangelism
... I was knocking doors recently and the friendliest person I met was a Jehovah's Witness! He thanked me graciously for taking the time to ... I still remember the statement, "The churches of Christ are the fastest growing group in the U.S." It is ironic that some of those who ... If there were some interest, we continued, "Do you find parts of the Bible hard to understand?" Their answer was normally, "Yes." We would then ask for a study. By using the film ... survey approach to the bussing approach, often without a request for a personal study because the emphasis was on bringing in children. ... Their approach was not an invitation to a church meeting or to take a course by mail with the promise that no one would call on them. ... In the last 4 WE CARE CAMPAIGNS we have knocked 7067 doors, 3325 were home, and 713 studies were conducted or set up. 101 were baptized ... Also, statements like, "What about the thief on the cross?" and "What about the person on his death bed?" Train the members in follow-up ... ...
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16: Anatomy of an Epidemic, Robert Whitaker, 2010 AD
... Yet, as previously mentioned, there is no such thing as a scientifically established correct "balance" of serotonin. The take-home message ... Instead, it does precisely the opposite. Prior to being medicated, a depressed person has no known chemical imbalance. Fluoxetine then gums ... with placebo in the hospital remained off the drugs during the follow-up period. This never-exposed group had the best outcomes by far. ... Perhaps the patients in India, Nigeria, and Colombia had not really been schizophrenic. In response, WHO launched a ten-country study in 1978, and this time they ... They responded less, exhibited little or no initiative or spon-taneity, offered little indication of either interest or aversion, showed ... At the invitation of a friend, Jang-Ho Cha, who is a neuroscientist at Massachusetts General Hospital, I attended a brain-cutting seminar ... said Goodwin, who in 1990 coauthored the first edition of his text Manic-Depressive Illness, which is considered the bible in the field. ... ...
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17: Sabbatatrians Refuted and Sabbath keepers Exposed: 2011 AD
... explained that the Christian is not subject to the LAW, he gave a list of 15 sins that he said would keep a person from entering Heaven. ... differences, and that the ancestors of the Karaites were another group called Benei Ṣedeq during the Second Temple period. (Wikipedia ... The disruption of these world lunar calendars, as mentioned elsewhere, strongly correlated through a study of the calendar, historical, ... With respect to the calendar, the book of Genesis implies a 360-day year at the time of the Flood (Dictionary of the Bible, by James Hastings, s.v. "Time"). Comparing ... It is less clear why they had, and still have, no interest in keeping the weekly Sabbath according to the lunar calendar. Instead, they ... together, God might have returned to His usual dwelling place and left Adam and Eve to enjoy their garden home until His next visit. ... An ambassador of the Lord Jesus Christ would contradict Fanny Johnson and insist that Jesus Christ's invitation to the weary is the only ... ...
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18: Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Gastav Jung, 1961 AD
... But I was growing more and more away from the world, and had all the while faint pangs of conscience. I frittered away my time with loafing, ... This city had a railroad station that proved a source of endless delight to me. But when I returned home everything was as before. One doctor ... They were sitting in the garden and I hid behind a shrub, for I was possessed of an insatiable curiosity. I heard the visitor saying to my ... From that moment on I became a serious child. I crept away, went to my father's study, took out my Latin grammar, and began to cram with ... It can easily be imagined how difficult it was for me to do this. To accuse a person point-blank of murder is no small matter. And it was ... It was these association studies which later, in 1909, pro-cured me my invitation to Clark University; I was asked to lec-ture on my work. ... Once the voice said, "Let him test you on the Bible!" She brought along an old, tattered, much-read Bible, and at each visit I had to assign ... ...
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19: THE PIRATES OF PRIVILEGE: Walter Rea Rocks the Seventh-day Adventist ...
"You are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" Jn 8:40 Click to View Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Click to View THE ... Judge Finney, one of the members of a committee appointed to study the afterglow of the Davenport matter, stated that if some of the culprits ... Upon returning to my home in California, Elder Blacker, then the President of the Pacific Union, sent for me and showed me a letter he had ... That spa had been giving the church a lot of trouble for some time-- some thought that it was tantamount to an Adventist brothel and that the ... It just happened that the group or committee that gave that land to the State that just happened to be next to Blacker's land included Elder ... When I asked for an explanation, I was assured that it just happened that way and not much money was made in the conflict of interest deal. It ... There really was nothing in Wilson's reply that gave me any assurance that he was interested in me as a person. Rather he gave the usual party ... ...
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20: Hindu Gurus and Pentecostal preachers are identical!!!
... Click to View Go to 20th Century tongues refuted section Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA Documentation section: (Very long file: 400 KB, ... The Grofs state that "careful study of the manifestations of Kundalini awakening confirm that this process, although sometimes very ... His whole life was literally an uninterrupted contemplation of God. He reached a depth of God-consciousness that transcends all time ... Passing from one person to the next, moving around the circle, coming back to him. The group began shaking violently. It was as if they were all possessed, taken over by a powerful impersonal energy." ... For example: Knowing that every Rolex watch has its exclusive serial number, an Australian visitor asked the swami to materialize one ... witnessed vibhuti ash forming on photos of Sai Baba and objects in the room at the home of Mr. G Patel in Wealdstone, Harrow London. ... The hypnotist has to learn to recognize the symptoms of readiness in the potential subject. i.e. Intensity of interest, a focusing of ... ...
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21: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries and preachers
... the Azusa street meetings were also filled with spiritualist mediums, hypnotists, and others who had a deep interest in the occult. ... above him just as he was about to baptize the seventeenth person ... it has also been reported that a voice spoke from within ... learned both in the workshop and the evening session ministry time"), a legalistic plan of worship to get people ready for the ... A secondary emphasis will be on identifying, recruiting, training, mentoring, observing and deploying home group leaders"), etc.? (3) ... We are to preach the gospel and to remain in sound doctrine. (Randy Clark, "Letter Of Invitation" to churches in the former Soviet ... wonder! Roberts is a master of gimmicks himself! Copeland, Kenneth Click to View Self proclaimed ... God" (Fred Price, "Prayer: Do You Know What Prayer Is...and How to Pray?," The Word Study Bible, 1990. p. 1178). "Jesus was rich and ... ...
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22: The Edomites: From Esau to Edom to Idumea to Extinction 2006BC ...
Seir in Edom while leaving his family and flocks to graze in Canaan near Hebron. b. 1929 BC: When Jacob returns Esau's "home ... In the Brussels texts (c. 1800 BC), it is of special interest that we find not 'rulers' (hew) but instead 'chiefs' (wrw) of ... The land "Edom" was named after the descendants of Esau moved there. The land was first called Edom, then a group uncivilized ... This is a huge problem for Bible trashers because if Tibunu is the town of Dibon, then it proves Moab was an organized kingdom at about 1250 BC (the time of Ramesses II). Kitchen exposes their deceptive and unscholarly attempt to mislead the world ... in the wake of Aharoni's placement of Tuthmoside Tpn, itself now ruled out by Redford's study (Redford 1982a, 1982b:118-119). ... and looked upon those that invited him to be no less his enemies than those against whom the invitation was intended. ... by it many be defiled; that there be no immoral or godless person like Esau, who sold his own birthright for a single meal. ... ...
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23: Prophecy Blunders! 100 Years of Failed Watchtower prophecies
... A.D. 1881 as marking the close of the 'high calling,' or invitation to the blessing peculiar to this age - to become joint-heirs with ... antitype must begin; and therefore 1925 is definitely fixed in the scriptures. every thinking person can see that a great climax is at hand. ... the prophet and other faithful men named with approval in the Bible at Hebrews 11th. chapter." (Original legal deed to Beth Sarim, ... and olive trees so that these princes of the universe will feel at home.. (Time Magazine, March 31, 1930) 1930 "The Watchtower, and its companion ... 15/10/1966, p 629) 1966 "In this twentieth century an independent study has been carried on that does not blindly follow some traditional ... Their interest has been kindled by the belief that 1975 will mark the end of 6,000 years of human history since Adam's creation. The nearness ... 1971; 2nd ed.; p. 216) 1972 "Of course, it is easy to say that this group acts as a 'prophet' of God. It is another thing to prove it. ... ...
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24: The Myth Of Psychotherapy, Thomas Szasz, 1979 AD
... Bakan also notes that on "Freud's thirty-fifth birthday, his father gave him the Bible which he had read as a boy, inscribed in Hebrew,"2 and ... Not so. In his Autobiographical Study, Freud declares: "My parents were Jews, and I have remained a Jew myself."ll It will repay us to look ... life-affirming Judaism will not be absent from our home."14 From his youth onward, Freud sought strength from his identification with Judaism. ... Freud's letter to Enrico Morselli, an Italian author who had sent him a book critical of psychoanalysis, is also of interest in this ... Although I have been alienated from the religion of my forebears for a long time, I have never lost the feeling of solidarity with my people ... In person and in private, however, he identifies psychoanalysis, with the voice of the prophet militant, as a Jewish creation and possession. ... In a letter to Hans A. Illing dated January 26, 1955, Jung explicitly extends this caveat to group therapy: "I have no practical objections to ... ...
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25: On hallucinations: a History and Explanation, Alexandre J. F ...
... and especially in mental affections, renders their study of the highest importance'. In his introduction he gave credit to Arnold for the first 'nearly correct definition' under the group 'Ideal insanity' and to Esquirol for separating ... One further point of interest both for the socio-medical and psychiatric historian is that patients of different social class ... A person experiences some great misfortune, which he attributes to one of his enemies; soon afterwards the figure of the ... Example 127. A lodging-house keeper, with a strong constitution and sanguine temperament, who from time to time gave way to ... But at the end of that time, as the money for his maintenance was not paid, he was sent home tied in a cart. During the ... A visitor was sitting in the apartment, who was also engaged in reading. Their sitting-room opened into an entrance hall ... or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA ...
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26: Kadesh-Barnea by Henry Clay Trumbull, 1884 AD
... gradually formed in the course of ages, attributing to one person all the exploits of the conquerors and warlike princes of Egypt, ... Being wedded to no theory of a particular route for the Israelites, he sought, on the occasion of his fifth journey, to study carefully ... itself for a desert-crossing to a northward-bound traveler coining out of the Mount Sinai group by the easternmost or Mount Seir Road. ... And wherever Esau-Edom lived at any time, that land would naturally be called " the land of Seir," and " the field of Edom." And so it was, according to the Bible story. "When Esau had foolishly surrendered his birthright interest in Canaan, 2 and had lost the blessing which by Oriental custom belonged to the first-born, ... Esau married and had children long before he permanently left his old home near Beersheba. 8 In the more than twenty years of Jacob s ... south ward, " in the wagons which Pharaoh had sent to carry him," 4 when he moved thither with his family at the invitation of Joseph. ... ...
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27: A Critique of NAMI Don Patton Randall Price on Mount Ararat Noah ...
... at Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia. He has done graduate study at the Hebrew University (Jerusalem) and has participated in ... Is this an unloving thing to do? Are we aiding those who criticize the Bible? The answer to these questions of motive can be answered as ... His mother Margaret Mackenzie said "he was keen to return this year after a Chinese group claimed to have found the remains of the boat" ... Price pointed out this "problem" to the NAMI leadership in January 2008 at the time the sample was examined by the U.S. geologic team, and ... Photos of the 2007 NAMI "wood" sample from different angles (2008 Photos by Dr. Patton) The U.S. Geologic team returned home and members Dr. ... In the early communications with him when he was still on the mountain, he wanted me to send invitation to all Ark researchers around the ... However, since Clara Wei, employed by NAMI as an advance person to negotiate with Paraşüt and prepare details for the expedition was in ... ...
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28: Fishing For Men Mt 13:44
Jesus way of attracting them: learning more about Jesus, God Bible study B. Programs: What we specifically offer to them They send away for Bible study materials like tracts, outlines & cassette tapes Attending the assembly Any regular service Special one day evangelistic gospel meeting: chart Evangelistic Small-group home Bible studies: One-one-one Bible studies: study sequence/film strips Bible ... Radio and TV Telecomputer The Interactive Bible III. Setting The Hook (how they signal their interest) A. Basic theory behind this process: To get a name address and phone number B. How they contact us by phone To another person To a telephone answering machine by mail personally IV. Sorting Out The Good Fish From The Bad: Mt 13 A. names and phone numbers of 100 people what do you do? follow-up Critical key must make a personal contact: illustration: She married the mail man B. follow-up is work: Relative time for maturity . contacting cultivating convicting grounding training newspaper ... ...
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29: Correspondence course follow-up
stakes are too high to do otherwise. It is my hope that, through this article, I may revive interest in correspondence courses once again. I am asking you to give this method a second chance because it really works! In 1986 I had about 150 enrollments and set up 27 Bible studies. That is one study for every six enrollments. In the past 15 years, the church in Lethbridge, Alberta has used correspondence courses several times, enrolling hundreds each time, but with relatively poor results. ... A Bible course program stands or falls on the basis of getting personal Bible studies. Personal Bible studies include one-on-one studies, small group studies, and ... If this fails, and there are only a few listings under the surname, I will phone each one and ask for the person by first name. If they say wrong number, I say Oh, ... Click to View What About Etiquette? Some think it is not proper to phone them or visit their home without any warning. What is the difference between this practice ... ...
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30: Correspondence Course Follow-Up
stakes are too high to do otherwise. It is my hope that, through this article, I may revive interest in correspondence courses once again. I am asking you to give this method a second chance because it really works! In 1986 I had about 150 enrollments and set up 27 Bible studies. That is one study for every six enrollments. In the past 15 years, the church in Lethbridge, Alberta has used correspondence courses several times, enrolling hundreds each time, but with relatively poor results. ... A Bible course program stands or falls on the basis of getting personal Bible studies. Personal Bible studies include one-on-one studies, small group studies, and ... If this fails, and there are only a few listings under the surname, I will phone each one and ask for the person by first name. If they say wrong number, I say Oh, ... Click to View What About Etiquette? Some think it is not proper to phone them or visit their home without any warning. What is the difference between this practice ... ...
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31: Gospel Meetings: The Edification vs. The Evangelistic types
The bottom line is this: Regardless of how special we view our gospel meeting, outsiders view them as a series of ordinary sermons sponsored by an unknown religious group. Chances are very slim that they will respond to any form of paid media advertising or even just drop-in. Today, the only way we will get any non-Christian visitors to attend our meetings is through a personal invitation extended by a member of the church. Ask yourself this question: When was the last time we had one non-Christian visitor from outside the church to attend our meeting? Sure, you had an unbelieving ... The ultimate purpose is to motivate the visitors to examine themselves in light of the gospel and to get them to return the following Sunday or be willing to study one-on-one. Subjects like If you died tonight, would you go to heaven? or Bible answers for a hurting home are excellent because they deal with immediate human needs and show the Bible to be relevant in people's lives. Subjects like ... ...
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32: Why I left the Roman Catholic church! (personal testimony)
Why I Left The Catholic Church Testimonial #1 by David Riggs Click to View Find the true church in your own home town! Following are my notes on a sermon that ... children. I attended Trinity High School in Louisville, Kentucky. At the time of my intense Scriptural study, I had two brothers who were enrolled in ... I left the Catholic Church because I came to believe that it was contrary to the Bible. This I will endeavor to show in this study. The First Reason I Left Is Because The Catholics Do Not Have The Right ... Furthermore, we call your attention to the fact that the characteristics of the departing group are identical with those of the Catholic Church. Everyone ... of Christ is to have a continual succession. It could not be some wicked person of the past because he will not be here for the Lord to slay when He comes. ... I was seeking the truth; I had no personal axe to grind religiously and, by this time, I had little interest in attempting to exonerate the religious views of ... ...
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33: Archaeology and the Religions of Canaan and Israel, Beth Alpert ...
... At the same time, interest in the land of Palestine as the locus of the Bible cyclically waxed and waned. Byzantines under Constantine explored Christian and ... So, too, has interest in Israel's Near Eastern ancestors, the Canaanites and others. In the nineteenth century, new fields such as sociology, anthropology and comparative religious studies, as well as new approaches to the study of the Bible, began to enrich our understanding of the religions of Canaan and Israel. At the same time, a growing ... Syria and northern Iraq in the late third and early second millennia (Knapp 1988: 130-31, 169). This "ethnolinguistic group" can most often be recognized in ... from such spirits. 3) Sacrifice to acquire for the sacrificer (or for the person sacrificed for) an increase, or input, of non-personalized "power." 4) ... They were intimately associated with the household raising them, for they were born and raised in the home and fed with the same food humans ate (Gibson 1986: ... ...
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34: The Amazing Telecomputer!
... Step 1. Talk only to the enrollee. Hello, is Cindy in? Talk only to the person on the snapsheet. If that person is not home, find out when they will be. Enter on the snapsheet the ... I don't think the post office is to blame. My guess is that it is screened by other family members or the person has a bad memory.) Step 3. Excuse for not returning. If she did ... None of the contacts had returned the first lesson! They are interested in Bible study but not by correspondence. Step 7. Tell them you will be calling back. If they will continue ... I always offer them a one-on-one study the second time I call. I will try for a one-on-one study any time they indicate a disinterest in continuing with the course. Unless I sense the interest, I will not try for a study the first time I call if they say they will continue ... The entire course is absolutely free. As a minister for a group of nondenominational Christians, I am confident that you will greatly enjoy studying the Bible by correspondence in ... ...
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35: Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists!: The history of ...
The minister would ride his horse over to the house of the insane and provide counsel (talking cures) without ever removing the person from his home environment. There was no ... The fact is that any judgements a minister might make based upon the Bible are always infinitely better than anything an atheistic psychiatrist or psychologist ... The modern hospital system as well the asylums all trace their origin back to a time when church ministers, not medical doctors, were the ones doing a loving work ... (Are Psychoanalysis and Religious Counseling Compatible?, Leo Steiner, Paper read to Society for the Scientific Study of Religion, Harvard University, 1958 AD). ... Idleness and vagrancy were viewed with disdain. Cooperative group effort sustained a community, and any form of dependency became a burden, an obstacle that ... a Sinful Love of some bodily Interest, and from want of sufficient Submission to the will of God, and Trust in him, and taking Heaven for a satisfying Portion. ... ...
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36: 7-seventh-day-adventist-false-tim-sly
My mother sacrificed to send us to SDA schools, both elementary and high school academy, and later two years at Walla Walla College to study theology. I ... The problem was, it was me doing it. I was trying to live right. The bible says our righteousness is like filthy rags. All this stuff won't get a person one step closer to God. Only by accepting Christ's perfect life to cover our ... Everyone's experience of finding God comes in a different way at different times. This time it hit me when I heard him preach the cross of Christ and ... The scholars made a list of key points on which they agreed with Dr. Ford. Later a small group of administrators wrote a list of 10 points to use ... This got me interested in looking into it further. I found this quote on the Ellen G. White Estate Home Page on the web: Contrary to unsubstantiated ... I know that for many Adventists who read this it will have no effect at all. But I still have the hope that for someone it may spark an interest as to ... ...
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37: Textbook of Disturbances of Mental Life, Johann Christian August ...
... Heinroth recognizes that not all sinners destined for hell are insane. He describes a group of "lost sinners" who are on their way to ... absolutely ignorant, or violently opposed to God, Christianity, the Bible and the spiritual outlook of man. "It is the purpose of the doctor ... rationality, competence, or responsibility-namely, that the "sick" person is not behaving properly, that he is not acting of his own free ... Heinroth's aim was to justify not only torture as treatment but also the medical profession's monopolistic control over the study of "mental ... of two different things, but a single life which has developed in two directions: externally (in space) as body, internally (in time) as soul. ... the Self, and the new country which we have entered now becomes our home and the stage of our life. Our own Self and the world have retreated into the background; we now live for things other than the world-interest or the Self-interest, and the life which is now opening before us ... ...
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38: The real reasons why Watchtower organization FEARS the INTERNET
Information control: An informed Witness, is soon to be an Ex-WITNESS!!! Click to View INFORMATION CONTROL #1: Witnesses forbidden to study the Bible ALONE: ... (Watchtower, February 15, 1981, p.19) 1981 They say that it is sufficient to read the Bible exclusively, either alone or in small groups at home. ... and discreet slave. (Watchtower; Oct. 1, 1994; p. 8) Non-Witnesses please understand that Witnesses do not believe the Bible, they believe the watchtower. Don't waste your time studying the Bible with them. ... Such interest shows the unity of the brotherhood, proving that we do indeed love one another. -John 13: 34,35; Today, we hear about world events quickly. ... Jan 8, 1998) The indiscriminate use of the Internet, however, can expose a person to great spiritual danger and moral dangers. How is this so? Many are ... Therein, you can find a group of loving, concerned, and caring friends - people you personally know they are ready and willing to help and comfort others in ... ...
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39: The Exodus Route: A scriptural proof, with the witness of history ...
Buy Discounted copy: Email Steven Rudd to order: Order discounted copy direct from author by email In AD 2005, using the Bible only, Steven ... Leaving the Wilderness of Sin as a single group of 2-3 million, Israel arrived at Dophkah on day 39. Between Dophkah and Alush Israel ... home to Midian while Moses departs for Mt. Sinai arriving after dark on day 47 which is Sivan 1 (Ex 19:1). In the morning of day 47 Moses strikes and splits the rock at Mt. Horeb for a massive water supply for 3 million Hebrews. On day 48 Moses ascends Mt. Sinai for the first time ... From this study, I concluded the Scriptures taught that Israel crossed the Red Sea somewhere on the Gulf of Aqaba, forcing Mt. Sinai to be in ... The person portrayed in this statue had a lighter skin than was used in portraying native Egyptians. He also had a flail held across his ... of the Israelites, which admits of no reasonable doubt." ... "If there be any ground for this conclusion, Petra assumes a new interest. ... ...
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40: Using the local newspaper to save souls!
As a `second best' you should try to find an advertising agent who is a religious person and who has some knowledge of the scriptures. Then he will ... If your purpose is to get names and addresses of interested people with whom you might be able to set up private Bible studies, a small want-ad with an ... of finding people who are interested in private study, than to save it up for two or three larger ads per year. Of course, conditions must be taken into consideration. Suppose that because of circumstances in your community, interest is high on a certain religious or moral issue. That would be an ideal time, even if you normally don't have much money for advertising, to scrape ... Since the evaluation of the ads comes from the whole group there is less chance that someone will be offended because his suggestion was not used. Make ... Consider what some spacemen have said: "When you get out there a quarter of a million miles away from home, you look at earth with a little different ... ...
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41: Archeology of the Greek language at the Time of Christ
Septuagint 4. With the extinction of Hebrew the Jews in Judea used Aramaic and Greek: a. Aramaic was the default language of Jewish home life ... proving the Bible has not been lost, altered or corrupted over time. YHWH is written in Mosaic Hebrew as the name of God. Read full outline and see 5 ultra high resolution plates of the scroll. Jewish Synagogue prayers "Shema" conducted in Greek at the time of Christ: "Given ... prayer in Greek.)" (The Revolutionary Effects of Archaeology on the Study of Jewish History: The Case of the Ancient Synagogue, L. I. Levine, ... The degree to which synagogues resembled Roman buildings is vividly reflected in a rabbinic discussion of a person who passed a pagan temple ... Beginning in the Greek period, there existed a group of public officials known in Greek as agoranomoi (agora-nomos, singular) who supervised ... The factors accounting for this intense interest are not difficult to understand. The publication of a wealth of new documents, the awareness ... ...
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42: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... Thereby he makes them responsible to make known the meaning of such scriptures to all members of the household of faith and to all person of goodwill. This constitutes giving ... Matthew 24:45-47 says: 'Who really is the faithful and discreet slave whom his master appointed over his domestics to give them their food at the proper time? Happy is that slave ... increases." (Let God Be True, 1952 editions pages 199-201.) 1953 To respond to this invitation to inquire of Jehovah the Creator, we must go to his written revelation, the Holy Bible, and study it with the help of his theocratic organization. (New Heavens And A New Earth; 1953; ... Who is at the head? A man? A group of men? A clergy class? A pope? A hierarchy? A council? No, none of these. How is that possible? In any organization is it not necessary that ... And how often has a Witness been guided by some unusual circumstance to call at a home where spiritual aid is needed the most! Being aware of the support of the myriads of ... ...
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43: Lovesick, a romantic novel. Commentary on Song of Solomon, Canticles ...
Commentary on the Song of Solomon, Songs, Canticles God's Marriage preparation manual BUY THE BOOK Paperback Digitial A person with her hand on her ... chooses to be the shepherd's queen of hearts rather than Solomon's queen of diamonds and marries the poor shepherd boy from her home town of Shunem. ... one "prudent" wife he made as your perfect mate, set aside for you when the time is right. Rather it means that she is a woman of faith who obeys the laws revealed in the Bible. Every woman who is an obedient, faithful Christian is "prudent". ... F. The three stage Jewish Marriage in the Song of Solomon: Most Christians have completely overlooked the study of Ancient Jewish marriage customs. ... Ultimately, there was a perfect balance where the bride chose her husband but the older wiser father would look out for the best interest of his ... A voice! My beloved was knocking: Spoken in the natural way a girl tells a group of friends a story, but with a twinge of horror as the story ... ...
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44: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
... The General conference Committee has voted to ask one of our professors from Andrews University to engage in a two-year study in which the ... matters as I think he should." 4 And his words to the in-house group two years earlier were not idle when he said that the one chosen to ... Members in at least some parts of the world have been becoming aware for themselves for the first time of the magnitude of the problem with ... Why would anyone quote from another's published work without intending to cite that person as his authority? 4. It has now been conceded that ... Furthermore, all three have built-in biases and conflict of interest. Their positions, reputations, and monetary compensation make them ... Then he asked if she had read Paradise Lost .... A few days later Elder Andrews came to the home with a copy Paradise Lost and offered it to ... College professor of religion; present at the 19 Bible Conference. But such books as "Sketches [from] the Life of Paul," "Desire of Ages," and ... ...
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45: High self esteem is atheistic paganism! Psychiatry promotes Self ...
terrible life: I once had it all: In my home country, I had it all: money, the best education, highly respected, the best food, a nice house. ... I am sure you live higher standard of living than me with fewer problems. So next time you feel depressed or anxious because of bad stuff that ... The Bible teaches we are to have low self esteem: "Do nothing from selfishness or empty conceit, but with humility of mind regard one another ... and Cares, proceeding from a Sinful Love of some bodily Interest, and from want of sufficient Submission to the will of God, and ... Repentance, he believed, would correct the melancholy blood and restore the person to normal. (The Signs and Causes of Melancholy, Richard ... Goal." ("Times." Sunday, December 9, 2001) He cited "an extensive study" "by professor Roy Baumeister of Case Western Reserve University ... It shows the world that Christians are no better than them! A humble group of Christians realizes that sometimes we are not better than the ... ...
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46: Dictionary of the secret language of Scientology
... CCHR is a front group for Scientology. CCO, Child Care Org. See Cadet Org. CCRD, see Clear Certainty Rundown. Cedars, the short name for the ... Cedars was the world headquarters of Scientology, and home to many Organizations including ASHO (the American Saint Hill Organization), AOLA ... This may not make much sense, but then, many things in Scientology are like that. In colloquial usage, charge refers to areas a person may be ... This has been a running joke on ars for some time, with threads about clambakes, clam chowder, snapping clams, clams in .sig files, etc., ... at the PC. Tree! Oak? Elm? Cottonwood? Clay Demo, a Scientology Study Tech method of training involving making little figures out of ... Most Ex-Scientologists do this for the public interest, despite personal risk of harassment and groundless defamation lawsuits from ... Copyright: (c) 1994-1997 Martin Hunt Go to church of Scientology EXPOSED website (The interactive Bible is not affiliated with the church of ... ...
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47: Dr. Don Patton's Rebuttal of NAMI Dec 5, 2010
... The abuse is from the "North Texas Skeptics Association," a group composed mostly of atheists. I aggravated them regularly while I was in ... named "Parasut" who has a reputation in his own home town of being a both a drunkard and a con man. 3. My purpose in exposing the NAMI fraud is to prevent further damage to the reputation of Jesus Christ and the inspiration of the Bible. 4. The NAMI fraud will make it more difficult ... It seems NAMI has no interest in truth and much interest in selling a sham documentary to TV networks rather than doing real scientific and archeological investigation by impartial professionals. In time NAMI will be known for what they are. 6. NAMI claims to have made the biggest ... lightings, different environment or the skill level of the person taking the photos may affect the colors of the images in a photo. ... have conducted a scientific study on the specimen of petrified wood and came to a conclusion that the specimen was "possibly volcanic tuff". ... ...
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48: 5 Barriers to church growth
Pastor system: 4 sermons and classes a week no time left for soulwinning professional public speaker or evangelist? the church is a group of people streaming ... If he pushes too hard he gets fired or quits in discouragement do not appreciate the luxury of having a full time man: "Only be around for 3 years" Preacher ... Evangelism: first thing that pops into mind is a gospel meeting or ad in newspaper for BC Most evangelistic person in the church is the local paper boy! ... of Heb 10:25 It is merely a symptom of a more serious problem: lack of spiritual interest! CHART: test yourself Christians interested in saving souls never forsake: Saving their own soul Saving souls of others: If you thought a visitor you invited might show up, you would never miss imagine your visitor comes but you stayed home to watch TV or slept in. ... into preparation. CONCLUSION: chart: growing/dying churches Steve Rudd Click Your Choice Go to Interactive Bible Websight Go back to Evangelism Websight ...
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49: Cosmic Consciousness, Richard Maurice Bucke, 1901 AD
... It will not depend on special revelations, on the words of gods who came down to teach, nor on any bible or bibles. It will have no mission to ... It was necessary to establish the identity of the true band of believers and to determine the structure of power within that group, and it is ... Bucke then left Canada for two years of study in England and France. A portion of his diary, for the years 1862 to 1866, has survived6 and ... was learning to read and to speak German. He hired a German tutor and took a room in the home of a German family to practice the language. ... He settled into the routine of the small-town doctor, and the only point of interest in his diary entries in this period is his casual ... In 'Memories of Walt Whitman' he recalls this incident and the profound effect it had on him: I recall as if it were yesterday the first time ... afterwards left me, that the man so named was a quite exceptional person, and that a knowledge of him and of his writings was of peculiar ... ...
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50: Criminals, rapists, murderers freed from jail by Psychiatrists ...
... There is no exception in the Bible for sin based upon mental illness. God nowhere excuses our actions because we were psychotic, mentally ill, ... physicians "saving lives," psychiatrists eagerly accepted the invitation of jurists to reduce the frequency of executions by declaring ... on Thanksgiving night and noticed a strong odor of alcohol on the breath of the woman who was driving her children home from a dinner party. ... Nada Stotland, a University of Chicago psychiatrist. She is chairwoman of an American Psychiatric Association study of whether severe PMS ... that a lot of people have about PMS -- that there is a certain time of the month when women become completely irrational and dangerous." ... Thomas Szasz believes a person should be free to act in any way (dress up like big bird) or believe anything they want (pink elephants talk to ... foundation for why some judges, the ACLU and other special interest groups do not believe that pedophiles, rapists, murderers and all ... ...
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