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1: Seals, Bulla, Documents, Pottery & Antitypical New Testament ...
Seals, Bulla, Documents, Pottery & Antitypical New Testament Imagery We are clay vessels that God has stamped with his seal! God's ... be of God and not from ourselves;" (2 Corinthians 4:7) "Nevertheless, the firm foundation of God stands, having this seal, "The Lord knows those who are His," and, "Everyone who names the name of the Lord is to abstain from wickedness." ... you were sealed in Him with the Holy Spirit of promise," (Ephesians 1:13) "You are our letter, written in our hearts, known and read by all men; being manifested that you are a letter of Christ, cared for by us, written not with ... place has long been prepared; truly it is made ready for the king, its pyre [kiln] made deep and wide, with fire and wood in ... While Moses required all Jews to learn to read and write in the command to teach their children the words of the law, not all were ... SCRIBAL KIT or Writing Case: Scribe carried around a "scribe Kit" that had papyrus or bamboo quill pens, various colours of ink, a ... ...
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2: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
... In a self-inflicted literal Holocaust, the Jews used their own holy Altar wood to start burning their own ... represents the catapult. "Scorpion" was the common name used in the first century for the Roman catapult. ... released from Patmos in AD 98. Today, all Christians still await the future second coming of Christ, wherein the dead will be raised into a spirit body, the living will be changed into a spirit body, the physical universe will be uncreated (Rev 20:11) and all will be judged before God who then creates a new heaven and earth (Rev 21). Come, Lord Jesus! ... Homer Hailey 1979, Robert Harkrider 1997, Dan King 2018. [Note: King's commentary came out after this ... Ezekiel 1 in July 593 BC Rev 6:1-8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Seals: 4 horses of War Ezekiel 4-5 in Aug 593 BC Rev ... Why was Revelation written to 7 churches in Asia and not Jerusalem? 1. "Write in a book what you see, and ... We also know these signs were not a "latter Christian scribal addition" to the manuscript of Josephus, ... ...
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3: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
... that it is I, The Lord, the God of Israel, who calls you by your name. ... ""I have aroused him in righteousness And I will make all his ... word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah, the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, so that he sent a proclamation throughout ... Let him go up to Jerusalem which is in Judah and rebuild the house of the Lord, the God of Israel; He is the God who is in Jerusalem. 'Every ... King of Babylon: 605-562 BC a. Nebuchadnezzar is a major Bible character who was God's agent to destroy Judah for Idolatry. b. Nebuchadnezzar is featured in the Book of Daniel as the first of four prophesied kingdoms (Babylon, Medo-Persia, Greece, Rome) and God would set ... on Mental illness and the Bible. 3. The captivity of Judah and Israel marked the end of political independence till the coming of Christ. ... autograph copies of "Jeremiah". 3. Both copies were inspired by the Holy Spirit: B. Chronological reading of Jeremiah during the time of ... ...
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4: Assassination of Gedaliah July-Sept 587 BC: Bulla
... God had willed that the throne of David had become forever extinct on earth and having Gedaliah, a mere scribe as king, was quite a shock to Ishmael, a direct descendant of David and Bathsheba and living heir to the throne... or so he ... coming of Christ. Those who disobeyed Jeremiah's call to surrender to Nebuchadnezzar by staying in Jerusalem, hiding in the fields or seeking refuge in Ammon, Moab or Edom were killed. Archeology has uncovered six different bulla and seals of men ... Baalas is unknown from any outside written sources but is mentioned by name in one Bible verse: "Now Johanan the son of Kareah ... "Thus says the Lord, "Behold, I set before you the way of life and the way of death. "He who dwells in this city will die by ... Repeated warnings to repent or surrender had been ignored. When God's wrath destroyed His holy temple, the people paid with ... Being therefore exalted at the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, he has ... ...
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5: Nimrod and the Archaeology of the Tower of Babel by Steven Rudd ...
... For example, a stone floor seals the pottery and objects that lay below from intrusion materials and can be dated earlier than the ... Archaeology and literary sources have shown that from the time of Christ back to the time of Abraham, the Hebrew girls married at ... over the face of the whole earth."" (Genesis 11:4) b. "So the Lord scattered them abroad from there over the face of the whole ... Nimrod rebelled against God as the originator and inventor of all the idol gods of the ancient world including like An, Enlil, Enki ... Babel) is claimed to be the First City to hold kingship and later on, Eridu is both the city whose name became interchangeable with Babylon and the holy city in which Hammurabi king of Babylon was crowned. ... If Nimrod lived centuries after the Tower of Babel, then the huge focus the Holy Spirit places on an obscure and irrelevant person ... but rejected Kainan/Cainan son of Arphachshad as a scribal gloss/addition in Luke 2:36. Removing Kainan from the ... ...
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6: Security of Bulla and Seals Judah Israel. Creation of ancient ...
... While Moses required all Jews to learn to read and write in the command to teach their children the words of the ... people according to its language, being written in the name of King Ahasuerus and sealed with the king's signet ... in the holy Scriptures, concerning His Son, who was born of a descendant of David according to the flesh, who was declared the Son of God with power by the resurrection from the dead, according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus Christ our Lord," (Romans 1:2-4) "Then Philip opened his mouth, and ... And some of them were persuaded and joined Paul and Silas, along with a large number of the God-fearing Greeks and a ... demonstrating by the Scriptures that Jesus was the Christ." (Acts 18:24-28) C. How Seals were made: 1. A variety ... the scribe, and they reported all the words to the king." (Jeremiah 36:20) Here is the actual clay bulla of ... (It doesn't get any better than that!!!): 10. "In ancient times, seals were used to witness or sign documents. ... ...
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7: Official creed of the Shakers: Compendium (1859) Mother Ann Lee
go and sin no more;" and sent Mary to tell the Good News of a risen Lord and living Savior, alone of all humanity, have taught the doctrines that ... Self-existent, infinite Perfection of Being, Father and Mother. The very name God, Almighty, in its original Hebrew form El Shaddai, reveals the infinite quality. El, God, its first meaning, Strength: Shaddi, the plural whose singular, Shad, ... Every soul must work out its own salvation by practising the self-denials of Jesus, aided by baptisms of the Holy Spirit of Christ, an influx of the saving power of ... therefore feel ourselves untrammeled by the letter of yesterday, and write and express our views in accordance with the increasing light of ... that being the only key by which to unlock its mysteries, break its seals, and unfold its treasures of wisdom and truth, by baptizing souls with ... The King and Queen mentioned in the forty-fifth Psalm do evidently show forth the dual order of the kingdom of Christ. No one disputes that the King ... ...
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8: Official creed of The United Church of Canada
GENERAL 1.1 The name of the Church formed by the union of the Presbyterian, Methodist, and Congregational Churches in Canada, shall be "The ... We believe in the one only living and true God, a Spirit, infinite, eternal and unchangeable, in His being and perfections; the Lord Almighty, ... revelation of Himself to men of God who spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit; and that in the fullness of time He has perfectly revealed Himself in Jesus Christ, the Word made flesh, who is the brightness of the Father's glory and the express image of His person. ... all He rules; wherefore, unto Him we render love, obedience and adoration as our Prophet, Priest and King. 2.8 Article VIII. Of the Holy Spirit. ... We acknowledge two sacraments, Baptism and the Lord's Supper, which were instituted by Christ, to be of perpetual obligation as signs and seals ... Morality and ethics always has to relate to the situation in which you're in. I'm one of those people who's very wary about people who write ... ...
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9: Lovesick, a romantic novel. Commentary on Song of Solomon, Canticles ...
A person with her hand on her chin Description automatically generated "Lovesick" Will she marry the king or the poor shepherd she loves? ... To fulfill 2 Sam 7:14-15, the Holy Spirit had Solomon write Song of Songs as a form of redemptive self-rebuke after falling from grace by marrying rich and famous foreign wives who turned his heart from God to idols. Given his many foreign pagan wives, Solomon eventually built ... When the Bible says, "House and wealth are an inheritance from fathers, But a prudent wife is from the Lord." (Proverbs 19:14) it does not mean ... attend all church services of her own free will, is active when she needs to be and holds herself to the high moral standards of Jesus Christ. ... In place of your fathers will be your sons; You shall make them princes in all the earth. I will cause Your name to be remembered in all ... She is pledging to be his alone for the rest of their lives. These seals were stamped into soft clay then left to dry and attached to letters as ... ...
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10: Official creed of the Southern Baptist Church
Larry King: You like the Clintons. Billy Graham: I like the Clintons very much. Larry King: "You are a democrat" Billy Graham: "Yes." I. The Scriptures The Holy Bible was ... He will return in power and glory to judge the world and to consummate His redemptive mission. He now dwells in all believers as the living and ever present Lord. Gen. 18:1 ... C. God the Holy Spirit The Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God. He inspired holy men of old to write the Scriptures. Through illumination He enables men to understand truth. He exalts Christ. He convicts of sin, of righteousness and of judgment. He calls men to the Saviour, and effects regeneration. He cultivates Christian character, comforts believers, and bestows the spiritual gifts by which they serve God through His church. He seals the believer unto the day of final ... VII. Baptism and the Lord's Supper Christian baptism is the immersion of a believer in water in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. It is an act of ... ...
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11: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Psalm 68 "He descended and ...
sanctuary as a king and high priest in AD 33 and Christians entering the heavenly sanctuary at the second coming. ... Sinai on Pentecost 1446 BC being applied to the incarnation, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ ... plagues and the crossing of the Red Sea, God then "ascends" to His rightful place on the summit of the Mountain of God! We see just how deep God plans recurring Midrashic themes from Genesis to Revelation that are revealed to us by the Holy Spirit in the 66 books of the Bible. ... priest to Me." (Exodus 28:3) b. "See, I have called by name Bezalel, the son of Uri, the son of Hur, of the tribe of ... (Psalm 68:1) b. "Thus they set out from the mount of the Lord three days' journey, with the ark of the covenant of the ... saw in the right hand of Him who sat on the throne a book written inside and on the back, sealed up with seven seals. ... loved you." (Revelation 3:9) g. "Then he said to me, "Write, 'Blessed are those who are invited to the marriage ... ...
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12: Josiah, King of Judah 640-609 BC seals, bulla. They're Digging ...
Neco II, King of Egypt The Exhibit: On-line Museum of Bulla and seals Archaeologists are digging up bible stories!!! ... King Josiah: 640-609 BC (2 Ki 22-23; 2 Chron 34-35; Jer 1-6; 46-47) Introduction: 1. Josiah was prophesied to be born back in 931 BC when Jeroboam made Israel sin with idolatry: a. "Now behold, there came a man of God from Judah ... He cried against the altar by the word of the Lord, and said, "O altar, altar, thus says the Lord, 'Behold, a son shall be born to the house of David, Josiah by name; and on you he ... experience of restoration like Josiah: a. "Now the Spirit of God came on Azariah the son of Oded, and he went out ... Second Coming ???? AD Rev 1:7 96 AD -Christ is coming with clouds Second coming Acts 1:9-11 30 AD -Christ will return ... V5 the Lord will come with holy ones V30 son of man coming on clouds Romans came to destroy V31 send forth angels V16 ... Homeschoolers have the only kids that can spell, know their times tables and read the write by the time they enter ... ...
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13: Officail creed of Dutch/Christian/Canadian Reformed Churches
... confession in the year 1561. In the following year a copy was sent to King Philip II, together with an address in which the petitioners declared ... indicates the unity when he says, "God created." It is true that he does not say here how many persons there are-- but what is somewhat obscure to us in the Old Testament is very clear in the New. For when our Lord was baptized in the Jordan, the voice of the Father was heard saying, "This is my dear Son"; the Son was seen in the water; and the Holy Spirit appeared in the form of a dove. So, in the baptism of all believers this form was prescribed by Christ: "Baptize all people in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit." ... For they are visible signs and seals of something internal and invisible, by means of which God works in us through the power of the Holy Spirit. So ... and the experiencing of his love: I will put my law in their minds, and write it on their hearts (Jer. 31:33); I will pour water on the thirsty land, ... ...
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14: "Seventh-day Adventism Renounced" by D. M. Canright, 1914
... Daily I pray for them that the Lord may bless all that is good in them and forgive, and, in some way, overrule for good when they are in ... I leave God to judge between us. I now and here for the hundredth time solemnly affirm before God that I renounced Adventism because I ... D.M. Canright has been known to the undersigned for many years as an earnest, consecrated Christian man, and a true minister of Jesus Christ. ... His name among the Adventist people of this state was a household word for righteousness of character, and an able defender of their faith. And when he left the Adventist denomination, all who knew the man, if they were at all imbued with the Christian spirit, must admit that the ... "Grand Rapids, Mich., April 11, 1910. "It is with sincere pleasure that I write concerning the character and integrity of the Rev. D.M. ... work, so unquestionably accepted by all the churches, is not genuine, will cause the hands of Christendom to be raised in holy horror.... ... ...
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15: The Samaritans: 720 BC The pagan half-Jews of the Old Testament ...
Assyrian king Shalmaneser V, 727-722 BC deported Israel into captivity in 723 BC, but died the following year. b. Sargon II ... We don't know this priest's name but he must have been prominent, given he was chosen by Sargon II to represent the God of Israel. e. What Sargon II did not know was that this was an evil priest... the very likes of whom God had ... Gerizim as their holy mountain in direct opposition to Jerusalem. This action was a continuation of Jeroboam's policy of ... of David, Jerusalem and polluted their bloodlines which forever disqualified them from producing the Messiah, Jesus Christ. j. ... Now the Canaanite was then in the land. c. The Lord appeared to Abram and said, "To your descendants I will give this land." ... Samaritan Hebrew"-to write chronicles for the consumption by European scholars who were interested in the Samaritans. ... But He turned and rebuked them, and said, "You do not know what kind of spirit you are of; for the Son of Man did not come to ... ...
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16: Jehoiakim, King of Judah 609-598 BC seals, bulla They're Digging ...
Jehoiakim: The Bible Burning King Josiah's oldest son 1. Five archeological clay seals verify the story as true! 2. Appointed ... name: Eliakim) was appointed as king of Judah by Egyptian king Neco II and reigns 11 years (609 BC - 9 Dec 598 BC). 3. Immediately Jeremiah begins to prophecy against Judah to king Jehoiakim. Indeed! If righteous Josiah could be killed by God, how much more the wicked! a. "Therefore thus says the Lord in regard to Jehoiakim the son of Josiah, king of ... you, as your fellow elder and witness of the sufferings of Christ, and a partaker also of the glory that is to be revealed, ... And he carried me away in the Spirit into a wilderness; and I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of blasphemous ... Feb 605 BC Jer 36:1-8 God tells Jeremiah to write a scroll and wait for a fast Fourth year of Jehoiakim. Jeremiah is told by ... will live by his faith." (Habakkuk 2:4) and concludes this section with the majestic: "But the Lord is in His holy temple. ... ...
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17: Jehovah's Witnesses abuse the divine name YHWH of my God
... company after 1930 AD. For 2000 years the followers of Christ have called themselves "Christians", never "Yahweh's" or "Jehovah's Witnesses,". ... Reputable Bibles like the King James version and the New American Standard version do not remove the divine name from the Old Testament. The King ... The only exception to this translation of YHWH is when it occurs in immediate proximity to the word Lord, that is, Adonai. In that case it is ... If we were given the choice, we would merely insert YHWH every time it is used in the Hebrew Old Testament. If that is what the Holy Spirit chose to use, it is good enough for us! III. Jehovah's Witnesses Misspell YHWH! "Jehovah" cannot be the name of God since neither ... At the same time, rules and regulations were developed on how to deal with scribal errors concerning the name of God. This standard edition of the ... Look at this outrageous statement made by Jehovah's Witnesses in their foremost booklet on the subject: Jehovah's Witnesses write: "The ... ...
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18: 804 BC: "Trust Nebo Alone" and praise statue of Adad-Nirari III ...
This PRAISE inscription on the statues of Nebo, is SHOCKINGLY SIMILAR to how the Bible describes the one true God, YHWH and Jesus Christ. Nebuchadnezzar was ... Nebuchadnezzar: "O Nebo, defend the landmark" Babylonian Kings Reign BC Relation Meaning and definition of Babylonian name Nabopolassar 626- 605 Father ... I. About the four statues of Nebo found in the temple of Nebo from Calah/Nimrod: This is catalogued by Grayson as A.0.104.2002. "Two statues of the god Nabu [Nebo] were set up at Nimrud by Bel--tarsi-iluma, governor of Calah, "for the life of Adad-nirari, king of Assyria, his lord, and ... of all heaven and underworld, expert in everything, wise, the one who can write (lit. "holder of the tablet stylus"), learned in the scribal art, merciful (and) judicious, (line 5) who has the power to depopulate ... The praise they gave Nebo was identical to that we should give the one true God YHWH: Father and Son (Jesus) and Holy Spirit. With this kind of divine praise offer a ... ...
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19: Comparison list of 75 Joseph/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
Joseph as a Type of Christ A list of 75 similarities Gen 30-50; Acts 7:9-19; Heb 11:21-22 Joseph in Egypt Chronology Comparison Chart of 75 ... Gen 37:5 John 8:40; 7:7; 3:32 7. Foretold of future exalted position as king Gen 37:5-8 Mt 24:30-31; 26:64 8. Destined to become kings from ... Said to Joseph: “Then let us see what will become of his dreams”. Said of Jesus: “He trusts in God; let God rescue Him now, if He delights ... Confined in jail/custody, thrown into a pit literally a well, pit; Gen 37:24 Gen 40:15 Mt 27:2; John 18:12 34. Inspired by the Holy Spirit Gen ... Joseph given seal ring for 7 abundance years before 7 years of famine and death. Jesus broke 7 seals that caused famine and death. Gen 41:42 ... fathers went down to Egypt seventy persons in all, and now the Lord your God has made you as numerous as the stars of heaven." ... think it right to leave the region of the outward sense, by name Charran; (198) and he leaves it when he is seventy-five years old; ... ...
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20: Four Hebrew Scripts: Mosaic, Hieroglyphic, Paleo, Aramaic, square ...
... Seal rings were pressed into clay to create a "bulla" as security seals and authorization of the ring owner. b. Seal rings could be given ... Pharaoh gave Joseph his signet ring to function as king of Egypt. c. "Pharaoh said to Joseph, "See, I have set you over all the land of ... The script would have been "Mosaic-hieroglyphic Hebrew" also used by God to write the two tables of stone for the Ten commandments. c. ONE ... corresponding to their names, engraved with the engravings of a signet, each with its name for the twelve tribes." (Exodus 39:8-14) e. ... This same combination of names of God's people with "Holy to the Lord" was used by the Holy Spirit to seal Christians in the new Testament: See full outline III. Four ... in 458 BC by Ezra and continued to be used down to the time of Christ until Hebrew went extinct. "Masoretic Hebrew" script was invented ... Hieroglyphic Hebrew was the "autograph" script that Moses used to write the original book of the Law that was placed on the side of the ... ...
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21: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
... It is a puzzle why Jehoshaphat would AGAIN agree to another military cooperation with a wicked king of Jehoram of Israel ... righteous, so as to make ready a people prepared for the Lord."" (Luke 1:17) iii. "Many came to Him and were saying, ... We have the inspired scripture of the Holy Spirit that informs us of the mind of God and future events like the second coming, judgement, heaven and hell. iii. Christians are commanded to preach the gospel of salvation to every creature and pray in the spirit and power of Elijah. (Mt 28:18) d. Jesus told his disciples that they would "perform greater WORKS than Christ" i. "Believe Me ... I fall at the feet of the king, my lord, 7 times and 7 times. 5-10 Behold, the king, my lord, has placed his name at the ... They also had rolling stone doors to and seals to protect the contents from tampering. The tomb of Helena is typical of ... Jehonadab the son of Rechab are a priestly scribal family that date back to the time of King David: (1 Chro 2:55) The sons ... ...
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22: The Book of Jubilees: A fictional Jewish chronology of real world ...
... throughout the first century BC including the time of Christ and the early church. 8. Authorship of the book of ... The gap in most of the Ethiopic copies can be explained as a scribal lapse (VanderKam 1989a: 2.81-82). The author uses the ... for myself in the midst of the land so that I might set my name upon it and might dwell (there). 11* And they will make for ... And I shall create for them a holy spirit, and I shall purify them so that they will not turn away from following me from ... And I shall be a father to them, and they will be sons to me. 25 And they will all be called 'sons of the living God.' And every angel and spirit will ... for Moses 27* And he said to the angel of the presence, "Write for Moses from the first creation until my sanctuary is built in their midst forever and ever. 28* And the Lord will appear in the sight of all. And everyone will know that I am the God of Israel and the father of all the children of Jacob and king upon Mount Zion forever and ever. ... ...
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23: Joshua's Altar on Mt. Ebal and the Lead Curse Tablet
... This heap spilled out of the altar when part of the structure was destroyed in an earthquake. Parallel seals have been found in ... Joseph's Tomb was burned and torn down stone by stone, then bulldozed. It was immediately declared a Muslim holy site. I was ... God YHW in Fort Elephantine!" ("Text A" (AP 30) 4. "If our lord [will give permission] for the temple of our God YHW to be ... His choice of the 3-letter spelling of the name of God in Paleo-Hebrew script confirms that it was considered a standard form. 1. "Yehonatan the King" (78 BC). "Many of Jannaeus' coins were overstruck to replace "Yehonatan the ... of the lead curse tablet scribe was more than sufficient to write the entire Pentateuch, proving such writing skills existed at ... it was replaced by the Law of Christ (Col 2:14; 1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2). 7. Depository of duplicate copies: Deut 10:2; 31:24-30 a. ... the Gentiles, so that we would receive the promise of the Spirit through faith." (Galatians 3:13-14) By Steve Rudd, March ... ...
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24: The Samaritan Pentateuch (SP) Bible manuscript: Oldest and only ...
Samaritan "Harmonising Additions" in the Ten Commandments: f. Alleged Anthropomorphic representations of God removed by ... They enter their synagogue barefoot, as instructed in the Torah (Exod. 3:5), covering their heads while entering the holy place, wearing special clothes on their Sabbaths - as since ancient times. They write in ... If you are a Samaritan, click here to find a good church for you to attend, learn about your saviour Jesus Christ and be immersed in water in the name of Jesus for ... Although the scroll gives the appearance of "great antiquity" and the scribal notation dates the scroll to 1065 c.e., a ... For I am the Shehmaa [Lord] who sanctifies them. (Leviticus 21:21-23, SP) Ezra changed the Scripture! 11. Ancient Literary ... of the paleo Hebrew Torah from Josiah after he found the book of the law in 623 BC. He was a good king and a reformer king. ... that they had not spoken under inspiration of the Holy Spirit." (Tertullian, Adv. omn. haer. 1, 200 AD) e. "Nay, he who ... ...
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25: 242 Dates for the End of the world!!! Date Setters!
... King Otto II of Germany had Charlemagne's body exhumed on Pentecost in the year 1000 supposedly in order to forestall the ... to the poor, swarms of pilgrims headed east to meet the Lord at Jerusalem, buildings went unrepaired, crops were left ... 70 (1965): 105-111. 1009-10: Destruction in Jerusalem of Holy Sepulchre by the chiliastic Moslem caliph Al Hakim, ... A.D. 1135 1202) stands out as a key figure in medieval apocalypticism. On Easter Sunday in 1183 he was inspired to write his ... "Age of the Spirit," a future time when God would send revelation directly to believers. Using Joachim's hints, writers concluded that the "Age of Grace" would end and the "Age of the Spirit" would begin in A.D. 1260. This prophecy, ... were defeated, Christ would return and rule the world from Mount Tabor, a mountain they had renamed south of Prague. ... William Miller was the founder of an end-times movement that was so prominent it received its own name-- Millerism. From his ... ...
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26: Mt. Sinai located in Arabia: Galatian 4:25
... up against Jehoram the spirit of the Philistines and the Arabs who bordered the Ethiopians." 2 Chronicles 21:16 I. Find Ishmael, find Mt. ... He burned the house of the Lord, the king's house and all the houses of Jerusalem; even every large house he burned with fire." (Jeremiah ... Malchus also, the king of Arabia, sent a thousand horsemen, besides five thousand footmen, the greatest part of whom were archers; (69) so ... there, a friend of hers (who had been exiled for his depraved doctrine), and she related everything to him, including the angel's name. ... Sinai was a major center of moon worship, despite the fact it was also the holy Mountain of God. The Arabians have always worshipped the moon god from the ... to entrust the same duties to them because they were unable to write numbers." (Chronicle 758 AD of Theophanes, 813 AD) This historic ... of being the "cast out fleshly" son Ishmael supplanting Isaac, the true chosen son of promise and miracle from whom Jesus Christ came. ... ...
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27: Oldest Old Testament Bible manuscripts: Qumran | Wadi Murabba ...
... Perhaps the place name was added as a gloss in the proto-Masoretic text; whatever the case, 4QTestimonia explicitly refers the whole curse ... 7:14 read. 5. Heb 1:6: LXX and 4QDeutq: Angels worship of Jesus Christ but the Masoretic Text lacks the entire sentence. 6. 1 & 2 Samuel ... Israel." c. "Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years." (Acts 13:21) d. ... Harmonization is not an exclusively Samaritan or pre-Samaritan phenomenon. In broad strokes, scribal harmonizations fall into two patterns. ... it as a burnt offering or an offering of well-being to the Lord to be acceptable as a pleasing odor, and has slaughtered it without ... It is most holy to Shehmaa. 66. Exodus 27:12 ten sockets made of copper 67. Exodus 27:19 19a And you shall make bright blue, and purple, and ... hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." ... ...
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28: Oldest Old Testament Bible manuscripts: Qumran | Wadi Murabba ...
... Perhaps the place name was added as a gloss in the proto-Masoretic text; whatever the case, 4QTestimonia explicitly refers the whole curse ... 7:14 read. 5. Heb 1:6: LXX and 4QDeutq: Angels worship of Jesus Christ but the Masoretic Text lacks the entire sentence. 6. 1 & 2 Samuel ... Israel." c. "Then they asked for a king, and God gave them Saul the son of Kish, a man of the tribe of Benjamin, for forty years." (Acts 13:21) d. ... Harmonization is not an exclusively Samaritan or pre-Samaritan phenomenon. In broad strokes, scribal harmonizations fall into two patterns. ... it as a burnt offering or an offering of well-being to the Lord to be acceptable as a pleasing odor, and has slaughtered it without ... It is most holy to Shehmaa. 66. Exodus 27:12 ten sockets made of copper 67. Exodus 27:19 19a And you shall make bright blue, and purple, and ... hand and they shall be as frontals on your forehead. "You shall write them on the doorposts of your house and on your gates." ... ...
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29: Part 2: Bible Section: Trinity Watchtower BOOKLET: Should You ...
A simple reading of these verses would convince anyone of Trinity! John 1:1 and John 20:28, where Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God" where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are commanded to be baptized in the name of three different persons. Although these verses do not teach the developed 4th century trinity doctrine, they more than teach the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. God Is One, Not Three THE Bible teaching that God is one is called monotheism. And L. L. Paine, ... Sorry, but I love the idea that no created thing was capable of saving man, only God himself, who came to earth to save man. Rev 5:2-5 teaches just this: "Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?" And no one in heaven, or on ... The expression, "open up in the name of the law" is common today. Stated more accurately, "open up by the authority vested in me by the king (president, minister of justice etc.) as it is written in his law. The power of Mt 28:19 is that ... ...
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30: Trinity Attackers refuted! (Watchtower's: Should You Believe ...
A simple reading of these verses would convince anyone of Trinity! John 1:1 and John 20:28, where Thomas said to Jesus, "My Lord and My God" where Jesus is called God and Mt 28:18-19 where we are commanded to be baptized in the name of three different persons. Although these verses do not teach the developed 4th century trinity doctrine, they more than teach the deity of Christ and the personality of the Holy Spirit. God Is One, Not Three THE Bible teaching that God is one is called monotheism. And L. L. Paine, ... Sorry, but I love the idea that no created thing was capable of saving man, only God himself, who came to earth to save man. Rev 5:2-5 teaches just this: "Who is worthy to open the book and to break its seals?" And no one in heaven, or on ... The expression, "open up in the name of the law" is common today. Stated more accurately, "open up by the authority vested in me by the king (president, minister of justice etc.) as it is written in his law. The power of Mt 28:19 is that ... ...
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31: Debate with Catholic on Sola Scriptura (Riggs Vs Lopez)
The name of Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). We cannot reject His word and be guiltless (John 12:48). God, therefore, makes known His will to us today through His Son who gave us His New Testament. Jesus Christ did not choose to write His New Testament (His commandments) for us, but selected others to do ... I have spoken to you while being present with you. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you." (John 14:25-26; see also 14:16-17). ... All of this was in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies which said, "For out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the word of the LORD from Jerusalem." (Isa. 2:3; Micah 4:2). The apostles received the ... The authority is not in the body, but in the Head (Eph. 1:22-23; Col. 1:18). The ruling is not in the kingdom, but in the King (Heb. 7:1-2; Rev. 1:5-6). The authority is not in the church, but in Christ ... ...
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32: Seven Myths Of Denominationalism!
... We do not want you to believe anything that we write without scriptural evidence. We hope you will challenge everything in this book. Other than ... The propagation of myths as faith in God is evil, and those who do so will give an accounting of it before God (James 3:1-2). When we use the ... Those organizations which have as one of their beliefs that they (as an organization) are part of the universal church of Christ (along with all ... of Holy Spirit for Holy Ghost. We feel that this change will be much more meaningful to the average reader, being consistent with the common name applied to this member of the Godhead. Brackets [] will be found in many of the quoted scriptures. These are words that were inserted by the translators in an attempt to capture the true meaning (as opposed to the inference of a literal translation). In most King James ... ye may be mindful of the words which were spoken before by the holy prophets, and of the commandment of us the apostles of the Lord and Savior." ... ...
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33: "KJV Only" advocates refuted!
Click to View Was the translation process from original languages into English of 1611 A.D. protected from error by direct inspiration of the Holy Spirit? "KJV only" ... Click to View Introductory notes: This outline is designed to refute the view that the King James Version (KJV) is the only modern Bible on earth that is 100% ... Of the remaining ten percent, MOST of the differences between the texts are fairly irrelevant, such as calling the Lord "Christ Jesus" instead of "Jesus Christ," or ... The last gasp of a dying false doctrine! #4: The fact is, the marginal readings are NOT THE WORDS OF GOD and the TEXT IS. The translators did not KNOW that they ... soon be public domain just like the KJV? If "God's truth should not be copyrighted" then why do they copy write their defenses of God's ultimate truth, the Bible? ... mythical creatures like "unicorn" for wild ox, "satyr" for "wild goat", "cockatrice" for common viper, when today we know what the real name of these creatures is? ... ...
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34: The false doctrine of Roman Catholic apostolic succession!
... Christ is that great prophet who was to come (Deut. 18:15,19; Acts 3:22-23). The name of Jesus is the only name by which we can be saved (Acts 4:12). We cannot reject His word and be guiltless (John 12:48). God, therefore, makes known His will to us today through His Son. Jesus makes known God's will through His apostles and prophets. Christ gave the same words and commandments that He received from the Father to His twelve apostles (John 17:6-8, 17-20). He promised them the Holy Spirit who would remind them of all He ... All of this was in fulfillment of the Old Testament prophecies which said, "...The law shall come forth from Zion, and the word of the Lord from Jerusalem." ... John said, "But these are written that you may believe..." (John 20:31), and "What we have seen and heard we announce to you...And these things we write to ... It seems very strange and odd that the successor of a king is a king, the successor of a president is a president, and the successor of a governor is a ... ...
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35: Holy Spirit in the Old Testament The Gift of the Holy Spirit
power is when the Spirit entered me and set me on my feet (Ezek 2:2) and the Spirit of Christ within them (O.T. prophets) was indicating (1 Pet 1:11). h. ... In the New Testament people with the gift of tongues were described as having the Holy Spirit inside them, when in fact they had access to the power of God. 2. Indwelling metaphorically to indicate God's fellowship in Solomon's Temple and the New Testament "church temple" a. Holy Spirit dwells in temple/body=my eyes, ears, heart & name shall ... Old Testament Metaphors of Miraculous Gifts: Num 11:29 "Would that all the LORD'S people were prophets, that the LORD would put His Spirit upon them" Metaphor of ... The Spirit of the LORD came upon him, and he judged Israel. When he went out to war, the LORD gave Cushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand, so that he ... declares the LORD, "I will put My law within them, and on their heart I will write it; and I will be their God, and they shall be My people. 4. Jer 32:38-40 And ... ...
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36: "Cast Out For The Cross Of Christ" by Albion F. Ballenger, 1909
Ballenger suggested several revisions of the doctrine regarding the work of Christ in the heavenly sanctuary, stating that the book of Hebrews taught that Christ had entered the Most Holy Place at His ascension ... is presenting theories which can not be substantiated by the Word of God" and "I testify in the name of the Lord that Elder Ballenger is led by satanic agencies and spiritualistic, invisible leaders" (MS 59, 20 May 1905). ... Acts 7:55,58. From the foregoing it is evident that in the apostolic church, a church filled with the Holy Spirit, the fact that Christ at his ascension, sat down on his Father's throne, ... After describing the triumphal ascension of Christ and the eagerness of the heavenly host to glorify their King, we read: But he waves them back. Not yet; he cannot now receive the ... White: Dear Sr. White: For some time I have been constrained to write to you regarding my convictions on the sanctuary. Many of my friends have urged me to do this, while others have ... ...
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37: Bulwarks of the Faith Foy E Wallace JR. Refuting Dogmas Catholicism ...
... defence of the gospel." (Phil. 1: 17) That statement was guided by the Holy Spirit. (1 Cor. 2: 12, 13) It is for our instruction. We are ordered by the Spirit to "try the spirits whether they are of God." (1 Jno. 4: 1) Christ's ... not be said, I believe, to any who know me and the brethren who are promoting this effort that our only aim is to preach the plain gospel of Christ. ... fasted, and prayed before the God of heaven, and said, I beseech thee, O Lord God of heaven, the great and terrible God, that keepeth covenant and mercy for ... unto the uttermost part of the heaven, yet will I gather them from thence, and will bring them unto the place that I have chosen to set my name there. ... Nehemiah, cupbearer to king Artaxerxes, was of sad countenance in Babylon, because of the condition of the walls of Jerusalem in Judea. He was among the ... But there can be seen special reason why he should write to the dispersed church from such a place of the dispersion. By so doing he carried the gospel ... ...
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38: Official creed of the Presbyterian Church
will, which is necessary unto salvation; therefore it pleased the Lord, at sundry times, and in divers manners, to reveal himself, and to ... his will unto his people being now ceased. [6.002] 2. Under the name of Holy Scripture, or the Word of God written, are now contained all ... it doth abundantly evidence itself to be the Word of God; yet, notwithstanding, our full persuasion and assurance of the infallible truth and divine authority thereof, is from the inward work of the Holy Spirit, bearing witness by and with the Word in our hearts. [6.006] 6. The ... the secret counsel and good pleasure of his will, hath chosen in Christ, unto everlasting glory, out of his free grace and love alone, ... to be the Mediator between God and men, the prophet, priest, and king; the head and Savior of the Church, the heir or all things, and judge ... Chapter XXIX Of the Sacraments [6.149] 1. Sacraments are holy signs and seals of the covenant of grace, immediately instituted by God, to ... ...
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39: Encyclopedia of Pentecostal ministries and preachers
Doctrine: The Lord Jesus Christ We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ as the only begotten Son of God. We believe in His substitutionary death for all men, His resurrection, and His eventual return to judge the world. Salvation We believe all men are born with a sinful nature and that the work of the Cross was to redeem man from the power of sin. We believe that this salvation is available to all who will receive it. The Holy Spirit We believe in ... insisted that "believers baptized by a Trinitarian formula must be rebaptized in the name of Jesus only." (Burgess and McGee, Pentecostal and Charismatic Movements, 95-96) ... That he received divinely inspired revelations (The Revelation of the Seven Seals, Branham; Spoken Word Publications, Tucson, Ariz., n.d.; pg.19; Questions and Answers, Book 1, ... It gives us a glimpse of the tremendous victory He won before He rose from the dead. The margin of King James reads, "He put off from Himself the principalities and the powers." It ... ...
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40: Fortman, Edmund: The Triune God
They call Jesus the Son of God, Messiah, Lord, Savior, Word, Wisdom. They assign Him the divine functions of creation, salvation, judgment. Sometimes they ... Son and Holy Spirit to a dogmatic formulation of a doctrine of the Triune God, we look first to the Eastern Church where most of this development took place. ... Most of them indicated quite clearly a belief in the divinity of Christ, less clearly a belief in the distinct personality and divinity of the Holy Spirit. They gave solid evidence of a belief in three pre-existent 'beings,' but they ... of a merely nominal trinity of persons but hold to a real distinction of the three, a distinction that is not in name only, not only in thought but in number. ... Israel collectively but also to the king. to the judges, to the upright Jew, and perhaps to the Messiah. There is no evidence that any sacred writer even suspected the existence of a divine paternity and filiation within the Godhead. They write of the word of God and regard it as ... ...
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41: The Dugger-Porter Debate on Sunday as the Lord's Day
Associate Editor of the Bible Banner and Evangelist of the Church of Christ Covering two questions The Seventh Day as a Christian Sabbath ... AGREEMENT 1. This is to be a written discussion. 2. The purpose of it is that it may be printed in book form. 3. Each disputant will write ... Abraham kept these commandments and laws; hence, Abraham kept the sabbath day for God, and did not use it for himself. It reads in Genesis ... When he wrote the ten commandments on tables of stone, with his own finger, he said: "Remember the Sabbath day to keep it holy, for in six days the Lord made the ... that join themselves to the Lord, to serve him, and to love the name of the Lord, to be his servants, every one that keepeth the Sabbath ... This was about 52 A.D. At a still later date when the Holy Spirit recorded the event, we were informed that the day these Jews met on was ... This is clearly shown in verse 4 in which we are told that the king of Egypt said: "Wherefore do ye, Moses and Aaron, let the people from ... ...
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42: Premillennial Theology Refuted: Christ is on Throne of David ...
When Christians saw the signs, they fled the city and were saved. Go to Rapture Refuted home page Click to View King Jesus sits on the Throne of David now! Introduction: 1. No Old Testament prophecy is so ... " (Isaiah 16:5) 5. "Then say to him, 'Thus says the Lord of hosts, "Behold, a man whose name is Branch, for He will branch out from where He is; and He will build the temple of the Lord. "Yes, ... on his throne, he looked ahead and spoke of the resurrection of the Christ, that He was neither abandoned to Hades, nor did His flesh suffer decay. "This Jesus God raised up again, to which we are all witnesses. "Therefore having been exalted to the right hand of God, and having received from the Father the promise of the Holy Spirit, He has poured forth this which you both see and hear. "For it was not David who ascended into heaven, but he himself says: 'The Lord said to my Lord, "Sit at My right hand, Until I make Your enemies a footstool for Your feet." ' ... ...
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43: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant ...
Isaiah 1-37: Events during 740-702 BC (Death of Uzziah, Ahaz vs. Rezin king of Aram and Pekah king of Israel) b. Isaiah 38-39: Events during 701 ... This gives fulfillment in Isaiah 53 in the life of Isaiah, who like Christ suffered for the sins of the people. b. Extra-Biblical traditions ... "Go to the district of Tyre and Sidon, because for me alone the LORD has mixed the cup." 14 And while Isaiah was being sawed in half, he did not cry out, or weep, but his mouth spoke with the Holy Spirit until he was sawed in two. 15 Beliar did this to Isaiah through ... (Christ's ministry and crucifixion) b. Suffering in the New Testament: i. Jesus, as creator God, became a servant: Jn 13; Phil 2:6-10 ii. ... John 18:37 echoes Isaiah 43:15 (King) c. Acts 4:12 echoes Zechariah 14:9 (only name) d. John 8:18 echoes 1 Samuel 12:5 (witness) e. Mark ... Isaiah 22:22-24 Rev 3:7 ""To the angel of the church in Philadelphia write the following: "This is the solemn pronouncement of the Holy One, the ... ...
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44: Official Creed of Baptist Bible Fellowship International (BBFI ...
A Bible Believing Baptist is one who believes in a supernatural Bible preserved for us in the King James Version, which tells of a supernatural Christ, Who had a supernatural birth, Who spoke supernatural words, Who ... does not only contain and convey the Word of God, but IS the very Word of God. 2. By "inspiration" we mean that the books of the Bible were written by holy men of old, as they were moved by the Holy Spirit, in such a definite way that their writings were supernaturally and verbally ... the Gospel in preaching and testimony; that He is the agent in the New Birth; that He seals, endues, guides, teaches, witnesses, sanctifies and helps the believer. ... of all false religions, the chief power back of the present apostasy; the lord of the antichrist, and the author of all the powers of darkness - destined ... We believe that Christian baptism is the immersion in water of a believer, in the name of the Father, of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost, with the authority of the ... ...
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45: Beliefs of the Quakers (Shaking Quakers, Shakers, Friends)
to write an Apology of the Quaker Faith, which he did. Robert Barclay also wrote a catechism on the Quakers Faith using as answer Book only the Holy Scriptures. Following are the doctrinal believes he and Friends until the schism believed in. Conservative or Wilburite Friends still hold this Faith today, therefore are the true Society of Friends. What some Quakers believe today: Doctrines: Of God: God is a Spirit (Jn 4:24). God is Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, three in One, yet not three Gods but One (Jn 5:7). Of Christ: Christ ... 370; Schaff, I, 114.) A group that emphasized spiritual experience and waited on the moving of the Spirit in their services. The early Quakers received their name because they literally "quaked" under the power of the Spirit. ... Early accounts of meetings of both groups contain many references to "the Power of the Lord" which "uttered through them" or "wrought mightily" upon them, compelling them to weep, sing, or speak. (For the visions and inspired ... ...
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46: Acapella Responsive Singing, No Instruments in first century ...
... are worshipping EXACTLY like the first century church. 5. The Churches of Christ follow the Bible pattern and also practice full immersion, ban all ... On the second day they did sing, Great is the Lord and highly to be praised in the city of our God, even upon his holy hill (Ps. 48). On the third day they ... On the fifth day they did sing, Sing we happily to God our strength, make a joyful noise to the God of Jacob (Ps. 81). On the sixth day they did sing, The Lord is king and has put on glorious apparel (Ps. 93). On the ... Because Your lovingkindness is better than life, My lips will praise You. So I will bless You as long as I live; I will lift up my hands in Your name. My ... Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was and who is and who is to come Worthy are You to take the book and to break its seals; for You were ... in Luke 16, which features a real time story of what was happening in the spirit world, so too the Angelic Liturgy, clearly the product of Pharisee ... ...
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47: Comparison list of 14 Joshua/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
Ex 24:13; 32:15-17 Heb 8:13; 12:24; 1 Cor 9:21; Gal 6:2 8. Both were appointed by Moses as his Holy Spirit filled successors Deut 18:18-19; Num 27:18-20; Deut 34:9; Josh ... A Harlot became the Great, great grandmother of David, then Jesus: Passover blood, Rahab's rope, blood of Christ Ex 12:13; Josh 2:17-19; Heb 11:30-31; 1 Cor 5:7-8; ... Colossians 2:15; 2 Corinthians 10:3-4; 1 Corinthians 15:23-25; Revelation 19:11-16; 2 Thessalonians 1:5-10 a. "The Lord is a warrior; The Lord is His name." (Exodus 15:3) b. ... for the peoples." (Isaiah 55:4) e. "But as for Me, I have installed My King Upon Zion, My holy mountain." "I will surely tell of the decree of the Lord: He ... "In that day it will be said to Jerusalem: "Do not be afraid, O Zion; Do not let your hands fall limp. "The Lord your God is in your midst, A victorious warrior. ... And He who sits on the throne said, "Behold, I am making all things new." And He said, "Write, for these words are faithful and true." Then He said to me, "It is ... ...
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48: Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... Studies' are practically the Bible topically arranged, with Bible proof-texts given, we might not improperly name the volumes- 'The Bible' in an arranged form. ... in the world, because from the time of its organization until now the Lord has used it as His channel through which to make known the Glad Tidings'." ... He said that he could never have written his books himself. It all came from God, through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 7, p. 387.) 1922 "This chronology is not ... who are keeping the commandments of God and have the testimony of Jesus Christ." (Watchtower, August 1, 1930 p. 239) 1930 But it seems certain that when ... No; Christ Jesus the King has not entrusted that office to them. The supreme court still interprets, thank God; and Christ Jesus, the Courts official ... Regardless of who may write certain articles, they are checked carefully by members of the governing body before they are published; so they are properly ... ...
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49: The $200 Text: A Written Debate Concerning the Sabbath
charge) to claim the $200. I shall give the text from the King James version to meet specification number seven: "One TEXT that ... WHY -- "It is a SIGN between me and your generations; THAT YE MAY KNOW THAT I AM THE LORD THAT DOTH SANCTIFY YOU." Now we shall see what happened to the law given to the children of Israel on Mount Sinai, graven in stones, by which God MADE KNOWN His holy sabbath. What happened to the law ... of Moses for the glory of his countenance; which glory was to be done away: how shall not the ministration of the spirit be rather glorious? ... reading of the Old Testament; which vail IS DONE AWAY IN CHRIST." When any law is done away, all of its parts vanish with it of necessity. ... and articles leading up to said discussion. 3. Each disputant will write four articles to the proposition. 4. Length of each article will be ... I am asking everyone interested in this discussion to please forward to me his name and address. Mr. Smith has indicated that there will be ... ...
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50: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Matthew 24 The Olivet Discourse
... of the kingdom of God. They wrongly viewed Jesus as a physical warrior messiah when they asked these three questions. These questions reflect the messianic thinking at the beginning of Jesus' ministry. Common messianic thinking viewed the messiah as a physical king on earth like ... of Christ, Jesus disciples still needed to be rebuffed in their incorrect expectation of a physical world kingdom in Israel where Jesus rules the world as the messiah conqueror. Rather than try to explain it in vain, Jesus just told them it did not concern them at this time and wait for the power of the Holy Spirit on Pentecost: "So when they had come together, they were asking Him, saying, "Lord, is ... Even ancient literary Jewish sources like Philo and Josephus and Greek historians like Strabo write exactly the same way as the four gospels, often ... Before the great and glorious day of the Lord shall come. 'And it shall be that everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.'" (Acts 2:20-21) c. ... ...
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