The Expository Files.

Third Year of EF Complete 

This issue completes our third year of publication. That's 36 monthly issues of what we believe to be good, solid expositions of Biblical texts as well as some very fine work done on the special topics. Warren and I appreciate all the writers who have done so much to make Expository Files what it is.

Elsewhere in this issue, you will find some of our plans for 1997. We hope that you'll find good reason to continue to read EF in the months to come. We would also like to ask that you drop us a line sometime. We enjoy getting your feedback. We have received comments from around the world, some from surprising places. Comments concerning EF can be sent to either Warren or myself and we will forward it to the other.

 By Jon W. Quinn 
The Front Page
From Expository Files 3.12; December 1996