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Early Church Fathers
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14 Augustin quotes the whole passage, Matt. xiii. 37-43.

15 Matt. xix. 28.

16 Matt. xii. 27.

17 1 Cor 15:10.

18 1 Cor. vi. 3.

19 Ep. 199.

20 Matt. xxv. 34-41, given in full.

21 John v. 22-24.

22 John v. 25, 26.

23 Matt. viii. 22.

24 2 Cor. v. 14, 15.

25 Ps. Ci. 1.

26 John v. 28, 29.

27 Rev. xx. 1-6. The whole passage is quoted.

28 2 Pet. iii. 8.

29 Serm. 259.

30 Milliarii.

31 [Augustin, who had formerly himself entertained chiliastic hopes, revolutionized the prevailing ante-Nicene view of the Apocalyptic millennium by understanding it of the present reign of Christ in the Church. See Schaff, Church History, vol. ii. 619.-P. S.]

32 Mark iii. 27; "Vasa" for "goods."

33 Matt. xix. 29.

34 2 Cor. vi. 10.

35 Ps. cv. 8.

36 Col. i. 13.

37 2 Tim. ii. 19.

38 Ps. cxxiii. 2.

39 Rev. xx. 9, 10.

40 1 John ii. 19.

41 Matt. xxiv. 12.

42 Between His first and second coming.

43 Matt. xxv. 34.

44 Matt. xxviii. 20.

45 Matt. xiii. 39-41.

46 Matt. v. 19.

47 Matt. xxiii. 3.

48 Matt. v. 20.

49 Col. iii. 1, 2.

50 Phil. iii. 20.

51 Phil. ii. 21.

52 Matt. xviii. 18.

53 1 Cor. v. 12.

54 Rev. xx. 4.

55 Rev. xiv. 13.

56 Rom. xiv. 9.

57 2 Cor. vi. 14.

58 And, as Augustin remarks, are therefore called cadavera, from cadere, "to fall."

59 Col. iii. 1.

60 Rom. vi. 4.

61 Eph. v. 14.

62 Ecclus. ii. 7.

63 Rom. xiv. 4.

64 1 Cor. x. 12.

65 1 Peter ii. 9.

66 Matt. xxv. 41.

67 Ps. lxix. 9.

68 Isa. xxvi. 11.

69 2 Thess. ii. 8.

70 Ch. 24.

71 1 Cor. vii. 31, 32.

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