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E. REHATSEK: The History of the Wahhabys in Arabia and in India. Journal of Asiatic Society of Bengal. No. xxxviii (read January, 1880).
Turkey in Europe
, by"Odysseus." London, 1900. The present situation, with its historical antecedents in European Turkey and the Balkans generally.
H. O. DWIGHT: Constantinople and its Problems. New York, 1901.
A. S. WHITE: The Expansion of Egypt. London, 1899. The present situation in Egypt and its historical antecedents.
W. W. HUNTER: Our Indian. Mussulmans. London, 1871.
SIR LEWIS PELLY: The Miracle Play of Hasan and Husain. London, 1879.
W. S. BLUNT: The Future of Islam. London, 1880.



The Mishkat, translated by Matthews. Calcutta, 1809. (A collection of traditions.)
The Hidaya, translated by C. Hamilton. II edition. London, 1870.
N. B. E. BAILLIE: A Digest of Muhammadan Law. Hanifi Code. London, 1866.
The same. Imameea Code. London, 1869. The first volume deals with Sunnite, the second with Shi'ite law.
S. KEIJZER : Précis de Jurisprudence Musulmane selon le rite Chafeite par Abu Chodja; texte arabe avec traduction et annotations. Leyden, 1869. To be used with caution.
EDUARD SACHAU: Muhammadanisches Recht nach Schafiitischer Lehre. Stuttgart & Berlin, 1897. Based largely on al-Bajuri's commentary to Abu Shuja: covers rather less than half the material of a corpus of canon law and is the best general introduction to the subject.
IGNAZ GOLDZIHER: Die Zahiriten, ihr Lehrsystem and ihre Geschichte. Leipzig, 1884.
IGNAZ GOLDZIHER: Neue Materialien zur Litteratur des Ueberlieferungswesen bei den Muhammedanern. ZDMG, I, pp. 465 ff. Deals with Musnad of Ahmad ibn Hanbal.



IGNAZ GOLDZIHER: Zur Litteratur des Ichtilaf al-madhahib. ZDMG, xxxviii, pp. 669 ff. Contains a notice of ash-Sha'rani.
IGNAZ GOLDZIHER: Uber eine Formel in der judischen Responsen-litteratur. ZDMG, liii, pp. 645 ff. On fatwas and ijtihad.
IGNAZ GOLDZIHER: Das Princip des Istishab in muham. Gesetzwissenschaft. WZ, i, pp. 228 ff.
EDUARD SACHAU: Muhammedanisches Erbrecht nach der Lehre der Ibaditischen Araber von Zanzibar and Ostafrika. Sitzungs-berichte der kön. preuss. Akad., 1894.
EDUARD SACHAU: Zur ältesten Geschichte des muhammedanischen Rechts. Wien. Akad., 1870.
SNOUCK HURGRONJE: Le droit musulman. Revue de l'histoire des religions, xxxvii, pp. 1 ff, and 174 ff.
SNOUCK HURGRONJE: Muhammedanisches Recht nach schafiitischer Lehre won Eduard Sachau; Anzeige, ZDMG, liii, pp. 125 ff.
S. K. KEUN DE HOOGERWOERD: Studien zur EinfÜhrung in das Recht des Islam. Erlangen, 1901. Contains introduction and part of section on law of marriage. Gives a good but miscellaneous bibliography and is written from a Persian point of view; transliteration is peculiarly eccentric and Arabic scholarship is unsound.
J. WELLHAUSEN: Medina vor den Islam. Muhammad's Gemeindeordnung von Medina. In "Skizzen and Vorarbeiten," Viertes Heft. Berlin, 1889.
HUART: Les Zindiqs en droit musulman. Eleventh Congress of Orientalists, part iii, pp. 69 ff.
D. B. MACDONALD: The Emancipation of Slaves under Muslim Law. American Monthly Review of Reviews, March, 1900.



THEODOR HAARBRÜCKER: Asch-Schahrastani's Religionsparteien und Philosophenschulen übersetzt and erklärt. 2 volt. Halle, 1850-51. The Arabic text, without which Haarbrücker's German is sometimes hardly intelligible, was published by Cureton, London, 1846.
T. J. DE BOER: Geschichte der Philosophie im Islam. Stuttgart, 1901. Unsatisfactory but the best that there is. It is only a sketch and takes hardly sufficient account of theology and mysticism.

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