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411 Al-Hakim Fatimid Kh. vanished; Firdawsi d.
428 Ibn Sina d.
434 Abu Dharr d.
440 Al-Beruni d.
447 Tughril Beg, the Saljuq, in Baghdad.
449 Abu-l-'Ala al-Ma'arri d.
450 Persecution of Ash'arites.
455 Alp-Arslan; Nizam al-Mulk Wazir; end of persecution of Ash'arites.
456 Ibn Hazm az-Zahiri d.
465 Al-Qushayri d.
478 Imam al-Haramayn d.
481 Nasir b. Khusraw d.
483 Hasan b. as-Sabbah seizes Alamut.
485 Nizam al-Mulk assass.
488 Al-Ghazzali leaves Baghdad.
505 Al-Ghazzali d.
515 'Umar al-Khayyam d.
516 Al-Baghawi d.
524 Ibn Tumart al-Mahdi d.
524-558 'Abd al-Mu'min.
524-667 The Muwahhids.
533 Abu Bakr b. Bajja d.
537 Abu Hafs an-Nassfi d.
538 Az-Zamakhshari d.
540 Yehuda Halevi d.—A.D. 1145.
546 Abu Bakr b. al-'Arabi d.
548 Ash-Shahrastani d.
558 'Abd al-Mu'min the Muwahhid d.
558 'Adi al-Hakkari d.
558-580 Abu Ya'qub the Muwahhid.
561 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilani, founder of order of darwishes, d.
567 Conquest of Egypt by Saladin and end of Fatimids.
576 Order of Rifa'ites founded.
580 Abu Ya'qub d.
580-596 Abu Yusuf al-Mansur.
581 Ibn Tufayl d.
587 As-Suhrawardi executed.
589 Saladin d.
590 Abu Shuja' d.?
595 Ibn Rushd d.; Abu Yusuf al-Mansur the Muwahhid d.
601 Maimonides d.—A.D. 1204.
606 Fakhr ad-Din ar-Razi d.
620 Abu-l-Hajjaj b. Tumlus d.; Fakhr ad-Din b. 'Asakir d.; St. Francis of Assisi d. —A. D. 1226.
625-941 Hafsids at Tunis.
630-640 Ar-Rashid the Muwahhid.
632 'Umar b. al-Farid.
638 Ibn 'Arabi d.
648 Frederick II. d.—A.D. 1250.
654 End of Assassins by Mongols; Ash-Shadhili, founder of order of darwishes, d.
667 Ibn Sab'in d.; end of Muwahhids.
672 Jalal ad-Din ar-Rumi d.
675 Ahmad al-Badawi, founder of order of darwishes, d.
681 Ibn Khallikan d.
685 Al-Baydawi d.
693, 698-708, 709-741 Muhammad An-Nasir, Mamluk Sultan, reg.
719 An-Nasr al-Manbiji d.?
724 Ibn Rushd is still studied at Almeria.
728 Ibn Taymiya d.; Meister Eckhart d.—A.D. 1328.
730 'Abd ar-Razzaq d.
756 Al-'Iji d; Heinrich Suso d.
791 At-Taftazani d.; an-Naqshbandi, founder of order of darwishes, d.

A.H. 808-1275


808 Ibn Khaldun d.
857 Capture of Constantinople by Ottomans and office of Shaykh al-Islam created—A.D. 1453. Thomas á Kempis d.—A. D. 14 71.
895 M. b. Yusuf as-Sanusi d.
907 Accession of Safawids.
922 Conquest of Egypt by Ottoman Turks.
945 Death of al-Mutawakkil, last Abbasid.
951 Beginning of Sharifs of Morocco.
973 Ash-Sha'rani d.
1201 Abd al-Wahhab d.—A. D. 1787.
1205 Sayyid Murtada d.; al-Fudali fl. circ. 1220.
1252 Foundation of Brotherhood of as-Sanusi—A.D, 1837.
1260 Ibrahim al-Bajuri d.; Decree of Porte that apostate Muslims should not be put to death.
1275 Death of founder of Brotherhood of as-Sanusi— A.D. 1859.

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