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But cursed shall they be in this world and in the next who:—

Affront God and His Apostle. Sura Al-Ahzab (xxxiii) 57.1

The day will come when their faces shall be rolled in the fire, and in their bitter torment they will reflect on the past and say:—

Oh! that we had obeyed God and obeyed the Apostle. Sura Al-Ahzab (xxxiii) 66.

Those who for a while believe and then draw back cannot escape the punishment due to them, for it is said:—

And when they are summoned before God and His Apostle, that He may judge between them. Sura An-Nur (xxiv) 46.

In the last Sura but one believers are exhorted never to allow the claims of wealth, family and home to draw them away from God and His Apostle, who should be dearer to them than all else beside. A final warning is given which shows

[Footnote continued from previous page]
crowd around me and demand what I cannot give." Abu Bakr then pressed down the neck of 'Ayisha, and 'Umar that of Hafasa and reproved them for their conduct. The Prophet kept aloof from his wives for nineteen days. Then this revelation came, warning the women that it would be better to choose heavenly blessings in preference to the fleeting pleasures of the world.' Khalasatu't-Tafasir, vol. iii, p. 546.
1 Mu'alim states that ibn 'Abbas says that this refers to Jews who called Ezra ('Uzair), the Son of God, to the Christians who said that Jesus was the Son of God and to the infidels of Mecca who looked upon angels as the daughters of God. The 'curse of God' is on them all.
In Sketches from Eastern History, chapter iii, on the Qur'an, Noldeke with great learning and critical acumen sets forth his views on the inception, the origins, the growth and the style of the Qur'an. It is one of the best statements on this important subject and will well repay attentive study.

how the bitterness of feeling against opposition deepened in the Prophet's mind as time went on:—

Know they not, that for him who opposeth God and His Apostle is surely the fire of Hell in which he shall remain for ever.1 Sura At-Taubah (ix) 64.
The recompense of those who war against God and His Apostle, and go about to commit disorders on the earth, shall be that they shall all be slain or crucified, or have their alternate hands and feet cut off, or be banished the land. Sura Al-Ma'idah (v) 38.

In the last verse but one of the ninth Sura Muhammad claims some of the characteristics usually ascribed to God:—

Now hath an Apostle come to you from among yourselves, your iniquities press heavily on him: he is careful over you and towards the faithful, compassionate, merciful. Sura At-Taubah (ix) 129.2

These are only a few of the many passages of the kind. This linking together of his authority as coordinate with that of God; this strong claim to the same obedience; this clear declaration of punishment for disobedience to his orders and those of

1 Mujahid says that the Hypocrites amongst themselves mocked the Prophet and some said, 'what would have happened had he punished us and no sign had come from heaven. Then this revelation came.' Tafsir-i-Husaini, vol. i, p. 261.
2 Noldeke, however, on the authority of Zamakhshari and of the Itqan of Jalalu'd-Din as-Syuti places this verse as a Meccan one. Geschichte des Qorans, p. 169.
On this verse Husain says that 'Careful over you and towards the faithful, compassionate, merciful,' means
حق سبحانة هيج بيغمبرى را يكجا بدو اسم از اسماى خود اختصاص نداد مكر بيغمبرى ما را
'The Holy God has not equally distinguished any prophet except our Prophet by two of His own names.' Tafsir-i-Husasni, vol. i, p. 275.
'Akrima says of the Prophet, 'You are named just as God calls Himself, the compassionate, the merciful.' Khalasatu't-Tafasir vol. ii, p. 327.

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