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Deceptive quote: Trinitarian

The selective quoting gives the false impression of what both the author is saying and the facts of history.

Woodrow, Ralph: Babylon Mystery Religion

What Anti-Trinitarians quote:

"his [Constantine's] conversion is to be seriously questioned. Even though he had much to do with the establishment of certain doctrines and customs within the church, the facts plainly show that he was not truly converted-not in the Biblical sense of the word." ... "Probably the most obvious indication that he was not truly converted may be seen from the fact that after his conversion he committed several murders-including the murder of his own wife and son!" ... "Yet in 326-very shortly after directing the Nicean Council-he had his son put to death." (Babylon Mystery Religion Ralph Woodrow, 1981)

Our comment

  1. Anti-Trinitarians are basically trying to trash the genuineness of Constantine's Christianity and his involvement in the Nicene creed.
  2. We have already dealt extensively with this deception and merely direct the reader to Encyclopædia Britannica.
  3. Britannica also notes Constantine putting his son to death, but says it was for reasons unknown. What if his son committed murder himself, and Constantine, just like the USA today, executed him, being head of state! The fact that Constantine killed his own son, could be taken, should the facts ever be known, as a sign of his impartial intolerance of sin even in his own family!

Deception Exposed:

The selective quoting gives the false impression of what both the author is saying and the facts of history. It is deception and untrue.

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Written By Steve Rudd, Used by permission at:

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