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Title:Johannes Greber: "The New Testament", and "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose"
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Both Greber and JW's believe spirits communicate with them!

One of the most common references Jehovah's Witnesses once used to support "a god" in John 1:1. There is irrefutable proof that Greber was known to the Watchtower as an occult spiritist in 1953, but they did not stop using Greber until 1976. Then in 1983, the Watchtower deceptively claims "new light" and condemns Greber altogether, leading the blind followers to believe they only found out in the 1980's. Such deception of wickedness! In fact, the Watchtower felt that the doctrines the spirit revealed to Greber, were true. Remember, the Watchtower believes that the Holy Spirit communicates with the "governing body" in the production of the Watchtower magazine and the translation process of the NWT. Greber was making the identical claim that JW's make!

Johannes Greber: "The New Testament", and "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose"

How the Watchtower quoted the source

They made reference to him at least 7 times in various Watchtower publications from 1962 through 1976.

1932: Greber wrote his book where he gives his personal testimony as an occult spiritist: "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose"

1937: Greber produces his Bible translation, upon which the New World Translation was based: "New Translation and Explanation by Greber"

Before 1956: The Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation provided a photo-copy of a letter from the Watchtower Society acknowledging receipt before 1956, of several of his New Testaments, as well as Greber's book "Communication with the Spirit World of God."

1956: They published an article in the Watchtower of February 15, 1956 where they stated that Johannes Greber was involved with spirits: "Communication with the Spirit World: Its Laws and Its Purpose."... In keeping with his Roman Catholic extraction Greber's translation is bound with a gold-leaf cross on its stiff front cover. In the Foreward of his aforementioned book ex-priest Greber says: "The most significant spiritualistic book is the Bible." Under this impression Greber endeavors to make his New Testament translation read very spiritualistic...Greber's translation of these verses [1 John 4:1-3] reads: "My dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, to learn whether they come from God. For many false spirits have emerged from the abyss...and are speaking through human mediums ..." Very plainly the spirits in which ex-priest Greber believes helped him in his translation. (Watchtower 2/15/56 pg. 111)

1961: New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures: With absolute full knowledge of Greber's occult connection with the spirit world, they deliberately used his "translation" of the bible as a basis for their "NWT", in 1961.

1962: "Similar is the reading by a former Roman Catholic priest: "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was a god. (The Word-Who is He? -According to John, 1962, p5; quoting, The New Testament - A New Translation and Johannes Greber. Footnote at bottom of Watchtower booklet page: "The New Testament -- a New Translation and Explanation" Based on the Oldest Manuscripts, by Johannes Greber (a translation from German into English), edition of 1937, the front cover of this bound translation being stamped with a gold cross.")

1965: Johannes Greber translation referred to in "Make Sure of All Things Hold Fast to What is Fine " 1965 ed., page 489.

1971: "A translation by the former Roman Catholic priest Johannes Greber (1937 ed.) renders the second appearance of the word "god" in the sentence as "a god."" (Aid to Bible Understanding 1971, p 1669)

1971: "Tombs were laid open, and many bodies of those buried were tossed upright. In this posture they projected from the graves and were seen by many who passed by the place on their way back to the city." (Aid to Bible Understanding pg. 1134, quoting, The translation by Johannes Greber, 1937, in support of the Watchtower's translation of Matt 27:52, which is rendered to eliminate the reference to the resurrection of the dead which occurred at the time of the death of Jesus: )

1976: References to Greber's translation appears several times in the Watchtower, as late as 1976.

After 1976 they never again used him as a reference source.

1983: They finally condemned him in 1983: On page 31 of the April 1, 1983 Watchtower magazine: "Why, in recent years, has The Watchtower not made use of the translation by the former Catholic priest, Johannes Greber? ... This translator relied on "God's Spirit World" to clarify for him how he should translate difficult passages. It is stated: "His wife, a medium of God's spirit world, was often instrumental in conveying the correct answers from God's Messengers to Pastor Greber. The Watchtower has deemed it improper to make use of a translation that has such a close rapport with spiritism (Deuteronomy 18:10-2)."

Deception Exposed:

Remember, the Watchtower believes that the Holy Spirit communicates with the "governing body" in the production of the Watchtower magazine and the translation process of the NWT. Greber was making the identical claim that JW's make!

Prior to the introduction of this New Testament by Greber, we find the following statements about the man himself and his prayers for guidance in his translating task: "Prayers that were answered, and discrepancies clarified to him, by God's Spirit World. At times he was given the correct answers in large illuminated letters and words passing before his eyes. Other times he was given the correct answers during prayer meetings. His wife, a medium of God's Spirit World was often instrumental in conveying the correct answers from God's Messengers to Pastor Greber."

As we examine Johannes Greber's New Testament further we find constant references to God's holy spirits [plural], and it becomes more and more obvious that we are dealing with a man deep into spiritism. This, of course, is forbidden by God's word. Leviticus 19:31 says, "Do not turn to mediums or spiritualists; do not seek them out to be defiled by them".

We are told by Johannes Greber's foundation, "Late in the summer of 1923 God's holy spirits contacted Pastor Greber... In his spare time he started to work on his book "Communication with the Spirit World". Later he translated the New Testament with the help of God's spirit world."

The Johannes Greber Memorial Foundation provided a photo-copy of a letter from the Watchtower Society acknowledging receipt (before 1960) of not only several of his New Testaments, but also Greber's book "Communication with the Spirit World of God.". This is the irrefutable proof that the Watchtower fully knew that Greber was an occult spiritist. Why has the Watchtower Society of Jehovah's witness willingly and knowingly been in communication with a spiritistic society? Because the Watchtower believes that God communicates in a similar fashion with them!

It's true that in the April 1, 1983 Watchtower, page 31, under "Questions from the Readers", the Society claims that they found out from the 1980 Edition of the New Testament by Johannes Greber that he was involved with spiritism, and therefore they would not quote from his bible in the future. However, the facts are that the Watchtower Society knew, at least from 1956, that Johannes Greber was involved with demon spirits. They published an article in the Watchtower of February 15, 1956 where they stated that Johannes Greber was involved with demon spirits. With this knowledge, they deliberately used his "translation" of the bible as a basis for their "New World Translation of the Holy Scriptures", in 1961.

What they left out to deliberately misrepresent the source and deceive you:

What the Watchtower knew about Johannes Greber before 1960:

Johannes Greber was a Catholic priest in Germany in the 1920's. In 1923, he was invited by one of his parishioners to a prayer meeting. Greber describes what he encountered there:

"Scarcely was the prayer ended when the boy fell over forward with a slump and an exhalation of breath so suddenly that I was startled...After a few seconds he was pushed upright in a series of jerks as though by an invisible hand, and remained sitting with his eyes closed." (Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose.)

We want to draw your attention to the fact that what happened to Greber is common among "Christian/Pentecostal" and occult religions around the world.

Click to View Click here to see similarities between Greber's experience and the occult!

The boy Greber describes was a medium, and the meeting was a seance. The spirit, speaking through the boy, answered several of Greber's questions, including one about why Christianity was no longer exerting an influence on people in his day:

"The teachings of Christ are no longer found in their original purity and clearness in those documents which have come down to you. In what is called the New Testament, several paragraphs, indeed entire chapters, have been omitted. What you have now are mutilated copies...Even the last letter of the Apostle Paul addressed to all Christian communities has been destroyed. In it he carefully explained those passages in his earlier writings that had given rise to misunderstanding. But his explanations were not in accord with many erroneous doctrines that had subsequently crept into the Christian faith." (Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose.)

The spirit who spoke through the boy later identified itself, and the nature of his mission:

"You are right to ask me who I am, for it is your first duty to test the spirits that speak to you and to assure yourself that they were sent by God ... I swear to you before God that I am one of His good spirits , indeed one of His highest spirits, but my name keep to yourself ... From the days of the first man down to the present, the spirit-world has communicated with mankind. That is true of both the good spirit-world and the bad. ... [T]he World of spirits, which is separated from you materially, has various ways of communicating with you by means perceptible to your senses ... [W]hen the Bible says: "God spoke", it was not God himself who spoke, because as a rule, God speaks only through his spirit-messengers." (Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose.)

The spirit then invited Greber to further investigate this world of spirit communication. Greber responded to this invitation:

"What captivated me most of all, and I might say, irresistibly, was the clear-cut reasoning and convincing logic of that to which I had listened for the first time in my life. Only the truth could exert so great an influence upon me, an influence from which I had not the power to withdraw, even had I been so inclined. ... In the end, I resolved to follow the directions I had received [from the spirit] , even though it meant the greatest personal sacrifice, the loss of my position and my means of support." (Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose.)

Greber sought confirmation of the validity of the seance experience by seeking out other seances and mediums, where he heard many of the same "truths" proclaimed. Ultimately he relinquished his position as a Catholic priest, and wrote a book in 1932 entitled Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose, which detailed his journey into spiritism, and depicted the truths and principles of his new understanding of Christianity, revealed to him through his communication with the spirits. He also wrote a translation of the New Testament in 1933, aided by his communication with the spirit world. It was this work that the Watchtower Society used to support its own translation of selected verses in their New World Translation.

Comparison of doctrines:

Doctrines revealed by demons to Greber COMPARED TO doctrines revealed to Jehovah's Witnesses through the "faithful and discrete servant". In fact, the Watchtower felt that the doctrines the spirit revealed to Greber, were true. Remember, the Watchtower believes that the Holy Spirit communicates with the "governing body" in the production of the Watchtower magazine and the translation process of the NWT. Greber was making the identical claim that JW's make!

The most difficult thing for JW's to accept is that a demon revealed to Greber, all the same doctrines that JW's believe! If this doesn't wake up the blind army of this demons door to door apostates, nothing will.

When Greber's spirit-channeled doctrines are compared with those of the Watchtower Society, the similarity is at once striking and troubling. Listed below is a comparison between these doctrines and those of the Jehovah's Witnesses. It is important to keep several things in mind as one reads these comparisons:

First, these are not Greber's opinions or beliefs, but those of the spirits with whom Greber communicated.

The Society accurately depicts the Bible's condemnation of such communication with spirits as contact with demons. Secondly, keep in mind that Greber was originally a Roman Catholic priest, and therefore held beliefs in harmony with those taught by all the major orthodox denominations of Christendom--beliefs which the Watchtower Society condemns as originating with Satan.

It is worth considering why the demons with whom Greber communicated would want to "enlighten" him by teaching him doctrines which the "faithful and wise servant" of the Watchtower Society is now distributing as "meat in due season", i.e., Biblical truths taught by the anointed leaders of the Society.


Johannes Greber, "Communication with the Spirit World of God--Its Laws and Purpose. Revealed to him by demon spirits:

Watchtower doctrines revealed by the "faithful and Wise servant"

God Has a Body

Material forms are images of spiritual forms, and since all material things have form and shape, so, too, have all spiritual things, and so, also, has God. ... Inasmuch, then, as God has a shape, He can be seen by the other spirits. (p. 260-61)

The bodies of spirit persons (God, Christ, the angels) are glorious. (Insight on the Scriptures p.348)

God Is Not Omnipresent

Inasmuch as God possesses shape and personality, He is not omnipresent ... as a personified spirit He is not everywhere. (p.261)

The true God is not omnipresent, for he is spoken of as having a location. (Insight on the Scriptures p.969)

God Is Not Omniscient

You have plenty of proof that I am a truthful spirit ... When I tell you that God has no foreknowledge of the voluntary actions of men, I am not detracting from His greatness. ... such unerring foreknowledge is possessed by no spirit, nor even by God Himself. (p. 263,265)

Jehovah has the ability to foreknow events, but the Bible shows that he makes selective and discretionary use of that ability ... (Reasoning from the Scriptures p.141)

Christ is God's First & Highest Creation

Christ is the highest of the spirits created by God and the sole one to be created directly. ... Christ Himself was not God, but only the first of God's sons. ... Christ is the highest spirit which the omnipotent God could create. Christ ... is the first created "son of God", and as such, His highest and most perfect Creature.(p. 301, 267)

Thus the Scriptures identify the Word (Jesus in his prehuman existence) as God's first creation, his firstborn Son. (Insight on the Scriptures Vol. 2 p.52) ... This means that [Jesus] was created before all the other spirit sons of God, and that he is the only one who was directly created by God. (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth p. 58)

Christ not divine

Christ was therefore the Son of God, and claimed to be nothing more. He was not the Deity. Not once did he say: "I am God." (p. 330)

Well, did Jesus ever say that he was God? No, he never did. Rather, in the Bible he is called "God's Son." (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth p.39

Christ is God's Agent in Creation, Not the Creator

Save for the first created Son of God, the entire spirit-world was brought into existence not by direct Divine creation ... but was called into being through the Son upon whom God had conferred creative power.(p.267-8)

The Son's share in the creative works did not make him a co-Creator with his Father. The power for creation came from God through his holy spirit... ((Insight on the Scriptures Vol. .2 p.52)

Scriptures That Show Christ Is Not God

John 10:33

You see how illogical it is for your [Greber's] former religion to base its contention of the Divinity of Christ upon the phrase: "I and the Father are one", in the face of the fact that the same oneness that exists between them is promised to all who believe. (p. 333)

This charge of blasphemy arose as a result of Jesus having said, "I and the Father are one." (Joh 10:30) ...this did not mean that Jesus claimed to be the Father or to be God... ((Insight on the Scriptures Vol. 2 p.54)

John 20:17

After His resurrection, Christ said: "I ascend unto my Father and your Father, and my God and your God.(John 20:17) (p. 364)

He taught men, not to worship him, but to worship Jehovah his Father ... "I am ascending to my Father and your Father, and to my God and your God." (Make Sure of All Things p.283)

Mt 24:36

Again, nothing is known by the Son of the Day of Judgment, the knowledge of which is God's alone: "The day and the hour of fulfillment are known to no one, neither the angels of heaven, nor to the Son, but to my Father alone. (Matt 24:36)

Also, Jesus explained that there were some things that neither he nor the angels in heaven knew, but that only God knew (Mark 13:32) (You Can Live Forever in Paradise on Earth p. 39)

Christ Did Not Rise Bodily From The Dead

Not even of Christ was the natural body raised. (p.385)

Jesus Christ was spoken of as "the first resurrected from the dead."(Acts 26:23) This means he was the first to be resurrected of those who would not have to die again. Also, he was the first to be raised as a spirit person. (Paradise on Earth pg. 172)

Christ's Post-Resurrection Appearances Were Material-izations

Materialized in human form, Christ appeared to those who had been closest to Him in life ... The fact Christ after his death upon earth appeared to his followers in material form has led you to the erroneous conclusion that His spirit re-entered His former physical body. In reality He made Himself visible in the same manner in which all spirits do so, namely by materialization of his spiritual body. (p. 351, 387)

Jesus Christ ... his resurrection was "in the spirit," to life in heaven. .... However, for 40 days after his resurrection Jesus appeared to his disciples on different occasions in various fleshly bodies, just as angels had appeared to men of ancient times. ((Insight on the Scriptures Vol. 2 p.786)

Trinity is a Human Creation

You teach the union of three persons in one Godhead ... This is a piece of human fallacy and is an absurdity. (p.265) ... Christ taught a unipersonalist God ... He knows of no triune God of Whom the Catholic and other Christian denominations teach. Only the Father is God. (p. 364)

The reason the Bible does not clearly teach the Trinity doctrine is simple: It is not a Bible teaching. Had God been a Trinity, he would surely have made it clear so that Jesus and his disciples could have taught it to others. And that vital information would have been included in God's inspired Word. It would not have been left to imperfect men to struggle with centuries later. (Watchtower 11/1/91 p.23)


A doctrine to which you cling with astonishing tenacity ... is that of an "eternal Hell." ... This is a wholly mistaken, manmade idea. ... there is no authority in the bible to support your inhuman and untrue doctrine of an everlasting Hell. (p. 377, 379)

Did Almighty God create such a place of torment? ... If the idea of roasting people in fire had never come into God's heart, does it seem reasonable that he created a fiery hell for these who do not serve him? (Paradise on Earth p.81)

Questions for Thoughtful Jehovah's Witnesses

Why would an organization that believes the Bible's warnings about mediums, seances, and spiritism use a translation written by a spiritist to support its own Bible translation ?

Can doctrines put forth by demons be true?

Why would demons try to convince Greber that his beliefs were wrong, and convert him to doctrines containing Jehovah's light and truth, when Greber's beliefs were those of apostate Christendom to begin with?

Should you associate with an organization whose teachings agree with those taught by demons?

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