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These search terms are highlighted: 1914 Watchtower

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Size:14,307 bytes
Modified:2020-01-28 11:03:36
Title:Searching for: The church you can read about in the Bible!
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Body:Searching for ... the Bible Pattern!

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New Testament Christianity Click to View Self test: Are You Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, OR IN VAIN?

Origin of Church:

Click to View Defining the Church (Major study) Click to View When & Where Did The New Testament Church Begin? Click to View What is the "scriptural name" of the church in the Bible? Click to View Church Kitchens: Worship center or Social club?

Click to View part 1

The origin of the one true church from Old Testament prophecy and its beginning on the day of Pentecost. Click to View View part 1 with real player (25 minutes)

Click to View part 2

The origin of man-made denominations. Click to View View part 2 with real player (25 minutes)

Click to View part 3

Finding the New Testament church today. Learn how to become a member of the church of the Bible. Click to View View part 3 with real player (25 minutes)

Organization of the church

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Click to View The office of Elders, pastors and bishops Click to View The New Testament Church had no world headquarters! Click to View The historical development from local autonomous church government to centralized government 33-606AD. Click to View Directory of Churches mentioned in the Bible 33-100 AD

Graphic "Mouse Rollover": Click on image at left!

First Day Worship (Sunday)

Click to View Weekly Church Attendance is Essential! Click to View Attending church for 24 wrong reasons. Also 12 excuses people use for not attending church. Click to View Is Sunday the "Christian Sabbath"? Click to View Sunday is the day Christian's worship NOT SATURDAY! Click to View Early Christians 100 - 300 AD, speak about Sunday Click to View Sunday worship because of Sunday Resurrection! Click to View Early Christians worshipped in houses, later "church buildings"


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Click to View Does God Approve Instrumental Music in church?


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Click to View Major study on Prayer Click to View How to Pray Acceptably Click to View Praying to Jesus

Lord's Supper

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Click to View The Lord's Supper Click to View Is it OK that My church doesn't have Communion every Sunday? Click to View The "Last Supper" was NOT a Passover meal Click to View Refuted: The false doctrine of "transubstantiation"

Giving Money

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Click to View Weekly freewill contributions every 1st day of the week (Sunday)

Click to View Must I give my $$$ Money $$$ to the church?

Self Study Course

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Click to View Self test: Are You Worshipping God in Spirit and in Truth, OR IN VAIN?

Click to View Lesson #1: The Purpose Of Our Worship

Click to View Lesson #2: Worshipping God In Spirit

Click to View Lesson #3: Worship Is Not For Our Entertainment

Click to View Lesson #4: Worshipping God In Truth

Click to View Lesson #5: Acceptable And Unacceptable Worship

Click to View Lesson #6: Vain Worship

Click to View Lesson #7: We Must Give Our Best To God

Click to View Lesson #8: We Must Only Worship God

Click to View Lesson #9: Role Of Women In The Church

Click to View Lesson #10: Attendance Of Worship

Click to View Lesson #11: Our Dress In Worship

Click to View Lesson #12: Prayer

Click to View Lesson #13: Our Giving

Click to View Lesson #14: The Lord's Supper

Click to View Lesson #15: Weekly Observance Of The Lord's Supper

Click to View Lesson #16: Singing In Worship (Part 1)

Click to View Lesson #17: Singing In Worship (Part 2)

Click to View Lesson #18: Singing In Worship (Part 3)

Click to View Lesson #19: Singing In Worship (Part 4)

Click to View Lesson #20: Preaching In Worship

Click to View Lesson #21: There is only one Church

Click to View Lesson #22: No salvation outside the Lord's Church

Click to View Lesson #23: Summary

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