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Title:The Amazing Telecomputer!
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Body:The Amazing Telecomputer!

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A telecomputer will generate between 100 and 200 enrollments in a correspondence course each month. It can be programmed to automatically phone every number in your city at a rate of 1,000 a day, play a prerecorded message (your voice), ask the listener a number of questions, record their answers, ask for their name and address, and then automatically record their phone number. At the end of each day, the responses are played back from a cassette tape and the first lesson of the correspondence course is mailed to them. But how do you actually get from a name on a piece of paper to a one-on-one study? You phone each one of them 30 days later.

Anyone can easily program the telecomputer to dial 10 telephone exchanges (100,000 numbers) in about 60 seconds. It will continue to phone numbers from 9 a.m. till 9 p.m., seven days a week. It phones 1,000 numbers a day and will phone an entire exchange (10,000 numbers) in about one and a half weeks. The telecomputer phones a number, waits for an answer, plays a prerecorded script of your choice, asks the called person to answer a series of interesting and grabbing questions, offers a correspondence course, and then records the name, address, and phone number of those desiring the course. (See boxed area on the next page for the script I developed for use in Hamilton, Ontario.)

In the script, you will notice that I have asked the called party to respond to seven questions. I have chosen not to record their response to the first three questions but to record only the last four. I don't really care if they feel churches today have lost the personal touch! All I want is a name, address, and phone number. By not recording the first three questions, it saves a lot of time when playing back the response tape and screens out most vulgarities. What remains is enrollments. It might take 10 minutes a day to take enrollments off the cassette tape. Ninety-five percent of the enrollments will give their phone number. But, if they don't, the telecomputer tells you the phone number of each response on a display screen.

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A Multiplicity of Uses

The telecomputer is versatile. You can use it to advertise gospel meetings, correspondence courses, or alert every member in the church about some urgent news, such as a member's death on Thursday morning with the funeral to be on Saturday. You can save the church phone directory on a standard cassette tape, load the information into the telecomputer's memory, and then custom record a script. It is not much harder than changing the message on your answering machine. You can also use it to poll your community on social issues or basic knowledge of scripture. The possibilities are the limits of your imagination!

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How it Works

The telecomputer hangs up when the operator intercepts or any recorded message is reached whether an answering machine or any phone company three tone out of service messages. It can be programmed to hang up on businesses (while calling residential phones) and to redial busies every 15 minutes. Also, it will remember all the no answers reached during a 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. dialing session and then give them a second try between 6 and 9 p.m. A standard computer can also download numbers into the telecomputer's memory.

After the telecomputer phones all numbers you have programmed for it to call, a detailed report on the dial status of each number is available and contains, 1) total calls made, 2) hang ups, 3) recorded messages, 4) busy numbers, and 5) no answers. It will also print reports to a standard printer via a RS232 port. After a dialing session, the telecomputer can delete every number except the no answers and busies and then redial them immediately or save those numbers on a tape for future dialing.

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In Canada, we are currently getting an average of just over three enrollments a day, or 100 a month. Enrollments in the U.S. should be closer to 150 to 200 a month. I held a meeting in Rogers, Arkansas, (20,000 population) and enrolled 50 people in six and one-half days. We received 12 enrollments on Sunday! Based on that rate, the responses should be about 200 a month.

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A Lesson in Economics

You say you can't afford a telecomputer! A number of telecomputers are available in the price range of $1,200 to $2,200. Let's take $1,500 and consider two options. First, we will purchase a variety of newspaper ads and fliers for the correspondence course. An excellent enrollment rate would be 150. Second, buy a telecomputer and get approximately 150 enrollments every month for a year. You could then sell the machine for $1,000!

Another option would be to have a booth at the county fair for $100 and obtain 100 enrollments in one week. Great, but when you consider that at least one Christian would need to occupy the booth at all times, with the total time amounting to 80-plus hours, we can easily see that the true costs exceeds $100. And remember, fairs occur only once a year!

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My Experience

I have searched long and hard for five years for the best way to get enrollments for a correspondence course. I have personally tried almost every method available. My experience has led me to focus on, 1) posters, 2) coupons on windshields, and 3) business reply cards for the first lesson inserted in shopper or pennysaver free newspapers. These three methods are top producers for each dollar spent and have a performance differential of maybe 10 to 20 percent enrollment rate. The telecomputer outperforms all of them! Not 20 percent better. Not 100 percent better. But a whopping 500 percent better. Not only will it give you the most number of enrollments in the shortest time, it is also, by far, the cheapest method! I am so impressed with the telecomputer that I strongly recommend to any church that is serious about saving souls to buy one. If the population of your city is greater than 50,000, you will need your own telecomputer. If you live in a small town, co-op with 2 to 5 neighboring churches. (Each church could share the use of the machine for a month at a time.) If your city is over 200,000, you need to buy two machines. (It will take a year to phone every number once in a city of 200,000.)

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Success Requires Diligent Follow-up

Let me stress one thing. The telecomputer will swamp you with excellent leads through enrollments in a correspondence course. You must be prepared to do proper follow-up. A basic guideline to proper follow-up is to phone every enrollment and attempt to set up a one-on-one study. When do you phone them? Any time one of two things happen: 1) they take 30 days to return any lesson, especially the first one, and 2) whenever they finish the course. If you aren't prepared to do this, then my advice is to not buy a telecomputer. The kind of follow-up necessary for conversions is hard work. It is like getting married. Saying I do is easy, but the work begins 30 days after the wedding when the bills start rolling in. Admire the bride but remember the commitment that goes with such a union. Then, you will truly live happily ever after!

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Discard Any Negative Personal Feelings

Of course the very thing that might kill a church's prospects of buying a telecomputer is the mindset that says, Personally, I find these machines to be quite irritating. I personally resent getting a call from a computer and most others do too! My reply to this is simple. The three to twelve people who enroll in the correspondence course each day by volunteering their name, address, and phone number do not share your personal opinion!

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How to do follow-up with Telecomputer

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Results of My Telephoning

OK you now are getting 100 and 200 enrollments in a correspondence course each month. But how do you actually get from a name on a piece of paper to a one-on-one study? You phone each one of them 30 days later whether they completed lesson one or not!

All of the statistics shown in the charts below resulted from the contacts attained through use of the telecomputer during part of the summer months. After phoning is complete, I classify the results as shown in the first chart (below). Further analysis of the data obtained from each contact is shown in the second chart (next page). The classifications and categories shown in the charts are explained in the text.

General Statistics:

Total enrollments phoned: 127

Enrollments "not interested": 36

Pranks: 5


Never received first lesson: 12

In Matthew 13:47-50 Jesus likens the kingdom of heaven to a fish net that is filled with all kinds of fish. The fishermen were to empty the net, fish by fish, gathering the good into vessels and casting away the bad. Our net is a telecomputer and the fish are the enrollees. In order to separate the good enrollee from the bad enrollee, you must phone each one. When you do this, you are working only with the good enrollees. The breakdown of the good fish and the bad fish was as follows:

Bad fish: 45% (36 not interested + 5 pranks + 15 juveniles =56 divided by a total of 127)

Good fish : 55% (56 active + 15 study = 71 divided by total of 127)

When we eliminate the pranks and juveniles, we come up with the same data re-arranged in the following manner if we differentiate between committed and uncommitted:




Not interested
















As you can see, about one-half of all the enrollments end up in the trash. The number of not-interested, pranks, and juveniles is typical of correspondence courses in general and is not unique with the telecomputer.

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The Committed and the Uncommitted

When phoning, although you are primarily looking for spiritual interest, you need to determine which enrollees are committed and which are uncommitted. Let me explain what is meant by committed and uncommitted. R. Bibby, in his book Fragmented Gods, records the findings of his extensive research about religions in Canada. My summation of his research is that the total population falls into one of three categories:

religiously committed those who attend church every week (30%)

religiously uncommitted those who have strong ties to a church but aren't regular attendee's (65%)

un-churched those who have no religious affiliation (5%). Bibby thoroughly documents that religious affiliation ties are very strong for the vast majority of the population. Just because someone doesn't attend church regularly does not mean that they are up for grabs, religiously speaking. Their religious affiliation is strong they just don't attend. They will, however, go back to their own church for weddings, funerals, infant baptisms, etc. These people feel it is good to maintain ties with a good minister just as they would with a good lawyer or dentist. The non-attender is much less likely to convert than the weekly attendee. This is because the same lack of spiritual interest and commitment that keeps them away from attending their own church every week will cause great difficulty when you try to get them to attend yours. These individuals represent about two-thirds of the population!

With the information in Bibby's book, along with the results of a survey I conducted with 33 of my own correspondence course students, I discovered a simple way to determine if they are committed or uncommitted. Ask them, Do you attend church every week? Attendance patterns will quite accurately measure religious commitment. Simple but very effective.

My survey revealed that there was a strong correlation between commitment level and knowledge. The average knowledge score for those who attended church weekly was 75 percent. This is in sharp contrast to the average knowledge score of 25 percent for those who were sporadic in attendance or were non-attenders. Those who attend church every week have about twice the knowledge of those who don't. (Great sermon material!) Weekly attenders who enrolled also tended to be from a Pentecostal, Baptist, or Nazarene church rather than from a Catholic or Anglican church.

Therefore, we can learn three things about our prospects by asking the one question, Do you attend church every week? If they do, then 1) they are deeply committed to their denomination, 2) we can be almost sure they have good Bible knowledge, and 3) they probably attend a conservative protestant church. Conversely, if they don't attend weekly but are still committed to their denomination and have poor Bible knowledge, they are likely from a Catholic or Anglican church. There are, of course, exceptions both ways. This relationship between attendance, knowledge, and affiliation only applies to those who enroll in a correspondence course or respond to a newspaper ad for a gospel meeting, etc.

It has been well documented that conservative protestant groups, like the Lord's church, achieve 87 percent of their growth (apart from children of members) from other religious groups. To suggest that we are reaching the unchurched (5 percent of the population with no affiliation) is just wishful thinking. Ninety-five percent of the population are churched. Only a third of these attend regularly! But remember, affiliation is very strong even with those who do not attend church regularly.

My experience with correspondence courses over the years confirms these facts very strongly. I examined the four converts from our correspondence course effort in 1989 that were made prior to our purchase of a telecomputer. What is striking is that all four of our converts were strong and committed to a theologically conservative denomination when they enrolled. Converting people from the uncommitted category is the exception to the rule. As you can see from my phoning statistics, even though our mix of committed and uncommitted is almost 50/50, in the end the converts will be from the committed. These field results confirm the suggestion that almost all of our growth in the Lord's church comes from people who were already faithfully attending some theologically conservative denomination at the time they were taught the gospel.

The implications for all of this is twofold. First, it is important that we identify whether an enrollee is committed or uncommitted through our telephone follow-up. Second, we need to address the separate needs of the committed and the uncommitted with different approaches when we study with them one-on-one. For the committed, we need to begin with a strong lesson on denominationalism. For the uncommitted, we need to begin with a strong lesson on the commitment essential to following Jesus. I have developed a 70-page, six-lesson study series that has been used effectively when teaching both kinds of contacts. (Send $7.00 and I will mail you a copy of these lessons.)

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The Universal Information Snapsheet

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After you begin using a telecomputer and receiving numerous enrollments for a correspondence course, the question arises, How do I keep track of all of them? Here is where I use what I call the Information Snapsheet. I use one for each contact. The snapsheet shown on the next page can be used for any mass media contact. This form can be machine copied, four at a time, on a 8.5 by 11-inch sheet of paper and then cut into smaller individual sheets. I record the enrollments directly from the telecomputer onto the snapsheet.

The telecomputer gives me their name, address, postal zip code, and, most important, their phone number. I record the date of enrollment in the upper right corner and circle T under the source. (T=telecomputer, C=coupon, N=newspaper, and BC=Bible Call. The P/R means P for personal contact by a member and R for referral by another student. For either a P or R, I write the name of the person who enrolled them in the adjacent space.) I will also make a note if I suspect the voice is that of a juvenile (age 16 and under). This is important! Finally, I will record any comments they made at the time of enrollment.

Next, I place the snapsheet in the Revolving Contact File. A 4- by 6-inch plastic recipe box makes a good holder for this file. A set of alphabetic index cards with tabs will be useful. Turn them over to the blank side and use one card for every three days of the month. (Write 1-3, 4-6, etc., through 31 on the tabs.)

If someone returns lesson one within 30 days, I search through the revolving file for their snapsheet. I then glue this snapsheet to the back of a Master Student Record Sheet that I use for those students who have returned the first lesson.

What do you do about the vast majority who do not return the first lesson within 30 days? Phone them! This is where the revolving file becomes very helpful. After the first month of telecomputer operation, you will probably have 10 to 20 contacts in each of the three day divisions. For example, on the 4th day of the month take all the contacts from the 4-6 file that were placed there last month (these are now delinquent) and phone them!

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What to Say When Phoning

You are sitting by the phone and are about to dial the first enrollee who is in your delinquent pile. You are feeling a little nervous and unsure of what to say! Relax! I have phoned hundreds of people like this and no one was ever mean to me all have been pleasant and cordial. Just talk to them as though you were talking to a friend. Be natural and have a sense of humor. Talk very slowly and clearly. Mention their first name frequently! If they mention that they have a job, ask them where they work for the sake of making conversation. If they mention they have children, ask how old they are and then tell them about your own. Make it a natural conversation to break the ice. I call anytime between 9 a.m. and 9 p.m. Evenings are best but you may need to call mornings and afternoons in order to contact everyone.

Step 1. Talk only to the enrollee.

Hello, is Cindy in? Talk only to the person on the snapsheet. If that person is not home, find out when they will be. Enter on the snapsheet the date you called and the best time to reach them under the heading MY NOTES/THEIR EXCUSES. If you are asked to leave a message don't. Just say, No message, thank you; when is the best time to reach her/him? When you learn the best time hang up. If they get nosey and ask what it regards don't tell them but say, It is personal or I'm a friend.

Step 2. Introduce and trigger memory.

Hello, Cindy? ( This is Cindy. ) Cindy, this is Steve Rudd with the Bible correspondence course. Cindy, about a month ago you enrolled in a Bible correspondence course by giving us your name and address. I am phoning to see if you received the first lesson we mailed to you? If no, reconfirm the address and ask them if they would like for you to mail them another copy. Advance to Step 4. (For some reason about 10 percent never get the first lesson. I don't think the post office is to blame. My guess is that it is screened by other family members or the person has a bad memory.)

Step 3. Excuse for not returning.

If she did receive it, I ask, Did you get a chance to look at it? What you are really asking is why hasn't it been returned. Listen carefully to the response. This is where you will get the excuse. Record it on the snapsheet.

Step 4. Committed or uncommitted?

Now I probe for information and begin by stating, Cindy, this course is offered free of charge. It is nondenominational and people from all religious backgrounds are welcome to go through it. Cindy, which church are you affiliated with? Well fine! Don't groan when they tell you they are Mormon! Just say Well fine. Record their denomination on the snapsheet. Cindy, do you attend church every week? Well fine. (record again) Don't ask them if they attend regularly but if they attend every week. Regularly for many people is once a year!

Step 5. Check for spiritual interest.

Next, I ask them, Cindy, are you interested in continuing with the course? If yes, go to Step 7. If no, I always ask with astonishment, Why? Was she just checking the competition? Was the course to milky ? Is she just not interested in Bible study? You must learn their objection. Regardless of how she responds, ask, Cindy, are you interested in learning more about the Bible? If yes, go to Step 6. If no, say, Thank you for your time. If you do want to continue the course just send in the test sheet. Good-bye. Then write NI for not interested on the snapsheet and throw it in the trash or keep it somewhere for your records.

Step 6. Offer them a one-on-one study.

If they are not interested in the correspondence course but are interested in Bible study, I will say: Cindy, I have this exciting six-lesson series of Bible studies. It has pictures and quizzes and I'm sure you will find them very interesting. Have you ever wondered where all the hundreds of denominations came from? Even if she answers no, say Well fine; I'm sure you will enjoy the series. Each study takes about an hour. What times are best for you: mornings, afternoons, or evenings? ( afternoons ) What days, etc. Always give them a choice like Tuesdays or Thursdays and 1 p.m. or 3 p.m. If they are negative, back off and invite them to church. From telecomputer leads like this, I have set up 15 appointments to study during the first phone conversation. None of the contacts had returned the first lesson! They are interested in Bible study but not by correspondence.

Step 7. Tell them you will be calling back.

If they will continue with the correspondence course, I say, Cindy, I figure it should take about two weeks to get a lesson completed. Is two weeks enough time for you? ( Yes ) Is it okay if I call you back in a month or two? ( Sure ) Have a great evening, good-bye. I write WSI for will send in on the comment line of the snapsheet.

Step 8. Complete the snapsheet.

After completing the phone conversation, record any other information you learned, such as marital status, knowledge level, any comments they made, and especially any excuses. You can often make a good guess at their age by the age of their children. Put the snapsheet back in the revolving file and wait another month before it comes up again. I always offer them a one-on-one study the second time I call. I will try for a one-on-one study any time they indicate a disinterest in continuing with the course. Unless I sense the interest, I will not try for a study the first time I call if they say they will continue with the course. I will, however, always ask for a study the second time I call and every time thereafter.

Dealing with juvenile enrollments.

I have had a six-year old give me his name, address, postal zip code, and phone number for enrollment in the course. It is important to identify juveniles (under age 16) at the time of enrollment. You can usually recognize a child's voice. The reason is obvious. If you phone at 8:30 p.m. and ask if John Smith is home, you are already in trouble because little Johnny has been in bed for an hour. I view juveniles as a stepping stone to reach the parents. Here is how I approach it if a woman answers, Hello, Mrs. Smith? ( Yes ) I'm Steve with Bible Course. Last month your son enrolled in a Bible correspondence course . . .. How old is John? ( Six years old. ) I thought he was young and that is why I wanted to talk to you. Did you see the lesson material? ( Yes, I wondered where it came from? ) After a bit of further explaining, I then ask the parent if she would like to go through the lessons with the child? Next time I call I will try for a study with the parent as outlined in Step 6. I have set up one study out of 16 juvenile enrollments, but you must be careful for obvious reasons. If the parent asks how we got little Johnny's name, just say: We offer the course by mail and by phone. We called about a month ago. Avoid describing the telecomputer system to them.

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Phoning every enrollee is absolutely essential to ensure success. I feel so strongly about this, that if you are not prepared to contact every enrollee, don't buy a telecomputer. Keep your money in the bank and get interest! Follow-up with the telecomputer is like panning for gold. You take a large scoop of dirt and slowly eliminate the refuse. It takes time, but if you are careful, you will end up with two or three tiny flakes of gold at the bottom of your pan. Let's be diligent at sorting the fish in the fishnet. One person, preferably the evangelist, or some dedicated Christian should operate the telecomputer, do all the follow-up, and run the correspondence course. Ideally, any studies that the evangelist sets up should be given to other willing Christians. He should take the front seat when it comes to the nitty-gritty but the back seat after he sets up a study. The evangelist's job is to sort through the net to separate the good fish from the bad fish. When a study is set up, the evangelist or a willing Christian then becomes responsible for bringing that contact to Christ.

The telecomputer is only one half of a church's overall outreach potential. While the telecomputer will convert the committed, the only way we will ever reach the uncommitted and unchurched is through the personal contact of individual Christians. Mass media approaches have demonstrated themselves to be poor in this area. While the telecomputer is most effective in reaching the committed, personal inviting by Christians has proven to be most effective in reaching the uncommitted. I see a winning combination here! Call if I can be of assistance.

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Telecomputer Script example #1

Hello, my name is Steve. I am not selling anything but would like to ask you three brief, but important, questions about the Bible. If you have no interest in the Bible or the divine Savior, Jesus Christ, just hang up and I will disconnect. Remember, you are under no obligation, so please answer freely.

Question 1: Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of different denominations today since there was only one church in the first century? Please answer yes or no, now.

(Script pauses till they finish answering.)

Thank you. Question 2. The Bible is an incredible book with hundreds of detailed prophecies. Would you like to learn more about the exciting prophecies of the Bible?

Thank you. Question 3. Do you feel that some churches today have become highly commercial and have lost the personal touch?

Now, if you answered yes to any or all of the above questions, then I would like to mail to you the first lesson of an exciting and fully-illustrated Bible correspondence course. The entire course is absolutely free.

As a minister for a group of nondenominational Christians, I am confident that you will greatly enjoy studying the Bible by correspondence in the privacy of your own home. Remember, you are under no obligation and the entire course is free.

Now, to receive your first lesson, please state your full name and then spell your last name at the tone.

Thank you. Please give me your home address and postal zip code at the tone.

Thank you. To verify our records, will you please repeat your telephone number.

You will receive lesson one in about three days. If I can help you in some additional way, you can leave me a personal message at the sound of the tone. If not, just say no thank you.

Thank you and may the Lord bless.

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Telecomputer script example #2

"Hello, my name is Steve. I would like to ask you three questions about the Bible. We are not connected in any way with the false teachings any cult. Instead, we are a non-denominational group of Christians who have been born again and saved by the blood of Jesus. If you are not interested in learning more about Jesus Christ, just hang up and I will disconnect.

QUESTION 1: The Bible contains hundreds of detailed prophecies. Would you like to learn more about the exciting prophecies of the Bible? Please answer yes or no, now...

THANK YOU. QUESTION 2: Have you ever wondered why there are hundreds of different denominations today since there was only one church in the first century? Please answer yes or now...

THANK YOU. QUESTION 3: Have some churches lost their emphasis on Bible study and have become nothing more than a social organization. Please answer now...

If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then we have a Bible study offer for you...And Its absolutely free of charge. The only thing we will require of you, is that you have a genuine interest in learning more about Jesus through Bible study. We have prepared a series of booklets that will greatly increase your understanding of the Bible. Even if you are studying the Bible with your own church, we invite you to also study with us, for we are non-denomination. Don't miss out on this exciting and challenging Bible study. Remember you are under no obligation, and ALL the lessons are free of charge.

You now need to give me your name and address at the tone. Please state your full name now...

Thank you. Please state you full mailing address now...

Thank you. To verify our records please repeat your phone number now...

Thank you. Have a great day and I'll be in touch soon.

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Telecomputer script example #3

"Hello, my name is Steve and I have a free Bible study offer for you. If you are not interested in spiritual things just hang up and I will disconnect. This exciting and challenging Bible study offer is absolutely free of charge. The only thing required of you, is that you have a genuine interest in learning more about the Bible.

We area fellowship of non-denominational Christians who offer Bible study without cost or any hidden strings. Even if you are studying the Bible with your own church, we invite you to also study with us, for we are non-denomination. Don't miss out on this exciting and challenging Bible study. Remember, you will not be asked for money.

If you would like to participate in this Bible study, you will need to give me your name and address at the tone. Please state your full name now...

Thank you. Please state you full mailing address now...

Thank you. To verify our records please repeat your phone number now...

Thank you. Have a great day and I'll be in touch soon.

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Telecomputer script example #4

"Hello, this is Steve.

I've called in order to get your feelings on what I believe to be the most important matter you will ever face. If you could spare, just a few moments, I would appreciate your participation. Now I'm not selling anything, I simply want your response to a subject that could change your life dramatically. So please answer freely. Simply answer yes or no after each question.

First, do you feel that the Bible should be an important part of our life?

Do you feel it is important to attend church at least once each month?

Next, do you feel that children should be taught about God?

Do you ever wish you had a better understanding of the Bible?

Do you ever wonder what will happen after this life is over?

If you died tonight, are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?

If the Bible says that you can know this for sure, would you like to know more about this important subject?

Do you have questions about the Bible that you would like someone to answer?

We'd like to mail you a free Bible study course that you complete in the privacy of your own home. You will never be asked for money and you are under no obligation. Unlock the treasures of the Bible at home by mail.

To receive your first lesson please state your name then spell your last name.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

Thank you for your participation, good-by for now, and God bless you.

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Telecomputer script example #5

"Hello, this is Steve,

I've called in order to get your feelings on what I believe to be the most important matter you will ever face. If you could spare, just a few moments, I would appreciate your participation. Now I'm not selling anything, I simply want your response to a subject that could change your life dramatically. So please answer freely. Simply answer yes or no after each question.

First, do you feel that the Bible should be an important part of our life?

Do you feel it is important to attend church at least once each month?

Next, do you feel that children should be taught about God?

Do you ever wish you had a better understanding of the Bible?

If you died tonight, are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?

If the Bible says that you can know this for sure, would you like to know more about this important subject?

Do you have questions about the Bible that you would like someone to answer?

We'd like to mail you a free Bible correspondence course that you complete in the privacy of your own home. Here's how it works: We mail you lesson 1, you complete and return the test to us. We then mark your test and mail it back to you with the next lesson. And so on.

Now you will never be asked for money for any of the lessons and you are under no obligation. Unlock the treasures of the Bible at home by mail.

To receive your first lesson please state your name then spell your last name.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

Thank you for your participation, good-by for now, and God bless you.

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Telecomputer script example #6

(Answering machine mode)

"Hello, this is Steve, the talking computer, Thank you for calling to order your first lesson of an exciting Bible correspondence course. Please answer my questions at each beep tone.

First, Do you ever wish you had a better understanding of the Bible?

If you died tonight, are you 100% sure you would go to heaven?

Do you have questions about the Bible that you would like someone to answer?

Here's how this exciting Bible study offer works: We mail you lesson 1, you complete and return the test to us. We then mark your test and mail it back to you with the next lesson. And so on. Now you will never be asked for money for any of the lessons and you are under no obligation. Unlock the treasures of the Bible at home by mail.

To receive your first lesson please state your name then spell your last name.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

Finally, Please tell me how you learned of this Bible study offer?

Thank you for your time, good-by for now, and God bless you.

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Telecomputer script example #7

(Answering machine mode)

"Hello, this is Steve, the talking computer, Thank you for calling our Bible Question/answer service. This service is free of charge or obligation.

You may now make your request or ask your question. We will mail your request to you today.

Please answer each question at each beep.

Please state your name then spell your last name.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

Finally, Please tell me how you learned of this Bible study offer?

Thank you for your time, good-by for now, and God bless you.

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Telecomputer script example #8

Direct blunt for one-on-one study Fall 1993

Hello, my name is Steve. I've called you through this computer about the most urgent matter on earth. Its not world peace, Its not your job, Its not about the Ozone layer. I've called to talk to you about spending eternity with God in heaven! Don't hang up.

95% of people in the city feel that if they died tonight that they would go to heaven. Yet Jesus clearly stated that the vast majority of people would not go to Heaven but to Hell. To state it bluntly, if there is doubt in your mind that you would go to heaven, then you salvation may be in peril. There is a way you can know for sure about your salvation. The answer is in the Bible. We have prepared a series of Bible study lessons to help you determine this most important matter for yourself.

Shortly I will ask you for your name and phone number. Within 7 days, I will return your call and set up an appointment for our first Bible study. All the lessons are free of charge and obligation. If you are searching for the truth of God then we make the opportunity available to you right now.

Simply answer each of the following questions at each beep tone.

Please state your name then spell your last name.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

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Telecomputer script example #9

Hello, welcome to the computerized Bible quiz. If you are not interested in learning more about God's joyful message of hope contained in the Bible, just hang us and I will disconnect.

Lets begin the computer Bible quiz. I am about to make six statements. After each of the statements you will hear a beep and I will then pause for each of your answers. Simply answer yes or no after each of the six statements.

Statement number 1: "God helps those who help themselves"

Next: "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop"

Number 3: "Cleanliness is next to godliness"

Next: "Money is the root of all evil"

Number 5: "As the twig is bent, so shall the tree grow"

Finally "Every cloud has a silver lining"

· Statement number 1: "As the twig is bent, so shall the tree grow" Is this statement found in the Bible? Please answer yes or no now.

· Next: "Idle hands are the Devil's workshop" Please answer yes or no.

· Number 3: "Let neither a borrower or lender be" Is this a Bible statement?

· Next: "The path of least resistance makes men & rivers crooked" Is this found in the Bible?

· Number 5: "God helps those who help themselves" Is this a Bible?

· Finally: "Money is the root of all evil" Is this statement found in the Bible?

You may be surprised to learn that none of the six statements are found in the Bible. Isn't it interesting that some things we think are in the Bible aren't really there. Would you be interested in learning more about the things that are actually in the Bible? If you are searching for the truth of God then we make the opportunity available to you right now. I will ask you for your name and phone number. Within 7 days, you will receive a phone call from a Christian who will make an appointment for your first Bible study. All the lessons are absolutely free of charge and obligation. What a fantastic opportunity to learn the Bible!

Please state your name then spell your last name after the beep.

Thank you, and now your full address and postal code.

Thank you, to verify our records please state your phone number.

Thank you for your time, good-by for now, and God bless you.

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Steve Rudd

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