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Title: | Repressed memory syndrome (Dissociative amnesia) is junk science and a myth |
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Body: | Repressed Memory Syndrome (Dissociative amnesia, psychogenic amnesia) is junk science and a myth. Click to View RMS is Junk science Law of Total Nefarious Recall (TNR) EDS-7.7.14.TNR: "If you cannot remember something, it either never happened, or it's not bothering you. You always remember things that are bother you." "If these shocking presumptions were not an actual description of the current state of the Psychology industry, they might be laughable. But regrettably, these simplistic theories are widely applied and widely accepted in a society that naively trusts psychologists to be scientific and objective, optimistic and positive, and caring and other-oriented." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 266) Click to View Psychiatrists falsely imprison innocent people with "repressed memory syndrome" and "satanic ritual child abuse". Click to View Forgive and forget! Psychologists and therapists wrongly believe it is important for you to remember past trauma and get angry! This is opposite to what the Bible says! Introduction: The idea that people forget or suppress traumatic experiences is a myth. If you cannot remember something, then either it was not traumatic enough for you to remember or it never happened! Everyone agrees that there are forgotten events in their life that can be brought into full remembrance in a number of ways. For example, a family member may recount a family story. You may watch a video of yourself when you were small etc. One of the known problems with "recovered memory therapy" is that when people remember things they had forgotten, that they actually become angry or depressed. This is the exact opposite effect that you want to accomplish. "Since this reconstructed story is inevitably sad, the perceiving and telling of the story invariably "plunges the victim into profound grief," which psychologists refuse to see for its destructive effect." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 223) We remember the "traumatic stuff" and forget the "routine stuff", and are hypnotized into remembering the "false stuff" by psychiatrists. Electro-Convulsive Shock Therapy (ECT) uses huge amounts of electricity to damage the brain and cause the targeted memory loss. Repressed Memory Syndrome assumes that things you cannot remember will depress you but ECT assumes that you cannot be depressed by memories wiped out by shocks. ECT and Repressed Memory Syndrome are in contradiction with one another thus exposing both as junk science. RMS brings remembrance to forgotten memories but ECT does the opposite by making you forget things that bother you. The various "therapeutic" techniques used to surface so called "repressed memories" from the "Personal Unconscious" into the "conscious" do nothing more than provide a "face-saving" game for the person to feel secure and finally stop lying and tell you what they know has been bothering them all along. Church ministers have a similar therapeutic technique where people feel safe and comfortable to talk about things in their past that causes them depression in the present: confessional. When sinners confess to a minister they never confess sins that never happened. Psychologists get nefarious (false) memories which lead to the destruction of innocent men. Pastors get true confessions which bring salvation with the release of guilt to the forgiving God who loves them. There are countless examples today where a person enters the world of "junk science therapy" for one thing and before you know it, they are revealing under hypnosis that their father sexually abused them. The Father is jailed, fired, divorced and labeled an incestual pedophile for life. But all was false and the father was totally innocent. The false memories were implanted into the woman via hypnosis by money hungry "junk science psychiatrists". Psychiatrists falsely imprison innocent people with "repressed memory syndrome" and "satanic ritual child abuse". Multiple Personality Disorder is closely associated with "repressed memory syndrome" where a woman is hypnotized and has false memories of abuse implanted by the psychiatrist. Movies like "Sybil", and "The faces of eve" have actually coached thousands of viewers into thinking they have multiple personalities as a result of forgotten sexual abuse as a child. "Rather, they see it as leading to "the necessity of mourning... in the resolution of traumatic life events." According to Herman, "failure to complete the normal process of grieving perpetuates the traumatic reaction" for which some time imagining that you were sexually abused, without worry about accuracy or having your ideas make sense." Others give clients the instruction to "ground the experience or event in as much knowledge as you have and then let yourself imagine what actually might have happened." Corydon Hammond, past president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, presupposing abuse, will typically say to a person: "You know, I know a secret about you."" (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 223) "Since this reconstructed story is inevitably sad, the perceiving and telling of the story invariably "plunges the victim into profound grief," which psychologists refuse to see for its destructive effect." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 223) A. Repressed memory therapy is rooted in Freud and Jung: "Freud's mistakes continue to confuse our understanding of memory. Although he correctly maintained that loss of memory is often the result of motivated action (repression), he failed to see that so is the recovery of memory (remembering) ... In short, Freud wanted the "neurotic" to master her past trauma internally, by what he called "working through"; whereas feminists want the "victim" to master it externally, by legal and social action. Freud is thus innocent of the retaliatory use of recovered-invented "memories." Therein also lies his guilt." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 71) Carl Jung writes: "I obtained information directly from the unconscious, and this information revealed a dark and tragic story. ... In my courses on hypnosis I used to inquire into the personal history of the patients whom I presented to the students. One case I still remember very well. ... In the beginning I employed hypnosis in my private practice." (Memories Dreams Reflections, Carl Gastav Jung, 1961 AD, p 115,116,118) "In discussing the possibility that the diagnosis and stories of Sybil, the celebrated case of Multiple Personality Disorder (MPD) that gained public attention from the book and subsequent film of the same name, were the product of the therapist, Herbert Spiegel says: ...that is one of the biggest difficulties with working with the concept of causation in psychotherapy. It is the grand illusion that we have inherited from Freud. Freud's concept was that you had to get to the truth, and unless you get the truth no therapeutic effect can take place. So, in the pursuit of the truth we become engaged in story telling and we impose our hypothesis on the patient by the way we ask our questions. Highly suggestible (psychologically-prone) people will of course respond in a way that can please the doctors, especially if there is a good rapport between them. (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 204) False remembering is a very common result of Repression therapy. It has been well documented that certain personality types are very prone to inventing past events that never happened at the suggestion of the therapist. This parallels the reason why some people are easily hypnotized and others are not. B. Repression therapy is harmful: If you bring to vivid remembrance, things you had forgotten, things that were bad, hurtful or harmful, you will feel worse not better! "Since this reconstructed story is inevitably sad, the perceiving and telling of the story invariably "plunges the victim into profound grief," which psychologists refuse to see for its destructive effect. Rather, they see it as leading to "the necessity of mourning... in the resolution of traumatic life events." According to Herman, "failure to complete the normal process of grieving perpetuates the traumatic reaction" for which some time imagining that you were sexually abused, without worry about accuracy or having your ideas make sense." Others give clients the instruction to "ground the experience or event in as much knowledge as you have and then let yourself imagine what actually might have happened." Corydon Hammond, past president of the American Society of Clinical Hypnosis, presupposing abuse, will typically say to a person: "You know, I know a secret about you."" (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 223) C. Problems with repression therapy: Most important, is that the entire theory of "repressed memories" is false. People simply do not forget major trauma like begin abused as a child by your uncle. If it happened, you will clearly remember it. If you can't remember it, it either never happened or it is not bothering you and you will need to look elsewhere for the cause of your present unhappiness. We are not bothered by things we cannot remember. "It is important to note that the Psychology industry chooses to ignore Freud's concept of the unconscious and Skinner's of operant conditioning. It refuses to acknowledge that the unconscious is a far more complicated concept than that of a mental container full of horrible memories. In so doing, it turns a blind eye to the fact that everyone constructs his or her own individual and subjective perspective on life and that "the clinical reconstruction of early childhood experience deals with the subject's present view about his past, and not with the discovery of archeological artifacts that have been buried."" (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 265) If we really have forgotten about a genuine experience of being sexually abused by our father, (for example) talking about it will only make us more unhappy. In fact, contrary to foundational theory of the Psychiatry industry, the more we talk about bad stuff that happened to us in the past, the worse we feel! This is so well documented, it is a puzzle why any intelligent person would allow a therapist to spend ours remembering every single detail of a truly horrifying event. "The subject of sexual abuse during childhood has a long and ignominious history in psychiatry. One of the reasons is the widely held but false belief that psychiatrists, and only psychiatrists, possess reliable methods for ascertaining whether an event- alleged to have occurred decades ago, in the privacy of a home-has or has not actually occurred. Despite its patent absurdity, this belief remains indestructible. The result is that in the past-when conventional wisdom viewed parents as the paragons of virtue who could do no wrong, struggling to civilize wicked children who could do no right-psychiatrists validated the parents' claims about their children. (They still often do so.) Whereas today-when conventional wisdom defines parents as defective adults and potential sex abusers who can do little that is right, misgoverning innocent children who never lie-psychiatrists validate the (adult) children's claims about their parents." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 61) Repressed memory therapy has many proved cases of clients "rewriting history", "trauma inventing" or "false remembering". In other words, under the continued pressure of the psychiatrist that the clients unhappiness is because of forgetting something bad in the past, the client simply invents something that never happened, and starts believing it is real. "The Psychology Industry contends that the key to eliminating their impact lies in recovering and re-experiencing the memories. "The patient must reconstruct not only what happened but also what she felt," states Herman; "the recitation of facts without the accompanying emotions is a sterile exercise, without therapeutic effect." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 77) The Psychiatry industry encourages you to seek revenge as the way to right the wrong and make you feel better. This is not only false, but it contradicts the Bible that tells us not to seek revenge when we suffer wrong. Romans 12:18-21 The Psychiatry industry is money motivated in a number of complex interwoven ways when it comes to Repressed memory therapy. First, there is the $80 per 45 minutes session. This often brings in revenues of several thousand dollars. Once a forgotten childhood sexual abuse case is uncovered, next comes the litigation stage where the therapist gains even more money at up to $500 per hour testifying in court. So the Psychiatry industry's motivation for you to remember, is not to help you feel better, but to give them a jackpot windfall through a long court case where he is the key paid witness! The Psychiatry industry is totally hypocritical because they correctly teach that malice, hatred, anger, anxiety are problems themselves, but then they go on to council people who are not anger, to become angry as a way of curing the repressed memory syndrome. "Psychiatrists warn that malice and hatred cause all kinds of physical and emotional problems. In fact, one specialist has entitled his book Love or Perish!" (W. W. Wiersbe, The Bible exposition commentary, 1989, 1 Jn 3:18) Case of false accusations got Psychiatrists convicted: Psychiatrists do a lot of damage to society today. One area is repression therapy where the Psychiatrist either blindly believes unsubstantiated accusations or implants the ideas directly into the minds of the person making the false charge of abuse. "A sixteen-year old girl tells her teacher that she is being sexually abused by her parents. Her mother and father are arrested and charged with the crime. The girl is put in foster care and begins treatment with a female psychiatrist at a university psychiatric clinic. The psychiatrist diagnoses her condition as "post-traumatic stress disorder brought on by sexual abuse." After 100 therapy sessions, the patient tells a judge that she made up the story. The patient and her parents sue the psychiatrist, claiming that she "saw the diagnosis as a certainty and did not check out anything else. ... She was the key person in the entire system." The jury finds the doctor guilty of malpractice and awards substantial money damages to both the patient and her parents. I might add that in this case (and in many others) common sense should have sufficed to impugn the accuser's credibility and prevent this drama from developing. The patient also reported that "her grandmother flew about on a broom . . . that she had borne three children who were killed, and that she had been raped in view of diners in a crowded restaurant." Clearly, the jury's verdict rested on its accepting the plaintiffs' claim that the "key person" in the case was not the young woman who bore false witness against her parents, nor the authorities who believed her and acted on her unsubstantiated accusation, but the psychiatrist who treated her as a bona fide patient. Judge and jury thus affirmed the popular delusion that a psychiatrist can reliably determine whether a person is lying or telling the truth, and hence that it is the psychiatrist's professional duty to make such a determination. Psychiatrists have themselves to blame for this situation. They have long pretended that they can evaluate their patients' "reality testing" and can determine whether or not a patient is "dangerous to himself or others." When they fail to keep these promises-implicit in the mystique of their social role-they are duly punished, by being found guilty of malpractice." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 63) Conclusion: The entire concept of repressed memory therapy is false. "There are many reasons why people fabricate false memories: because dramatic accusations, especially of sexual wrongdoing, attract attention and are sources of fame and money; because revenge is sweet; because people have a need to explain their unexplained emotional distress, the greater the distress, the greater the need for a spectacular "cause"; because human beings have a penchant for attributing their evil impulses to Others; and because, as I noted, psychiatrists stand ready to relieve people of responsibility for their behavior-including the responsibility to verify, for themselves, whether others are telling the truth or not." (The Meaning of the Mind, Thomas Szasz, 1996 AD, p 65) People project their current view of life back to their childhood. What actually happened in childhood is coloured through the glasses of today. Repressed memory therapy is spreading like a dangerous cancer. People have been put falsely put in jail because of it. Individuals lives are being destroyed by falsely remembering events that never happened. We remember the "traumatic stuff" and forget the "routine stuff", and are hypnotized into remembering the "false stuff" by psychiatrists. The entire theory of "repressed memories" is false. People simply do not forget major trauma like begin abused as a child by your uncle. If it happened, you will clearly remember it. If you can't remember it, it either never happened or it is not bothering you and you will need to look elsewhere for the cause of your present unhappiness. We are not bothered by things we cannot remember. Psychiatry disagrees with this and teaches the opposite: Things you cannot remember are bothering you. This is pure junk science and totally false. Law of Total Nefarious Recall (TNR) EDS-7.7.14.TNR: "If you cannot remember something, it either never happened, or it's not bothering you. You always remember things that bother you." By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA |