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Title:The Biblical pattern of counseling: Reactions of the person being counseled to your judgements
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Body:The Biblical pattern of counseling

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Reactions of the person being counseled to your judgments and advice!

"Hit dogs howl!"

"Warthogs that know they are about to be hit fabricate schizophrenia"


When you are counseling someone, you need to be aware of the various tricks and tactics they will throw at you.

Mentally ill people generally know how to play the game because they have had many, many experiences with the psychiatry industry. They have been conditioned to search for answers from within and have experienced non-judgmental sessions. Biblical psychiatry is different and it may come to them as a shock.

You sit down with them and ask them what they have been doing wrong and what needs to be change in their life. First, they have never been asked this before. They may take offence or question if you know what you are doing. However, since they came to you for help, they either do what you say or you end the session as a waste of time.

The smoke and mirrors of dealing with all people is bad enough, but dealing with mentally ill people is complex because they have learned to expect people to just accept absurd answers and actions.

They quickly learn that you do not accept their behaviour and they will start to fight you like a hooked shark on 300 lb test line! (You are the 300 lb test fishing line)

Here are the most common (and we mean VERY COMMON) tactics you will encounter when you are counseling someone. Every person you counsel will commit one or many of these dishonest ploys to keep their BIG SIN hidden.

Remember that "Hit dogs howl!" and most mentally ill people have never been confronted with the fact that their own sins are the cause of their own problems. When you confront them, perhaps for the first time in their lives, they are going to fight you, but in the end you will cure them!

"The behavior of neurotics and psychotics, criminals and eccentrics has been understood as a form of self- deception, a surrender to a fictitious existence. ... Patients want sympathy, want to create a sensation or evade some obligation, want to get a pension or enjoy certain fantasy pleasures. Determination and surrender of this sort play a great part in neurotic illnesses as well as in the development of pseudologia phantastica (self-credited, fantastic lying)." (Karl Jaspers, 1883-1969, General Psychopathology, The Determination to Fall Ill, 1913 AD, p 329, 424)

Hit dogs howl and dogs that know they are about to be hit howl: Psychotic behaviours are fabricated the same way warthogs squeal, stamp around just before they run through an electric fence: It is an amazing thing to witness warthogs cross through an electric fence in the Elephants Valley of Botswana. They tend to rev themselves up well before the event, hopping around on one little spot while they squeal and squeal and generally psych themselves up for the crossover. And then they let fly-straight for the nearest hole beneath the fence. Of course, the transition would be perfectly safe if it wasn't for the famous fact that warthogs can't run without holding their tails straight up in the air, like CB antennas on a techno-hippi's Ford Cortina in the 1970's. Seeing a warthog cross an electric fence really is funny, if you're the kind who likes to see animals act stupidly. Even more so if you like studying the Doppler effect being applied to the animal kingdom. You know? The well-known physical effect of sound as it changes pitch when, for instance, an ambulance with its siren on passes you on a long straight road. The sound keeps changing as the source nears and the sound waves are compressed. And then it becomes a long stretched-out wail as the vehicle passes and screams past you into the distance. A kind of "weeu-weeu-weeu-waa-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-a-u-u-uh-h-h-h-h..." sound. It is the same with warthogs. They start with a high-pitched squeal which becomes a long, distorted wail, until they hit the fence. But that's where the similarity ends and the Doppler effect ceases to apply. The moment the tail hits the bottom wire and grounds the current, the steady wail turns into a brief, but most hysterical shriek. But however terrible, the shock is brief, and a moment later the pig clears the fence and emerges on the other side in a cloud of orange dust and snorts of indignation, before dribbling away as if nothing had happened. Now, to my mind, a warthog crossing an electric fence is not the really funny part. The truly perplexing part of the whole story is why the pigs invariably decide an hour or two later that they simply have to return to where they had original come from. And then they go through the whole charging up ritual all over again-but this time in reverse. Pigs are said to be intelligent creatures, but I have my doubts. At any rate, there will be those who will obviously doubt the truthfulness of my observation. And all I can say to them is that I respect their skepticism. A lot of things in Africa sound like pure fantasy until you've lived here a few years yourself. Only then can you start to appreciate the fact that pigs will keep crossing electric fences with their tails raised for a million years if you let them, and they won't ever learn. It is in the nature of things and it defies explanation. Africa is full of such examples. (African travel log, 27 July 2004)

A. Denial and pleading ignorance:

People simply will not tell you what they have done wrong. They will lie and deny any sin.

Psychiatrists don't even ask what they have done wrong so are utterly clueless in the process of curing mental illness.

Generally the councilor will need to reject the denial and ask three or four times before they come clean and tell you.

"This is the way of an adulterous woman: She eats and wipes her mouth, And says, "I have done no wrong." Proverbs 30:20.

The very same Jewish leaders who plotted, arranged the betrayal and demanded Jesus be crucified later denied they had any involvement: "When they had brought them, they stood them before the Council. The high priest questioned them, saying, "We gave you strict orders not to continue teaching in this name, and yet, you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and intend to bring this man's blood upon us."" Acts 5:27-28.

Judah denied they had sinned against God and claimed innocence while they openly practicing idolatry: "Yet you said, 'I am innocent; Surely His anger is turned away from me.' Behold, I will enter into judgment with you Because you say, 'I have not sinned.'" Jeremiah 2:35

See the case of "Applesauce" (Schizophrenia: Caused by hidden sin: Applesauce reacted with denial, acting insulted, anger and confession)

See the case of "Candy" (Depression: Caused by hidden sin: Candy reacted with denial, acting insulted, anger and confession)

B. Blame shifting:

The old joke about blaming your adult problems on the fact your mother made you eat your peas as a child is actually quite common in principle.

People love to blame others for their problems.

They will claim to be a victim, or neglected, or have suffered some trauma as a way of explaining away sinful behaviour.

Adam: blamed others (Eve and indirectly God) "The woman you gave to me".

Saul: 1 Sam 15:24 Blamed the people instead of himself.

C. The decoy:

Confessing a lesser sin while hiding the larger root sin.

People love to throw you off the trail of their big sin by confessing to a lessor sin that is not so bad. This is very common.

If someone claims the reason they are deeply depressed is because they "fell asleep after they promised God they would pray all night", reject it as absurd and ask for the real reason.

Balaam: Num 22:34 Balaam confessed the sin of merely going with the messengers of Moab, when the larger sin was participating with the enemies of Israel for the sole purpose of cursing them.

See the case of "Muffin" (Depression: Caused by hidden sin: Decoy confession to a lesser sin as a smokescreen to hide a larger sin)

D. Confessed to escape the heat of the moment.

People don't like being put under the magnifying glass of personal judgment. They might ask themselves why they put themselves in this unpleasant situation and seek a fast way of escape!

They will confess merely to end the process quickly without really repenting.

They fake cry and make false promises just to make you think you succeeded in curing them, but the next day they continue to sin as though nothing happened.

Pharaoh, Ex 9:27. When the plagues were happening Pharaoh confessed his sin, but when the plague was over, Pharaoh began to commit the same sin again.

E. Confessing only after getting caught.

Confessing only after getting caught is a clear indication of dishonesty. The chances of a cure are lessened.

It means little when a criminal confesses a crime only after he is shown the high resolution video tape. It means more if he volunteers information before he thinks you know it.

Achan: Josh 7:2 Achan knew that lots were being cast but never dreamed he would be discovered. Had he come forward at the beginning and confessed, the Lord may have let him live. Achan only confessed when confession meant nothing because he was caught red handed.

F. Sexual seduction: "sexual transference"

Females who are being counseled, will attempt to sexual seduction the men who counsel them. It is more common that you might realize. In professional "paid counseling" circles, it is called "transference". Yes men may attempt to seduce their female counselor, but it is about as rare as a woman raping a man. Generally men rape women and woman seduce male counselors. That's just the way it is.

Transference traces its origin to Fraud who believed that the person being counseled transferred emotions felt in the past, to the counselor in the present as he listens to these stories being revisited. In fact it is far more simple than that... it is just promiscuousness. Don't be flattered! She has the same feelings about a lot of people, you are her latest victim!

"For among them are those who enter into households and captivate weak women weighed down with sins, led on by various impulses," 2 Timothy 3:6

"But she who gives herself to wanton pleasure is dead even while she lives." 1 Timothy 5:6

"For we also once were foolish ourselves, disobedient, deceived, enslaved to various lusts and pleasures, spending our life in malice and envy, hateful, hating one another." Titus 3:3

But in counseling she is not just seducing you merely for the joy of great sex, she may be trying to get even with you for telling her she is a sinner. By "bedding" you, she can then say, "Why should I listen to you... you are no better than me." Women who seduce for these reasons are obviously not likely to have ever benefited from what Biblical Psychiatry has to offer.

The client has transferred to the therapist intense feelings of affection, even love. Sexual thoughts and feelings are usually in evidence. Eventually this positive transference turns negative and the therapist is now regarded with hostility.

These women are highly unstable and very dangerous to a Christian. They become obsessed with you and can think of nothing other than having sex with you day and night. But once they actually do, then the obsessive love turns to intense hatred.

Here is an example of the "sexual obsession turned to hatred" in the Bible. It is not about counseling, but how a man rapes a woman. The specific details, however, are identical to "sexual transference" in counseling: Here is a case of mental illness in the Bible where a man named Amnon was suffering from a depression that had made him physically sick because of his sexual obsession: The Bible case of "Amnon and Tamar" (Depression caused by sexual obsession)

Their act of seduction, therefore, is a way they can avoid putting your advice into action!

G. The confession of that cures mental illness:

Prodigal Lk 15:18: The prodigal made a full honest confession of sin and changed his lifestyle accordingly.

Like PHARAOH, the prodigal was brought to repentance by hard times and starvation. Unlike PHARAOH, the prodigal continued to live righteously and penitently after the bad times were gone and the good life returned: V16.

Unlike BAALAM, the prodigal confessed both symptom sin (offending his father by squandering his inheritance and loose living) and larger more serious sin of sinning against God.

Unlike SAUL, the prodigal, the blamed only himself. He could have blamed the father for lacking the wisdom of giving the inheritance money in the first place, but did not.

Unlike ACHAN, the prodigal was prepared to pay consequences: v19 "make me a slave".

Since man cannot read the heart, you can only be certain that someone has truly confessed when you examine their life a few weeks or months later to see if they have continued to walk the way Jesus wants them to. When it happens, it is a beautiful think to be part of!

H. Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry © Version 7

We have several real, live, true clinical case examples of how those being counseled, practice lying, deception, denial, avoidance, decoys, smokescreens, acting insulted... then finally confessing their sin.

The chemical psychiatry industry it totally clueless and useless to cure mentally ill people!

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People you council will get angry with you, shout at you, swear at you, accuse you of being unqualified, blame you, act insulted by your methods, burst into tears, try to sexually seduce you to destroy you, slander you to others behind your back... just ignore it because Jesus experience the same.

Remember you are not the one with the problem, they are. Sinners are, well.... sinners! Expect them to sin against you too!

By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

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