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Title:PLAY: The Holy Spirit Game: Prove the Holy Spirit is a person and not an "it".
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Body:Play The Holy Spirit Game!

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The Holy Spirit Game (Prove the Holy Spirit is a person and not an "it".) Invented by Steve Rudd

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Click to View Personality & deity of the Holy Spirit proven from the Bible

Click to View Why we invented the Holy Spirit Game:

In order to show how absurd the Arian (Anti-Trinitarian) view of the Holy Spirit is, we invented this game. Anti-Trinitarians believe the Holy Spirit is God's active force or "electricity" and reject that the Holy Spirit is an actual person like the Father and the Son. Yet scripture has the Holy Spirit speaking, being called a HE, feeling emotions, making freewill decisions.

Anti-Trinitarians not only reject the Holy Spirit is one of three members of the Godhead, (Trinity) they reject that the Holy Spirit even exists as a person at all! Arians like Jehovah's Witnesses and Christadelphians, for example, call the Holy Spirit "God's active force", "energy", "like electricity". Now we know that God does indeed have what they describe.

We deny not that God has an active force of energy like electricity to get things done. We question, however, why God would go to so much trouble to personify his own inherent power to the extent that it has emotions, thoughts and speech INDEPENDANT of Himself.

Now we know that Arians would argue that the Holy Spirit never acts independently of the Father, since they are really one and the same thing, but this begs the question. The problem for Arians is to explain why God chose to invent the entire concept of the Holy Spirit at all. Why was it necessary for God to give "electricity" apparent personality, independence, thoughts, the ability to speak like a person and refer to this energy as a "HE"?

If Arians are correct, what God has done in inventing or utilizing the "concept of the Holy Spirit" as His power, is like us doing the same with our biceps muscle. We don't refer to this muscle as a HE, have it engage in discussion, and make it appear it made a decision with a mind of its own to lift something or open a door. Yet this is exactly what Anti-Trinitarians want us to believe about the Holy Spirit. In fact, what Arians suggest God does with his power, amounts to ventriloquism. (Defn: the practice of speaking so that the voice seems to come from some source other then the speaker)

So, we ask, why would God go to all the trouble of inventing and personifying what appears on the surface to be a separate entity speaking? This makes God into a master ventriloquist!

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Is God a master ventriloquist?

Anti-Trinitarians make God into a master ventriloquist who tricks us into thinking his active force is really a person called the Holy Spirit!


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The Holy Spirit Game (Prove the Holy Spirit is a person and not an "it".)

Instructions for Bible class studies: "The Holy Spirit Game".

Game takes 45 minutes to play. Perfect for congregational Bible studies!

Maximum of 19 players.

You will need one happy face sticker or button for each member. You can print the happy faces from the template below, cut them out and either pin or tape them to the biceps (their active force) of each player.

Print out the game script below and cut each numbered row into strips. You will have 19 game pieces numbered 1 - 19. Each game piece has a number, the actual script the player will read and the supporting Bible text.

Hand out one or more of the game pieces to each member.

Hand out the Bible verses

The players read only the script during the game, not the supporting Bible verses. This is to prevent confusion and the continuity of the fictitious story.

Sequence of events in the game:

Once each member has a happy face attached to one of their biceps and a game piece numbered 1-19 and a separate copy of the outline called, " The Holy Spirit is a person not an it" here is what you do:

Read the six points in section called, "Why we invented the Holy Spirit Game". This sets the background for the game

Read out loud for the whole church, the section is called, " The Holy Spirit is a person not an it". Remember to emphasize that electricity and energy cannot do any of the things attributed to the Holy Spirit. This is the actual Bible teaching section.

Using the numbers from 1-19 on each game piece call for #1 to be read by whoever has it and so, on till you read the whole script

They are to read only story script in the left hand column and not the supporting Bible verse.

When called upon to read in orderly sequence, each member must lift up their biceps with the happy face and practice their ventriloquism by getting the happy face to say the statement each in orderly sequence so the story is told. This exactly illustrates what Anti-Trinitarian claim God does with the holy Spirit as His "active force".

Remember, the story in the game is based upon these Bible verses. Although the story is fictitious, the concepts attributed to the Holy Spirit are not.

The Holy Spirit is a person not an it: (The Bible study portion of the Game)

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Is God a master ventriloquist?

Anti-Trinitarians make God into a master ventriloquist who tricks us into thinking his active force is really a person called the Holy Spirit!

John 14:16,17,26; 16:7 The helper, advocate, lawyer like Christ 1 Jn 2:1

Heb 10:29 "and have insulted the Spirit"

Acts 20:28 The Holy Spirit has made [appointed] you overseers."

Acts 16:6 "forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go to Asia"

Acts 11:12 "He told Peter to go with Cornelius' men.

Rom 8:26 "He intercedes for us"

John 14:26 bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.

1 Pet 1:11 "Spirit of Christ" in the prophets testified

Acts 5:3 "You have lied unto the Holy Spirit "

1 Cor 2:11 "He knows God's thoughts.

Jn 16:13 "Whatever He hears He will speak" He will disclose to the apostles "things to come."

1 Ti 4:1 Acts 13:2 "The Spirit explicitly says"

Acts 13:3-4 "being sent out by the Holy Spirit"

Rom 8:26 "He helps our weaknesses"

Jn 16:13 "He will guide you"

1 Cor 2:10 "the Spirit searches all things"

Eph 4:30 "and do not grieve the Holy Spirit"

Acts 15:28 "it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit"

Rom 15:30 "I urge you by the love of the Holy Spirit "

Holy Spirit game script:

What each person says in turn to tell the story.

The bible verse this statement is based upon that illustrates the story.


Good Morning! I am a LAWYER for the defendant in this court.

John 14:16,17,26; 16:7 The helper, advocate, lawyer like Christ 1 Jn 2:1


Your Honor, my client is charged with slander and libel. It is alleged that he INSULTED the opposing team's Pitcher while up at bat.

Heb 10:29 "and have insulted the Spirit"


What, your Honor? You want me to APPOINT the head juror and sequester the jury before we begin?

Acts 20:28 The Holy Spirit has made [appointed] you overseers."


Ok, all members of the jury are FORBIDDEN to leave their hotel room and talk to relatives.

Acts 16:6 "forbidden by the Holy Spirit to go to Asia"


You, the jury, will be ACCOMPANIED BY a police officer to and from court. Are you happy now your Honor?

Acts 11:12 "He told Peter to go with Cornelius' men.


I have been called into this court to INTERCEDE on behalf of my client the batter.

Rom 8:26 "He intercedes for us"


Your Honor, you were in the stands watching, and saw the whole matter first hand, so let me bring to your REMEMBRANCE what actually happened at that game.

John 14:26 bring to your remembrance all that I said to you.


Since I was present at the game as well, I can actually TESTIFY to the fact in this courtroom that you were there and are a witness! Youe honor don'y make me put you in the witness box for questioning.

1 Pet 1:11 "Spirit of Christ" in the prophets testified


The Pitcher it really LYING TO ME and this court about what my client, the batter said. He actually said nothing at all.

Acts 5:3 "You have lied unto the Holy Spirit "


I know WHAT YOU ARE THINKING, your Honor. The whole stadium heard the batter call the pitcher "ugly". But this is totally untrue.

1 Cor 2:11 "He knows God's thoughts.


My client thought the charges were silly, but, your Honor, YOU TOLD ME TO TELL the batter that if he didn't show up for court, he would be found guilty by default.

Jn 16:13 "Whatever He hears He will speak" He will disclose to the apostles "things to come."


I EXPLICITLY TOLD my client not to talk to the media about this case but he didn't listen to me.

1 Ti 4:1 "The Spirit explicitly says"


When he first told me he went to the media, I SENT HIM out of my office for five minutes, then called him back into my office.

Acts 13:3-4 "being sent out by the Holy Spirit"


I told him, "I know you have no experience in court trials, but I can HELP YOUR WEAKNESS in this area".

Rom 8:26 "He helps our weaknesses"


Your Honor, let me GUIDE YOU through what actually happened. The batter painted a happy face on the soft spot circle on the bat. Through ventriloquism the batter called the pitcher ugly. So the bat should be on trial, not the batter.

Jn 16:13 "He will guide you"


I SEARCHED the court files for other legal precedents but there are no other cases of a talking bats who were considered persons that could be sued.

1 Cor 2:10 "the Spirit searches all things"


I am GRIEVED that you do not know that a bat, although not a person, can indeed talk. So my client is innocent of the charge and it is the bat who is really guilty.

Eph 4:30 "and do not grieve the Holy Spirit"


It SEEMS GOOD that the verdict should be not guilty, given a bat is not a person. That bat is always giving wise cracks anyways.

Acts 15:28 "it seemed good to us and the Holy Spirit"


I LOVE baseball, so I ask the jury to give a not guilty verdict and so we can all go home. Its not too late to watch the last few innings of the game tonight!

Rom 15:30 "I urge you by the love of the Holy Spirit "

Here are the happy faces you can print and give out:

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Steve Rudd, inventor

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