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URL: | https://www.bible.ca/...AD70-Islam-Second-coming-Rev20-7.htm |
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Modified: | 2020-10-31 15:41:14 |
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Title: | Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Daniel 12 Abomination of Desolation |
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Body: | Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Daniel 12 Abomination of Desolation A. Midrashic dual prophecy of Daniel 8:9-14 and 11:21-45 as a template to decode the Olivet Discourse: 1. In Daniel 8:9-14 and 11:21-45 the abomination of Desolation was a dual prophecy of both the desecration of the Jerusalem temple in 167 BC and AD 70. a. First, Antiochus IV in 167 BC desecrated the temple which triggered the Maccabean insurrection. This was an exact and perfect fulfillment and the Hasmoneans would check off the prophecy as 100% fulfilled. b. Second, Jesus made it clear in Mt 24:15 that it also refers to the destruction of the temple by the Romans in AD 70. We would not have known this was a dual prophecy except for the New Testament identifying it as such. Jesus' reference to "standing in the holy place" refers back to Dan 8:7-8, 13 "both the holy place and the host to be trampled". 2. The Abomination of desolation is the Roman Armies that surrounded and destroyed Jerusalem in 70 AD. Abomination of desolation = Jerusalem surrounded by armies Event Matthew Mark Luke abomination of desolation 24:15 13:14 not mentioned surrounded by armies 28th August AD 66 not mentioned not mentioned 21:20 Flee 24:16 13:15 21:21 Conclusion Abomination fulfilled when Jerusalem surrounded by armies a. The abomination of Desolation in Jesus' prophecy was when the armies arrived.Matthew and Mark mention the abomination. Luke, inserts, in the exact place of mentioning the abomination, "when you see Jerusalem surrounded by armies". The conclusion is that Luke interpreted the abomination to be fulfilled when Jerusalem surrounded. b. 28th August AD 66: Manahem arrives at Jerusalem and surrounds the city fulfilling Lk 21:20 but is killed on 15th September AD 66. (Wars 2.433-440) This was likely when the second wave the Christians fled the city. The first Christians would have left when they first read the book of Revelation in the early spring of AD 66. After entering the city as a leader, Manahem was finally defeated and fled the city on 15th September AD 66 and later killed. While the Jews would have felt safe, the Christians knew disaster was near for the city. This corresponds to the second attach of Nebuchadnezzar on Jerusalem on 9th December 598 BC when Jehoiachin/Jeconiah/Coniah and Ezekiel obey the order of Jeremiah and surrender voluntarily (2 Kings 24:10-16). They are deported along with a group of 3023 Jews who surrendered by Nebuzaradan: Jer 52:29. These would likely have been caught up in the weedy and rocky soils of life (parable of the sower) but they finally obeyed the second command to leave. They would likely only get out of the city with the easiest of possessions to convert to cash. c. The Roman armies were the abomination which causes abomination when Manahem surrounded the, Christians where given opportunity to leave. 3. Dating the desecration and liberation of the temple 167-164 BC: a. The Julian dates converted from 1 Maccabees are based upon Parker & Dubberstein (1971) and Babylonian Calendar reckoning was used in 1 Maccabees, not Macedonian Calendar reckoning. b. Daniel's figure of 1,150 days does not exactly agree with the number from Maccabees, but it is close enough. We will use the dating from 1 Maccabees, understanding it is in error in relation to the inspired number in the book of Daniel. c. Temple desecrated and sacrifices stopped: 6th December 167 BC: "And on the 15th day of Chislev, on the 145th year, they built an abomination of desolation on the altar, and in the cities around Judah, they built altars." (1 Maccabees 1:54) d. Temple liberated and sacrifices restored: 14th December 164 BC: "And they rose early in the morning of the 25th of the 9th month, this is the month Chislev, the 148th year, and they offered up sacrifices according to the law on the altar for the burnt offerings, the new one that they made." (1 Maccabees 4:52-53) e. The period of time recorded in 1 Maccabees is three full 365-day years plus 8 days and equals a grand total of 1103 days. Daniel said it was only 1150 days. f. The author has excavated many Antiochus IV coins at Khirbet el-Maqaitir and Shiloh. 4. Differences in the two fulfillments: 167 BC vs AD 70: a. 167 BC: Abomination was pagans entering the temple and sacrifices stopped at same time on 6th December 167 BC and resumed 1150 days later (3 years) on 14th December 164 BC when temple worship was restored. b. AD 70: Abomination was Jewish armies surrounding Jerusalem in 28th Aug AD 66 but temple sacrifices stopped 4 years later on 14th July AD 70, then 3 weeks later on 6th August AD 70, the temple was destroyed forever. 5. This is typical Midrashic style and is useful as a guide in decoding the Olivet Discourse. B. Midrashic quad prophecy of Daniel 9:27; 11:31; 12:11: Abomination of Desolation 1. Antiochus IV 167 BC: Dan 8:11-14; 11:30 a. Sacrifices and Temple worship stops on 6th December 167 BC. b. Physical temple desecrated with pig/swine sacrifices in temple: 1 Maccabees 1:20-24; 41-64; Josephus Antiquities 12.246-257. c. Temple desecrated and sacrifices stopped: 6th December 167 BC: "And on the 15th day of Chislev, on the 145th year, they built an abomination of desolation on the altar, and in the cities around Judah, they built altars." (1 Maccabees 1:54) d. Temple liberated and sacrifices restored: 14th December 164 BC: "And they rose early in the morning of the 25th of the 9th month, this is the month Chislev, the 148th year, and they offered up sacrifices according to the law on the altar for the burnt offerings, the new one that they made." (1 Maccabees 4:52-53) 2. Crucifixion AD 33: Daniel 9:27; 12:11 a. Jesus surrounded by evil men: Psalm 22:15-18; 18:4-7 b. Destruction of true spiritual temple was the ultimate abomination. c. True Spiritual temple desecrated: body of Christ crucified: John 2:18-22 d. Temple Sacrifices stop/abolished: Col 2:14; Heb 8:13. 3. Destruction of Jerusalem AD 70: Dan 8:11-14; 11:30 + Mt 24:15 = Lk 21:20 a. Jerusalem first surrounded by Jewish army of Manahem on 28th August AD 66; Josephus Wars 2.433-440, then a second time by Jewish armies on 25th September AD 66: Josephus Wars 2.522. b. Temple sacrifices and worship stop 14th July AD 70: Josephus Wars 6:94. c. Temple destroyed: 6th August AD 70: Josephus Wars 6.249-250 4. Christians attacked before second coming: Rev 20:7-10 a. Christians surrounded by Satan immediately before the second coming. b. The only force on earth today that wants to extinguish and stamp out Christianity is Islam. c. Sunday Church worship stops. d. Lord's Supper stops. e. Just before Christians are wiped off the face of earth, God presses the second coming button and Satan is defeated. By Steve Rudd 2020: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Click Your Choice Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA |