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Body: | Record Of The Rocks Sedimentary Layers "Catastrophic Floods Rapidly Carved the Surface of Mars," Discover, Nov.19, 2018 "...Mars' Noachian stratigraphic record" Nature, May 5. 2020 Complete, Detailed Geologic Column Is Non-Existent, Except In Text Books Conceptual, "The end product of correlation is a mental abstraction called the geological column." p.779, 1985, Encyclopedia Britannica. Built By Correlation, L.D. Leet (Harvard) & S. Judson (Princeton), "Because we cannot find sedimentary rocks representing all of earth time neatly in one convenient area, we must piece together the rock sequence from locality to locality. This process of tying one rock sequence in one place to another in some other place is known as correlation, from the Latin for 'together' plus 'relate.'" Physical Geology, p.181. Complete Column Is Pieced Together By Circular Logic Encyclopedia Britannia, Vol.X, p.168, R. H. Rastal, Cambridge, "It cannot be denied that from a strictly philosophical standpoint geologists are here arguing in a circle. The succession of organisms has been determined by a study of their remains embedded in the rocks, and the relative ages of the rocks are determined by the organisms that they contain." Evolutionary Fossil Progressions? "Fantasy" David Raup, Chicago Field Museum, Prof. of Geology, U. of Chicago, "A large number of well-trained scientists outside of evolutionary biology and paleontology have unfortunately gotten the idea that the fossil record is far more Darwinian than it is. This probably comes from the oversimplification inevitable in secondary sources: low-level textbooks, semi-popular articles, and so on. Also, there is probably some wishful thinking involved. In the years after Darwin, his advocates hoped to find predictable progressions. In general, these have not been found yet the optimism has died hard, and some pure fantasy has crept into textbooks...One of the ironies of the creation-evolution debate is that the creationists have accepted the mistaken notion that the fossil record shows a detailed and orderly progression and they have gone to great lengths to accommodate this 'fact' in their Flood Geology." New Scientist, V.90, p.832, 1981 Alternate Explanation: Year-Long Series of Catastrophes Produced By A World-Wide Flood, Father of Modern Stratigraphy, Nicholas Steno, Dott & Batten, "Besides correctly interpreting fossils, Steno drew some even more important conclusions about the strata in which they occur. The result was formulation of most basic principles for analysis of earth history. Steno showed great insight...Steno's axioms provide the ultimate basis of practically all interpretation of earth history, so their importance can hardly be overemphasized." Evolution Of The Earth, p.24. Was A Flood Geologist, "Steno believed in the universal flood throughout his life..." Geology, 9/2006. The Genesis Flood (Forward) John C. McCampbell, Head Of Department Of Geology, University of Southeastern Louisiana "...the authors have shown such a position to be supported by excellent proof and sound interpretation. ...and that the major facts of geology and other sciences can be satisfactorily oriented within this framework." The Genesis Flood, xvi. Updated, Global Flood, John Morris. Plenty of Water, Jacques Cousteau, "Were all the crust to be leveled...evened out-no land would show above the surface of the sea. Earth would be covered by a uniform sheet of water-more than 10,000' deep!" The Ocean World, p.18 Where Did The Water Go? Psalm 104, v.6 You covered it with the deep as with a garment; The waters were standing above the mountains. 7 At Your rebuke they fled, At the sound of Your thunder they hurried away. 8 The mountains rose; the valleys sank down...Proposed Model: Before Flood, "waters above firmament (Gen.1:6-7) with 1 mile high mountains & one mild deep oceans. After Flood: Water in 3 mile deep oceans with up to 5 mile high mountains. Natural Habitats Segregate, Gilluly, Walters, Woodford, "In correlating rock strata by comparison of fossils, it is important to keep in mind the limitations to the spread of organisms imposed by their natural habitats. Many different depositional environments exist...Each environment has its characteristic group of animals and plants, that live contemporaneously...For example, we do not expect to find the bones of antelopes in a coral reef, nor coral in a desert sand dune. ...we would not expect to find the same fossils entombed in all the varied deposits formed." Principles Of Geology, p.101 World-Wide Flood Would Bury Organisms Where They Lived Preserving Ecological Zones, Predicting Mostly Marine Invertebrates Testing Circular Logic Topsy-Turvy Fossils Steven M. Stanley, Johns Hopkins Univ., "There is an infinite variety of ways in which, since 1859, the general concept of evolution might have been demolished. Consider the fossil record--a little known resource in Darwin's day. The unequivocal discovery of a fossil population of horses in Precambrian rocks would disprove evolution. More generally, any topsy-turvy sequence of fossils would force us to rethink our theory, yet not a single one has come to light. As Darwin recognized, a single geographic inconsistency would have nearly the same power of destruction." The New Evolutionary Timetable, 1981, p.171. Living Fossils, Niles Eldridge, American Museum Of Natural History, "...there seems to have been almost no change in any part we can compare between the living organism and its fossilized progenitors of the remote geological past. Living fossils embody the theme of evolutionary stability to an extreme degree. ...We have not completely solved the riddle of living fossils." Fossils, 1991, p.101, 108. Extinct For How Long?, Keith S. Thomson, Pres., Academy of Natural Sciences, "Off the coast of southern Africa, in the winter of 1938, a fishing boat called The Nerine dragged from the Indian Ocean near the Chalumna River a fish thought to be extinct for 70 million years. The fish was a coelacanth, an animal that thrived concurrently with dinosaurs..." Living Fossil, 1991, From book cover. Horseshoe Crab, Keith S. Thomson, The first members of this group appeared some 424 million years ago in the Silurian and look quite like the modern forms. The last fossils became extinct about 50 million years ago." Living Fossil, 1991, p.72. "To fight off infection, the horseshoe crab has a compound in its blood...which immediately binds and clots around fungi, viruses, and bacterial endotoxins. ... has become the worldwide standard screening test for bacterial contamination [one part per trillion]. Every drug certified by the FDA must be tested using LAL, as do surgical implants such as pacemakers and prosthetic devices. '...without it medicine faces a return to the dark ages.'" Nature, June 10, 2008 Falsification Theoretically Simple Evolution Is Falsifiable, Niles Eldridge, American Museum of Natural History., "We have been looking at the fossil record as a general test of the notion that life has evolved: to falsify that general idea, we would have to show that forms of life we considered more advanced appear earlier than the simpler forms." Monkey Business, p.46, 1982. Richard Dawkins, Oxford, "...there are certain things about the fossil record that any evolutionist should expect to be true. We should be very surprised, for example, to find fossil humans appearing in the record before mammals are supposed to have evolved! If a single, well verified mammal skull were to turn up in 500 million year old rocks, our whole modern theory of evolution would be utterly destroyed. Incidentally, this is a sufficient answer to the canard, put about by creationist and their journalistic fellow travelers, that the whole theory of evolution is an 'unfalsifiable' tautology. Ironically, it is also the reason why creationist are so keen on the fake human footprints, which were carved during the depression to fool tourist, in the dinosaur beds of Texas," The Blind Watchmaker, 1986, p.225. Richard Dawkins, Oxford "...not a single solitary fossil has ever been found before it could have evolved. Evolution could so easily be disproved if just a single fossil turned up in the wrong date order. ,,,What would be evidence against evolution, and very strong evidence at that, would be the discovery of even a single fossil in the wrong geological stratum" Newsweek, 10/5/09 Abundant Contradictions Eleven Human Skeletons in Dakota Sandstone Dinosaur with Human Fossil Footprints Taylor Trail (14 Tracks) - McFall Trail (15 Tracks) - Burdick Track (Sectioned) Stinnett, TX Track - Sonora, TX Tracks - Russian Footprints - New Mexico Footprint Dinosaur Petroglyphs, Temple, Castle Carvings Utah - Colorado - Arizona - Cambodia - France - Italy Peruvian, Mexican Dinosaur Artifacts: Burial Stones - Pottery- Fabric - Figurines Petroglyph Expert, Barnes & Pendleton, "There is a petroglyph in Natural Bridges National Monument that bears a startling resemblance to a dinosaur, specifically a Brontosaurus, with a long tail and neck, small head and all." p.201 "...So far, archaeologists have chosen barely to mention such oddities, then ignore them, but sooner or later the problem of extinct or anachronistic animal rock art must be scientifically stated and resolved." p.203 Prehistoric Indian, 1995. St George Killing A Dinosaur, 10 things you might not know about Georgia, BBC News, 4 July 2013. "2...there's no mistaking the link to St George. A golden statue of the saint slaying a dragon dominates Tbilisi's central square.: Significance Louis Jacobs, SMU, President of the Society of Vertebrate Paleontology "...co-occurrence of men and dinosaurs. Such an association would dispel an Earth with vast antiquity. The entire history of creation, including the day of rest, could be accommodated in the seven biblical days of the Genesis myth. Evolution would be vanquished." In Quest Of The African Dinosaur, p.261. Ernst Mayr, Harvard, "Creationists have stated that humans and dinosaurs were contemporaries in time...Were this momentous statement true the names of its discoverers would thunder down the corridors of time as individuals who made one of the most outstanding discoveries of the twentieth century." Gish-Mayr Debate, Evansville, Indiana. Richard Dawkins, Oxford "alleged human bones in the Carboniferous coal deposits. If authenticated as human, these bones would blow the theory of evolution out of the water." Free Inquiry, V.21, No.4, 10/11/2001. NOVA TV Special, God, Darwin And The Dinosaurs, "...dinosaur footprints, side by side with humans. Finding them would counter evidence that humans evolved long after the dinosaurs became extinct and back up...[the] claim that all species, including man, were created at one time." Tom Kemp, Oxford, "A circular argument arises: Interpret the fossil record in the terms of a particular theory of evolution, inspect the interpretation, and note that it confirms the theory. Well, it would, wouldn't it?" New Scientist, Vol.108, 12/5/1985, p. 67. J.E. O'Rourke, "The rocks do date the fossils, but the fossils date the rocks more accurately. Stratigraphy cannot avoid this kind of reasoning, if it insists on using only temporal concepts, because circularity is inherent in the derivation of time scales." American Journal of Science, Vol. 276, p.51. D. B. Kitts, U. of OK., "But the danger of circularity is still present. ...The temporal ordering of biological events beyond the local section may critically involve paleontological correlation...for almost all contemporary paleontologist it rest upon the acceptance of the evolutionary hypothesis." Evolution V.28, p.466. David M. Raup, U. of Chicago; "The charge that the construction of the geologic scale involves circularity has a certain amount of validity. ...Thus, the procedure is far from ideal and the geologic ranges are constantly being revised (usually extended) as new occurrences are found." Field Museum Of Natural History Bulletin, Vol.54, Mar.1983, p.21. |
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