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Title: | Children's Aid Society (CAS) legally kidnap your kids while you endure a "psychiatric assessment" to prove you are not an unfit parent. |
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Body: | Court ordered psychiatric assessments and CAS Description: Click to View Psychiatry damages society and individuals The mental health system causes harm to both individuals and society as a whole. Introduction: Children's Aid Society are all over North America and vary greatly from place to place. There are cases where Children's Aid Society's do a good job in protecting children from abusive parents. However the net damage that they do to society far outweighs their very existence. The CAS does such damage that the government should shut them down and start up a new organization under the control of elected officials. You might be surprised, but the CAS is not a government organization. The Children's Aid Society is a network of private non-profit organizations. They are organized on almost a town by town basis in a way that is independent and autonomous, not only from the government, but each other. Under the charities act, they are organized like independent churches with a local board of directors for each local chapter. The government has granted fascist levels of power, in unprecedented degrees to the CAS. With a single anonymous complain, the CAS has the power to enter your home and kidnap your children by force against your will, with the police if necessary. Veteran family lawyers describe the CAS as a "Gestapo, a law unto themselves". Judges and courts almost always blindly grant the wishes and desires of the recommendations and actions suggested by the CAS. Their government funding is directly proportionate to the number of "cases" under their "care". Once they have your kids, not only do they get direct government funding, you lose any "monthly child tax credits" which are instead sent to the CAS. In order to keep the money rolling in, the CAS is notorious for keeping your kids as long as they can by demanding, in open court, that the parents undergo a psychiatric assessment. Just for the record, none of the authors of this page have ever had any direct dealings with the CAS. There is no personal axe to grind. Reading the newspaper is sufficient to understand the damage the CAS does to families and children. We simply expose evil wherever it raises its ugly head. The top 7 list shocking things people don't know about the CAS: The CAS views traditional family structure as evil. Remember the TV show "Leave it to Beaver"? Well the CAS view Ward and June Cleaver as UNFIT parents, from whom they would take their children away. (see below) In cases of adoption, the CAS views church ministers and their wives as unfit parents and gives highest priority to gay and lesbian couples instead, as their family structure of choice. While there is a huge, long waiting list for normal heterosexual couples to adopt, gay couples are always at the front of the line. In fact it has been documented and witnessed that CAS actually coaches 7 year old children into PREFERRING a gay couple to adopt them. We live in a world where right is wrong and wrong it right. It is a satanic inversion of morality and CAS it on the front line of this movement in making sure every gay couple who apply for a child to adopt, get one. The CAS is not a government agency, but a private non-profit charity like a church. The 53 CAS offices in Ontario have no centralized control, but are independently owned and operated like privately owned bowling alleys in different cities. When they kidnap your kids, there is no higher authority you can appeal to than the local CAS chairman and his small group of board members. Section 15 of the Child and Family Services Act, empowers each local CAS board to act as both judge and jury over how your raise your kids and can legally kidnap them, whenever they want, often based upon the personal judgments of a single individual CAS worker. There is no independent outside oversight, no CAS watchdog, No CAS ombudsman, no Cabinet Minister that you can contact. They can do whatever they want and you are totally powerless, unless you resort to legal action. Even if you win in court, CAS routinely defies court orders to return children when they disagree with the judge! This is why many Ontario lawyers refer to the CAS as "The Gestapo; a law unto themselves". There are major, critical differences in policy between each of 53 CAS offices in Ontario. Remember each CAS office is legally independent of the other, so in fact, they have 53 different policies, across the Province! This is an outrage! There is no uniformity or consistency with issues involving our children, in two neighboring cities. A. The organization of the Children's Aid Society (CAS): Most people are under the delusion that the CAS is actually a branch of provincial or state governments. In fact they are run on a local level like churches. And like churches... they have their own brand of religion: Humanism. There are many Children's Aid Society (CAS) organization across north America. In Ontario Canada, Section 15 of the Child and Family Services Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. C.11, is the governing legislation that regulates the skeletal framework of the CAS. But it does not govern, oversee or define their personal policies which differ from office to office. There is no ombudsman type oversight the public and use to keep them in control. There is a very good reason why the CAS is not under direct government control. But why? Answer: No liability in litigation! 1. The government can avoid any litigation liability by saying, "We only send them money. We have no direct input in their policies or procedures. We are not responsible for their actions... sue them." 2. Politicians don't want to lose votes when angry parents organize against a government CAS that is directly under their control. One might ask why the government would allow a private collection of individuals like the CAS the power to remove your kids based upon the personal judgment of a single person. Since the CAS is 100% funded by the government, there is no money saved with this organization. The reason is simple. The government is happy to let a private organization to do its dirty work for it. There are so many night mare cases when it comes to families and children, that the government simply does not want to be directly connected with it. So they turn a willing blind eye and allow the CAS to do whatever they want. There is a very good reason why the CAS has hundreds of local "offices" with no centralized organization that controls them all. For example, in Ontario Canada, there are 53 separate Children's Aid Societies. But why? There is a very good reason why the CAS is organized on almost a town by town basis. But why? There is a very good reason why each local CAS chapter is organized with its own elected board of directors. But Why? Answer: Limit liability in Litigation! When a parent sues the CAS, they must sue a local chapter, which is never going to really change anything. If they were organized in a single monolithic system with 53 branch offices, you could change the way they do business. Its like a spider web. When you take one down in a successful litigation, it is like cutting a single thread of a spider web. The "Black Widows" can still get you with the other 52 portions of the web. So the organization of the CAS is a no accident. It is a carefully engineered choice that governments like because it insulates them from responsibility and lose votes, and limits the vulnerability of the network against global changes and litigation. B. Children's Aid Society (CAS) routinely call for "psychiatric assessment" of parents to keep government money flowing to them as long as possible: 1. Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI-2) is a 567 "yes/no" test used by psychologists and Children's Aid Societies (CAS) to determine which mental illness you have as a parent. It is assumed that everyone has a mental illness. The MMPI-2 does not test if you have a mental illness, it determines which one you have! 2. "The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory 2 is structured to produce false positive conclusions that anyone taking the test is afflicted with some degree of psychological problems. ... Another key science fraud element is structuring psychological testing to produce false positive conclusions that anyone responding to all items on the instrument has some psychological disorder. The central science fraud problem with psychological testing is the incorporation of numerous logical fallacies into the interpretive structure. For example, there is no set of responses a person can give to the MMPI-2 that will score zero on all the scales used to interpret responses to the instrument. The MMPI-2 is not designed to detect the presence or absence of psychological disorders, it presumes the existence of multiple psychological disorders and is only designed to identify which disorders are present. No experiment has documented that all individuals have psychological disorders that are the product of physiological disorders. The mental health professions are based on the medical model that psychological problems are the product of physiological disorders. A major reason for the ongoing science fraud in psychological testing is the failure of States to require that psychological testing and evaluators comply with Deceptive and Unconscionable Trade Practices Code. Using tests and methodology designed to falsely indicate anyone tested or evaluated has mental health problems violates such code. Medical testing labs that falsely report positive results for all persons taking a diagnostic test to sell them additional services have been prosecuted or sued by States Attorneys General." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD) Stopping psychologists from influencing the justice System: "Bogus psychology is often used to fuel "dueling experts," who mislead the courts daily, deluding judges and juries into believing that their procedures and opinions are uncontroversial and based on responsible, scientific research. This activity has become so rampant that the proposed Truth and Responsibility in Mental Health Practices Act would require "all psychotherapists and social scientists to tell the truth in American courts of law." (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 276) "officially authenticated diagnoses regularly function as evidence in legal proceedings of all kinds, and their medical validity is rarely if ever questioned." (Psychiatry: The Science of Lies, Thomas Szasz, 2008 AD, p 5) CAS will almost always call for a "psychiatric assessment" as a tactical move in order to keep your kids for another year. They get your kids, they get government money, they get your child tax credits. You cry and wonder how this can happen in the civilized world! The CAS case workers often tells parents that they are mentally ill as a way of impairing their ability to get their children back. All the CAS caseworker has to do is suggest in court that they believe the parents are mentally ill and the judge (for reasons we do not understand) just blindly accepts this and forced an "assessment" on the family at their expense. All the while the CAS have their children farmed out to a secret location inside home of some foster parents who are only "doing it for the money". The parents pay the cost of a psychiatric assessment. The psychiatry industry makes HUGE money off these psychiatric assessments of a family. The cost is $6000-35,000. At 30-40 hours, they take 30 - 40 weeks, if you meet with the "assessor" only one hour a week. All the while the CAS has your kids! There is nothing the parent can do. If you do not pay the money and submit to the junk science of modern pop psychological assessment of your family, you won't see your kids again. If you do submit, you might see your kids in a year. That's until the CAS thinks of another stalling tacking to use on your family while they sip their morning flavored coffee. The Psychology industry is separating people from their families, their communities and their churches, promoting stereotypic and hostile views of men and women, degrading friendship, and generally promoting distrust and suspicion. While no one would condone serious abuse, the Psychology industry re-interprets vague recollections, making minor events sinister. And while no one would excuse domestic violence, the Psychology industry blurs the concept and ignores the context. The Psychology Industry promotes fear and inequality, treating all interpersonal relationships as potentially threatening. It is teaching people to see others as potential enemies, to be monitored, scrutinized and accused. As a result, it is squelching the human tendencies to trust, to flirt, to seduce, to argue and yell, to assume responsibility, to be cautious, to take risks, to be passionate, to make the right choices and to make mistakes. (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 272) "In an effort to appear humane, courts have moved towards referring for psychological treatment not only crime victims but also those who have been convicted of a crime in which "psychological problems" are identified as a factor. in some jurisdictions, employers are also mandated to provide treatment for employees with psychological problems, such as alcohol and substance abuse or sexual disorders. Similarly, workers' compensation programs now include provisions for job-related stress, and stress debriefings are required for both victims of trauma and emergency personnel. While these treatments generally lack any proof of their long-term effectiveness, they have become legally sanctioned, publicly endorsed and accepted, and are widely used. in referring to publicly accredited psychological services as "sanctified snake oil," Susan Sarnoff, professor of Social Work at Ohio University, states that government support and funding of "junk social science" creates an implied approval of these bogus methods that is unwarranted and wasteful of tax dollars. She warns that what is truly dangerous, at this time in history, is not the sale of "snake oil" but rather that it is legitimized by these official stamps of approval" (Manufacturing Victims, Dr. Tana Dineen, 2001, p 276) 12. "The definition of child abuse in State Code should be amended to include the following acts: (a) Causing a child to undergo an unnecessary child abuse examination with a willful false child abuse allegation; (b) Causing a child to be wrongfully removed from parental custody; (c) Causing a child to undergo unwarranted abuse interviews; (d) Causing a child to receive therapy for trauma they have not suffered; (e) Creating false memories in children; (f) Forcing, coercing, threatening or enticing children to falsely accuse their parents or any person of child abuse or any criminal act; and (g) Teaching children to use false abuse allegations to obtain what they want." (Compendium, James Roger Brown, 2004 AD) C. The Children's Aid Society (CAS) will bankrupt you: The CAS knows they are bankrupting families when they use a variety of stalling tactics to retain possession of your kids. Click to View Here is a typical example of the law that says you have to pay: "The court before which an application is brought in respect of custody of or access to a child, by order, may appoint a person who has technical or professional skill to assess and report to the court on the needs of the child and the ability and willingness of the parties or any of them to satisfy the needs of the child. ... The court shall require the parties to pay the fees and expenses of the person appointed under subsection" (Children's Law Reform Act, Section 30 - Child Custody and Access - Assistance to Court, Ontario, Canada) They will ask the judge to let the CAS keep control of your kids under court order, and subject the parents to the torture, humiliation and expense of a "psychiatric assessment" based upon junk science at no less than $6000 a pop. If you don't submit to their harassment, they use it against you like refusing a breathalizer. Every time they get a deferment in the court proceedings, it costs you at least $1000 to your lawyer. The CAS actually plan and strategize the use of these methods as a form of harassment and control to keep you out of the picture, so they can continue to get government funding and disable you to fight them. It never costs them a dime. It will cost you everything. D. Children's Aid Society do what they feel personally: Their opinion vs. yours. CAS workers fall into three categories: 1. They are opinion driven zealots with their own private agenda. 2. They are only in it for the money. Its a job. 3. Good, honest, conscientious advocates for what is right. The third category are small in number and tend to be the new employees who are not familiar with what really goes on and are in for a shock. They often quit in disgust, shaking the dust off their feet! The organization at its core is philosophically opposed to the teachings of the Bible and is aggressively anti-Christian. With undue public credibility and unworthy public funding, they push their personal agenda and philosophies upon families who have a different view. One example is the case where Marie-Claude Belanger of the "Prescott and Russell" chapter of the CAS, was charged with contempt of court for defying a judge's order to return a child to its parents. The key is not in the details of the case, but that the CAS worker wanted her personal judgement in the matter to be obeyed by everyone else on the planet... INCLUDING THE JUDGE! She didn't care that an impartial judge had reviewed all "her facts". She had come to the personal conclusion that she was right and not even a judge could tell her she was wrong. This is why parents are simply ignored when they protest. "The Children's Aid Society of Prescott and Russell and one of its workers have been found guilty of contempt of court for not returning a two-year-old boy to his parents despite a judge ordering them to do so. They will be sentenced next month. ... The society and its worker, Marie-Claude Belanger, were convicted last week after Ontario Superior Court Justice Michel Charbonneau found they deliberately didn't return the child, without legal justification, after a judge ordered them to do so following a five-day trial in October 2003. They said they thought they were acting in the child's best interests. ... "We're consulting our lawyers, and reviewing the decision to see if there are grounds for an appeal," he said. He added that Ms. Belanger was simply following orders by not returning the child. "She didn't act on her own. We, as an organization, take full responsibility for what went on, and what will happen as a result." ... "Ms. Belanger undoubtedly believed she had to disobey the order to protect the child, but one must not forget there-were specific reasons for the order," Judge Charbonneau said. ... "If a worker or society can overlook an order because it believes an order isn't in the interests of the child, the whole system is compromised." After this, he said with reluctance he-convicted Ms. Belanger and the Children's Aid Society of Prescott and Russell of knowingly disobeying a court order without lawful excuse." (Ottawa citizen, 22 January, 2003, CAS defied order to return boy: Prescott and Russell branch, worker guilty of contempt; thought it was in child's interests, By Jake Rupert) The fact that CAS will openly defy a court order by a judge to return children, illustrates just how much they are extreme zealots in their personal judgements with your kids. If they disregard a judge with whom they have a personal difference of opinion, what respect could they possibly grant a parent with a different opinion on the matter. This is like a first year nursing student in her first co-op job, defying a doctor's prescription and doing something different and harmful to the patient on the basis of her personal opinion. The CAS gets away with this stuff all the time. The CAS is a secular "religion" with Humanistic anti-Christian policies. They have their own set of morals and beliefs on what a family is, and how society should raise their kids. They have a long track record of being caustically hostile to Christians, churches and preachers. Much of the time they are wrong. The CAS does do some good, some of the time, but they do so much damage to families and society, they must be shut down and replaced with a government run organization under the control of public elected officials. E. The CAS is viciously anti-Christian The CAS will kidnap your "well behaved" kids if their philosophy differs from your. Click to View Children's Aid Society (CAS) ruthlessly attack families by routinely make false charges against "unfit parents" and demand a junk science "psychiatric assessment". Of course they immediately remove your children until you can prove you are not an "insane axe-murdering pedophile." CAS has openly attacked entire churches. They discriminate against Christians and preachers in selecting foster parents or adoption. The psychiatry, mental health and social worker industry as a whole are prone to atheism, evolution, humanism and anti-Christian. The reason is a combination of factors including the fact that teachers and university professors are elitists who feel this way. Psychiatry, mental health and social workers have their own social agenda of change that is "secular progressive". They want to change the very fabric of our culture and society away from Christian values. "More than 100 women and children from a fundamentalist church in Canada have fled their homes for rural communities in the Midwest over fears that CAS authorities will seize their children because church members administer spankings with switches and paddles. The 28 mothers and their 80 children, members of the Church of God, a nondenominational church in Aylmer, Ontario, say they may ask for asylum in the United States." (Washington Post, Canadians Flee in Spanking Dispute, Church Members Take U.S. Refuge, By William Claiborne, Aug. 1, 2001) "The seven children of an apparently functional Aylmer, Ont., couple are dragged shouting and weeping away from their neat, tidy home by a contingent of police and social workers and made temporary wards of the province. Why? Were the youngsters sexually abused? No. Physically injured? No. Imprisoned, starved, tortured? No. No. No. Then did they appear persecuted, miserable, ill-behaved? No. The neighbour next door described them as "clean, well-dressed, well-behaved, happily playing on their bikes and with toys, and always smiling." Then why? Because, says the Ontario Children's Aid Society, the parents routinely disciplined their children by spanking them. (Our Family Values Risk Official Erosion, Ted Byfield, Calgary Sun, Aug. 5, 2001) "The two sides in a heart-wrenching battle over corporal punishment will square off in court today for the right to care for seven children from a fundamentalist Christian family. The children, now aged between seven and 15, were dragged kicking and screaming July 4 from their home in Aylmer, Ont., 25 kilometres east of St. Thomas, by Aylmer Children's Aid Society officials and police." (Aylmer spanking case heads to court, National Post, Toronto, 27 May 2002) Click to View The personal values and opinions of the CAS are pitted against God and the Bible: "We (CAS) don't believe that you should spank a child at all, and we certainly don't believe that you should beat a child with an instrument." (Aylmer spanking case heads to court, National Post, Toronto, 27 May 2002) What gives the CAS the right to have their personal "religious" opinions and values be imposed upon another? The Alymer, Ontario Canada CAS kidnapping case in 2001 was shocking for a number of reasons. The CAS did not get initially involved because a child was brought to the hospital bleeding with broken bones from a spanking. A child was innocently scalded by hot water and the CAS were called in to investigate. Like arrogant elitists, they then forced each parent to tell them if they spank their kids. In the end the CAS held the parents hostage and many of them "denied the faith" by agreeing not to spank their children ever again... if they didn't they would never see their kids again! These Gestapo threats are how the CAS operates. What can you do? They got your kids! The CAS don't care about what the Bible says. They sneer at the fact that God actually commands parents to spank their children with a "rod". God tells us that the parent that withholds the rod from a child, when they need it, actually hates the child. So Christians have an inspired word from God labeling all CAS workers and organizations as "child haters". (Proverbs 13:24) And that they are! God said so! The supreme court of Canada ruled spanking is acceptable, as long as you do not use anything other than your hand. Using a "rod" is not permitted in Canadian law. So the CAS wins again! God specifically told us to use a "rod" because He knew that if you spank your kids with your hand, the kids become fearful of your hand when you raise it to lovingly brush the hair out of their eyes. The court ruled sufficient force is permitted. Spankings that do not inflict enough pain to the child are a waste of time and circumvent the primary purpose of a spanking: physical pain. Any spanking will leave welt marks on the bottom of a child. Using a rod is far superior because the high speed hit of a rod inflicts much more pain than a slow hit of a hand. Spanking with a hand has a much greater momentum behind it and is therefore far more likely to do physical damage to fat, muscle and bone, than hitting with a rod that has low momentum. To use an analogy: An electric shock with 120 volts of household current (hand) can make your heart stop. The shock of an electric fence brings about far more pain (rod), but does absolutely no damage. It is important for Christians to always keep in mind, that as soon as the CAS learns that you actually attend church every Sunday, they mark you in their minds and files as a special risk. The CAS are not your friends, but your enemies. Christians can forget about ever being a foster parent or adopting a kid any time the CAS is near. You will be disqualified as a matter of formal policy if you: spank your kids or practice "gender roles" or view man as the head of the wife or teach that a wife must submit to her husband (Eph 5:22-33)... as the Bible says. Christians routinely speak about "training their children" (Eph. 6:4). The CAS find the idea that a child can be "trained" an abuse issue that will damage the child. It is not so much how the child is trained that they object to, it is the concept that children can be trained at all they find abusive. Their view is that children just become what they become on their own inside a stable home environment. CAS believe that "training" is a wrong because parents are imposing the their personal values upon another person. Adults don't train adults how to behave, so it is wrong for adults to train children how to behave. Let children passively observe your values and let them decide on their own if they chose to accept them or not. Training is an interference of the child's autonomy and freewill... so say the CAS. This is hypocritical considering all the policies of the CAS are derived from personal philosophical beliefs by those who are members of each local chapter which they IMPOSE upon you when you try to raise your kids in a church, adopt or become a foster parent. The policies of the CAS unjust, discriminatory and illegal under law and should be challenged in court. A faithful gospel preacher for a local church of 15 years was unable to have children with his wife. They spent over 10 years trying to adopt children. In the end they were told: "We are never going to give you any adopted children. We view you are a child abuser because you believe in spanking your children. We also believe it is harmful for young girls to be taught they must submit to their husbands." The CAS probably adopted out the child the preacher was "unfit to raise" to some recently married gay couple who only uses a "time out bench" for discipline. This preacher reports that indeed, a deviant sex practitioner couple walked out of the CAS building "right in front of us" with 2 recently adopted children. F. Children's Aid Society (CAS) workers are often unqualified being bad parents themselves by Christian standards Here is an amazing thing. Judges, policeman and courts allow a young single female with no kids, who recently graduated with a 3 month college certificate on "working with children", to enter your home and remove your children by force on the basis of her personal judgement and opinion. Re-read the above sentence a few times and let it sink in. A statically analysis of CAS employees indicates that: 1. Most of them are female. 2. Most of them are feminists with a bias against men. 3. Most of them are not married (Single or have failed marriages, or multiple failed marriages). 4. Many of them have no children. 5. Many of them with children are themselves bad parents with children with behaviour problems. Keep this in mind next time they come into your home and pass judgement on your parenting skills. The Bible is beautiful and correct. It actually has a list of qualifications and requirements before a man can serve as an elder of a local church. He must be married, with believing children. He must have proven himself, over the long term, that they can raise children in all dignity and respect: "He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?),"and not a new convert, so that he will not become conceited and fall into the condemnation incurred by the devil." 1 Timothy 3:4-6 Very recently the Ontario Government set new high standards for those doing "psychiatric assessments" under the Office of the Children's Lawyer under the Courts of Justice Act: "Clinical panel of the children's lawyer ministry of the attorney general: Effective April 1, 2009, the Children's Lawyer will select qualified mental health professionals from throughout Ontario to provide investigations and reports, and clinical assistance to lawyers, in custody and access matters before the Court. Governing legislation is The Divorce Act, Children's Law Reform Act, and Courts of Justice Act. Selection criteria include: Master's Degree in social work or equivalent Knowledge and experience in issues of separation, divorce and family conflict Knowledge of child development and experience working with children and families Specialized knowledge in child abuse, alienation, domestic violence and substance abuse Significant professional experience in conducting assessments Superior interviewing and writing skills Dispute resolution training and skills Working knowledge of court procedures, relevant legislation and caselaw Cross-cultural experience, and written and verbal ability in languages additional to English will be considered assets Compensation is on a fee-for-service basis." (Office of the Children's Lawyer, Ontario Canada) Fortunately, "psychiatric assessments" ordered under the "Office of the Children's Lawyer" are paid by the government with no cost to the parents. The reason the "Office of the Children's Lawyer" initiated these new high standards, was a long series of biased and worthless "assessments" that were brought into court and thrown out by the judges as trash. The problem is, there are still no standards for the CAS! Remember that there are no universal standards set by the CAS. Policy is determined on a local chapter by local chapter basis. There is no accountability between chapters. So the typical CAS caseworker is not only unqualified to know when to recommend an assessment and when not to, they often have no parenting experience or are bad parents by Christian standards. G. We recommend that each CAS caseworker be asked these questions: Are you a feminist? Do you feel that in the past women have been victims at the hands of men and feel the time has come to even the score? How old were you when you started your employment with the CAS? Were you married when the CAS first hired you? Did you have any kids when the CAS first hired you? How old were your kids when the CAS first hired you? Can you supply three references (teacher, neighbour, pastor) that we can phone and verify that your children are better behaved than my kids who you are trying to legally kidnap from me. Have you been divorced? How many times? What formal education did you have when CAS hired you, that qualifies you to judge that I am an unfit parent? Do you go to church every Sunday? When was the last time you were in a church service other than Christmas? Do you believe the Bible? Have you ever actually read one of the 66 books in the Bible. Do you believe in God? Please explain why your personal set of morals and standards are better than mine? Exactly what is the basis and foundation of your morals and standards? How often have your morals and standards changed in the last 5 years? Please explain how a woman who has never actually had kids, understands what it really means to be a parent? H. Positive Parenting Approach The CAS knows that Christianity is a major threat to their personal beliefs and they have made great progress in outlawing Christianity in Canada. Their actions often violates the charter of rights. Christians object to being told, by a small group of CAS zealots, that we must raise our children according to the junk science of pop-psychotherapists claiming to be parenting experts who promote the "positive parenting approach", on TV today. They are clearly unqualified to even give such advice. The "positive parenting approach" was pioneered by Dr. Benjamin Spock in the 50's but at the end of his life he renounced this approach: He said, "We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self assurance of parents." Are you listening CAS and Alyson Schafer of The Parenting Show? The CAS is a secular Humanistic "religion" with anti-Christian policies. They are ideologues with their own set of morals and beliefs about how you must raise your kids. They have a long track record of being caustically hostile to Christians and churches. Not only are the CAS radical left wing ideologues, they are zealots! They believe everyone else in the world is wrong... except them! They actively evangelize you to convert to their beliefs. When that fails, they resort to the supreme court as their enforcement officer. When even that fails, they just kidnap all the children in a local church OR throw you in jail as an abuser OR tell the judge they suspect you mentally ill, forcing you into a junk science psychiatric assessment that takes 6 months to complete... all the while they have your kids. They will do anything to get as many kids as possible, for as long as possible, because like public schools, their funding is based upon the number of kids in their possession. Hiring is up at the CAS! The CAS knows that Christianity is a major threat to their personal beliefs and they have made great progress in attacking Christianity in Canada. Their actions often violates the charter of rights. Christians object to being told, by a small group of CAS zealots, that we must raise our children according to the junk science of pop-psychotherapists claiming to be parenting experts who promote the "positive parenting approach", seen everywhere today. They are clearly unqualified to even give such advice. The "positive parenting approach" was pioneered by Dr. Benjamin Spock in the 50's but at the end of his life he renounced this approach: He said, "We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self assurance of parents." Are you listening CAS and Alyson Schafer of The Parenting Show? Today the "positive parenting approach" (PPA) is where you never challenge the will of the child or his autonomy. When the will of the child conflicts with yours, like when a 2 year old wants a candy in a supermarket check outline and you say no, PPA blames you the parent for failing to meet the kids needs and orders you to give the kid candy he wants! Rebellion is a grave sin in the Bible and children who rebel need to be put into submission any way that works. Bible parenting condemns the rebellion of the child as sin and directly disciplines for this rebellion. PPA appeases, avoids conflict, uses decoys, distracts the child so they basically forget they wanted candy. PPA allows the child to never learn submission and turns them into spoiled self centered narcissistic brats who have learned they merely need to throw a fit to get what they want. The Bible parent directly confronts the child's will his with his will by saying no! Bible parenting is where the parent teaches the child that they, not the child are the "alpha dog" that must be obeyed. And if the child throws a fit you discipline him right there. "Positive parenting approach" will bring the children to compliance, but at great cost of unnecessary time and effort of the parents. For example, when a battle of wills erupts over bed time, PPA instructs the parent to spend one hour a night for three weeks creeping closer to the door from the bed until the parent can actually leave the child in the bed, close the door and get on with adult life. The first 3 nights the parent sits on the bed until the child falls asleep. Nights 4-6, the parent sits on the floor next to the bed. Nights 7-9 the parent spends an hour sitting half way between the bed and the door. Nights 10-12 the parent sits for an hour inside the bedroom beside the door. Nights 13-17 the parent puts the kid to bed and sits outside the closed door. When the child calls out, the parent (now out of the room and on the other side of the closed door) calls back "I'm still here, go to sleep". Finally after three weeks and 21 hours of precious adult time, the kid can be put to bed and you can walk out of the room as the "perfect parent". PPA advocates think they are clever with this method. In fact it is a stupid waste of valuable adult time and the will of the child is never actually defeated! Bible parenting orders the kid to bed and lets them scream and yell them to sleep for two or three nights and administers direct and immediate discipline if the kid gets out of bed. Conclusion: The CAS routinely calls for "psychiatric assessments" at the hands of psychologists as a delaying tactic to keep your kids an extra year and get more funding. The CAS bankrupt families by increasing court costs and making them pay junk science, pop psychologists up to $40,000 to give their assessment of your mental health. Foster parents are generally not "altruistic, selfless caring people". The primary motive for many foster parents is money. Taking in two foster kids from the CAS is equal to the income derived from working full time job! Christians and Churches are infinitely better judges in family matters than CAS workers and their boards. The policies of the CAS are unjust, discriminatory and illegal under law and should be challenged in court. The judgments of the Children's Aid Society are based upon the personal opinions of a single caseworker who often isn't married and often has no kids. This caseworker reports "her take" on the matter to the board members who must rely upon that caseworkers slanted version and interpretation of the family situation. The CAS system is unjust, prone to error, unprofessional opinion driven and often wrong. One of the Bible requirements of serving as an elder of a local church is that they must be married, with believing children. They also must have proven themselves, over the long term, that they can raise children in all dignity and respect: "He must be one who manages his own household well, keeping his children under control with all dignity (but if a man does not know how to manage his own household, how will he take care of the church of God?)," 1 Timothy 3:4-5 The CAS are fundamentally flawed because they have set themselves up as judges in your family, with little or no "married with children" experience. Many of the CAS workers who tell you that you are unfit parent, cannot keep their own children under control. This is something a general public who have moved away from the Bible and Christian values in general have missed. All the policies of the CAS are derived from personal philosophical beliefs by those who are members of each local office which they IMPOSE upon you when you try to raise your kids in a church, adopt or become a foster parent. The CAS is viciously anti-Christian. They don't like what God says in the Bible and they force their personal views of life and parenting upon you. The CAS is a secular Humanistic "religion" with anti-Christian policies. They are ideologues with their own set of morals and beliefs about how you must raise your kids. They have a long track record of being caustically hostile to Christians and churches. Not only are the CAS radical left wing ideologues, they are zealots! They believe everyone else in the world is wrong... except them! They actively evangelize you to convert to their beliefs. When that fails, they resort to the supreme court as their enforcement officer. When even that fails, they just kidnap all the children in a local church OR throw you in jail as an abuser OR tell the judge they suspect you mentally ill, forcing you into a junk science psychiatric assessment that takes 6 months to complete... all the while they have your kids. They will do anything to get as many kids as possible, for as long as possible, because like public schools, their funding is based upon the number of kids in their possession. Hiring is up at the CAS! CAS Rally Queens Park, Toronto, Ontario Monday Oct 5, 2009 Introduction As a Christian and full time minister of a local church for 25 years, I see and hear countless stories in my ministry as proof of just how evil the CAS really is. I have always opposed the Children's Aid Society. I support the immediate appointment of an ombudsman as a temporary stop gap measure, until a newly created government agency can take over the current duties of the CAS. Once the CAS is defunded by tax dollars it will be exiled into a well deserved extinction. Remember a few years ago, when control over the Blood supply was taken away from the Red Cross and given to the government run "Canadian blood Services"? I want our children to be taken away from the CAS and given to a new government agency which is 100% under the control of the Premier of Ontario. Our children are as much our blood, as that which flows within our veins. The CAS is arrogant, out of control, a law unto themselves, destructive to society, and openly discriminate against Christians! The problems are so extreme, the tree so rotten, that it is beyond reform and must be chopped down at the root and discarded. Most Canadians are completely misinformed about the CAS and are shocked when they learn how they operate. If we can just educate Canadians of the shocking truth about CAS, they will rise up and demand immediate changes. This should become a major issue in the next election. The top 5 list shocking things most Canadians don't know about the CAS: Shock #1: The CAS is not a government agency, but a private non-profit charity like a church. Shock #2: The 53 CAS offices in Ontario have no centralized control, but are independently owned and operated like privately owned bowling alleys in different cities. When they kidnap your kids, there is no higher authority you can appeal to than the local CAS chairman and his small group of board members. Shock #3: Section 15 of the Child and Family Services Act, empowers each local CAS board to act as both judge and jury over how your raise your kids and can legally kidnap them, whenever they want, often based upon the personal judgments of a single individual CAS worker. Shock #4: There is no independent outside oversight, no CAS watchdog, No CAS ombudsman, no Cabinet Minister that you can contact. They can do whatever they want and you are totally powerless, unless you resort to legal action. Even if you win in court, CAS routinely defies court orders to return children when they disagree with the judge! This is why many Ontario lawyers refer to the CAS as "The Gestapo; a law unto themselves". Shock #5: There are major, critical differences in policy between each of 53 CAS offices in Ontario. Remember each CAS office is legally independent of the other, so in fact, they have 53 different policies, across the Province! This is an outrage! There is no uniformity or consistency with issues involving our children, in two neighboring cities. Random Yellow pages church: To put this into perspective, imagine this: Open the yellow pages to the church section. Close your eyes and randomly select one of the thousands of local churches in Toronto. The preacher and his board of elders of the church under your finger, are the new CAS. Their personal opinions and judgments relating to the raising of your children are now the law. If you don't obey their wishes, that one preacher, or one of his perisioners, can phone the police and have your children removed from your home until you obey them. Even though church ministers are eminently more qualified than anyone in the CAS, to render advice on raising your children, it is still wrong to put all the children in the province of Ontario under that church minister's personal control! But that is exactly what we have now in the CAS here in Toronto! A local church has a preacher and a board of elders. The Toronto CAS has a director and his local board. Is this OK with you? Are you all OK with the absolute power of the CAS director, when it involves your children? CAS must be defunded: The CAS is a secular Humanistic "religion" with anti-Christian policies. They are ideologues with their own set of morals and beliefs about how you must raise your kids. They have a long track record of being caustically hostile to Christians and churches. Not only are the CAS radical left wing ideologues, they are zealots! They believe everyone else in the world is wrong... except them! They actively evangelize you to convert to their beliefs. When that fails, they resort to the supreme court as their enforcement officer. When even that fails, they just kidnap all the children in a local church OR throw you in jail as an abuser OR tell the judge they suspect you mentally ill, forcing you into a junk science psychiatric assessment that takes 6 months to complete... all the while they have your kids. They will do anything to get as many kids as possible, for as long as possible, because like public schools, their funding is based upon the number of kids in their possession. Hiring is up at the CAS! Positive Parenting Approach The CAS knows that Christianity is a major threat to their personal beliefs and they have made great progress in outlawing Christianity in Canada. Their actions often violates the charter of rights. Christians object to being told, by a small group of CAS zealots, that we must raise our children according to the junk science of pop-psychotherapists claiming to be parenting experts who promote the "positive parenting approach", on TV today. They are clearly unqualified to even give such advice. The "positive parenting approach" was pioneered by Dr. Benjamin Spock in the 50's but at the end of his life he renounced this approach: He said, "We have reared a generation of brats. Parents aren't firm enough with their children for fear of losing their love or incurring their resentment. This is a cruel deprivation that we professionals have imposed on mothers and fathers. Of course, we did it with the best of intentions. We didn't realize until it was too late how our know-it-all attitude was undermining the self assurance of parents." Are you listening CAS and Alyson Schafer of The Parenting Show? Spanking children is contrary to the CAS "positive parenting approach" In 2000, the Ontario Superior Court upheld the spanking law. The CAS thumbed their elitist noses at this Court ruling. Eventually the Supreme court thumbed their noses back at the CAS by upholding the spanking law in 2004. CAS kidnaps church kids The CAS attacked an entire church in Aylmer Ontario because parents spanked their children. It was so shocking, even the US Newspapers reported the story: Normal, happy, well behaved church children were "dragged kicking and screaming from their homes by the Aylmer Children's Aid Society". (Washington Post, Canadians Flee in Spanking Dispute, Church Members Take U.S. Refuge, By William Claiborne, Aug. 1, 2001) (Aylmer spanking case heads to court, National Post, Toronto, 27 May 2002) The 28 mothers and their 80 children fled to the United States and claimed asylum from persecution. Why? Because the CAS was demanding that the parents stop spanking their children altogether, even though the superior court ruled it was legal a few months earlier! By every standard, these children were very well behaved; well adjusted, from excellent Christian homes. It was not a case of child abuse, but a conflict in ideology. This was a direct attack on Christianity by CAS. Once the Supreme court declared spanking legal in 2004, the CAS now wants abolish this legal law by removing Section 43 altogether. If the CAS defies the supreme court of Canada, what hope does the average Canadian family have with the CAS? This is why many lawyers refer to the CAS as "a law unto themselves and a Gestapo". Consider the Case of Terry and Sandy Smith Terry Smith is the full time minister for a local church of Christ in Canada. Married for 17 years, Terry and his wife Sandy applied to the CAS to adopt children into their childless loving and stable home. Although they really are the perfect candidates for adoption, the CAS declared them unfit parents for three absurd reasons. They believed in spanking, in traditional husband wife roles and that children must be trained. Even though Terry and Sandy promised to comply with the spanking guidelines issued by the Supreme court of Canada, the CAS said they would be unfit parents and closed the file. In a written statement the CAS said: We have "a policy which states that children will never, under any conditions, be adopted into homes where parents indicate they might spank their children". ... even if they spank according to the supreme court's guidelines! Gender roles vs. same sex gender The church minister, Terry Smith and his wife learned a second reason why the CAS views them as unfit parents: The CAS believes the traditional family with the man as the head of the house, is a poisonous and unhealthy environment, unfit to raise children in. The Smiths didn't feel so bad when they realized that the CAS also viewed June and Ward Cleaver as unfit to adopt children, because of their "rigid gender roles". Hard statistics prove that 36% of CAS adoptions go to deviant sex practitioners, but Christians with their "leave it to beaver" rigid gender roles, are deemed unfit parents! The CAS will approve adoptions to lesbian couples when a woman is the head of the house. They will even let a deviant sex practitioner couple adopt children when one man is the head of the house over another man. But, not a traditional Christian family where the husband is head of the wife. The CAS refuses to adopt children to Christians with "traditional gender roles", but loves to adopt children out to deviant sex practitioners with "same sex gender roles". How hypocritical! My complaint is not about gay adoption but that Christians are being specifically targeted for exclusion. Almost all gay couples are seen as fit parents. Almost all Christian couples are deemed unfit parents! If you are Gay, statistics prove you have a 55 times greater chance for adoption than those who are strait. What twisted, evil times we live in! Full time church minister Terrance Smith and his loving wife Sandy are childless to this day but may have to fly to Africa to adopt children. In Conclusion: The CAS beyond reform and must be totally dismantled and replaced with a new government organization whose judgements and opinions are accountable to the voters of Ontario. By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections. Send us your story about your experience with modern Psychiatry Description: Click to View Go To Start: WWW.BIBLE.CA |
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