Synagogue Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride: Mt 23:2-3; Jas 2:1...
Synagogue Moses' Seat: Metaphor of Pride Matthew 23:2-3; James 2:1-4 Architectural Similarities between Ancient Synagogues and the Church Christians borrowed from Jewish ...
The Samaritan Pentateuch (SP) Bible manuscript: Oldest and only...
... 3, Page 495, 1914 AD) c. "Origen (ca. 185-ca. 254), dating Dositheus the Samaritan in the time of the apostles and of Simon Magus, writes that the Dositheans are named after him. ...
Origin of Synagogues: 10 Reasons why Synagogues began in Alexandria...
Ten Reasons why the Origin of Synagogues is in Alexandria Egypt in 280 BC The first synagogue was the great Basilica Synagogue of Alexandria and spread throughout the world as the ...
Greek Scroll Twelve minor prophets Nahal Hever 50 BC: Septuagint...
... Since a Jw is forbidden to read non-Watchtower religious materials on the internet, their knowledge is no greater than what the Watchtower tells them. To illustrate their unscholarly ...
Inspiration claims of the Watchtower Bible Tract Society
... For example, Zion's Watchtower of march 1880 had declared; 'the times of the gentiles' extend to 1914, and the heavenly kingdom will not have full sway till then.' only God by his ...
The poor and famous Hollywood Scientologists
The poorer and famous Hollywood Scientologists John H. Richardson - Catch a Rising Star Premiere, September 1993 Scientology's membership boasts some of Hollywood's top talent, ...
Jewish Messianic Expectation at the time of Christ
... since the close of the gentile times in 1914 till now, according to the prophetic words ... And his King Jesus Christ will be Lord of that Sabbath." (Watchtower, Nov. 15, 1969, p. ...
Comparison list of 64 Moses/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes...
Moses as a Type of Christ: Lawgivers, Saviours A list of 64 similarities Deut 18:15-18, Jn 5:45-47; Acts 3:22; 7:37; Colossians 2:17 Comparison Chart of 64 Moses/Christ Shadows, ...
The transition from Temple to Synagogue to church: God's eternal...
The church: God's eternal purpose The Transition from Temple to Synagogue to Church God's Eternal plan: 605BC-33AD "The manifold wisdom of God is now made known through the church ...
Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Titus Flavius Josephus (Joseph...
Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources Titus Flavius Josephus Joseph ben Matthias (Yosef ben Matityahu) City Josephus Other literary Excavation Inscription 1 Alexandria 20 BC Philo 38 ...