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Title:Rapture Refuted: Harold Campinng's numerology date setting end of the world may 21, 2011
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Body:Rapture Refuted: Harold Camping's Numerology exposed!

See our main Rapture page here.

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Rapture doctrine did not exist before John Darby invented it in 1830 AD. Before it "popped into John Darby's head" no one had ever heard of a secret rapture doctrine.

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Join Live Reports from Jerusalem!

We will be on location in Jerusalem to expose Rapture theology as false and anti-biblical. Follow our live reporting from Jerusalem on Between May 21 and Pentecost June 8, 2011

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See our main Rapture page here.


1. Rapture doctrine is one of the most recent "new doctrines" in the history of the Church. The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935. The fact that John Nelson Darby invented the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine around 1830 AD is unquestionably true. All attempts to find evidence of this wild doctrine before 1830 have failed, with a single exception: Morgan Edwards wrote a short essay as a college paper for Bristol Baptist College in Bristol England in 1744 where he confused the second coming with the first resurrection of Revelation 20 and described a "pre-tribulation" rapture. However Edwards ideas, which he admitted were brand new and never before taught, had no influence in the modern population of the false doctrine. That prize to goes to Darby. Prior to 1830, no church taught it in their creed, catechism or statement of faith.

2. Harold Camping owns 55 Radio stations with headquarters in Texas. He wrote a book claiming 1994 was the end of the world. When that failed he again wrote a second book that the Rapture would take place on May 21, 2011. He enlisted the power of his 55 radio stations and purchased over 2000 full size bulletin boards across the USA. Harold Camping's slogan, "THE BIBLE GUARENTEES IT: MAY 21, 2011" has made a mockery of Christ and the Bible. Camping has said, "The Biblical evidence is too overwhelming and specific to be wrong. The scriptural evidence needed to know the exact day could not be known before 1988, the year the 'Church age' ended. The Bible indicates prior to this year that date could not be known." "The discovery of this information [by Camping after his 1994 prediction failed] built the foundation for what God would later reveal from the Bible as the date for the end. Judgment Day on May 21, 2011 is the culmination of five decades of intensive biblical study by Mr. Camping and other bible teachers who have discovered the same biblical data." "Creation: 11,013 BC. Flood: 5011 BC. The end: May 21, 2011. The Biblical evidence is too overwhelming & specific to be wrong." Camping uses his "new light" "latter rain" theology to justify his previous prediction of 1994 failing. Incredibly Camping says: "In the nineteen years since "1994?" was written, the biblical evidence for 2011 has greatly solidified. Today there is no longer any question, May 21, 2011 is the day in which Jesus Christ will return. What proof is there for the date of May 21, 2011? The date May 21, 2011 was derived solely from evidence found in the Bible. Mr. Camping saw God had placed, in Scripture, many important signs and proofs. These proofs alert believers that May 21st of 2011 is the date Christ will return for His people and begin a period of the final destruction of the world."

3. "In 1992, Harold Camping published the book 1994? Like Miller, he rejected the historic understanding of Daniel 8. The prophecy clearly describes the rise of the kingdom of Greece under Alexander the Great and the division of his empire among four successors. But instead of seeing the prophecy as fulfilled then, Camping transported its fulfillment to our own day.

4. Like the Adventists and the Jehovah's Witnesses, Camping he focused on the "hidden" meanings of texts, seeing pointers toward 1994 in the number of swine drowned in the Sea of Galilee and in the number of servants in Abraham's house. Camping introduced 1994? with the following statement: "No book ever written is as audacious or bold as one that claims to predict the timing of the end of the world, and that is precisely what this book presumes to do." No matter how audacious or bold, it was wrong.

5. September 6, 1994, came and went. Camping seemed to back away from his false prophecy, but he has now decided that he was right all along. It was too bitter a pill to swallow to be wrong. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, he says that 1994 wasn't the wrong date. We just have to add seven years to it!

6. Like Russell, he is now telling Christians to leave their churches. All the churches are apostate. You should no longer trust your pastors and elders. You should abandon them and turn to the true channel of God's Word, Family Radio. Like Jehovah's Witnesses, you should simply fellowship together and await word from Oakland. In these new fellowships, there is to be no discipline, no baptism, no communion, and no authority apart from Family Radio's interpretation of the Bible. Mr. Camping rejects 1 Corinthians 11:26, which says that we are to proclaim the Lord's death until he comes through the weekly observance of the Lord's Supper.

7. Harold Camping may not be the Watchtower Tract and Bible Society, but he builds on the same wrongheaded interpretations of Scripture, the same date-setting, the same recalculations, the same accusations of universal apostasy, and the same claim to be the last true channel of God's Word. Despite the differences, both are heretical and schismatic, tearing apart Christ's church.

8. Like the Jehovah's Witnesses, Mr. Camping accuses anyone who disagrees with him of not really believing the Bible. He accuses them of making an idol of their church. The true idol here is Mr. Camping. Will Christians read the Bible for themselves and search the Scriptures to know if these things are true, or will they blindly follow Mr. Camping into yet another false prophecy? And what will be the result for them if they do?" (Jason Wallace, New Horizons, February 2002)

9. Now Camping has set a new date of May 21, 2011 after 1994 failed.

10. Darby's Rapture theology has infected almost every conservative protestant church among the general membership. One clear exception is the Churches of Christ, who rejected it as a non-Biblical doctrine and have denounced it openly from the pulpit as a man-made doctrine.

11. Find a church that rejects the Rapture in your own home town.

A. Decoding Camping's Wacky Numerology: May 21, 2011

1. It is important to remember that Camping openly teaches that the information that he is using to calculate May 21, 2011 as the end of the world, was not available to anyone on earth before 1988!!! Camping believes in continuous revelation and believes he is a prophet of God who directly communicates with him. He is a deluded agent of Satan to destroy faith in the Bible. The world is mocking the Bible with his failed date.

2. Camping believes in the "latter rain" false doctrine which is basically a Pentecostal inspiration of our pouring upon him at a time just before his Rapture. Camping, although originally a Christian Reform church minister in 1958, has long abandoned the reform tradition in favor of his own mix of theology he invented because he believes the Holy Spirit whispers truth in his ear... like his failed date of May 21, 2011. Obviously, Camping was listening to demons!

3. Harold Camping is the worst kind of false teacher. He has destroyed the church, by telling everyone to leave their churches. He has destroyed the Bible, by telling the world his failed date was absolutely guaranteed in the Bible. He has financially destroyed the lives of the lemmings who sold their houses, maxed out their credit cards, took out large loans to give to Camping. He has destroyed the souls of his lemmings, because statistically, x-cult members give up on God, the Bible and become atheists. Camping has brought great mockery and reproach upon Christ and Christians in general.

4. Every one of his key "anchor dates" are either flat out impossible (like creation and flood dates) or highly speculative. (33 AD as crucifixion year).

5. Harold Camping is offensive to real Bible believing Christians when he claims his Rapture date of May 21, 2011 is "guaranteed in the bible".

6. It escapes Camping that Rapture doctrine itself did not exist before 1830 AD. It was invented by John Darby who founded the Plymouth Brethren.

7. If you are a former "Camping Lemming", who followed him over the cliff into cult oblivion, please humbly admit you, yourself were a deceiver and an agent of Satan to destroy the Bible in the eyes of the world now the date has failed.

8. If you are ready to repent of your grave sin and humble yourself in the eyes of God, please find one of our churches to begin learning the most basic concepts of the gospel, like baptism for the remission of sins, weekly observance of the Lord's supper in the midst of other like minded Christians every Lord's Day (Sunday).

9. Find me a church... I am ready to become a real Christian.

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Camping is teaching that the record breaking natural disasters like tornadoes and flooding hitting the USA are signs his date is correct.

B. Close look at Camping's system of Numerology:

Camping's actual Numerology outline

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[Camping's actual Numerology outline below]

I. Is The Bible True?

II. Can We Know May 21, 2011?

III. How Can We Know May 21?

IV. Proofs For May 21, 2011

V. How Saved from May 21?

VI. Why Leave All Churches?

This section gives the MAIN PAGE proofs from the Bible that May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day and The Rapture, and October 21, 2011 is The End of the World? There are many proofs and evidences which make all this an absolute fact. Be sure to watch and listen to all videos, listen to any page commentaries, and read this entire page. It is most urgent to examine yourself, whether you are saved here.

There are many supportive biblical evidences and proofs for Judgment Day beginning and the Rapture on May 21, 2011 and the End of the World on October 21, 2011. Several of these proofs are given below as well as direction to where you can learn about many more.

7 Day Warning to Noah is a 7000 Year Warning to Us!

The first and very valuable proof of which I will give an overview comes from II Pet. 3:3-8.

[ comment: 2 Peter 3 says nothing about May 21, 2011. Peter himself shows that there will be mockings of when the end shall come, but in this case, Camping is the agent of Satan who caused the mockings when his date failed.]

Here God compares the flood of Noah's day with the destruction of this world by fire, which is done similarly in various parts of the Bible as well like when Jesus said, "But as it was in the days of Noah, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be" (Mt. 24:37), or again when He said in Lk. 17:26, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." These comparisons between the flood and the destruction to come in our day make it clear that the Lord wants us to go back and look at how it was in the days of Noah to learn about how it will be in our day, for how it will be in our day is as the scripture says, "as in the days of Noah." When we then look back at the days of Noah, we notice that God came to Noah 7 days before the flood and said, "yet seven days, and I will cause it to rain upon the earth forty days and forty nights" (Gen. 7:4).

Now what is so significant about this passage is that right in the midst of comparing the flood, wherein Noah was given a 7 day warning, to the final destruction by fire in our day, God says,

"But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day."

By saying this in the context of the 7 day warning of the flood and the end of the world, God is saying that each one of Noah's days is the same as 1000 years to us. It is repeated forward - "one day is ... as a thousand years" - and backward - "a thousand years as one day" - to double it, and we know from scripture why God doubles something: "it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" (Gen. 41:32). So 7 days of 1000 years each is 7000 years. Therefore, just as Noah had 7 days to get into the ark to escape destruction, so we have 7000 years from the time of the flood to get into Christ's salvation to escape the final destruction. The Ark represents salvation in Christ, and each of the seven days represents 1000 years each for a total of 7000 years from the flood to the Day of Judgment.

[ comment: Applying the "day = 1000 years" formula to the 7 day warning of Noah is pure speculation and speaking where the Bible is silent. But Camping believes God told him directly that this speculation is correct after 1988. Of course the "day = 1000 years" statement by Peter was never intended to be the secret key to unlock the date for the end of the world, but is a generic metaphor that God is above time.]

Now because we had already learned about 35 years before from the biblical timeline of history that the flood came in the year 4990 B.C.

[ comment: Notice Camping admits he alone learned secret information that no one on earth every knew about 35 years ago in 1976 AD]

(from the book Adam When see the resultant biblical calendar), and, later, from a completely different biblical pathway other than the II Peter 3:8 currently in discussion, that the end of the world would be in 2011 (see large book, Time Has An End or booklet, We Are Almost There), it is a very powerful proof to discover that the last year of 2011 is exactly 7000 years from the flood exactly as II Peter 3:8 declares that it would be (4990 + 2011 = 7001, but then we must subtract 1 which makes it exactly 7000 years because there is no year 0 in going from B.C. to A.D. on our modern day calendar). It is also a very powerful admonition to be told to "be not ignorant of this one thing." Obviously, this is one very important thing that God does not want His people to not know or be ignorant of, that each day of the 7 day warning given to Noah represents 1000 years which totals 7000 years from the flood, and by having doubled it, "it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass" (Gen. 41:32). This is a very powerful proof that our biblical calendar is correct, and, indeed, the judgment of this world will be in 2011.

Think about this for a moment! From the geneologies in the Bible that were written down more than 3,000 years ago through Moses, a biblical calendar was revealed to our understanding about 35 years ago from which we can know with absolute certainty that the flood took place in 4990 B.C.

[ comment: Campings date for the flood in 4990 BC is ridiculous. Instead of overlapping the genealogies from Adam to Abraham so that the father and son and grandson all live at the same time, he just takes the entire life of each patriarch and plunks them end to end, completely ignoring the Bible text. Strangely, Camping also sees the 6 days of creation as six literal days (which is correct) yet puts 6000 years between creation and the flood. Camping has no roadmap to determine what is literal and what is figurative.]

From this foundational calendar and our God-ordained growth in biblical knowledge over the last 22 years or so, it became more and more clear that 2011 would be the end of the world, and that May 21, 2011 would begin Judgment Day. Then to confirm and prove that our understanding was correct as of just a few years ago, God began to reveal proofs.

[ comment: Campings method of calculating was unknown to anyone on earth before 22 years ago in 1989. GOD REVEALED IT ALL TO HIM DIRECTLY!]

One of these proofs is the scripture II Peter 3:8 currently in discussion, which was written down through Peter about 1500 years after the biblical geneologies that revealed the time of the flood, and, as we have seen, this much later scripture tells us what we already had learned based on the much earlier biblical calendar, namely that the end would come 7,000 years after the flood in the year 2011. This not only supports the accuracy of our biblical calendar, but proves God to be the author of the Bible; otherwise, scriptural teaching separated by hundreds and hundreds of years could not possibly be so in agreement.

Amazingly, The Exact Same Date of Noah's Flood Falls on May 21, 2011

[ comment: So camping invents a ridiculous date for the flood of 4990 BC, then adds 7000 years to arrive at May 21, 2011. So Camping's date depends entirely on his flood date of 4990 BC. Problem is that the Bible reveals that the flood occurred in 2452 BC, based upon the Masoretic text. Here is our chart for creation and the flood. We are not dogmatic about the dates though, since there are several factors where the dates could vary including the LXX manuscripts. However the differences between the Masoretic, Septuigint and the Samaritan texts is only a hundred years difference them and they all converge for a flood date of about 2500 BC. This is the Bible text and Camping is a heretic. Below is our flood date and creation date chart timeline. Notice creation is 4108 BC and the flood is 2450 BC.]


But we can learn even more about the timing of judgment by looking further into to how it was "in the days of Noah." As we do so, we notice that not only was Noah given a 7 day warning, which represents that we have 7000 years from the flood to get into Christ's salvation before Judgment Day, but we know from the account of the flood the exact day and month that the flood struck, and so it is reasonable that we also can learn the exact day and month that judgment day will strike in our day, especially since scripture teaches that we can know the very day (see section, Can We Know May 21, 2011?) We read in Genesis chapter 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, the seventeenth day of the month, the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened.

[ comment: The speculation that the end of the world will happen exactly 7000 years... to the day... that Noah's flood occurred is wild and unsupported by scripture. Remember, Camping would never be so sure if God hadn't told him directly this was true... Now that the date has failed, it should serve as a warning to all date setters to stick with the black and white text of their Bible and not rely upon demons whispering in their ears.]

What is so amazing about this is that the 2nd month, the 17th day of the month of the biblical or Jewish calendar when the flood waters came, when calibrated to our modern day calendar in 2011 just happens to fall exactly on May 21, 2011. Did you catch that?

[ comment: Ya... Did you catch that? Calendar calibration itself is highly speculative and complex with wide possibilities based upon which of four main assumptions are made as a foundation for the calibration process. Of course, Camping doesn't tell just his lemmings just how controversial and complex calibration is because again, the demon whispered the precise method in his ear. Anyone can see that Solar vs. Roman, Jewish 28 day lunar months, vs a literal 365 ¼ day year laid upon a ridiculous date of the flood at 4990 BC is speculation gone to seed.]

Years before we actually even had this proof, we had already concluded based on the biblical calendar that Judgment Day would be on May 21, 2011 by very different biblical pathways altogether with no foreknowledge that May 21, 2011 was the exact day that the flood waters struck seven thousands years previous (see booklet, We Are Almost There).

[ comment: Again Camping relies upon foreknowledge from God blames God for his previous failed date of 1994.]

But here God is giving us a very powerful proof of what we already knew, that May 21, 2011 is Judgment Day. So, again, just "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man." As it was on the 17th day of the 2nd month that the flood waters struck, so also will it be the exact same date according to the biblical or Jewish calendar, which is May 21, 2011 according to our calendar when judgment day shall strike again (to see this, plug in May 21, 2011 on the Hebrew Calendar Converter to see that it converts exactly to the 17th day of the 2nd Hebrew month).

[ comment: Again Camping ignores the enormous complexities of calendar conversion... he probably used some one line calendar conversion on the same website he can convert all his US dollars to Swiss Franks so when his may 21, 2011 date fails he can keep all his money!]

Now I ask you, what is the probability that all of this could come about by chance; that scriptural information written hundreds and thousands of years ago could lead us to a date for judgment, which just happens to fall on the exact same date to the very day when judgment came upon the world seven thousand years previous in perfect agreement with Jesus' proclamation, "as it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be at the coming of the Son of man"? Remember, there was never any foreknowledge that this would be the case so that the biblical calendar was and could not have been constructed to make this work. Therefore, anyone who is even beginning to grasp this information, would have to say, there is no probablility at all that this could have come about by chance. Only God could have so orchestrated scripture and history for this to have happened, and so it is clear that May 21, 2011 is being revealed by God Himself and not man.

[ comment: Camping is annoying and deluded. There is no probability that can fail when Camping randomly picks "lottery numbers" out of the air then uses them as the key to his prediction. He is the one, though his numerology, that did all the number juggling, not God. Only he can see it! No one else has ever seen this? Wow... wonder why? Now that this date has failed, his deception is exposed and he should renounce himself as a false prophet and give all his money to the churches he renounced.]

What gives even further credence to this proof are the numbers 2 and 17 used in the 17th day of the 2nd month. I will not go into the biblical proofs for the meaning of various numbers in this study, but you can discover all of this on our web sites and literature (see Studying Numbers then scroll down to click on each individual number in the left hand column; also see Numbers). Leave it to say that the number 17 symbolizes heaven in the Bible, and the number 2 symbolizes those who bring the gospel. So what God is saying by bringing judgment day on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the Jewish or biblical calendar, which is May 21, 2011 of our modern day calendar, is that those who bring the gospel will go to heaven on May 21, 2011. This not only adds support to Judgment Day being on May 21, 2011, but also for the rapture or taking up of believers to heaven on that same day.

What's more, you will remember that Judgment Day and the end of the world begins exactly 7000 years from the flood. 7000 years is the same as 1000 x 7 years (see Numbers as Factors). The number 1000 in the Bible represents completeness, and the number 7 represents perfection (see Studying Numbers then scroll down to click on each individual number in the left hand column; and see Numbers). So what God is saying is that the complete perfection of God's plan will be at the end of the world in 2011.

We should be absolutely shocked by these proofs alone. By connecting Judgment Day with "as it were in the days of Noah," and telling us that the 7 day warning to Noah to get into the Ark before the flood came represents the 7000 year warning to the true believers to get into the Ark, who is Christ, before the judgment comes in May 21, 2011, is an incredibly powerful proof that our biblical timeline is completely accurate. Yes, "As in the days of Noah," Judgment Day will begin on the 17th day of the 2nd month of the biblical or Hebrew calendar, which according to our calendar is May 21, 2011. This even becomes more spectacular, as our Lord really is, when one realizes that 2011 is the only year anywhere around this time in the Jewish or biblical calendar in which May 21 falls exactly on the biblical or Jewish calendar date of the 17th day of the 2nd month. Wow! That is absolutely remarkable, and this only magnifies the greatness of the almighty creator of time and history, Jesus Christ our Lord.

[ comment: Camping has brought mockery and ridicule to Jesus Christ and cause hundreds to lose faith in the Bible when his date "the Bible guaranteed" failed.]

To think that all those who have been given grace to salvation will soon see Him is an ecstasy beyond compare, "for we shall see Him as He is" (I John 3:2). Praise His glorious name!

NOTE: You can see the previous proofs perhaps better explained here: Holy God will bring judgment on May 21, 2011, Judgment Day May 21, 2011, Noah & 7 Days, and The Door Is Shut.

[ comment: THE SHUT DOOR. Camping reveals his Millerite (Seventh-day Adventist) and Russellite (Jehovah's Witness) roots. Yes we know Camping was originally a Christian Reform preacher, but the idea of the "shut door" is a well known 19th century false doctrine made popular by Ellen G White and William Miller. It is heresy the way they teach it. The door is shut at the end of time after the wicked are cast into hell.]

Judgment & The Number 23

Now another amazing proof for the end of the world in 2011 is the pattern in the use of the number 23 that we see in the amount of years between the three major biblical judgments: the flood, the judgment demonstrated upon Christ on the cross for the sins of His people, and the judgment at the end of the world. These are the three greatest judgments in the Bible. According to the biblical calendar of history which was discovered many years before we even had this proof, it is 6000 + 23 or 6,023 years between creation and the flood (11,013 B.C. to 4990 B.C.).

[ comment: Camping sees patterns in numbers only when he invents his own dating system that God revealed to him. The idea that creation was 6000 years before the flood is pure fiction.]

It is 5000 + 23 or 5,023 years inclusive (inclusive means the first and last year are included in the count. See the bible allows inclusive counting) between the flood and the demonstration of Christ's death on the cross (4990 B.C. to 33 A.D.). And it is 13,000 + 23 or 13,023 years between creation and the end of the world (11,013 B.C. to 2011 A.D.).

Now, I ask you, is it just coincidence or by chance that the amount of years between creation and the judgment of the flood is exactly 6000 + 23 years, and that the years between the flood and the judgment of the cross is 5,000 + 23 years, and the years between creation and the judgment of the end of the world in 2011 is exactly 13,000 + 23 years? Can any reasonable mind really think that this is all by chance? Of course not!

[ comment: Of course not!!!... when you pick random numbers out of a hat! Both Camping's date of creation and date of the flood have absolutely no bible support. They are random numbers he chose to make his prediction for the end and con his lemmings out of money!]

By using the number 23, God is emphasizing judgment because the number 23 in the Bible is used symbolically to refer to judgment (numbers in the bible can be used symbolically just like words can because, after all, numbers are words - see Studying Numbers then scroll down to click on each individual number in the left hand column; also see Numbers). Now, that God maintains this pattern of the number 23 throughout the timeline of history supports the accuracy of our biblical timeline of history. If our calendar was incorrect, this pattern would not have been maintained throughout as it has. Praise God for another clear proof for the time of the end, and that our biblical timeline of history is further proven correct!

But if this weren't enough, notice that the number combinations that God uses match the meaning for their respective periods of time as well. For instance, the number 6000 + 23 between creation and the flood has a spiritual meaning that matches that period. 6000 = 1000 x 6. The number 6 in the Bible symbolizes works; the number 1000 symbolizes completeness; and the number 23 as we already stated symbolizes judgment. So what God is saying through these numbers is this: the completeness (that is what 1000 represents) of works (that is what the 6 represents) beginning with Adam and Eve resulted in judgment by the flood (that is what the 23 represents). In other words, the evil works of mankind equals, or resulted in, judgment, which came by the flood.

[ comment: His invented symbolic meanings of random numbers is bizzare and anti-Biblical and mostly downright annoying to real Bible believing Christians.]

The 5000 + 23 years between the flood and the cross also has a spiritual meaning that matches its respective period. 5000 = 1000 x 5. As usual, the number 1000 symbolizes completeness; the number 5 symbolizes redemption; and the number 23 symbolizes judgment. So the completeness (that is what the 1000 represents) of redemption from the flood (that is what the #5 represents) resulted in, or required, judgment upon Christ on the cross (that is what the #23 represents). In other words, complete redemption was demonstrated at the cross.

The 13,000 + 23 years between creation and the end of the world also has a spiritual meaning which matches its respective time period. In the Bible, 13,000 symbolizes the end of the world and 23 symbolizes judgment. So what this is saying is that at the end of the world (that is what the 13,000 represents) is judgment (that is what the 23 represents). Amazingly, 13,000 years from the flood lands on 1988 which was the end of the church age and the beginning of judgment on the churches, for "judgment must begin with the house of God" (I Pet. 4:17), and exactly 23 years later is 2011 when the final judgment and destruction of the entire world takes place.

Could it be just a coincidence that all these numbers fit together so perfectly? Can any reasonable mind just dismiss all of this? Absolutely not!

[ comment: When all the key numbers have no basis in scripture except Camping's assurance that God whispered it in his ear, the numbers indeed fit his own invented system of numerology. All this was so very convincing to Camping's lemmings who sold their houses and gave him the money. Nothing we said, BASED UPON THE BIBLE could change their view because their faith was in a cult leader not the word of God.]

Note: You can get a more pictorial view of this proof by going to: Judgment & 23.

Days from Cross to Judgment Day

Now a third proof for May 21, 2011 has to do with the amount of days between the demonstration of the cross and judgment day on May 21, 2011. When we take into account all the biblical information, we know that Christ had to have been crucified on April 1, 33 A.D.. Now the days between April 1, 33 A.D. and May 21, 2011 number 722,500 days, and when we break this number down into its spiritually significant numbers, we get (5x10x17) x (5x10x17). This equals the 722,500 days (see God Gives Another Infallible Proof...).

[ comment: The year Christ was crucified is very controversial ... except for Camping who knows for sure because God revealed it to him! In our chart, 101 scholars on the day and year Christ was crucified, the majority view, and the view of this author, is that Christ was crucified on Friday April 7, 30 AD. Of the 101 scholars, 53 chose 30 AD and only 24 chose 33 AD. So again Camping is out on a highly speculative limb. Oh the evils of that latter rain doctrine that says he gets direct information from the Holy Spirit.]

What is so amazing here is that the numbers 5, 10, and 17 in the Bible each have great spiritual significance (see Studying Numbers then scroll down to click on each individual number in the left hand column; also see Numbers). The number 5 symbolizes redemption or atonement at the cross; the number 10 symbolizes completeness; and the number 17 symbolizes heaven . So to put these numbers into words in the context of which they are found is the same as saying, the atonement or redemption demonstrated by Christ's sufferings and death on April 1, 33 A.D. (that is what the number 5 represents) is 100% completed on May 21, 2011 (that is what the number 10 represents) when all the true believers are raptured or taken into heaven (that is what the number 17 represents).

Remarkably this number sequence is doubled to indicate that it has been established by God and will shortly come to pass, for in the Bible God tells us that doubling of something means this very thing in Genesis 41:32 where we read, "And for that the dream was doubled unto Pharaoh twice; it is because the thing is established by God, and God will shortly bring it to pass."

NOTE: For a more thorough explanation of the preceding proof read the following:

God gives another infallible proof.

Many more evidences and supports for the accuracy of the biblical timeline

To see a quick and brief summary of many of the evidences and supports for the biblical calendar in chart form, see Evidence and Proofs that the Timeline was Planned Perfectly, page 1 then page 2. You will also find much biblical end time information in chart form on this same web site at Also, see "Why May 21?" (a Word document) for about a 20 page summary of some of the major proofs.

To see a more complete written explanation of many of the evidences and supports for the biblical calendar, click on 5. Timing of Events and scroll down to the same in the left hand column. There are about 25 listed for your careful consideration. These are also listed near the end of the following book entitled The Book Has Been Opened, which is a well written overview of all the things we believe and well worth your attention. It is freely downloaded or mailed to you.

For a good compacted overview of how we came to know the timing of the end with proofs based on the biblical calendar, the booklet We Are Almost There is a must to read, which can be read or downloaded online, or freely mailed to you.

Concluding Remarks

Now I hope you are getting the point: there are many proofs which conclusively prove that our Biblical Timeline of history that was constructed right out of the Bible years ago, and which declares Judgment Day to be on May 21, 2011 is completely accurate. Believe me when I say that Judgment and the End are at hand. "I beg you, be reconciled to God." Do not be like all the people in Noah's day who "knew not until the flood came, and took them all away," but with a broken and contrite heart seek God through the atoning work of Christ on the cross for mercy - I sincerely pray for God's mercy upon you. There is nothing that you can do to save yourself! But throw yourself completely on the wonderful mercy of God Almighty who is Jesus Christ our Lord before it is too late, and keep seeking for mercy if it be that God might save you. I encourage you to read How Can I Be Saved - MAIN PAGE, Additional Video and Audio - on this web site as well as the booklet I Hope God Will Save Me to make sure that you are saved before it is too late. PAGE COMMENTARY

By Brother Mike

[ comment: Brave "brother Mark" who won't even give his full name so that when his date fails, he can keep escape ridicule and crawl back into his dark cave of anonymity.]


1. Harold Camping is the worst kind of false teacher. He has destroyed the church, by telling everyone to leave their churches. He has destroyed the Bible, by telling the world his failed date was absolutely guaranteed in the Bible. He has financially destroyed the lives of the lemmings who sold their houses, maxed out their credit cards, took out large loans to give to Camping. He has destroyed the souls of his lemmings, because statistically, x-cult members give up on God, the Bible and become atheists. Camping has brought great mockery and reproach upon Christ and Christians in general.

2. Every one of his key "anchor dates" are either flat out impossible (like creation and flood dates) or highly speculative. (33 AD as crucifixion year).

3. Harold Camping is offensive to real Bible believing Christians when he claims his Rapture date of May 21, 2011 is "guaranteed in the bible".

4. Camping doesn't really believe the Bible, instead he believes he is directly guided by God into truth though his Early and Latter Rain false doctrine.

5. It escapes Camping that Rapture doctrine itself did not exist before 1830 AD. It was invented by John Darby who founded the Plymouth Brethren.

6. If you are a former "Camping Lemming", who followed him over the cliff into cult oblivion, please humbly admit you, yourself were a deceiver and an agent of Satan to destroy the Bible in the eyes of the world now the date has failed.

7. If you are ready to repent of your grave sin and humble yourself in the eyes of God, please find one of our churches to begin learning the most basic concepts of the gospel, like baptism for the remission of sins, weekly observance of the Lord's supper in the midst of other like-minded Christians every Lord's Day (Sunday).

8. Find me a church... I am ready to become a real Christian.

Further study:

1. Does Revelation prophecy today's current events?

2. Did the last days begin this century? Are we living in the last days yet?

3. Who is the ANTICHRIST?

4. 50 ways Rapture and pre-millennialism contradicts the Bible

click to view We Speak truth in LOVE

"you are seeking to kill Me, a man who has told you the truth" John 8:40 tell us if we have misrepresented anything click to view

Steve Rudd

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