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Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 AD ...
1: Essay on the Demoniacs of the New Testament, Hugh Farmer, 1775 ...
See also the cases of "Demon" and also the case of "Bewitched". Insanity is not Demon possession! more In 1775 AD, Hugh Farmer, church minister, correctly taught that demon possession never caused insanity. Farmer would not "ascribe madness and epileptic fits to possession, rather than other disorders". The Bible does teach demon possession during the apostolic age, but oddly, he Farmer did not believe the devil or demons even existed. Instead he explained the Devil and demons to be caused by physical diseases like epilepsy or flu viruses. Farmer said, "the New Testament doth not countenance the doctrine of real possessions." Demon possession is real in the New Testament and is always accompanied by supernatural powers and knowledge. It was impossible for demon possessed men to be bound with even chains. They also knew things normal humans did not know. People in need of the N1H1 flue vaccine or epileptics never exhibit supernatural power and knowledge. Demon possession was a real ... ...

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2: Historical overview of Psychiatry: 1550 BC - 2010 AD
Egyptians wrote a book of medicine. It is likely a copy of a much older book, but it is quite fascinating to realize just how much the ancients knew about the human body and various diseases. While the cures were no better than a witches brew with "eye of newt", they did understand the various diseases. The only reference to anything coming close to psychiatry is in the section on the heart where anger and sadness are discussed. Biopsychiatrists love to quote the papyrus as proof that the Egyptians believed depression was caused by bodily diseases. But this is simply untrue. In fact the opposite is true. The Egyptians understood that anger and sadness caused body diseases in the heart. The papyrus reads: "When his Heart is afflicted and has tasted sadness, behold his Heart is closed in and darkness is in his body because of anger which is eating up his Heart." (The Egyptian Medical Ebers Papyrus: 1550 BC) Jumping forward 3000 years... In 1558 AD, William Bullein stated that rejection ... ...

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3: Sin was viewed as the cause (etiology) of mental illness
Christian Reil suggested that the Cat Piano was the cure for insanity. It worked by seating the insane in front of the Cat Piano, as someone played, sanity would be restored. Reil suggested this clever and imaginative hyperbole, in order to drive home his point, that insanity was a spiritual problem not a bodily problem. Doctors before the 19th century, knew less than a typical thirteen year old today, who dissected a few raccoons on his back yard picnic table and experimented with his chemistry set he got for Christmas! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Introduction: The majority view of history for the cause of insanity, has always been sin and life choices, not the body. Here is the master summary of the historical Survey of Mental illness etiology 1500 - 1900 Historically, there were three groups of etiologies for insanity: 1. Those who believed sin directly caused insanity. 2. Those who ... ...

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4: Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists!: The history of ...
Church ministers were the first Psychiatrists! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: The word psychiatrist literally means, "a doctor of the soul" and church ministers were the first psychiatrists who specialized in working with the insane. The record of history is clear. Before 1775 AD, church ministers were seen as the best source of "professional help" with all troubles of life including insanity. A church minister would view insanity as a behaviour that needed correcting like any other sin like habitual stealing, adultery, laziness, anger or selfishness. The minister would ride his horse over to the house of the insane and provide counsel (talking cures) without ever removing the person from his home environment. There was no coerced treatment and the insane were never forcibly confined in an asylum away from his home. Today, the takeover of institutional psychiatry has gone so far, that the insurance companies now tell ... ...

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5: Hypochondriasis: A Practical Treatise, John Hill, 1766 AD
John Monro of Bedlam. As such, he took the view that Hypochondriasis (depression) was induced by melancholy blood clogging the spleen. "To call the hypochondriasis a fanciful malady, is ignorant and cruel. It is a real, and a sad disease: an obstruction of the spleen by thickened and distempered blood; extending itself often to the liver, and other parts ... this obstruction in the spleen is the true malady" Others viewed the causes as, air, diet, lack of sufficient sleep, too little or too much exercise, constipation, emotions. Hill's primary etiology of a clogged spleen was inactivity of mind and body and a sedentary lifestyle. He targets intellectuals that sat around reading and writing as most at risk: "Fatigue of mind, and great exertion of its powers often give birth to this disease; and always tend to increase it. The finer spirits are wafted by the labour of the brain: the philosopher rises from his study more exhausted than the Peasant leaves his drudgery ... The first and ... ...

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6: A Treatise on Madness, William Battie, 1758 AD
...William Battie (1703-76) A Treatise on Madness (1758), A: pp. 41-44, B: pp. 68-77, C: pp. 93-99. Battie's work was the most important influence on the treatment of madness in the eighteenth century before the founding of the York Retreat in 1792. He trained at Cambridge, became a governor of Bethlem Hospital in 1742, and in 1750-51 was a leading figure in the founding of St Luke's Hospital for Lunaticks, serving as its first physician until his retirement in 1764. Battie's achievement stands out clearly in his short, pointed, and controversial Treatise on Madness. He was among the first to try to dispense with the multiplication of labels for madness- melancholy, spleen, vapours, and so on-and preferred two simple categories: 'Original Madness', where there was some physical defect from birth, and which was generally incurable, and 'Consequential Madness', which followed upon some injury or external cause, and which would usually respond to treatment. This distinction, together with ... ...

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7: Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 ...
Bible preaching as actually driving people insane. Under John Monro preachers were forbidden to even enter Bedlam, since he believed ministers of churches drove the patients to further madness. In 1772, under the indirect advice of John Monro, the British Government passed a law that allowed a person to be committed to Bedlam with a single doctor's medical certificate, and suddenly for the first time, church preachers were stripped of any official role in the process. Today, this has gone so far that insurance companies forbid church preachers from even engaging in "counseling their flock", unless they get a certificate from a secular, atheistic institution. (Remarks on Dr Battie's Treatise on Madness, John Monro, 1758 AD) "Hellebore, an herb used by the ancient Greeks to cure mental disorders, was specified as being "good for mad and furious men." A preparation known as "spirit of skull" involved mixing wine with moss taken from the skull of an unburied man who had met a violent ... ...

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8: Mad-Doctors: William Battie: 1703-1776 AD
They were quacks in the 18th century and they are still quacks today! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Introduction: In 1758 AD, William Battie, Mad Doctor at Bedlam and then St. Lukes asylum, was caustically hostile to Christianity and religion in general, like modern chemical psychiatry today. His A Treatise on Madness, never mentions the words: soul, spirit, God, Jesus. The only time Christianity is brought into the subject is his rather stupid suggestion that the laziness religious leaders causes madness because their "nerves" were out of shape due to lack of use the same way the lazy man has weak heart. It was a clear slap against religion. He was one who actually believed that Christians were generally mentally ill. This attitude prevails today in modern psychiatry. To Battie, all mental illness had a physical cause. Battie's etiology of insanity was borrowed from Nicholas Robinson, who in 1729 AD, wrote a book where he stated bad nerves was a ... ...

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9: Psychiatry calls Jesus a paranoid schizophrenic!
Psychiatry calls Jesus a paranoid schizophrenic, Supraphrenic! Sept. 2012: "Jesus' experiences can be potentially conceptualized within the framework of Paranoid Schizophrenia or Psychosis NOS. Other reasonable possibilities might include bipolar and schizoaffective disorders. ... hyperreligiosity ... Suicide-by-proxy is described as "any incident in which a suicidal individual causes his or her death to be carried out by another person. ... a Supraphrenic" (The Role of Psychotic Disorders in Religious History Considered, Evan D. Murray, M.D. Miles G. Cunningham, M.D., Ph.D. Bruce H. Price, M.D., The Journal of Neuropsychiatry and Clinical Neurosciences 2012; 24:410-426) Psychiatry diagnoses Jesus, Abraham, Moses, Paul with schizophrenia! Click to View Click to View Psychiatry is a vicious enemy of Christianity and the Bible. Psychiatry is Anti-Christian Psychiatry is Atheistic Psychiatry is Humanistic Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Psychiatry has ... ...

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10: Mad-Doctors & Mad-House Keepers of the 1750's
Also known as "alienists", Mad Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. They were quacks in the 18th century and they are still quacks today! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Click to View Click to View "The keepers at Bedlam are idle, skulking, pilfering scoundrels, eccentric, murders, have something peculiar about them, strange in appearance, bribery is common to all, cruelty is common to all, villainy is common to all, in short every thing is common but virtue." (Urbane Metcalf 1818, John Conolly 1859) Introduction: Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage "Mad doctors" also known as "alienists", Doctors were the forerunners of psychiatrists. "Alienists" was a title they derived from standing up and testifying in open court about a persons mental health. The "keepers" of the Mad houses, known today as psychiatric nurses! The "keeper managers" are known today as psychiatric nurse managers of a ward. "Many of the asylum doctors were no more ... ...

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11: Account of the Unparalleled Case of a Citizen of London, Bookseller ...
The case of Alexander Cruden who was repeatedly committed to a mental hospital for pointing out the adultery of people in high places like John the Baptist did and lost his head! Click to View Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Introduction: In 1738 AD, Alexander Cruden, who published Cruden's Concordance in 1735, was committed to Bedlam asylum. Cruden's problems began with his parents putting him into an asylum when he experienced a broken heart over love at a young age. This labeled him a mad man for life and was the primary reason for his second false committal to an asylum. Later in life, when his amorous advances were rejected by another woman, he was committed to Bedlam. This "psychiatric history" over love lost, was only one problem. Other reason he got committed, was that the mad doctors of Cruden's time, like James Monro, and his son John, viewed Christians as mentally ill, even preventing them from entering asylums for fear of making the patient even more ... ...

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12: Psychiatry historic treatments vomits, bloodletting, cold baths ...
Why did torture cure the insanity? Click to View see also: Humoral medicine Click to View Introduction: Insanity has always been characterized by the sins of anger, selfishness, rebellion, laziness, violence, assaults, lack of obedience and all the other things young children get spanked for by their mothers. When mother fails, its on to the judge and jailer. When all else fails, its off to the asylum, where they will finish what your mother started. Basically society provides three methods of teaching you to behave through spankings and time out: 1. your mother 2. the police 3. the asylum. 4. the church. Although this is a historic review of the past, nothing has really changed much even today in psychiatry. The modern methods are simply sanitized versions of what you will see practiced historically. These treatments were all methods of controlling, confining, punishing and forcing compliance with rules and general obedience. "We come next to mention the remedies that are proper to ... ...

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13: How to commit your unwanted, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital
Wanna get rid of your disobedient, naggy or rich wife? Commit her to a Mad House against her will! Click to View See also: History of Psychiatry homepage Even if the myth that schizophrenia is a medical condition (instead of behaviour) were true, it is illegal to force medical treatment on someone against their will. A doctor who forces treatment or drugs a non-consenting person who knows they are sick will go to jail even if it saves their life. A psychiatrist who commits someone who is suicidal to an asylum and force drugs them is guilty of a double crime. Psychiatric committal is a violation of the criminal code and doctor-patient ethics. Click to View Introduction: If you want to learn how to commit your unwanted, disobedient, naggy or rich wife to a mental hospital, you have come to the right place. The first thing you need is a time machine set to the date 1725 AD! But it is going to cost you a lot of money! We also don't recommend it, since it is immoral and breaks several of ... ...

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14: John Wesley (1703-91) Primitive Physic: or An Easy and Natural ...
Wesley stated that the mind can cause the body to get sick. "From fretting for the death of her son. And what availed medicines while that fretting continued ? Why, then, do not all physicians consider how far bodily disorders are caused or influenced by the mind". Susannah Wesley wrote her son John Wesley about a case where John Monro was treating in Bedlam. She said, "the man is not Lunatick, but rather under strong convictions of sin; and hath much more need of a spiritual, than bodily physician". Most interesting, is her comment that Monro (like most of the largest mad house keepers) believed that religious devotion was actually a sign of mental illness: "he presently condemned himself and said, Lord what sin have I been guilty of, and cry'd to God for mercy, and pardon. This probably may confirm the Dr. in the opinion of his madness but to me tis a proof of his being in a right mind". Susannah rejected this and believed just the opposite and that repentance was the way to cure his ... ...

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15: Practical observations on insanity, Joseph Mason Cox, 1811 AD
The swing became a treatment of choice for 100 years in various. Many different machines were invented to spin people into motion sickness so they would vomit. This was a proven method of curing insanity. It worked by making people feel miserable and break down their will to engage in "insane behaviors". Cox described the swing as, "both a moral [discipline] and medical mean in the treatment of maniacs." It was widely used and believed to be the preferred treatment to cure insanity: "Though we cannot accurately explain in what way the best remedies promote relief in madness, yet we have the most unequivocal proofs that those which occasion a degree of vertigo, often contribute to correct the morbid state of the intellect, and no one of them is so well calculated to produce this effect as the swing." The swing spun an insane, uncontrollable and obstinate person in a straitjacket until motion sickness, vomiting, unconsciousness and shock set in. When they began begging to get out of the ... ...

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16: Practical Observations on the Causes and Cure of Insanity, William ...
Remember that John Monro raved about vomits as a cure for insanity. "The circulating swing erected in our asylum, appears to be improvement on the model suggested by Doctor Cox. It is worked by a windlass, and capable of being revolved a hundred times in a minute" ... "from repeated trials, I can confidently declare, that its efficacy, to the extent alleged by Doctor Cox, appears to be incontrovertibly ascertained" ... "This method of subduing furious maniacs, has succeeded in an admirable manner". Hallaran was the primary doctor for a major asylum and testified boldly that the swing cured the insane to his surprise! "The advantages to be derived from the swing, in the intermitting form of insanity, cannot be too highly estimated. Several proofs of its superior efficacy have come within my observation, where, immediately on the approach of the paroxysm, the symptoms had nearly subsided on the first effort." The key was to bring those who are out of control, into submission: "I have ... ...

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