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Pre-tribulation Rapture: The Kingdom is the church ...
1: Elijah and Elisha Chronology timeline 870-810 BC
Physical Jews were types of spiritual Christians by faith not blood! 25 Archeological confirmations of the Bible: 1. Tel Dan Excavations confirm Ben-Hadad I destroyed the city in 895 BC just as the Bible says: 1 Ki 15:18-20 2. Seal of Jezebel, wife of Ahab, king of Judah 3. Victory Stele of Hazael king of Aram or "House of David stele/inscription": 941 BC 4. Mesha Stele (Moabite Stone) 841 BC 5. Melqart Stele inscription of Ben-Hadad II, king of Aram: 845 BC 6. Nine inscriptions of Shalmaneser III, king of Assyria: 858 - 828 BC a. Kurkh Monolith 852 BC b. Basalt Statue 833 BC c. Black Obelisk 827 BC d. Bronze Gates 847 BC e. Basalt Throne 849 BC f. Clay Brick 858-839 BC g. Twin Bulls 840 BC h. Marble Tablets 838 BC i. Alabaster Statue 838 BC 7. Kuntillet Ajrud ostraca "Fortress in the Negev": 839 BC 8. Silver Scroll from Ketef Hinnom: 725-650 BC 9. Elisha of Ostraca found in the home town of Elisha: 830 BC 10. Excavations at Tel Rehov where the Elisha ostraca was found in 2013 AD 11. ... ...

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2: Rapture Refuted! Pre-tribulation Rapture and Premillennialism ...
Premillennialism & Dispensationalism Refuted! Click to View See: "Replacement theology" proven from the Bible! See: The Origin of Rapture Doctrine in 1830 AD (Inventor: John Darby) See: 50 ways Pre-millennialism contradicts the Bible Interactive On-line Bible Studies Click to View Did the last days begin this century? Are we living in the last days yet? Click to View Who is the ANTICHRIST? Click to View Does Revelation prophecy today's current events? Introduction: 1. Rapture doctrine is widely believed today, but it did not exist before it "popped" into John Darby's head in 1830 AD. If you believe in the Rapture, you probably wrongly assumed it was a historic Bible doctrine, when in fact it was born in the era of the cults (1830-1880 AD). 2. Rapture doctrine is one of the most recent "new doctrines" in the history of the Church. The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935. ... ...

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3: Great Bible Doctrines! The Interactive Bible:
Great Bible Doctrines! Archeology of the Empty Tomb of Jesus Jesus was laid in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea. (Mt 27:57-60) The history of Jewish burials from the time of Abraham down to the time of Christ gives us a good idea exactly what the tomb of Jesus looked like. See examples of First century tombs with a rolling stone door just like the tomb of Jesus. Archeology of the tomb of Jesus 32 "Sign Acts" in the Bible A "sign act" is where a prophet engages in a non-verbal theatrical display in order to visualize in advance, the outcome of a prophecy. Catalogue of 32 Sign Acts in the Bible Jesus dressed like a Rabbi Jesus was a Jewish Rabbi who wore blue tassels on his robe, arm Tefillin, head Phylactery and Bible verses inside His door Mesusah. Jesus dressed like a Jewish Rabbi 70 Joseph/Christ antitypes 70 similarities of Joseph as a type of Christ About Jesus Christ Click to View 1. What are the Old Testament Anti-types of the Blood of Jesus? 2. Was Jesus Christ really born of a ... ...

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4: Comparison list of 75 Joseph/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
Spoke truth in exposing sinful behavior of others knowing he would be hated and ostracized. Gen 37:2 Mt 15:12; 23:1f; Lk 20:19; Mt 14:4 3. Both were shepherds Gen 37:2 John 10:11 4. Beloved sons of wealthy fathers Gen 37:3 Mt 3:17 5. Hated by his brothers without a cause Gen 37:4,8 Jn 7:5; 15:25; Mk 3:21 6. Hated for telling the truth and prophesying Gen 37:5 John 8:40; 7:7; 3:32 7. Foretold of future exalted position as king Gen 37:5-8 Mt 24:30-31; 26:64 8. Destined to become kings from birth Gen 37:8 John 18:37 9. Both parents “treasured in their hearts” the news that their children would be a future king. Gen 37:11 Lk 2:20, 2:19 10. Persecuted out of jealousy Gen 37:11; Acts 7:9 Mt 27:18; Mk 15:10 11. Willingly went at father’s request and authority Gen 37:13 Jn 8:42 12. Lived with father before sent on divine mission Gen 37:14 Jn 17:5 13. Ridiculed for being a king Gen 37:19 Lk 22:63-65 14. Plotted against by his own brethren Gen 37:20 Mt 26:4,15; John 11:53 15. Said to Joseph: ... ...

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5: Bible Prophecy Fulfilled
Introduction 1 to Midrashic Prophecy and Fulfillment. I. Using the Midrashic Hermeneutic to establish Bible authority in the Church 1. II. Master Classification Catalogue of Midrashic Bible Prophecies 1. III. Jewish Messianic Expectation at the time of Jesus's birth. IV. Messianic Expectation witnessed in Dead Sea Scrolls and Judean coins. The Main Exhibit of Specific Bible Prophecies and their Fulfillment 1. Conclusion. The Main Exhibit of Specific Bible Prophecies and their Fulfillment. The Exodus Mt 2:23; Jn 3:14 Tabernacle Prophecy Col 2:17; Heb 8:9; 9:24 Exodus/Christian Election 2 Peter 2:10 The Virgin Birth Isaiah 7:14 A Child will be born Isaiah 9:6 The Suffering Servant Isaiah 53 Subjection under his feet Psalm 8:6 A King builds the Temple 2 Samuel 7:14 He shall be called a Nazarene Matthew 2:23 Heaven and Earth shaken Haggai 2:2-23 Destruction of Temple Daniel 8; Daniel 11 Abomination of Desolation Daniel 9; Daniel 11; Daniel 12 Olivet Discourse Matthew 24 Baptism Reenactment ... ...

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6: Comparison list of 25 Isaac/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
...Your father Abraham rejoiced to see My day, and he saw it and was glad." John 8:56 "Abraham received him back as a type." Hebrews 11:17-19; Acts 20:28; Rev 5:9 Steven Rudd, March 2024 Introduction: 1. The substitutionary sacrifice of a ram in place of Issac was a type of the substitutionary sacrifice of Christ in place of us. 2. Child sacrifice was widely practiced at the time of Abraham in all cultures and religions of the world. When God ordered Abraham to sacrifice his own son, Abraham was not surprised and willingly complied, concluding it was normal. However, Abraham also reasoned that God would raise Isaac from the dead after he killed him, to fulfill the promise of many descendants through Isaac. 3. Abraham is a type of God the Father because the name Abram means "exalted father" in Hebrew. 4. The universal opinion of all early Christians was that Isaac was as a type of Christ's resurrection, not of believers. Jesus specifically confirms he is the intended object of the type in ... ...

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7: The Kingdom Of Prophecy Has Arrived!
The Kingdom Of Prophecy Has Arrived! Here is a more detailed study that the Kingdom is the church. The Bible is a book of fantastic prophecy! One of the major themes of the Old Testament is the prophecy of God's kingdom. Isaiah 2:1-4 is a key prophecy regarding God's kingdom, "Now it will come about that in the last days, the mountain (kingdom) of the house of the Jehovah will be established as the chief of the mountains (kingdoms), and will be raised above the hills; and all the nations will stream to it." This prophecy was fulfilled on the day of Pentecost. First, the time of fulfillment was "in the last days". Acts 2:17, Hebrews 1:2, 1 Peter 1:20 all identify the day of Pentecost as being within "the last days". Second, both Jew and Gentile will be within the kingdom. That is exactly what Peter said on Pentecost in the first recorded sermon ever preached in the church. He said in Acts 2:39, "The promise is for you (Jews), your children, and for all who are far off (Far off = ... ...

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8: Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd
The 5-minute beginner's guide to totally understanding Revelation. Revelation Commentary: 1. Revelation written in AD 66 2. Flee Jerusalem or be destroyed in AD 70 3. The central synchronism is the Ezekiel's account of the destruction of Jerusalem in 587 BC. Original publication date: February 2018. This updated version date: March 2021 Author: Steven Rudd. Free of charge at: Bible Only Revelation Commentary Steven Rudd Feb 2018 QUICK LINKS DOWNLOAD: FREE PDF Preface: Completely understand Revelation in 5 minutes Intro 1: Ezekiel Decodes Revelation Intro 2: Jerusalem = Babylon, Sodom, Egypt, The Harlot Intro 3: When was Rome destroyed fulfilling Revelation? Intro 4: Messianic Expectation in Coins and Dead Sea Scrolls Intro 5: Moses' Sunset Clause & the Extinction of Judaism Intro 6: The Role of Archaeology in Understanding Revelation Intro 7: Dating Revelation to AD 66: Internal and external evidences Intro 8: The Myth of Emperor Worship as the Beast from the ... ...

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9: Comparison list of 14 Joshua/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
Both have the same name. "Jesus" is a Greek transliteration of the Hebrew "Joshua" which means "savior". Josh 1:1 Mt 1:1 2. Both are army commanders and warriors who conquered fortresses: Jericho, Satan Ex 15:3; Josh 5:13-15 Isa 42:13; 55:4; Ps 2:6-9; 110:1-7; Zeph 3:16-17; Lk 11:17-22; Col 2:15; 2 Cor 10:3-4; 1 Cor 15:23-25; Rev 19:11-16; 2 Thess 1:5-10 3. Both led armies equipped with armor Josh 4:13; 6:1-3,9 Joel 2:11; 2 Tim 2:3-4; 2 Cor 10:3-4; Eph 6:10-17; Rom 13:12; 2 Cor 6:7 4. Both were military "forerunners" who spied out the land and returned to lead the people home Num 14:38; Deut 1:22 Heb 6:19-20 5. Both were associate with a second coming Num 13:16-17,25 Heb 9:27-28; Jn 13:36-14:6; Lk 19:12-17 6. Both give rest and inheritance by bringing God's people into promised land of Canaan/heaven. Deut 3:28; Josh 14:1; 19:51; Ps 78:54-55; 95:10-11; Acts 13:19 Heb 4:1-11; 9:15; Mt 11:28-30; Eph 1:18-20; Col 1:9-12; 3:23-24; 1 Pet 1:3-5; Rev 21:1-7 7. Both are the lawgivers and law ... ...

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10: Comparison list of 64 Moses/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
... Amalek and a spiritual war with satan. Ex 17:10-12 Mt 27:38 61. Both their deaths and burials generated disputes and rumors Deut 34:5-6; Jude 9 Mt 28:11-15 62. Both established Passover memorials of a slain lamb Ex 12:14 Lk 22:19; 1 Cor 11:23-26 63 Both are associated with a second coming by appearing after their death Mt 17:3 Heb 9:27-28; Acts 1:3 64. Both were forerunners who brought people into the presence of God. Moses: 1. Egypt, 2. Burning bush at Mt. Sinai, 3. Egypt, 4. Sinai 5. Jordan. Jesus: 1. Heaven, 2. earth, 3. heaven, 4. second coming, 5. heaven. Ex 3:10 Heb 6:19-20; Jn 14:2-6 Full Quotations: 1. Raise up a Hebrew prophet like Moses: Deut 18:15-18; Jn 5:45-47; Acts 3:22; 7:37 a. "The Lord your God will raise up for you a prophet like me from among you, from your countrymen, you shall listen to him. "This is according to all that you asked of the Lord your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, saying, 'Let me not hear again the voice of the Lord my God, let me not see ... ...

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11: List of 13 tabernacle types in the church. Tabernacle, Temple ...
New Testament Christian church. Here is a list of physical Old Testament rituals that were spiritualized in the New Testament. This is what we call the true Bible doctrine of "Replacement Theology". List of 13 Tabernacle/Temple types in the church Old Testament Practice New Testament Meaning Bible 1. Physical Col 2:17 Spiritual Counterpart Text 2. Animal Sacrifices Jesus the Lamb 1 Cor 5:7 3. Ten Commandments Law of Christ Gal 6:2 4. Sabbath Day Eternal rest in heaven Heb 4:1-9 5. Incense Prayer Rev 5:8 6. Candles Christians are Light Rev 1:20 7. Physical Sanctuary Our Bodies are a Temple 1 Cor 6:19 8. Holy Water Water Baptism Acts 22:16 9. Altar Self Sacrifice Phil 4:18 10. Separate Priesthood Every Christian is Priest Rev 1:6 11. Priestly Garments Clothed by Deeds Rev 19:8 12. Physical Music: Harp Spiritual Music: Heart Eph 5:19 13. Mandatory Tithing of 10% Freewill Giving 2 Cor 9:7 See also: Types, shadows and Anti-types Click to View Physical Jews were types of spiritual Christians ... ...

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12: Bible Chronology and Timelines
The maps you can download below for free can be purchased in a book form here. World Chronologies and Timelines: 5554 BC - 20,000 AD 5554 - 3298 BC World Chronology Creation-Uncreation Chronology Creation-Flood outline Abraham, Joseph, Moab and Edom Chronologies and Timelines: 2166 - 1446 BC 1916 - 1872 BC 1900 BC Chronology Abram-Joseph outline Chronology of Joseph Antitype of Christ outline Chronology Moab, Edom outline Exodus Chronologies and Timelines: 2166 - 967 BC 1557 - 1300 BC 1446 - 1356 BC 1557 - 1406 BC Exodus New Chronology outline 18th Dynasty “Moses” Pharaohs outline Exodus Route Chronology outline Moses’ Family Tree outline click to view Red Sea, Mt. Sinai and Kadesh Barnia Chronologies and Timelines: 1446 BC 1446 BC 1444 - 1406 BC Goshen-Sinai Timetable: 45 days outline Eight Ascensions of Moses up Mt. Sinai outline 38 continuous years at Kadesh Barnea outline Conquest Chronologies and Timelines: 1406 - 1356 BC 1406 - 1356 BC 1399 - 1094 BC 1446 BC - AD 70 Conquest ... ...

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13: Comparison list of 26 Moses/Paul Shadows, Types, Antitypes and ...
Israel until the time of Samuel and David. b. Paul wrote 14 of the 27 New Testament books. Paul went to Arabia immediately after being converted: "But when God, who had set me apart even from my mother's womb and called me through His grace, was pleased to reveal His Son in me so that I might preach Him among the Gentiles, I did not immediately consult with flesh and blood, nor did I go up to Jerusalem to those who were apostles before me; but I went away to Arabia, and returned once more to Damascus." (Galatians 1:15-17) "This is allegorically speaking, for these women are two covenants: one proceeding from Mount Sinai bearing children who are to be slaves; she is Hagar. Now this Hagar is Mount Sinai in Arabia and corresponds to the present Jerusalem, for she is in slavery with her children. But the Jerusalem above is free; she is our mother." (Galatians 4:24-26) Where in Arabia would Paul go and why? Something important in Arabia made Paul go to Arabia at his conversion. Damascus was ... ...

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14: Comparison list of 14 Moses/Constantine the Great Shadows, Types ...
Eusebius Life of Constantine 1.12, Edict of Milan AD 313 Comparison Chart of 14 Moses/Constantine Shadows, Types, Antitypes and Similarities The life of Moses was a messianic prophecy of Constantine the Great, as deliverer 14 Messianic Types: List of 14 Moses/Constantine Shadows and Antitypes Eusebius Life of Constantine 1.12, Edict of Milan AD 313 "Shadow of what was to come, but the substance belongs to Christ" Col 2:17 Moses Constantine the Great 1. Both raised by Sun-worshipping fathers and believing mothers Pharaoh a Sun worshipper, mother was Hebrew Constantius was a Sun worshipper and Helena was a Christian 2. Both received the top education the world had to offer Egypt Rome: Eusebius Life Const. 1.19 3. Both were handsome and distinguished themselves with wisdom Exodus 2:2 Eusebius Life Const. 1.19 4. Both witnessed first-hand the persecution of God's people Exodus 2:11-13 Constantine accompanied Diocletian to Palestine as a youth: Eusebius Life Const. 1.19 5. Both fled from ... ...

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