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251: Subordination: the Father in first place, the Son in second place ...
for we have learned that he is the Son of the true God Himself, that he holds a second place, and the Spirit of prophecy a third. " (First Apology 13:5-6). 190 AD Clement Of Alexandria "I understand nothing else than the Holy Trinity to be meant; for the third is the Holy Spirit, and the Son is the second, by whom all things were made according to the will of the Father." (Stromata, Book V, ch. 14) 200 AD Tertullian "[God speaks in the plural 'Let us make man in our image'] because already there was attached to Him his Son, a second person, his own Word, and a third, the Spirit in the substance in three coherent persons." (Against Praxeas, ch 12) Does the Bible teach the submission of the Holy Spirit as a third place? The question is whether the Bible teaches the "third place" of rank the Holy Spirit holds. The evidence, although far from conclusive, appears to support such an inference. For example, in John 14:26 Jesus says the Father will send the Holy Spirit. ... ...
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252: Objections to baptism being essential to salvation REFUTED!
The thief on the cross was saved without baptism? 1. Baptism is a symbol of the death burial and resurrection (Rom 6:3-7) How could the thief do something that imitates something (death and resurrection) that had not yet happened? Our confession of faith for salvation as Christians requires us to believe God raised him from the dead: Rom 10:9 2. How do you know the thief wasn't baptized years before by John or Jesus? Mk 1:5; Mt 3:5-6;4:25 3. Rather than viewing the thief as a sinner coming to first time repentance, could we not view the thief ... I have another objection! 2. Feedback form: To explain why you disagree! Click here 3. I am done here, take to the MAIN MENU . . Acts 2:38 really says, "repent and be baptized because your sins have already been forgive 1. There are 2 Greek words for the English word "for": "gar"=because of & "eis"=unto, in order to "'What does "for" (Greek: "eis") mean in Acts 2:38 "'Passage "'Action "'because of "'in order to "'Result Mt 26:28 blood shed X ... ...
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253: Extra-Biblical oral apostolic tradition does not exist today
... What is the process whereby a tradition becomes defined and part of Roman Catholic teaching and dogma? The Roman Catholic answer demonstrates how far we must go to attempt to prove something that is not contained in God's Word. In truth, there is no set process or formula accepted and recognized by all Roman Catholic theologians. John L. McKenzie states in his book, The Roman Catholic Church, with surprising candor, the following; "Whatever be the process, it cannot be a process of ... The Catholic Church teaches that there are two sources of understanding God's revelation of His will. These are God's Word, the Bible, and the teachings and "We find God's revelation in Sacred Scripture and in Tradition" (New Parish Catechism, p. 11). "Sacred Tradition and sacred Scripture make up a single sacred deposit of the Word of God, which is entrusted to the Church....Thus it comes about that the Church does now draw her certainty about all revealed truths from the holy Scriptures alone. ... ...
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254: What is the 1000 Year Reign of Christ?
And I saw thrones, and they sat upon them, and judgement was given to them, and I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of Jesus, and for the word of God, which had not worshipped the beast, neither his image, neither had received his mark upon his foreheads or in their hands. And they lived and reigned with Christ a thousand years. But the rest of the dead lived not again, until the thousand years were finished. This is the first resurrection. Blessed and holy is he that has part in the first resurrection. On such the second death hath no power, but they shall be priests of God and of Christ, and shall reign with him a thousand years.' Revelation 20:1-6. In connection with this passage please also read John Chapter 11 , verse 25. Col. 2:12, 3:1, also Romans 6:3-5. The thousand years appears nowhere in the sixty-six books, 1,189 chapters, 31,173 verses of the Bible except in this one passage where it occurs six times in six consecutive verses. It is not solid study ... ...
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255: The real reasons why Watchtower organization FEARS the INTERNET
... Yes, besides having God's spirit of illumination, a Christian needs Jehovah's theocratic organization in order to understand the Bible. (Watchtower; June 15, 1951; p. 375) 1957 "The world is full of Bibles, which Book contains the commandments of God. Why, then, do the people not know which way to go? ... "God has not arranged for [His] Word to speak independently or to shine life-giving truths by itself. It is through his organization God provides this light." (Watchtower, May 1, 1957, pg. 274) 1967 "The ... They like to be informed about anything outstanding that may happen to our brothers, such as a crisis or a natural disaster, and they want to know if there is something they can do to help. Such interest shows the unity of the brotherhood, proving that we do indeed love one another. -John 13: 34,35; Today, we hear about world events quickly. Radio and television broadcasts give live coverage of events in full detail to audiences all over the globe. The telephone also makes it ... ...
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256: Official creed of the Shakers: Compendium (1859) Mother Ann Lee
... Jesus Christ not only foretold the falling away, the coming of antichrist, he also foretold a reappearing, a coming again to gather and save. In his last interviews with his disciples he uttered some mysterious words, over which theological quibbling has spent itself in vain. Not to the wise nor prudent of this world came the word of revelation, but to the child in simple trust with heart of faith. The apocalypse of mystery that descended from cloud to sea at Patmos opened its meanings, when to the child spirit of Ann Lee came the call of God. We have watched her follow that call. We have seen her ... PART I. - Mosaic Sabbaths, Higher and Lower Law PART II. - Probation, and Heavens and Hells PART III. - God dual-Father and Mother PART IV. - Judgment-day, and Confession of Sins PART V. - The Bible Biographies of the Six Founders of the Shaker Society CHAPTER XI. - Ann Lee CHAPTER XII. - William Lee CHAPTER XIII. - James Whittaker CHAPTER XIV. - John Hocknell CHAPTER XV. - Joseph Meacham ... ...
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257: Noss, John B.: Man's Religion
John B. Noss 1968 "The doctrine of the trinity he [Michael Servetus] felt to be a Catholic perversion and himself to be a good New Testament Christian in combating it. . . According to his conception, a trinity composed of three distinct persons in one God is a rational impossibility" (Man's Religion, John B. Noss, 1968) What they fail to tell the same article also says: The high place which Moses has held in Hebrew-Jewish devotion is richly deserved. Recent scholarship, while denying to him the authorship of the ... It is generally assumed by historians that after his death some of them did write down his sayings with occasional notes of the historical setting, before they should be forgotten, and that thus a document, or group of documents, came into being which scholars call Q (from the German word Quelle or "source"). It is generally considered that Q was somewhat colored by the prepossessions of the early Christians, and may have had sayings added to it which were mistakenly ... ...
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258: Ten commandments for WIVES
Expecting the wife to be upset, I said, "His boots certainly do bring the dirt in." "Yes," she said with a smile as she got up to get the broom. "But they bring him in too." by Shirley Scott Commandment #3: Thou shalt not nag...hit him with thine frying pan, it is kindlier. (Prov 27:15; 21:19) If the husband says… Wife replies… Sarah called Abraham Lord and walked 50 feet behind him. God told Abraham to listen to the voice of his wife and obey all that she says Gen 21:12 Folding laundry is woman's work Jesus neatly folded his laundry in the tomb John 20:7 Cooking is woman's work Jesus cooked breakfast by the sea Jn 21:9 Making the bed is woman's work Peter commanded Aeneas to "arise and make your bed" Acts 9:34 Acts 6 "We can not neglect the word of God to serve tables" Did you notice that the apostles appointed 7 MEN If I go to all the trouble of making a mess, the least you can do is clean it up. If you go to all the trouble of making all the money, the least I can do it spend it! ... ...
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259: The Bible and Children's Responsibility to the Parents
Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth". The key words are "honor" and "obey". There is no time limit on this. God does not free a child from this responsibility simply because he has now gone to college or is married. A child in the earliest years of adulthood makes a tragic mistake by neglecting his parents. It is necessary that we say something about the word "obey". Children are to obey their parents "in the Lord". One must never forget that his allegiance to God comes before any man. That includes ... And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2, verses 51,52. Christ was obedient to his parents. His affection and respect for his mother was manifested from the cross. He was concerned about her care and well-being. He gave this responsibility to the beloved Apostle John (John 19:25-27). You shall always be children in the eyes of ... ...
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260: How Can I Keep Myself Pure?
Regardless of the lives your parents have lived, now is the time when you will either stand fast as a Christian or reject Christ's teachings. Why would anyone choose to live in disobedience to Christ? The first reason might be that they do not know the goods news of Christ. Jesus said, "If you abide in my word, then you are truly disciples of mine; and you shall know the truth and the truth shall make you free." (John 8:31,32) We speak highly of freedom. It is something that all want. Yet, we can have freedom only through Christ. Allow Christ's word to dwell in your lives and to give you freedom. Close friends may become involved in immorality, impurity, sensuality, hatred, jealousy, drunkenness, carousing and things like these. So you will have no doubt in your mind about God's attitude toward these, study Gal. 5:17-21, where Paul says that those who practice such things shall not inherit the kingdom of God. If there is any question about what is right and what is wrong, study God's ... ...
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261: Photogallery: Pentecostal Fake Miracles and Trinkets page
... Peter Popoff Comment: This was the first piece of mail I received after phoning his answering machine and leaving my name and address ONLY as noted to the right. I never told him any of "my special needs" yet he carries on like he had me over for Sunday dinner! Such mail is generated by computers from a data base and truly churns the stomach. JOHN, It's around 3:00 AM and I am near a prayer breakthrough for YOU. It concerns pain you feel in your spirit and body you told me about... Here's Exactly how I can help YOU! John Smith 123 Main Chicago, ILLINOIS, USA December 1997 Dear Brother Smith, "AND THE WORD OF GOD WOULD COME UNTO THEE IN THIS WISE... YOU HAVE HELD ON BELIEVING... HOPING... KNOWING IN YOUR HEART THE ANSWER WOULD COME AND THAT THE MIRACLE YOU HAVE BELIEVED FOR WOULD COME. MY CHILD, I WOULD SAY UNTO THEE, THIS IS THE FAITH I AM SEARCHING THE EARTH FOR. YEA, THIS IS THE FAITH THAT MOVES THE LORD THY GOD... USE YOUR FAITH THIS DAY AND BEGIN TO REJOICE FOR "THE REAPING TIME ... ...
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262: Jehovah's Witness leaders sympathized with Hitler
... The conference of five thousand delegates emphasized that according to this state of affairs it considered it beneath ist dignity to even defend itself against any disparaging accusations of Marxist or even Communist activites. Such disproved slander of our religious opposers undoubtedly carry the sign of religious competition. Their goal is to stifle an honest warner with the ugly means of slander instead of using the word of God. The conference of five thousand delegates also noted - as is ... Ye are of your father the devil, and the lusts of your father ye will do. He was a murderer from the beginning, and abode not in truth, because there is no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he speaketh of his own: for he is a liar, and the father of it. And because I tell you the truth, ye believe me not.' (John 8: 43-45) Although the Pharisees and priests then claimed to represent Jehovah God Jesus told them that they were in fact the representatives of Satan the Devil. "We have no ... ...
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263: Biblical Evangelism: Biblical Guidelines to Effective Evangelism ...
... Evangelistic endeavors were to be an ongoing and continual part of the work of God's people. 2 Tim 2:2 2 And the things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, these entrust to faithful men, who will be able to teach others also. (NAS) Teaching is a skill. We can always do it better if we are conscientious about how we do it. 2 Tim 2:24-26 24 And the Lord's bond-servant must not be quarrelsome, but be kind to all, able (this word means "skilled" in teaching) to teach, patient when wronged, 25 with gentleness correcting those who are in opposition, if perhaps God may grant them repentance leading to the knowledge of the truth, 26 and they may come to their senses and escape from the snare of the devil, having been held captive by him to do his will. (NAS) God expects us to bear fruit for him. Fruit will produce another plant, among other things. John 15:5-8 5 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in him, he bears much fruit; for apart ... ...
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264: Death of the Anti-Black Doctrine, Salt Lake City Messenger, December ...
... "'The church has no intention of changing its doctrine on the Negro,' N. Eldon Tanner, counselor to the First President told SEATTLE during his recent visit here. 'Throughout the history of the original Christian church, the Negro never held the priesthood. There's really nothing we can do to change this. It's a law of God.'" (Seattle Magazine, December 1967, p. 60) The Mormon apologist John L. Lund wrote the following: "Brigham Young revealed that the Negroes will not receive the Priesthood until a great while after the second ... What he really meant, of course, was that the past denials were untrue. Like the early statements concerning Watergate, the pronouncements and revelations that Mormon leaders used to support the anti-black doctrine have now become "inoperative." Although he did not use this word, the Apostle Bruce R. McConkie recently conceded that the old teachings concerning blacks were given "without the light and knowledge that now has come into the world": "I would like ... ...
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265: Sola Scriptura: The Holy Spirit does not guide us to understand ...
... But I reply: the testimony of the Spirit is more excellent than all reason. For as God alone is a fit witness of himself in his Word, so also the Word will not find acceptance in men's hearts before it is sealed by the inward testimony of the Spirit. The same Spirit, therefore, who has spoken through the mouths of the prophets must penetrate into our hearts to persuade us that they faithfully proclaimed what had been divinely commanded." (John Calvin, Institutes of the Christian Religion, I. vii. 4) Luther taught that the Spirit accomplishes His work in the Church. The Spirit-inspired Word of God and the Spirit-indwelt people of God must be distinguished, but they cannot be artificially separated. (The Shape Of Sola Scriptura, Keith A. Mathison, Reformed Protestant, 2001, p 100) Protestant/Reformed: Inward Witness Anti-Creedalists: Sebastian Franck, 1499 - 1542 AD, is an example of a man who rejected the church creeds, while continuing to believe the Holy Spirit directly guides you to ... ...
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266: Mormonism: God had sex with Mary to conceive Jesus
God came down to earth in the flesh and was the physical father of Jesus You should not trust the Bible in this matter. It is wrong. Trust their prophets. Read what the Mormon leaders say about our Savior and the Virgin Mary. How can Mormons claim they believe in the virgin birth if God had sex with Mary? They change the definition of the word virgin. Mormons feel that they can still use the phrase "virgin birth" because God was an IMMORTAL being who had sex with Mary, not a mere mortal man. And this is exactly what Bruce ... He is the Son of God-the Only Begotten of the Father. (Bruce R. McConkie, A New Witness for the Articles of Faith, p.67-68, LDS Collectors Library '97 CD-ROM) For Latter-day Saints, the paternity of Jesus is not obscure. He was the literal, biological son of an immortal, tangible Father and Mary, a mortal woman (see Virgin Birth). Jesus is the only person born who deserves the title "the Only Begotten Son of God" (John 3:16; Benson, p. 3; see Jesus Christ: Only ... ...
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267: The Interactive Bible:
ones on whom seed was sown on the rocky places, who, when they hear the word, immediately receive it with joy; (they believe for a while) and they have, but are only temporary; then, when affliction or persecution arises because of the word, immediately they fall away. immediately receive it with joy believe for a while they fall away no firm root in themselves only temporary affliction or persecution arises because of the word Can we fall from grace? Indications they were once saved Indications they lost their salvation Why they lost their salvation Galatians 5:4 "You have been severed from Christ, you who are seeking to be justified by law; you have fallen from grace." severed and fallen indicate once saved severed from Christ fallen from grace seeking to be justified by law Will God prune Christians? Indications they were once saved Indications they lost their salvation Why they lost their salvation John 15:5-6 "I am the vine, you are the branches; he who abides in Me, and I in ... ...
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268: The Bible and Children's Responsibility to the Parents
Honor thy father and mother; (which is the first commandment with promise;) that it may be well with thee, and thou mayest live long on the earth". The key words are "honor" and "obey". There is no time limit on this. God does not free a child from this responsibility simply because he has now gone to college or is married. A child in the earliest years of adulthood makes a tragic mistake by neglecting his parents. It is necessary that we say something about the word "obey". Children are to obey their parents "in the Lord". One must never forget that his allegiance to God comes before any man. That includes ... And Jesus increased in wisdom and in stature and in favor with God and man" Luke 2, verses 51,52. Christ was obedient to his parents. His affection and respect for his mother was manifested from the cross. He was concerned about her care and well-being. He gave this responsibility to the beloved Apostle John (John 19:25-27). You shall always be children in the eyes of ... ...
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269: Bible Help to Fight Temptations!
He was not ptay-acting. He was not fighting a sham battle. In Matthew Chapter 4, verse 1, we are told that "Jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil". And when he was tempted, he was subjected to every type of temptation. In First John Chapter 2, verse 16, we learn that "all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world". Jesus was subjected to each of these areas of ... The same kind of temptation has been faced and successfully overcome by thousands of other people and this passage points out that we are merely fooling ourselves if we believe it cannot be overcome in our own lives as well. 4. Fourth - we learn that a knowledge of the word of God and a love for it are the keys to resisting temptation in our lives just as it was in the life of Jesus. 5. Fifth - our efforts to resist temptation will always be rewarded if we respond in keeping with the teachings of ... ...
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270: Ten commandments for WIVES
Expecting the wife to be upset, I said, "His boots certainly do bring the dirt in." "Yes," she said with a smile as she got up to get the broom. "But they bring him in too." by Shirley Scott Click to View Commandment #3: Thou shalt not nag...hit him with thine frying pan, it is kindlier. (Prov 27:15; 21:19) If the husband says... Wife replies... Sarah called Abraham Lord and walked 50 feet behind him. God told Abraham to listen to the voice of his wife and obey all that she says Gen 21:12 Folding laundry is woman's work Jesus neatly folded his laundry in the tomb John 20:7 Cooking is woman's work Jesus cooked breakfast by the sea Jn 21:9 Making the bed is woman's work Peter commanded Aeneas to "arise and make your bed" Acts 9:34 Acts 6 "We can not neglect the word of God to serve tables" Did you notice that the apostles appointed 7 MEN If I go to all the trouble of making a mess, the least you can do is clean it up. If you go to all the trouble of making all the money, the least I can ... ...
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271: May Women speak in Church? 2 Tim 2:12 + 1 Cor 14:34
... The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. 2. Women May Teach Men In The Assembly Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 3. Priscilla Was Involved In Teaching Apollos Acts 18:25-26 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. 4. Women Are Commanded To Teach 2 ... ...
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272: Trinity proof texts: Micah 5:2-3
The Messiah therefore traced his lineage, not from David, but from all past eternity, being like God himself, has always existed and timeless! No Jew would every apply this language to a created angel! Comments: The text is so clear that anti-Trinitarians have only one argument based upon the definition of the word translated, "goings forth", [4163 mowtsa'ah] and it is a very weak argument! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttals: The only Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal The expression, "His goings forth are from long ago" actually teaches the messiah was a creature with an "origin", based upon the definition of the ... They then interpret Mic 5:2 "His goings forth [4163 mowtsa'ah] are from long ago, From the days of eternity." to mean that Jesus existed as an idea in the mind of God before creation. Such views are easily refuted through a simple study of the incarnation and pre-existence passages of Jesus! For example, John was 6 months older by conception than Jesus yet John said, "he existed before ... ...
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273: What Is Hell Like?
Romans 16:26, speaks of the everlasting God. Hebrews 9:14 refers to the eternal spirit. There are four expressions in these three verses to be considered. They are "everlasting punishment", "eternal life", everlasting God", and "eternal spirit". The only difference between everlasting and eternal in our language is a difference in spelling. They mean the same thing. The Greek word translated as everlasting or eternal in these three passages is the same. It is "ionious" which means eternal, everlasting, without end, never to cease, or indeterminate as to duration. There is ... Everlasting punishment to them means to be dead, like an animal, eternally. In response to that position, consider the word translated as punishment in Matthew 25:46. It is, "colason", which means to chastise, or torment. In I John 4:18, it is translated as torment. Read Luke 16:19-31, and notice that four times the rich man in the flames of Hades is described as being in anguish or torment. See Revelations 14:11 ... ...
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274: What Early Christians believed about USING INSTRUMENTAL MUSIC
... The Lord fashioned man a beautiful, breathing instrument, after His own imaged and assuredly He Himself is an all-harmonious instrument of God, melodious and holy, the wisdom that is above this world, the heavenly Word." ... "He who sprang from David and yet was before him, the Word of God, scorned those lifeless instruments of lyre and cithara. By the power of the Holy Spirit He arranged in harmonious order this great world, yes, and the little world of man too, body and soul together; and on this ... BARCLAY "If God is spirit a man's gifts to God music gifts of the spirit. Animal sacrifices and all manmade things become inadequate. The only gifts that befit the nature of God are the gifts of the spirit - love, loyalty, obedience, devotion" (W. Barclay, The Gospel of John, Vol. 1, p. 161). BARNES "Psallo ... is used, in the New Testament, only in Rom. 15:9 and 1 Cor. 14:15, where it is translated sing; in James 5:13, where it is rendered sing psalms, and in the place before us. The idea ... ...
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275: Seventh-day Adventist view Ellen G. White as an inspired prophet
They fell all the way along the path one after another," (Foregoing now deleted) "until we heard the voice of God like many waters, WHICH GAVE US THE DAY AND HOUR OF JESUS' COMING. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew and understood the voice, while the wicked thought it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spake the time, he poured on us the Holy Ghost, and our faces began to light up and shine with the glory of God as Moses' did when he came down from Mount Sinai." A WORD TO THE LITTLE FLOCK (1847 edition) p. 14 ... Mrs. White places "meat, butter and cheese" in the same category as tobacco, liquor, etc. This, is contrary to the Bible for Jesus Himself ate fish (Luke 24:41-43). In John 21:9-12 we find that Jesus Himself prepared flesh meat and said to His disciples, "Come and eat." The Bible tells us that Jesus ate butter (Isaiah 7:15) Mrs. White said, "Do not eat" but Jesus said, "Come and dine". Paul said, "In the latter times some shall depart from the faith...commanding to ... ...
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276: Examples of Mental Illness in the Bible: God strikes sinners ...
... Saul hurled the spear for he thought, "I will pin David to the wall." But David escaped from his presence twice. Now Saul was afraid of David, for the Lord was with him but had departed from Saul." (1 Samuel 18:10-12) 4. Nebuchadnezzar was stricken with dementia and loss of reason by God for his pride: "While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you, and you will be driven away from mankind, and your ... heaven and my reason returned to me, and I blessed the Most High and praised and honored Him who lives forever; For His dominion is an everlasting dominion, And His kingdom endures from generation to generation." (Daniel 4:31-34) 5. John the Baptist was wrongly accused of being insane: "For John came neither eating nor drinking, and they say, 'He has a demon!'" (Matthew 11:18) 6. Jesus was wrongly accused of being insane: "Many of them were saying, "He has a demon and is insane. ... ...
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277: Metzger, Bruce M. and Coogan, Michael D., Editors; Daniel N. ...
... Elsewhere Matthew records a special connection between God the Father and Jesus the Son (e.g., 11.27), but he falls short of claiming that Jesus is equal with God (Cf. 2436). It is John's gospel that suggests the idea of equality between Jesus and God ("I and the Father are one"; 10.30). The Gospel starts with the affirmation that in the beginning Jesus as Word (see Logos) "was with God and . . . was God" (i.i), and ends (chap. 21 is most likely a later addition) with Thomas's confession of faith to Jesus, "My Lord and my God!" (20.28). The Fourth Gospel also elaborates on the role of the Holy Spirit as the Paraclete sent to be an advocate for the believers (John 14.1526). For the community of John's gospel, these passages provide assurance of the presence and power of God both in the ministry of Jesus and in the ongoing life of the community. Beyond this immediate context, however, such references raise the question of how Father, Son, and Spirit can be distinct and yet the same. ... ...
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278: Welcome to the Hamilton church of Christ, in Ontario Canada
We believe that human creeds, catechisms & statements of faith cause religious division because they compete with the authority of the Bible and cloud people's ability to clearly see what the Bible actually says. Churches are not divided over what is in the Bible, but what is not in the Bible. Jesus likened the Bible to seed in the parable of the sower. We believe that if anyone plants the pure seed of the word of God, that it will produce exactly the same first century church every time. We are ... God's word is Bible medicine for hurting homes in a wicked world. Our doctrine: We are trying to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent, and to call Bible things by Bible names, and to do Bible things in Bible ways. Tit 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 John 9 In essentials, we maintain unity. In opinions, liberty. And in all things, love. We are truly a non-denominational church that has no written standard of doctrinal authority other than the Bible. Our worship: ... ...
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279: History of Temple Mount, Tabernacles of Moses, David and the ...
The Amos 9:11-12 prophecy was made after the temple of Solomon was destroyed. a. "A throne will even be established in loving-kindness, And a judge will sit on it in faithfulness in the tent of David; Moreover, he will seek justice And be prompt in righteousness. " (Isaiah 16:5) Fulfilled in Christ in 33 AD as the judge of all mankind John 5:22-23. b. "In that day I will raise up the fallen booth of David, And wall up its breaches; I will also raise up its ruins ... The important matter is that the church was God's vessel of salvation from before the creation of the world which replaced the physical temple in Jerusalem. 8. This page is all about the church, the body of Christ, the Temple of God. The final end of a long series of complex antitypes! clilck to view 2091 BC: Abraham: Told to leave Ur of Chaldeans by God: Gen 12:1 He ended up in Egypt: Gen 12:10 The first time the word "Hebrew" is used in the Bible is in Gen 14:13. Just as Abraham is first called a "Hebrew" in Gen 14:13, so ... ...
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280: About who we are! The Interactive Bible:
We believe that human creeds, catechisms and statements of faith cause religious divisions because they compete with the authority of the Bible and cloud people's ability to clearly see what the Bible actually says. Churches are not divided over what is in the Bible, but what is not in the Bible. Jesus likened the Bible to the seed in the parable of the sower. We believe that if anyone plants the pure seed of the word of God, that the seed will produce exactly the same "first century church" every ... God's word is Bible medicine for hurting homes in a wicked world. Our doctrine: We are trying to speak where the Bible speaks and to be silent where the Bible is silent, and to call Bible things by Bible names, and to do Bible things in Bible ways. Tit 2:1; 1 Corinthians 4:6; 2 John 9 In essentials, we maintain unity. In opinions, liberty. And in all things, love. We are truly a non-denominational church that has no written standard of doctrinal authority other than the Bible. Our worship: ... ...
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281: Rich man and Lazarus in Hades: Luke 16:19-31: Neo-Sadduceeian ...
Commenting on Luke 16: "What is important for us to grasp is that Christ used the mental images conjured up by this rabbinic parable to teach that, in the hereafter, the wicked experience torment and the righteous bliss." (Death and The Afterlife, Robert Morey, p. 84,85) Just as God Himself is described in the same kind of symbolic "earthly" word pictures or "anthropomorphisms" (possessing literal hands, eyes, ears) so too Luke 16 is described in the identical type of word pictures. We cannot reject that God ... Lazarus is the only character personally named in the parables of Jesus, implying that Lazarus must have been known to the audience. This parable of Jesus might have been uttered after he received news of the death of his friend, Lazarus. The parable was given at Pereae, east of the Jordan at Bethabara (where news of Lazarus' death came to him, John 11:6 cf. John 10:40; 1:28). It was an easy day's journey from Bethabara to Bethany. v 21 Lazarus was typical of all Jews of this ... ...
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282: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 53 The Suffering Servant ...
... Then Hezekiah said to Isaiah, "The word of the LORD which you have spoken is good." For he thought, "For there will be peace and truth in my days."" (Isaiah 39:6-8) f. Isaiah therefore prophecies both the 70 Babylonian captivity (605-536 BC) and the decree of Cyrus in 536 BC where the "captives are freed" and allowed to return and rebuild Jerusalem. g. The very next verse in Isa 40:1 prophecies the spiritual kingdom/church/Jerusalem and the rise of John the Baptist as a forerunner to Jesus, who like Cyrus, would free the people from the bondage of their sins. h. "Comfort, O comfort My people," says your God. "Speak kindly to Jerusalem; And call out to her, that her warfare has ended, That her iniquity has been removed, That she has received of the Lord's hand Double for all her sins." A voice is calling, "Clear the way for the Lord in the wilderness; Make smooth in the desert a highway for our God." (Isaiah 40:1-3) i. The entire contrast displayed when Sennacherib easily defeated the ... ...
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283: May Women speak in Church? 2 Tim 2:12 + 1 Cor 14:34
... The older women likewise, that they be reverent in behavior, not slanderers, not given to much wine, teachers of good things- that they admonish the young women to love their husbands, to love their children, to be discreet, chaste, homemakers, good, obedient to their own husbands, that the word of God may not be blasphemed. 2. Women May Teach Men In The Assembly Colossians 3:16 Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom, teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. 3. Priscilla Was Involved In Teaching Apollos Acts 18:25-26 This man had been instructed in the way of the Lord; and being fervent in spirit, he spoke and taught accurately the things of the Lord, though he knew only the baptism of John. So he began to speak boldly in the synagogue. When Aquila and Priscilla heard him, they took him aside and explained to him the way of God more accurately. 4. Women Are Commanded To Teach 2 ... ...
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284: Jesus Master Builder carpenter stonemason creator build temple ...
into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit." (Ephesians 2:19-22) Introduction: A. Jesus was much more than a mere carpenter! 1. Jesus was the creator and master builder of the universe, so it should not surprise us that he is described as a "one who constructs" (lit: Tekton) 2. "If Jesus had in fact been a builder of these houses he would have been in very good physical shape. This may help explain how he endured the brutal flagellation before the cross (Matt. 27:26; Mark 15:15; Luke 18:33; John 19:1), an experience that many men did not survive." (Jesus the Stone Mason?, Brian N. ... corner stone]," and, "A stone [Lithos: wall stone] of stumbling and a rock [petra: bedrock] of offense"; for they stumble because they are disobedient to the word, and to this doom they were also appointed." (1 Peter 2:7-8) f. "I also say to you that you are Peter, and upon this rock [petra: bedrock] I will build My church; ... ...
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285: Textual Variants Daniel's 70 weeks, Susanna, Prayer of Hananiah ...
... D. Variants Between Christian LXX and Jewish MT in Daniel 9:24-27 1. The textual variance in Daniel 9:24-29 is irrelevant today because it has already served God's original purpose of generating "messianic Expectation" at the time of Christ. a. "So will My word be which goes forth from My mouth; It will not return to Me empty, Without accomplishing what I desire, And without succeeding in the matter for which I sent it." (Isaiah 55:11) b. Jesus said "Scripture cannot be broken!" John 10:35 c. God provided multiple copies of His original word today in both the original language of Hebrew and the translated Greek. d. So when the Jews corrupted the text of Daniel 9:24-29 for anti-Christian purposes, it was 150 years too late because God designed the text to create expectation for the coming of the Messiah between 31 BC and 33 AD and it "accomplished what God desires" (Isaiah 55:11) 2. Christians have always had difficulty how Daniel 9 prophecies the crucifixion of Christ in the middle of ... ...
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286: Rapture Refuted: Harold Campinng's numerology date setting end ...
The only doctrine more recent is the invention of the sinner's prayer for salvation by Billy Sunday in 1930, which was made popular by Billy Graham in 1935. The fact that John Nelson Darby invented the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine around 1830 AD is unquestionably true. All attempts to find evidence of this wild doctrine before ... The Bible indicates prior to this year that date could not be known." "The discovery of this information [by Camping after his 1994 prediction failed] built the foundation for what God would later reveal from the Bible as the date for the end. Judgment Day on May 21, 2011 is the culmination of five decades of intensive biblical ... We just have to add seven years to it! 6. Like Russell, he is now telling Christians to leave their churches. All the churches are apostate. You should no longer trust your pastors and elders. You should abandon them and turn to the true channel of God's Word, Family Radio. Like Jehovah's Witnesses, you should simply fellowship ... ...
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287: Jewish Messianic Expectation in the Dead Sea Scrolls: Luke 3 ...
The First century Jews expected the Messiah based upon Daniel 2 and 9 between 49 BC and AD 33 Introduction: Messianic expectation was at an all time high fever pitch when Jesus started his ministry: a. "But when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman, born under the Law, so that He might redeem those who were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption as sons." (Galatians 4:4-5) b. "Now while the people were in a state of expectation and all were wondering in their hearts about John, as to whether he was the Christ, John answered and said to them all, "As for me, I baptize you with water; but ... The Jews then said, "It took forty-six years to build this temple, and will You raise it up in three days?" But He was speaking of the temple of His body. So when He was raised from the dead, His disciples remembered that He said this; and they believed the Scripture and the word which Jesus had spoken." (John 2:19-22) "and said, "This man stated, 'I am ... ...
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288: Official creed of the Evangelical church
... His Word. We deny that Christ can be received as Savior, and rejected as Lord (Matthew 7:21). We believe that Christians were chosen before the foundation of the world to live holy and blameless lives (Ephesians 1:4). We deny that holiness can be defined by means of any extra-biblical rules or regulations. Legalism is not holiness, but rather another kind of sin. The Christian's only standard of holiness is found in the Old and New Testaments (2 Timothy 3:16). We believe that God will complete the work He has begun in each believer. If someone is truly regenerate, then he will not fall away from salvation (Romans 8:29-31). The basis for this is God's faithfulness, not the faithfulness of the believer. We deny that this understanding of God's sustaining faithfulness is in any way a cushion for sin. A life of sin is inconsistent with assurance of salvation (Romans 6:1-4). We believe that each Christian has an obligation to regularly and honestly confess his sins before God (1 John 1:9; ... ...
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289: Friday crucifixion three days and three nights Nisan 14 sign ...
... The only way Saturday resurrection advocates can escape this verse is to create one of the most incredibly wild and imaginative explanations, we have ever seen to explain away the obvious and irrefutable. This one should be in the "twisting and contorting the word of God hall of fame". This an argument made by Herbert W. Armstrong of the Worldwide church of God who rejected both Sabbath-keeping and Saturday resurrection. (a recent split with WWCG has called into question Armstrong's owns views on ... Jn 20:1 Now on the first day of the week Mary Magdalene came early to the tomb, while it was still dark, and saw the stone already taken away from the tomb. "as it began to dawn" "when the sun had risen" "at early dawn" "while it was still dark" Was it after sunrise as per Mt, Mk and Lk OR before sunrise as per John??? All are correct! John simply records that Mary left the house while it was still dark, went to get the other ladies and by the time they got to the tomb, Mt, Mk and Lk record ... ...
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290: Bible Help to Fight Temptations!
He was not ptay-acting. He was not fighting a sham battle. In Matthew Chapter 4, verse 1, we are told that "Jesus was led up of the spirit into the wilderness to be tempted of the devil". And when he was tempted, he was subjected to every type of temptation. In First John Chapter 2, verse 16, we learn that "all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world". Jesus was subjected to each of these areas of ... The same kind of temptation has been faced and successfully overcome by thousands of other people and this passage points out that we are merely fooling ourselves if we believe it cannot be overcome in our own lives as well. 4. Fourth - we learn that a knowledge of the word of God and a love for it are the keys to resisting temptation in our lives just as it was in the life of Jesus. 5. Fifth - our efforts to resist temptation will always be rewarded if we respond in keeping with the teachings of ... ...
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291: Commentary on what the early Christians believed about the Trinity
... We have seen that the author of this article *never* cites the actual writings of Ignatius, but relies solely on materials that his sources clearly indicate are later writings. Further, the writer passes over in silence citation after citation that deals a death blow to his entire thesis, compounding his error by misleading his readers into thinking that Ignatius but once identifies the Lord as "God the Word." It is obvious to any semi-impartial reader that the Watchtower is not the least bit interested in what Ignatius *actually* believed about Jesus Christ. It is their purpose to make Ignatius into one of Jehovah's Witnesses. Just as the Watchtower Society has smuggled their doctrines into the Bible by mistranslating numerous passages (John 1:1, 8:58, Colossians 1:16-17, 2:9, Titus 2:13, 2 Peter 1:1, Revelation 3:14, etc. and etc.), so they show a willingness to grossly misrepresent an early Father of the Christian Church regarding his belief in the deity of Christ. We cannot ... ...
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292: Trinity Proof Texts: 2 Corinthians 13:14 and Philippians 2:1 ...
It just doesn't make sense to suggest that Paul is blessing them by saying, "May you be encouraged knowing that the person of God and Jesus and an the alkaline battery are with you!" 2 Cor 13:14 concludes with these important words: "be with you all". But what? Well three things are to be with you: "May Christ's grace be with you. May God's love be with you. May the Spirit's fellowship/sharing/companionship be with you." This exactly echoes the promise of the "comforter" in John 14:16-17, "And I [Jesus] will ask the Father, and He will give you another [Gr. allos: of the same kind as Jesus] Helper, that He [the Holy Spirit] may be with you forever; that is ... Some want to translate Phil 2:1-2 as "if anyone has a sharing spirit" rather than "if there is any fellowship of the Holy Spirit." They do this in an effort to make the word "spirit" refer, not to the Holy Spirit, but a personality quality similar to the expression, "a spirit of joy" or "a spirit of sharing". Grammatically, such a ... ...
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293: Comparison list of 75 Joseph/Christ Shadows, Types, Antitypes ...
Willingly went at father’s request and authority Gen 37:13 Jn 8:42 12. Lived with father before sent on divine mission Gen 37:14 Jn 17:5 13. Ridiculed for being a king Gen 37:19 Lk 22:63-65 14. Plotted against by his own brethren Gen 37:20 Mt 26:4,15; John 11:53 15. Said to Joseph: “Then let us see what will become of his dreams”. Said of Jesus: “He trusts in God; let God rescue Him now, if He delights in Him; for He said, ‘I am the Son of God” Gen 37:20 Mt 27:43 16. Suffered bitterly at hands of brethren Psalm 105:17-18 Heb 12:2 17. Stripped ... For the most part, these Jewish sages clearly were not looking at an entire portion of Scripture—a whole psalm or chapter—when they cited the verses in question. Rather, what got their attention was a word association, or an association of ideas, or an even more distant link connecting the given verse or phrase with the Messiah. This was quite common in Rabbinic interpretation during the first thousand years of this era, but it was not ... ...
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294: What Early Christians believed about Mt 24 & destruction of Jerusalem ...
... For from Jerusalem there went out into the world, men, twelve in number, and these illiterate, of no ability in speaking: but by the power of God they proclaimed to every race of men that they were sent by Christ to teach to all the word of God; and we who formerly used to murder one another do not only now refrain from making war upon our enemies, but also, that we may not lie nor deceive our examiners, willingly die confessing Christ." (First Apology of Justin Martyr, ch. 39) 150AD Justin Martyr ... For thenceforth God's grace failed amongst them; and "the clouds were commanded to rain no rain upon the vineyard" of Sorech; to withhold, that is, the graces of heaven, that they shed no blessing upon "the house of Israel," which had but produced "the thorns" wherewith it had crowned the Lord, and "instead of righteousness, the cry" wherewith it had hurried Him away to the cross. And so in this manner the law and the prophets were until John, but the clews of divine grace were withdrawn ... ...
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295: What is your ultimate Authority In Religion?
What is your ultimate Authority In Religion? The word "authority" means "the right to command or act". Therefore, authority in religion would mean the right to command or act religiously. In the book of Jeremiah, Chapter 10, verse 23, we read, "O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps". We, therefore, see that the human standard for setting authority is wrong. God calls a man a "fool" who would reject the divine standard of authority and trust in his own heart. (Proverbs 28: 26). After Christ arose from the dead, and in giving the great commission, he said, ... These writings in the New Testament were for us and that we might believe in Christ and accept the truth. God has given these writings to keep us from sin; and that we might know the certainty of the truth of Christianity and as Christians have eternal life. (I John 5:13). Our authority in religion is in Christ and we have his word recorded in the New Testament for ... ...
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296: Trinity: The role of Constantine in the Nicene creed
... Let me illustrate: How many English speaking Jehovah's Witnesses living in North America today could immediately identify and define complex sentence structure in English. (noun, verb, adverb, predicate, subject, past-participle, pronoun.) If we started arguing some doctrinal point because the of the nature of the past-participle in the English Bible, it could be truthfully said: "Jehovah's Witnesses have basically no understanding whatsoever of the questions that were ... Those of the party of Alexander, however, were not fully satisfied. They were favored by the emperor, and followed the strategy of accepting the Creed of Caesarea while demanding a more precise definition of some of its key terms. The emperor favored the inclusion of the word homoousios, as suggested to him by Hosius. (God in Three Persons, Millard J. Erickson, p82-85) The emperor at first gave the council a free hand, but was prepared to step in if necessary to enforce the formula that his advisor Hosius had agreed ... ...
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297: The early use of "nomina sacra" indicates a canon was recognized
Nomina sacra developed into the Christian era and became almost ridiculous because they would create substitutional abbreviations for other "sacred" things including: God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Saviour, Cross, Christ etc. While Christians eventually abandoned the practice of nomina sacra altogether, the Jews continue the practice by writing the word God in English as G-D where a dash is substituted for the letter O. Of course the ultimate substitution was provided by the Holy Spirit himself ... Recently David Trobisch proposed that a second-century editing process produced and published the twenty-seven-book New Testament we have today, in the order: Gospels; Acts and the Catholic Epistles; fourteen letters of Paul, with Hebrews located between 2 Thessalonians and 1 Timothy; and Revelation. Evidence is found in the choice of authors to whom New Testament books are ascribed, in editorial remarks in the New Testament writings themselves (including in Acts, 2 Timothy, 2 Peter, and John ... ...
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298: The Apostolic Fathers referred to false doctrine as bad tradition ...
He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. "For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to be put to death'; but you say, 'If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given to God),' you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition ... This is a perfect example of how post apostolic man-made rules directly contradict the teaching of the New testament that says the Christian can eat anything he likes, common food or the food of kings, as long as it is accepted with prayer and thanksgiving. 1 Tim 4:1-4 actually calls John Cassian's diet rules, "doctrines of demons ... who advocate abstaining from foods". "For the nature of gluttony is threefold: first, there is that which forces us to anticipate the proper hour for a meal, ... ...
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299: Lesson 13: Must We Be Baptized To Be Saved?
... When we stand before the Lord on the day of judgment to be judged by Him, there are going to be many who have chosen not to do what the Lord has said. Rather they have chosen to do what man has said to do. Romans 10:3 tells us that people are "Seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God." The choice is ours. Either we have tried to establish our own righteousness or we have submitted to the righteousness of God. Unless we are forgiven the way that Jesus Christ has specified in the Bible then we will die in our sins and be forever lost and forever separated from God in eternal punishment. We make the decision; but we will reap the eternal consequences. Are you ready for those consequences? The Lord says in John 12:48, "The word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day." We are not going to be judged by what man says or by what we think, but by what our Lord says. This is going to be the standard for judgment. For the majority of ... ...
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300: Lesson 17: Baptized Into Christ
... Here we see that salvation is located in Christ, and for one to be eligible for salvation, he must be in Christ. If you are not in Christ, by being baptized into Christ, you have no hope or promise of salvation. It will be a horrible thing for a person, who thinks he is saved, when he stands before the Lord on the day of judgment, if he is still outside of Christ. He will have no salvation. He will be lost eternally in Hell. 7) In I John 5:11 we read, "And this is the testimony, that God has given us eternal life, and this life is in His Son." So according to the inspired word of God, eternal life is located in His Son, Jesus Christ. Only those in Christ have been promised eternal life. Those who are outside of Christ have no promise of eternal life. So what does that leave them? It leaves them only eternal punishment, which is a sad condition. My heart bleeds for them, because I don't want to see anyone lost. But how can you get people to wake up to the truth of God's word? The ... ...
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