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301: Lesson 23: The Lord's Church
This name glorifies and honors Christ, the one who built it. Other names honor and glorify John the Baptist, Martin Luther, the day of Penticost, the apostles, Rome, Antioch, Nazareth, the Greeks, the Russians, the methodical way of doing things, Christians, the free will, being primitive, southern, missionary, general, the seventh day, science, catholic, the advent, and the list goes on and on. Even by their names they do not claim to be Christ's one church. Why can't we give the glory and honor to God and Christ where the honor belongs? Today we hear the sincere but mistaken plea to "attend the church of your choice." Why not attend the church of God's choice, the church of Christ, the only one that Jesus "purchased with His own blood" (Acts 20:28). Christ did not shed His blood to purchase any denomination nor did He purchase a group of denominations. The word denomination means a fraction or part of a whole. The Lord's church is not a fraction or a part of anything. It is complete ... ...
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302: Church Creeds: The fuel of religious division
in God, the Divinity of Christ, and who subscribes to a confession of faith. Notice this definition denies to those refusing to accept the Apostles Creed and a denominational confession the name Christian. By it neither Peter nor Paul would qualify as a follower of Jesus, since such creeds were unknown in the First Century. In the decades following the death of John, the last living apostle, the early Church faced a difficult problem. False doctrines such as Gnosticism and Monticism plagued the body of Christ. Some even denied the deity of Jesus. To cope with the situation a simple confession of faith was devised to distinguish the Orthodox Christian from the heretic. It was sometimes called the rule of faith. And many years later, after alterations, it was known as the Apostles Creed, although it was not written by the apostles. This first human creed subscribed to by Christians was followed through the centuries by many other confessions of faith. The word creed is derived from ... ...
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303: What Early Christians believed about BAPTISM
sins formerly committed, there is pronounced over him who chooses to be born again, and has repented of his sins, the name of God the Father and Lord of the universe." (Justin Martyr, "First Apology," Ante-Nicene Fathers, vol. 1, pg. 183) 110-165 AD Martyr The "Constitutions of the Holy Apostles" also refer to John 3:5. There, the one who refuses to be baptized is to be condemned as an unbeliever, partially on the basis of what Jesus told Nicodemus.... "He that, out of contempt, will not be baptized, shall be condemned as an unbeliever, and shall be reproached as ungrateful and foolish. ... If, moreover, even from a 'brother' who 'walketh idly' he warns the Thessalonians to withdraw themselves, how much more withal from a fornicator! For these are the deliberate judgments of Christ, 'loving the Church,' who 'hath delivered Himself up for her, that He may sanctify her (purifying her utterly by the laver of water) in the word, that He may present the Church to Himself glorious, not having ... ...
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304: Bible Tongue Speaking and Modern Impostors!
Acts 2:4 No so today. Compare the truth with the fake: Simon The Fake Vs Apostles the truth: Acts 8:5-13 Purpose of the gifts Bible modern pentecostals To confirm god's word word confirms gifts Bring About Unity Of Faith Many Different Churches Claim To Have Gifts Confirm False Teachings Miracles Bible modern pentecostals Dependent ... Considered a childish gift of lesser importance 14:5 Stressed As A Sign Of Spirituality A Sign To Unbelievers 14:22 A Sign To Believers Modern Day Tongue Speaking Is Not From God! In the Los Angeles area which consists of about 12 million people, every kind of religious cult that can be imagined is here. One of the churches, called ... Paul was no doubt talking about such a phenomenon as contemporary tongue speaking when he wrote in I Corinthians 12:2, about pagans, "You know that when you were pagans, you were led astray to the dumb idols, however you were led." John was no doubt speaking of counterfeits of miracles when he wrote in I John 4:1, "Believe not ... ...
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305: Why Pentecostals say, "knoweldge is of the Devil" (anti-intellectualis ...
... The more I told people what hell was like, the more they laughed, and when I gave an altar call, they came forward by the hundreds to get saved." "Then," I replied, "as to what you're preaching on, it's almost irrelevant what you're saying." He nodded. (An Evening with Rodney Howard-Browne, 1995 by the Christian Research Institute, from the Newswatch column of the Christian Research Journal, Winter 1995, page 43) by Julia Duin.) Kilpatrick, John Click to View "Let me tell you something else about this revival," Kilpatrick said. "This move of God is not about preaching." He said that while he and evangelist Steve Hill do preach sermons that are simple and easy to understand, the signs and miracles are what actually turn people to Christ, not the Word of God. "We've heard so many sermons and so much of the Word of God that we've grown fat," he said, "but there's been no power and no anointing and no miracles. So, I just want to tell you, that's why tonight I don't feel bad about not ... ...
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306: Major errors of Pentecostalism
Major errors of Pentecostalism Characteristics Of the Pentecostal Movement: 1. CULTIC ORIGINS & INFLUENCES - The Word of Faith Movement owes much of its teachings to E.W. Kenyon who was heavily influenced by Mind Science and New Thought Christianity (what became known as Unity School) in the early 1900's. 2. OVERSIMPLIFICATION - ... 5. SPIRITUAL PRIDE - Leaders of the WOF REFUSE to dialog with other members of the Body of Christ regarding their teaching. They claim their teachings come by direct revelation knowledge from God and are not subject to human scrutiny. 6. WORLDLY/HUMANISTIC THEOLOGY- WOF presents a distorted vision of God and the Christian life. ... If the speaker almost exclusively speaks of God and the Spirit, yet rarely speaks of Jesus Christ, there is a danger of lapsing into a practical Binity, or even modalism, instead of promoting the Trinity. However, in the New Testament (esp. John 14-16, Acts 1:8, 1 John 4:13, 5:7-8), the Holy Spirit's main job is described as ... ...
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307: Catholic doctrinal Flip-Flops: Baptism: Changed from immersion ...
Baptism: Changed from immersion to sprinkling in 1311 AD. Baptism: Changed from immersion to sprinkling in 1311 AD. A. Jesus was immersed not sprinkled by John the Baptist. In those days Jesus came from Nazareth in Galilee and was baptized by John in the Jordan. Immediately coming up out of the water, He saw the heavens opening, and the Spirit like a dove descending upon Him; Mark 1:9-10 B. Bible baptism is immersion: The word baptism in the original Greek means immersion! Our English word "baptism" is from the Greek word "baptisma" and means "immersion, submersion and emergence" ... Only immersion fulfills the meaning of a burial, spinkling makes the idea of baptism being a burial nonsense: "having been buried with Him in baptism, in which you were also raised up with Him through faith in the working of God, who raised Him from the dead." Colossians 2:12 "Or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore we have ... ...
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308: Pope Offers Catholics Time Out Of Purgatory By Y2K Indulgences
That would mean we could avoid the painstaking instructions given by the INSPIRED JOHN when he said, "If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness" (1 John 1:9). Too, we could ignore James' admonition to "confess your trespasses to one another, and pray for one another that you may be healed" (Js 5:16). "For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments. And His commandments are not burdensome" (1 John 5:3). Please don't misunderstand, we are for doing good deeds (Mt 25:31-46). We are for people giving up their sins, but for more than a day (Col 3:5-10). However, when you read the Bible "from cover to cover" you will never read of a thing called "indulgences." It is purely a tradition of man, established by man's authority, not from God in heaven (Mt 15:1-9; cf., Acts 8:18-24; 1 Jn 1:10; Js 5:16). Moreover, there is no such thing as purgatory. Again, we submit that nowhere in God's inspired word will one ... ...
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309: Sola Scriptura proven from the Bible! Irrefutable proof texts ...
... He was also saying to them, "You are experts at setting aside the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition. "For Moses said, 'Honor your father and your mother'; and, 'He who speaks evil of father or mother, is to be put to death'; but you say, 'If a man says to his father or his mother, whatever I have that would help you is Corban (that is to say, given to God),' you no longer permit him to do anything for his father or his mother; thus invalidating the word of God by your tradition ... Some thought he was merely a king, some merely a prophet, some merely a priest! (Matthew 26:24) "What then is this that is written: 'The stone which the builders rejected, This became the chief corner stone'? (Luke 20:17) "You search the Scriptures because you think that in them you have eternal life; it is these that testify about Me (John 5:39) "How then will the Scriptures be fulfilled, which say that it must happen this way?" (Matthew 26:54) II. The example of the apostles using Sola ... ...
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310: 7-seventh-day-adventist-false-tim-sly
It didn't hit my heart until I heard preaching by Dr. Desmond Ford, a gifted scholar who used to be in the SDA church. Everyone's experience of finding God comes in a different way at different times. This time it hit me when I heard him preach the cross of Christ and that it had all been done for me and I knew right then that I had eternal life (1 John 5:11-13). A weight was lifted and it changed me forever. No longer did I have to hope to get to heaven by doing it right. After this event that made me a child of God, some of my "stable" beliefs that I had held to started to unravel. Desmond ... I told him to search for it and let me know where it is written. He never found it in the Bible because it was a statement Ellen White made in The Great Controversy p.561 (paperback). In his mind it was a certain Biblical principle. Plagiarism? This word is defined as the act of taking another's works and passing them off as your own without giving credit.6 Until recent times Ellen White's use of ... ...
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311: Joel 2:28, Promise of the Father, Baptism of the Holy Spirit ...
... It is, indeed (Acts viii. 20), called 'the gift [dorea] of God;' and that gift, mentioned Acts x. 45, compared with that mentioned Acts ii. 28, is called by Peter (Acts xi. 17) 'ten isen dorean', the same gift. Although, as has been said, this is the fulfillment of the prophecy of Joel, it is also represented as the Holy Spirit himself. See Acts viii. 15, 17, 19, from which it is very evident that, in the judgment of Peter, John and Simon, this gift was regarded as the Holy Spirit himself; ... lives. 4. Liberals almost unanimously teach the Holy Spirit assists them in both "keeping oneself unstained from the world" and in correctly interpreting scripture. 3. FALSE #2: The GIFT of the Holy Spirit in Acts 2:38 is salvation and or the promise of Abraham, given by the Holy Spirit who symbolically "indwells only through the word of God". a. First, we have seen that in both the Old and New Testaments, that men who are supernaturally empowered as said to have the "holy Spirit indwelling them". ... ...
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312: Ancient Synagogue Literary Sources: Jews persecuting Christians ...
... kills you to think that he is offering service to God." (John 16:2) B. From the church's very beginning on Pentecost 33 AD, Christians were beaten, jailed and persecuted by Jews: 1. 33 AD: Jailed and threatened: One day after Pentecost after healing the lame man: "As they were speaking to the people, the priests and the captain of the temple guard and the Sadducees came up to them, being greatly disturbed because they were teaching the people and proclaiming in Jesus the resurrection from the dead. ... Indeed, He foretold this in order that, when it did take place, everyone would understand that it all happened by the power and purpose of the Creator of the world; just as Eve was made from one of Adam's ribs, and as all living beings were created by the Word of God in the beginning. But here, too, you dare to distort the translation of this passage made by your elders at the court of Ptolemy, the Egyptian king, asserting that the real meaning of the Scriptures is not as they translated ... ...
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313: What is Bible Repentance?
What is Bible Repentance? Repentance is the act of changing one's mind. Webster defines the word as "to feel sorry for or reproachful for what one has done or has not done". Webster also gives the definition as to feel such regret and dissatisfaction over some past action or intention as to change one's mind about it or to change one's way. Repentance involves changing one's affections - from earthly things to heavenly things. It involves turning to the living God from a god of self. It is looking unto Christ instead of looking unto another. Repentance requires the right attitude towards sin. This is Godly sorrow. Repentance is the right ... Then prayer will be acceptable. Then, and only when man repents, will God hear and answer. When man comes loving his sins and resolving to continue practicing them, God will not hear him.(John 9: 31, I Peter 3: 12). There is a blessing in repentance. For the one who has never been baptized into Christ, turning to the living God is the initial step ... ...
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314: How the Koran and Muslims view of Jesus Christ
... None is there in the heavens and earth but he comes to the All-Merciful as a servant. (Qur'an 19:88-93) Truly the likeness of Jesus, in God's sight, is as Adam's likeness; He created him of dust, then said He unto him, " Be" , and he was. (Qur'an 3:59) People of the Book, go not beyond the bounds in your religion, and say not as to God but the Truth. The Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, was only the Messenger of God, and His Word that He committed to Mary, and a spirit from Him. So believe in God and His ... That Jesus, of his own admission, did not know when the day of judgement would be, is clear proof that Jesus is not all-knowing, and that Jesus is therefore not God. 2. God is All-Powerful ..... but Jesus was not While Jesus performed many miracles, he himself admitted that the power he had was not his own but was derived from God when he said, " Verily, verily I say unto you, the Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do..." St. John 5:19. Again he said, " I can of ... ...
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315: McClintock and Strong: Cyclopedia of Biblical, Theological, and ...
... These texts prove (a) that the Son and Holy Spirit, according to the doctrine of the New Test, are divine, or belong to the one divine nature; and (b) that the three subjects are personal and equal ... The Deity of Christ: To prove the deity of Christ we present three classes of texts (a.) The following are the principal texts in which divine names are given to Christ: John 1:1, 2. Christ is here called [Greek] (the Word), which signified among the Jews and other ancient people, when applied to God, everything by which, God reveals himself to man, and makes known to them his will. Hence those who made known the divine will to men were called b the Hellenists [Greek]. It was probably on this account that John declared Jesus to be the Logos which existed [Greek]; that the Logos was with God, and the Logos was God. In this passage the principal proof does not lie in the word [Aoyoi], nor even in the word theos, which in a larger sense is often applied to kings and earthly rulers; but to ... ...
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316: Lesson 18: Obedience To The Gospel
After Jesus had died for our sins, was resurrected and just before he ascended into heaven, he commanded his apostles in Mark 16:15-16, "And he said to them, Go into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature. He who believes and is baptized will be saved; but he who does not believe will be condemned." Our Lord wanted the gospel preached to everyone. The word "gospel" literally means good news or good tidings. In Romans 1:16 the apostle Paul says, "For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ: for it is the power of God unto salvation for everyone who believes; ... The good news of the death of Christ is that Christ has died for us, taking our punishment, and now God can be just in saving us. Without his death we would all be doomed for eternal punishment and no one could be saved. Even though the death of Christ is a terrible thing to have to happen, it is good news to us. We read in I John 4:10, "In this is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent his ... ...
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317: Personality and deity of the Holy Spirit proven!
Indwelling of the Holy Spirit Important Topics on the Holy Spirit 1. Comforter passages of John 14-15-16 2. Romans 8 Study 3. Qualifications of an apostle 4. Tongues have Ceased Unitarians and the Personification of the Holy Spirit False views of the Holy Spirit identified and exposed. Click to View The Holy Spirit is not a Personification of God's power! Click to View Play the Holy Spirit game! (Prove the Holy Spirit is a "He", not an "it"!) Click to View Anti-Trinitarian proof texts against the Holy Spirit refuted Click to View Quotes by scholars on the personality of the Holy Spirit Is God a ventriloquist? Click to View Anti-Trinitarians make God into a ... Click to View "Your Honor, I object!" (Anti-Trinitarians lawyer) Jesus sent the Holy Spirit and called Him, "another comforter": ("allos parakletos") Jn 14:16. The word means, "lit., called to one's side, i.e., to one's aid, is primarily a verbal adjective, and suggests the capability or adaptability for giving aid. It was used in ... ...
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318: creed and beliefs of Baha'i Faith: A brief history & notes on ...
... It shall come to pass in the latter days that the mountain of the house of the Lord shall be established as the highest of the mountains, and shall be raised above the hills; and all the nations shall flow to it, and many peoples shall come Isaiah 2:2 Some common Baha'i terms Progressive Revelation Process whereby God's will is revealed to mankind through a succession of divine Messengers known as Manifestations Manifestation An incarnation of specific attributes of God, (i.e. Jesus - the incarnate Word) Who ... He becomes aware humanity is on a path of self-destruction and, inspired by God, calls them to repentance and provides a vehicle for their salvation. As a result, he becomes the subject of ridicule and severe persecution by those whose lives he seeks to save. Sound familiar? The theme of this story can be applied to Joseph, Moses, Elija, John the Baptist, Jesus, Mohammed, the Bab and Baha'u'llah. The story of Moses draws an even more detailed parallel to the themes of ... ...
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319: Catholic doctrine contradicts the Bible!!!
Dominic in 1208 AD, at the church of Prouille and revealed the Rosary Beads to him. From this time, Catholics prayed 15 sets of 10 consecutive "hail Marys" in a row (150 times), in the Rosary. However, in 2003 AD, Pope John Paul added a new set of Mysteries, so now it is 20 sets of 10 "Hail Marys", (200 times in the Rosary, in total.) Catholics will vainly appeal to Psalm 136 that alternates the same phrase 26 times with 26 different blessings God gives us. It is not 26 in a row as with the rosary! This is also a song, not a prayer. Revelation 4:8 has "angels singing" not "men praying". Click to View Click ... "While Jesus was saying these things, one of the women in the crowd raised her voice and said to Him, "Blessed is the womb that bore You and the breasts at which You nursed." But He said, "On the contrary, blessed are those who hear the word of God and observe it."" Luke 11:27-28 4. Every Christian drinks of the communion cup FACT: From 1200-1970 AD, Roman Catholics laity were ... ...
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320: Testament of the Twelve Patriarchs 100 BC: 70 Weeks of Daniel
... In pity he shall take you to Himself through faith and water Faith + water baptism = salvation. "Jesus answered, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born of water and the Spirit he cannot enter into the kingdom of God." (John 3:5) ""He who has believed and has been baptized shall be saved; but he who has disbelieved shall be condemned." (Mark 16:16) "'Now why do you delay? Get up and be baptized, and wash away your sins, calling on His name.'" (Acts 22:16) b. Testament of Levi 18: "And after ... Then shall Abraham and Isaac and Jacob be joyful, and I will be glad, and all the saints shall put on gladness. 19. And now, my children, ye have heard all; choose therefore for yourselves either the darkness or the light, either the law of the Lord or the works of Beliar. And we answered our father, saying, Before the Lord will we walk according to His law. And our father said, The Lord is witness, and His angels are witnesses, and I am witness, and ye are witnesses, concerning the word of ... ...
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321: The transition from Temple to Synagogue to church: God's eternal ...
... C. In 2BC Jesus was born "when the fullness of the time came, God sent forth His Son" (Gal 4:4) and the explosion of Christianity that began in Judea, spread throughout the world and synagogue worship was the bridge between Mosaic Judaism and Christianity 1. The birth of Christ signalled that God was ready to make the final transition from Synagogue worship to Christianity a. There was a modern Roman roadway system for easy travel of evangelists. b. The Hebrew scriptures translated into Greek in all the Synagogues around the world. c. This laid the foundation for the first century church to quickly spread throughout the world. 2. There was an expectation of the Messiah in the first century: a. "Now while the people were in a state of expectation and all were wondering in their hearts about John, as to whether he was the Christ" (Luke 3:15) b. "Now when John, while imprisoned, heard of the works of Christ, he sent word by his disciples and said to Him, "Are You the Expected One, or ... ...
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322: The Samaritans: 720 BC The pagan half-Jews of the Old Testament ...
After the return of Judah, the Samaritans ceased to worship idols, but they invented a brand new alternate religion where they chose Mt. Gerizim as their holy mountain in direct opposition to Jerusalem. This action was a continuation of Jeroboam's policy of separating the ten northern tribes from the one true God at Jerusalem. His famous quote: "It is too far for you to go up to Jerusalem... worship at Bethel or Dan" says it all. h. The "Samaritans" intermarried with the pagans, a point of contention between them and the pure blooded Jews, that continued down to the woman at the well of John 4. i. The Samaritans, therefore ... JOSIAH FINDS LOST BOOK OF THE LAW: "Then Hilkiah the high priest said to Shaphan the scribe, "I have found the book of the law in the house of the Lord." And Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan who read it. Shaphan the scribe came to the king and brought back word to the king and said, "Your servants have emptied out the money that was found in the house, ... ...
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323: Greek Scroll Twelve minor prophets Nahal Hever 50 BC: Septuagint ...
... Nomina sacra developed into the Christian era and became almost ridiculous because they would create substitutional abbreviations for other "sacred" things including: God, Father, Son, Holy Spirit, Saviour, Cross, Christ etc. d. While Christians eventually abandoned the practice of nomina sacra altogether, the Jews continue the practice by writing the word God in English as G-D where a dash is substituted for the letter O. e. Of course the ultimate substitution was provided by the Holy Spirit ... Overall, the Greek appears to be a literal translation of a Hebrew text that corresponds closely to the later MT. The Vorlage for this manuscript would therefore be a proto-MT. A number of variations appear in the text, including minor changes in the definite article, lamed plus infinitive, construct words, pronominal suffixes, articles before proper nouns, the rendition of the direct object marker, verb tenses, and other stylistic features. A full listing of variations, including those ... ...
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324: Definition and Nature of God
God is everywhere (omnipresent): Mk 5:10; Jude 6; Rev 20:1-3; 1 Ki 8:27; 2 Chron 2:6; 6:18; Isa 66:1; Acts 7:49; 17:27-28; Ps 139:7-13 God is all knowing (omniscient): Ps 139:1-6; Job 42:2; Acts 2:23; 1 Tim 1:17 God is all powerful (omnipotent): Gen 17:1; 35:11; Rom 13:1; 1 Tim 6:15; Rev 19:6 III. Qualities that God shares with righteous angels and men after resurrection: God is a Spirit, without flesh and bones: Luke 24:39; John 4:24; Matthew 16:17 God is invisible: Ex 33:20; John 1:18; 1 John 4:12; 1 Tim ... He imposed upon himself all the limitations necessary or commensurate with this role." ... "(While) we all agree that Jesus laid aside certain rights and abilities that He has as God, so in effect He was without them, we do not agree" ... "we do not agree that He was stripped of them so that He did not possess the characteristics that make him God. To the man, we believe that Jesus retained His deity, as the word is legitimately defined." (Gene Frost, Frost-Welsh debate) "The ... ...
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325: Zedekiah, Matteniah King of Judah 597-587 BC The Chronological ...
... grandson until the time of his own land comes; then many nations and great kings will make him their servant." (Jeremiah 27:6-7) b. 574 BC: God talked directly to Nebuchadnezzar: "The king reflected and said, 'Is this not Babylon the great, which I myself have built as a royal residence by the might of my power and for the glory of my majesty?' "While the word was in the king's mouth, a voice came from heaven, saying, 'King Nebuchadnezzar, to you it is declared: sovereignty has been removed from you, and you will be driven away from mankind, and your dwelling place will be with the beasts of the field. ... Chapter by Chapter topical/chronological correspondence between Revelation & Ezekiel See Bible Only Revelation Commentary by Steven Rudd LINK Topic Ezekiel Decodes Revelation Rev 1 Prophets Commissioned: Ezekiel and John Ezekiel 2-3 on July 593 BC Rev 2-3 Why was Revelation written to 7 Asia churches? Rev 4-5 Scene of God's Throne Ezekiel 1 on July 593 BC Rev 6:1-8 1st 2nd 3rd 4th Seals: ... ...
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326: Messianic Bible Prophecy Fulfilled: Isaiah 9:1-7 "A child will ...
... He was a teacher whose message brought about peace. "To guide our feet into the way of peace": Mt 3:1-2 3. Hezekiah, John, and Jesus were unique in the world among men: a. Hezekiah: "Hezekiah trusted in the Lord, the God of Israel; so that after him there was none like him among all the kings of Judah, nor among those who were before him. For he clung to the Lord; he did not depart from following Him, but kept His commandments, which the Lord had commanded Moses." (2 Kings 18:5-6) b. John: "Truly I say to you, among those born of women there has not arisen anyone greater than John the Baptist! Yet the one who is least in the kingdom of heaven is greater than he." (Matthew 11:11) c. Jesus: "And the Word/God became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) 4. John the Baptist was from the tribe of Levi (Luke 1:5) and he was not a king. a. These two critical elements demonstrate that although he ... ...
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327: Official creed of the Southern Baptist Church
... Gen. 1:1; 2:7; Ex. 3:14; 6:2-3; 15:11 ff.; 20:1 ff.; Lev. 22:2; Deut. 6:4; 32:6; 1 Chron. 29:10; Psalm 19:1-3; Isa. 43:3, 15; 64:8; Jer. 10:10; 17:13; Matt. 6:9 ff.; 7:11; 23:9; 28:19; Mark 1:9-11; John 4:24; 5:26; 14:6-13; 17:1-8; Acts 1:7; Rom. 8:14-15; 1 Cor. 8:6; Gal. 4:6; Eph. 4:6; Col. 1:15; 1 Tim. 1:17; Heb. 11:6; 12:9; 1 Peter 1:17; 1 John 5:7 B. God the Son Christ is the eternal Son of God. In His incarnation as Jesus Christ He was conceived of the Holy Spirit and born of the virgin Mary. ... A New Testament church of the Lord Jesus Christ is a local body of baptized believers who are associated by covenant in the faith and fellowship of the gospel, observing the two ordinances of Christ, committed to His teachings, exercising the gifts, rights, and privileges invested in them by His Word, and seeking to extend the gospel to the ends of the earth. This church is an autonomous body, operating through democratic processes under the Lordship of Jesus Christ. In such a congregation ... ...
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328: Was Peter the first Pope?
... All of these are titles that rightly belong only to the Lord Jesus Christ and to God the Father. There is not a single instance in the Scriptures where any of the above titles are applied to a man. The term, "Holy Father" is used only once in the entire Bible, and it is used by Jesus in addressing God the Father. (John 17:11) Among the above titles is the bold assertion that the Pope is the "Vicar of Christ." A "vicar" is "One serving as a substitute or agent; one authorized to perform the functions of ... "According to the will of Christ, all its members profess the same faith, have the same worship and Sacraments, and are united under the one and same visible head, the Pope." (Father Smith Instructs Jackson, by John F. Noll and Lester J. Fallon, p. 42) Catholic officials always use the word "visible" no doubt thinking that it removes the thought of the Pope standing in opposition to the headship of Christ, and removes the apparent problem of having a church with two heads. Nonetheless, ... ...
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329: Silence of Scripture and Bible authority
... It is possible that the Jews had argued that Abram was the receiver of the tithes, not the giver. But Heb. 7:4 proves that Abraham was the lesser. Click to View Jerusalem only holy place, Mt Gerizim is not. Samaritans: "God never said this mountain was not holy" Deut. 12:5-7,11; 1 Kings 8:16; 1 Kings 9:3; John 4:20. God had specified Jerusalem which sat on Mt. Zion (Abraham offered Isaac on temple site: Mt. Moriah or "Jehovah-Jireh" Gen 22:1,14; 2 Chron 3:1, in Jerusalem, of King Melchizedek), as ... The Samaritans may have reasoned, that the Scriptures did not say, "Don't worship on Mount Gerizim." Historically God had pronounced the blessings of Israel from on top of Mount Gerizim in Deut 11:29; 27:11. But Jesus settled the issue siding with the Jews who had the express approval of His word! Click to View Washing of sacrifices was commanded, enforcing more is prohibited. Pharisees: "God never said not to require washing of cups" Mark 7:1-8. God commanded that the priests were to be ... ...
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330: Official creed of Assemblies of God
... John 5:17-30, 32, 37; John 8:17, 18 (e) The Title, Lord Jesus Christ The appellation, "Lord Jesus Christ," is a proper name. It is never applied, in the New Testament, either to the Father or to the Holy Ghost. It therefore belongs exclusively to the Son of God Rom 1:1-3, 7; 2 John 3 (f) The Lord Jesus Christ, God with Us The Lord Jesus Christ, as to His divine and eternal nature, is the proper and only Begotten of the Father, but as to His human nature, He is the proper Son of Man. He is, therefore, ... With the baptism in the Holy Ghost come such experiences as an overflowing fullness of the Spirit (John 7: 37-39; Acts 4:8), a deepened reverence for God (Acts 2:43; Heb. 12: 28), an intensified consecration to God and dedication to His work (Acts 2:42), and a more active love for Christ, for His Word and for the lost (Mark 16:20). 8. The Initial Physical Evidence of the Baptism in the Holy Ghost The baptism of believers in the Holy Ghost is witnessed by the initial physical sign of ... ...
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331: Official creed of Mennonite Brethren
It constitutes a commitment, a covenant of a brotherhood which today is scattered throughout the world. This common commitment of Jesus Christ as Lord and to the Holy Scriptures as the infallible guide for faith and practise is important for an effective witness (John 17:21; Philippians 3:16). means of defense against false accusations and heretical movements. It thus has an apologetic function and can aid the brotherhood in the preservation of biblical doctrine and ... We believe in God, the eternal Spirit, infinite in holiness, power, wisdom, righteousness, goodness, love and mercy. This one and only eternal God has revealed Himself as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. The Father We believe in God the Father, who created all things. He can be known to the extent that He has revealed Himself in word and deed as the source and sustainer of life. He is a God of love who orders all things to serve His eternal purpose. In mercy and grace He adopts as His children all who repent of their sin and ... ...
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332: Lesson 21: We Must Worship The Lord In His Church
Jesus says in Matthew 16:18, "Upon this rock I will build My church." The word "My" shows possession and that the church belongs to Jesus. How many churches did He say He was going to build? He said, "I will build My church". The word church is singular not plural. The Lord only promised to build His one church. In Ephesians 4:4-6 there are seven ones listed: "There is one body, and one Spirit, even as you were called in one hope of your calling; one Lord, one faith, one baptism, one God and Father of all who is above all, and through all, and in you all." Just as there is only one God and only one Lord we also see there ... The one church that Christ purchased with His own blood belongs to Him and the name it wears must honor Him. We read in Romans 16:16, "The churches of Christ greet you." This name glorifies and honors Christ, the one who built it. Other names honor and glorify John the Baptist, Martin Luther, the day of Penticost, the apostles, Rome, Antioch, Nazareth, the Greeks, the ... ...
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333: Lesson 23: Summary of Worshipping in Spirit and Truth
... As we worship in spirit and in truth, we are to sing praises to God. We are to do the singing ourselves and not have a choir to sing to us. God has only authorized singing. Man has perverted the worship of God by adding mechanical instruments of music, because man likes them. When God's word is preached, God is glorified. Only God's will must be preached. If one is preaching man's will, he is preaching a perverted gospel. The Lord is to be worshipped and glorified in His one church, the one He built and ... Summary (click on the button of the answer of your choice) 1) Yes NO Is the purpose of your worship to glorify God? 2) Yes NO Do you give your best to God in worship? 3) Yes NO Is all the worship of the church where you attend in accordance with God's will as expressed in the Bible? 4) Yes NO Does the name of your church where you attend give glory only to God and Christ and does not glorify the names of men such as John the Baptist, Martin Luther, the Day of Pentecost, Rome, Nazareth, ... ...
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334: Neo-Montanism: Pentecostalism is the ancient heresy of Montanism ...
... Living Word, The Body, House of Prayer, etc.)." (Old Wine in New Wineskins: A look at the Kansas City Fellowship, Stephen F. Cannon, Personal Freedom Outreach, 1990.) The Pentecostal and the Assemblies of God denominations grew out of the Azusa street revival. Charles Parham was removed from the movement out of concerns about heretical teachings. "Rodney Howard-Browne speaks glowingly of Charles Parham, apparently unaware that Parham was thrown out of the Azusa Street work in 1906 and banned from that time on. Parham spent the rest of his days denouncing W.J. Seymour and the Azusa Street revival." (see Synan, "The Holiness Pentecostal Movement", pg. 112). IV. Early Neo-Montanist Healing Cults & Sects Four Early antecedents to the healing revival "Prophet" Joseph Smith, founder of the Mormon Church, believed not only that he was a prophet of God but that he had divine healing power and laid hands on many sick people and sent out anointed handkerchiefs to the sick. (1835) John Humphrey ... ...
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335: 10 False distinctions between the 10 Commandments and the ceremonial ...
... But God is said to have given the Law of Moses and Moses is said to have given the Law of God. God gave the "Law of Moses" Ezra 7:6 "Ezra... a scribe skilled in the law of Moses, which the Lord God of Israel had given" Moses gave the "Law of God" Nehemiah 10:29 "walk in God's law, which was given through Moses" John 7:19 "Did not Moses give you the Law, and yet none of you carries out the Law? Why do you seek to kill Me?" God gave the Book of law of Moses: Nehemiah 8:1 "bring the book of the law of Moses which the Lord had given ... Mt 22:36-40 (Too bad for Sabbatarians: Great place for Jesus to quote the Sabbath law!) The "Ceremonial law" contained the two greatest "moral commandments": love God and love they neighbor The expression "Ceremonial law" is not found in scripture: the words "ceremonial, ceremony, ceremonies and all roots etc" are never found in the same verse as the word "law or laws" The expression "Moral law" is not found in scripture: the words "Moral, Morals, morality ... ...
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336: The theme of the rejected blessing of the firstborn given to ...
... The Greek word "monogenes" is actually a combination of two words: "monos" which means "only" or "alone," and "genos" which means "of the same nature, kind, sort, species" (Thayer's Greek-English Lexicon of the NT); "race, stock, class, kind" (Arndt & Gingrich, A Greek-English Lexicon of the NT and Other Early Christian Literature). It literally means "only one of its kind," and with reference to an individual it signifies that person to be a unique and one-of-a-kind being. Hugo McCord defines it as "a lone being, a unique existence, the only one of its kind, that which has no duplicate" (Gospel Advocate, 3/20/86). Jesus Christ is the unique, only one of His kind, Son of God. "And the Word became flesh, and dwelt among us, and we saw His glory, glory as of the only begotten from the Father, full of grace and truth." (John 1:14) "No one has seen God at any time; the only begotten God who is in the bosom of the Father, He has explained Him." (John 1:18) ""For God so loved the world, ... ...
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337: Official creeds of the Catholic church
Roman Catholic click here to go to Catholic Faith Examined website The New Catholic Catechism 1992 Latin version (English translation completed in 1994) Three Key quotations: 1. Introduction by John Paul II The Catechism of the Catholic Church is the result of very extensive collaboration; it was prepared over six years of intense work ... The project was the object of extensive consultation among all Catholic Bishops, their Episcopal Conferences or Synods, and of theological and ... Both Scripture and Tradition must be accepted and honoured with equal sentiments of devotion and reverence. bible interpretation the sole right of pope and bishops 100 The task of interpreting the Word of God authentically has been entrusted solely to the Magisterium of the Church, that is, to the Pope and to the bishops in communion with him. 3. Supremacy of the Pope 882 The Pope, Bishop of Rome and Peter's successor, "is the perpetual and visible source and foundation of the unity both of the ... ...
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338: Ellen G. White found guilty of plagiarism (copying)
Freethinkers have always gotten into trouble. In the time of Moses, if anyone started a fire on his own to enjoy a cup of hot herb tea on Sabbath, he was stoned, and not in the modern sense of the word either. If he wandered around in the local swapmeet on Sabbath in the days of Nehemiah, he might run the risk of having his beard ... If people can't read, they can't be reached by reading; if they can read, they might be reached by the wrong reading. How churches solve this problem is to assign it to God. That's an old idea too. God has often been given credit for things he didn't do; and since the beginning of time the devil has been exonerated for things he ... After all, it had been done before-or so the modern defenders of the Adventist faith were to propound some one hundred thirty years later. It came to be said that St. Luke copied from St. Mark and that Paul was sneaking material from the Greeks without even letting them know. John the Revelator was stealing from ancient pagans for ... ...
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339: Just because the 10 commandments are abolished, we still can ...
Only the Sabbath law was not carried forward into the new covenant, being abolished forever! (Col 2:14-16) The Sabbatarian claim that if the 10 commandments are abolished, that means there is nothing to keep us from stealing, murdering and adultery is ridiculous as this chart illustrates: Example Obsolete Law Present Law Canada Constitution of 1867-1981 Constitution of 1981 to present United States Confederation of 1781-1789 Constitution of 1787 to present John 12:48 "He who rejects Me, and does not receive My sayings, has one who judges him; the word I spoke is what will judge him at the last day." BIBLE: John 12:48 Law Of Moses/10 Commandments From Sinai to the cross Law Of Christ/New Covenant From the cross till the 2nd coming So just because a law is obsolete and abolished does not mean we are without law! Likewise all the moral code of the Ten commandments and the rest of the Law of God in the Old Covenant is brought over and re-instated under the new Covenant Law of Christ. ... ...
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340: Can A Christian Sin And Be Lost?
... The New Testament is our guide today. In I John 3:9, we read, "Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God". If this verse teaches, "once saved, always saved", it is contrary to II Peter 2:20 and 21 (which we read previously). Thus, a contradiction is forced into the scriptures which cannot exist. However, apparent conflict disappears when we see that the writer is stating the obvious fact that Christians cannot sin and remain faithful followers of the Lord. This is verified by the very same writer in the very same letter where the apostle, John, in I John 1:8-10 says, "If we say that we have no sin, we deceive ourselves, and the truth is not in us. If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. If we say that we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us". Here, again, we find an inspired writer telling true believers, ... ...
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341: Please explain why we have Old And New Testaments?
... The following are some comparisons between the Old and the New: Death versus Life (II Corinthians,3:6-8). Bondage versus Freedom (Galatians 5:1). The Old was to Jews only (Mal.4:4) while the New is to all men (Matt.28:18-20). Temporal versus Eternal (Galatians 3:19 and Matthew 24:35). Carnal versus Spiritual (Hebrews 9:10 and John 4:23-24). Continued Guilt versus Pardon (Romans 8:2 and Hebrews 9:12-14). If it has been taken away and no longer applies to modern man, then of what use is the Old Testament today? From it comes the inspired record of the creation, the history of man and his need for a Savior, and the wonderful prophecies of Christ. Christians are to recognize the Old Testament as the inspired word of God and use it for learning, for admonition, and for comfort, but they must not, however, use it for their law (study Romans 15:4, I Cor. 10:11). The law we are to follow today consists of Jesus' commandments, the Apostles' directions, and the examples of the early Christians ... ...
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342: Dancing and the Bible: Is it OK?
Dancing and the Bible: Is it OK? The word "dancing" has a rather broad meaning, which may include such simple activity as the expression of feelings of joy and enthusiasm, or the more involved routing and movement of one skilled in interpreting and arousing powerful emotions. Numerous Old Testament instances of dancing being ... Such is the situation as Miriam led the women "with timbrels and dances" (Exodus 15:20), after the deliverance from Egyptian bondage, or Jepthah's daughter greeting him with "timbrels and dances" after a great victory (Judges 11:34). David's thanksgiving for the safe return of the ark of God was evidenced as he "danced before ... The dancing of the daughter of Herodias had such appeal to the base human passion that Herod promised to give her anything she might desire, a rash promise which led to the murder of John the baptizer (Matthew 14:3-10). Our "modern dancing", a phrase used to include both ballroom dancing in which there is continuous body contact ... ...
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343: Trinity proof texts: Isaiah 45:23-24 = Philippians 2:9-11
Trinity Proof Texts Click to View Isaiah 45:23-24: "I have sworn by Myself, The word has gone forth from My mouth in righteousness And will not turn back, That to Me every knee will bow, every tongue will swear allegiance. They will say of Me, 'Only in the Lord are righteousness and strength.' Men will come to Him, And" all who were angry at Him shall be put to shame. Philippians 2:9-11: "Therefore also God highly exalted Him, and bestowed on Him the name which is above every name, that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those who are in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and that every tongue ... As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to Me at the name of Jesus every knee should bow every tongue will swear allegiance every tongue shall give praise to God every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father Joint co-worship of Father and Jesus Both are co-recipients of worship Heb 1:6; Rev 5:11-14; Matt 14:33; 28:9; John 9:38; ... ...
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344: Eternal torment proved ... annihilation refuted
... Notice that casting into hell in Luke is equated with the different Greek (apollumi) word in Matthew but rather fear Him who is able to destroy (apollumi) both soul and body in hell." has authority to cast into hell; yes, I tell you, fear Him! These two verses actually refute annihilation. Notice that Jesus uses one Greek word (apokteino) for what man can do and another Greek word (apollumi) for what God does at the end of time in hell. If the Greek words were the same, then annihilationists would have a ... Luke 15:24,32 for this son of mine was dead, and has come to life again; he was lost (apollumi), and has been found.' And they began to be merry." ... "But we had to be merry and rejoice, for this brother of yours was dead and has begun to live, and was lost (apollumi) and has been found." The son still existed even though "destroyed" (apollumi) John 6:27 "Do not work for the food which perishes (apollumi), but for the food which endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man shall ... ...
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345: Is there Reality a place called Hell?
If the notion of a hell of torment is a doctrine of men, you are certainly entitled to know that. It would be morally wrong to teach the idea of a burning hell just to scare men into doing certain things. In the course of this study we will go to God, who cannot lie, and find the truth on this subject. The fact of sin's existence proves that there is a hell. From the Bible we learn that sin is "the transgression of the law" I John 3:4. But if there were no penalty imposed for breaking the law, the law would be worthless. Take, for example, the laws that govern speed on our highways. ... The writer of the book of Hebrews makes this very same argument about necessary punishment for sin. Notice it carefully. "Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. For if the word spoken by angels was steadfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompense of reward; how shall we escape if we ... ...
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346: A treatise of vapours or hysterick fits, John Purcell, 1707 AD
He also viewed hysteria as being transmitted from mother to daughter: "Another Question to be ask'd, is, if she were Born of Parents subject to Hystericks ; for Vapours as well as other Diseases, are transmitted to us from our Fathers and Mothers." John Purcell was a quack who could have learned much from his local church minister ... This is in contrast to the sense in which Purcell used the term as the extract shows. He took `Epilepsies and this Distemper to be the same Disease', the difference being only quantitative as it were, not qualitative: 'an Epilepsy, is Vapours arriv'd to a more violent degree'. In this sense he applied it to all episodic ... My design is, first, to number up all or most of the Symptoms and Accidents of this Disease : Next to seek out the Causes that are capable of producing them; and having Established them, to proceed to explain Mechanically the manner how they produce them: Then to speak a word or two of the Distempers which this Prognosticates, and ... ...
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347: Bible Authority: Generic & Specific plus 4 methods of authority ...
... why circumcision is not essential 4. The sent a deciding letter (the first recorded inspired letter in NT) a. v24 "we gave no such commandment'': The principle that had been violated was the silence of God. Remember that circumcision was commanded under OT! b. Notice that Nowhere in the letter is circumcision even mentioned? c. ... C. The dispute in Acts 15 seems silly and simple to resolve for Christians today: "Unless you are circumcised by the custom of Moses you cannot be saved." 15:1,5. For us today we can clearly see that this is false and an addition to God's word. But to the Jewish Christians who had practiced circumcision for 2000 years it wasn't ... A. NECESSARY INFERENCE: 15:7-11 Peter converted Cornelius 1. Definition: drawing a sure conclusion from divinely orchestrated events 2. There are examples of unnecessary inferences in the Bible Bible Text Event Unnecessary Inference Jn 21:21-33 "If I want him to live till My return" Disciples: "Apostle John wouldn't die" ... ...
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348: Prophecy Blunders! 100 Years of Failed Watchtower prophecies
... setting up of the Kingdom of God is already begun, that it is pointed out in prophecy as due to begin the exercise of power in A.D. 1878, and that the 'battle of the great day of God Almighty (Rev. 16:14) which will end in A.D. 1914 with the complete overthrow of earth's present rulership, is already commenced. The gathering of the armies is plainly visible from the standpoint of God's word." (Studies in the Scriptures, Vol. 2, The Time Is At Hand, 1889 Ed., p. 101. The 1915 Edition of this texts changed "A.D. 1914" to read 'A.D. 1915') 1889 "Here we furnish the evidence that from the creation of Adam to (but not including) A.D. 1873 was six thousand years. ... During that period of forty years God's people on earth were carrying on a witness work, which work was foreshadowed by Elijah and John the Baptist. all of the lords people looked forward to 1914 with joyful expectation. when that time came and passed there was much disappointment, chagrin and mourning, and the lords people were ... ...
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349: Which Old Testament text did Jesus prefer and quote from?
... John 10:34. This may explain why most of the time there were two collections referred to as a sum for the whole. a. "Do not think that I came to abolish the Law or the Prophets; I did not come to abolish but to fulfill. Matthew 5:17 b. "For all the prophets and the Law prophesied until John. Matthew 11:13 c. "The Law and the Prophets were proclaimed until John; since that time the gospel of the kingdom of God has been preached, and everyone is forcing his way into it. Luke 16:16 d. Philip found Nathanael and said to him, "We have found Him of whom Moses in the Law and also the Prophets wrote-Jesus of Nazareth, the son of Joseph." John 1:45 e. After the reading of the Law and the Prophets the synagogue officials sent to them, saying, "Brethren, if you have any word of exhortation for the people, say it." Acts 13:15 f. "But this I admit to you, that according to the Way which they call a sect I do serve the God of our fathers, believing everything that is in accordance with the Law and ... ...
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350: Trinity proof texts: Mark 2:7
... I am not God any more than they!" But he did not correct them, but rather reinforced their view because it was correct! Only God can forgive sin! Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal #2 The apostles could forgive sins just like Christ, does that make the Apostles God? John 20:23 "If you forgive the sins of any, their sins have [already] been forgiven them; if you retain the sins of any, they have [already] been retained." Anti-Trinitarian rebuttal refuted If Jesus was merely forgiving sins like men forgive ... "The giving of the Spirit is here specifically related to the power given to the Church to continue the judicial character of Christ (3:19; 5:27; 9:39) in the matter of sin (cf. Mt 9:8; 16:19; 18:18; Lk 24:47). Catholic tradition (DB 920; DS 1710) has rightly seen in this act the origin of the Sacrament of Penance, even though it is equally true that the Church's power over sin is also exercised in baptism and the preaching of the redemptive word." (Jerome Biblical Commentary, Catholic, John ... ...
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