The Expository Files.

Beginning Our Second Year


Thanks for the download! Interest in Expository Files continues to grow. We really appreciate the response and the kind comments that have been made.

As we begin a second year of publication, I'd like to share something with you. One of our readers sent in some constructive criticism following last issue. He commended the issue but in the kindest way possible said he had found a couple typos. It happens. I guess they call it "human error."

We certainly try to keep these to a minimum, but sometimes in all the transferring of files, reformatting from MAC to IBM and back again and the meeting of deadlines causes Murphy to raise his head and enact his law. If I were the inventor of grammar, I would make it an official rule that typos don't matter, but I'm not and they do.

At any rate, we look forward to our second year of publication and ask for your prayers in behalf of our efforts. Warren and I appreciate your support and ask that you spread the word about Expository Files.

By Jon W. Quinn
From Expository Files 2.1; January, 1995