The Expository Files



There's an old saying that "two heads are better than one." I understand the point but there are times when two heads are not better than one... like when they occupy the same space! The Bible uses the term "double minded" to describe a person of two minds, or we could say "two-headed." Now, of course, he only has one literal head but his thoughts, affections, hopes and purposes are divided and even at odds with one another. He will not take a stand against God, but he won't stand up for God either.

The prophet Elijah described such non-commitment as "limping between two sides." (1 Kings 18:21). A couple centuries earlier Joshua had told his people to make a firm commitment to one side or the other. He said, "Choose this day whom you will serve." (Joshua 24:15). Jesus said that He would rather people be for Him or against Him rather than be half-hearted. He called it being "lukewarm" and He was, and is, disgusted by it (Rev. 3:15-16). He insisted that no one can serve two masters (Matt. 6:24). The Lord calls upon us to make Him our clear-cut choice.

Today, perhaps more than ever, believers need to be of a single mind - to bring God glory through Jesus Christ. Many different opponents are attacking faith from many different directions. If now is not the time to take a firm stand, then when will the time come? Our Lord deserves better than a lukewarm response to the attacks of the enemy.

The Bible says that the "double minded" are unstable and encourages us to be single minded in our efforts to glorify God in our lives (James 1:8). Christianity is not for the weak willed or for those who lack the courage to make strong decisions. But in Christ the faithful disciple can accomplish all things through Him.

By Jon W. Quinn
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From Expository Files 14.10   October 2007