The Expository Files

Inspiration and Revelation

The New Testament is God’s Law. God’s law is perfect, which means complete (James 1:25). The word “perfect” means that God has nothing to add to it. Jesus had promised the apostles that they would be guided “unto all the truth” so we know that God’s written revelation, which has now been compiled into the Bible, has been complete since the first century when the apostles lived and died. We can only know God’s will and intentions through reading what He has revealed to us (1 Cor. 2:12). We see that “all things pertaining to life and godliness” has already been received (1 Peter 1:2,3). The Scriptures lack nothing and are able to equip us for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16,17).

What is the point of all this? The point is that God’s word is completely reliable and worthy of our efforts to know it better and to apply its teachings. What is true and right has already been settled, not by the mind of man but of God. Every single one of us is headed for eternity, and the Scriptures of God are the only guide available that will lead us to eternal victory, and they do so by leading us to God’s Son. We should not and cannot easily cast God’s book aside and assume that everything will work out all right anyway. The words of Scripture are inspired, or breathed, of God. His word is our hope.

By Jon W. Quinn
The Front Page
From Expository Files 12.2; February 2005