The Expository Files.

The Special Series in Hebrews


Next month, our December issue will complete the first volume of Expository Files. It will also mark the final installment of Alex Ogden's series on Hebrews. I have never met Alex. I have met his sister Lori who provided assistance to my family last summer while we were vacationing in Florida by picking up some tickets and delivering them to us. Also, there is a young man who is attending a university in our area on a football scholarship who is from Kentucky. This young man and his family are members where Alex's father preaches. Anyway, I want to extend my appreciation for Alex's work in his Hebrews study. Recently, Mark Regel, a brother here in Bradley, Illinois, has started to teach the adult Bible class which is beginning a study of Hebrews. I recommended Alex's material to him and he has been using it. As we begin the second chapter, Mark has publicly complimented Alex's work on several occasions. So until next month, go with God.

By Jon W. Quinn
The Final Page
From Expository Files 1.11; November, 1994