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Can A Christian Lose Salvation?

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All churches teach one of two positions

Identify which position you believe then click your choice.

Position #1 It is impossible for a Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood) to do anything that would sent him to hell. "eternal security" or "once saved always saved" or "perseverance of the saints" Click here if you believe positon #1

Position #2 A Christian (a true believer who has his sins forgiven by Christ's blood), can sin so as to be lost and cast into hell, thus loosing his previously attained salvation. Click here if you believe positon #2



The following churches teach:

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Baptist church:

Sam Morris, Baptist preacher in Stamford, TX wrote an article entitled, "Do A Christian's sins damn his souls"? Here is a quote from the article: "We take the position that a Christian's sins do not damn his soul. The way a Christian lives, what he says, his character, his conduct, or his attitude toward other people have nothing whatever to do with the salvation of his souls...And all the sins he may commit from murder to idolatry will not make his soul in any more danger.

Bill Foster, Baptist preacher in Louisville KY made this comment: "If I killed my wife and mother and debauched a thousand women I couldn't go to hell--in fact, I couldn't go to hell if I wanted to."

  1. Presbyterian church
  2. Reformed churches (Dutch/Christian/Canadian)
  3. Methodist church
  4. United church of Canada
  5. Evangelical free
  6. Associated Gospel churches
  7. Christian missionary alliance

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