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2 The Cam. ms.. reads 'Iakw/b by an obvious error.
5 [See Dan, note 12, p. 26, infra. "Eternal" = "long".]
1 The Ox. ms.. reads 150, and refers the event to two years after Joseph's death. The text of the Cam. ms.. gives an impossible result here, as it would make Zebulun twenty-eight years younger than Joseph, who died at the age of 110. According to the Ox. ms., Reuben (cf. c. 1) and Zebulun would die in the same year, the former at 125, the latter 150. A comparison of Test. Reub., c. 1 shows the most probable solution to be to give the numerals, rid', b'.
2 The derivation of Zebulun seems to be from lbz
collateral form of dbz
to give. Hence Leah plays on the double meaning of the former verb, Gen. xxx. 20.
3 Cf. the Targum Ps. Jon. on Gen. xxxvii. 28.
4 [Deut. xxv. 7, 8, 9. See Lardner on the animus of these quotations from Enoch, as it strikes him, vol. ii. p. 350.]
5 Cam. ms. dia\ traglokolphtw=n; Ox. ms.. dia\ trwglodutw=n.
6 ["Finis non determinant probitatem actus."]
8 The Ox. ms. reads: "And ye shall return from your land, and ye shall see the Lord in Jerusalem for His name's sake." [Heb. vii. 2. At least, Salem is His name.]
9 [Another of those unequivocal passages which refute Lardner's charge of "Unitarianism" in this book.]
10 [Ezek. xlviii. 26, 27. An important example of Hebrew exposition of this prophets.]
1 [The tribes of Ephraim and Manasseh.]
2 The reading of the Ox. ms.., mh\ kinei=sqe is to be taken.
3 Cam. ms.. ei0j ei0de/an; Ox. ms. ei0j a0hdi/an.
5 The Ox. ms.. omits from here to toi=j e!qnesi Swth/r in c. 6.
6 'Ekporeu/ontej may be an error for e0kporneu/ontej, which Grabe wrongly gives as the reading of the Cam. ms..
7 [The root idea, p. 18, notes 5, 6, supra.]
9 [Here is the Chiliasm of Barnabas, vol. i. p. 146.]
10 [That is, not with the glory of His throne above.]
11 Cf. Dorner, Doctrine of the Person of Christ, Introd., p, 15, Eng. transl.
13 See Zebulun 10, p, 25, supra.]
1 Gen. xxx. 8. Josephus, Ant., i. 19. 7
3 [Wis. xi. 20; Ecclus. xiii. 7.]
4 The Greek text here is obviously corrupt, and doubtless one or two words are wanting. The reading of the Cam. ms.. is ou0k e!stin ei0pei=n o!ti e0n tw=|e0ni/ toi=j prosw/poij h@ tw=n o9moi/wn. In the Ox. ms.. the passage is wanting.
5 It seems very doubtful what is meant by ka/lamoj here. I have thought it best, therefore, to leave the matter open. The Ox. ms. punctuates stoma/xou ka/l.
6 Cf. Reuben 5 [note 3, p. 10 supra]
7 [Eccles. iii. 5; 1 Cor. vii.1.]
1 Cf. Targum Ps. Jon of Gen xxxvii. 2.
2 The narrative of Genesis (xxxvii. 28) gives twenty pieces of silver; the LXX. twenty pieces of gold, with which latter agrees Josephus' mnw=n ei!kosin (Antiq., ii. 3. 3). [It is worthy of note that Judas took a meaner price for the "Son of Joseph."]
3 For this unusual use of o0ligoyuxi/a, cf. Prov. xiv. 29, LXX. where there is the same contrast with makroqumi/a.
4 [This passage is cited by Lardner as conspicuously fine.]
6 The Ox ms.. omits from here to the last clause of c. 7.
7 For dolwfwnh=sai, the reading of the Cam ms.. here, Grabe conjectured dolofonh/sei. Probably dolofqnh/sei is to be preferred.