Early Church Fathers ![]() ![]() |
24 The Sahidic has: Joseph entreats Jesus to pardon him likewise, because when, one upon a time, He had recalled to life a boy bitten by a cerastes, he (Joseph) had pulled His right ear, advising Him to refrain from works that brought hatred upon Him. See Second Gospel of Thomas, chap. 5.
26 The argument of the Sahidic is: He sends for Joseph's sons and daughters, of whom the oldest was Lysia the purple-seller. They all wept over their drying father.
27 Barnabas, 15: Hermas, i. 3; Irenaeuys, Contra Hoer., v. 33; Justin, Tryph., 81; Tertullian, Adv. Marc., iii. 24. Caius and Dionysius imputed grossness and sensuality to Cerinthus, because he spoke of the wedding feast of the thousand years.
28 All the fathers placed the purgatorial fires, as the Greek Church does now, at the day of judgment. Augustine was the first who brought forward the supposition that the purification took place in Hades before the day of judgment. Haag, Histoire des Dogmes, ii. 323.
32 Acts ix. 36. Schila is probably meant for the widow of nain's son.
2 Another reading is, branches.
3 One MS has: And Jesus, at the entreaty of all of them, healed him.
4 Or, either teach him to bless, and not to curse, or depart with him from this place; for, etc.
5 Or, are not mine, but thine.
6 Pseudo-Matt. 29. [The numerous references to the latter part of Pseudo-MatthaeI, see pp. 378-383, shows the close relationship. But it is generally agreed that this narrative is the older, and one of the sources of Pseudo-Matthaei.-R.]
7 Pseud.-Matt. 30, 31. Various explanations have been given of this difficult passage by annotators, who refer it to the A of the Hebrew, or of the Greek, or of the Armenian alphabet. It seems, however, to answer very closely to the old Phenician A, which was written or .
The Paris MS. has: And he sat down to teach Jesus the letters, and began the first letter Aleph: and Jesus says the second, Beth, Gimel, and told him all the letters to the end. And shutting the book, He taught the master the prophets.
8 Instead of this chapter, the Paris MS. has: And hwas ashamed and perplexed, because he kne wnot whence he kne the letters. And he arose, and went home, in great astonishment at this strange thing.
It the ngoes on with a fragment of the history of the dyer's shop, as given in the Arabic Gospel of the Infancy, ch. 37.
9 One of the MSS. of the Latin Gospel inserts here-Jesus, saying: Indeed, you made him fall down. And Jesus said: I never made him fall.
11 A better reading would be e0n th|= geitoni/a|, in the neighbourhood, for e0n th|= gwni/a|, in the corner.
13 The kor or chomer was, according to Jahn, 32 pecks 1 pint.
17 Tischendorf suggests a0na/phroj, maimed, for a!peiroj.
21 [This may be rendered, as in R.B., Luke ii. 49, " in my Father's house." The words are the same as in that passage.-R.]
1 [Compare the account in the version of the first Greek form, chap. 6, and the footnote.-R.]