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The Religion of the Crescent
Islam: Its Strength, Its Weakness,
 Its Origin, Its Influence.

Reference: Rev. William St. Clair-Tisdall(1859-1928), The Religion of the Crescent or Islam: Its Strength, Its Weakness, Its Origin, Its Influence,  Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, London, England, 1895, 251 pages.

Background:  This book offers insights into the religion promulgated by Muhammad. It covers the strengths, weakness, origins and influence of Muhammad's religion.

Note:The text of the HTML and Zipped files is the same.  The pagination for the HTML and Zipped files corresponds to Rev. William St. Clair-Tisdall's book.  This is done to facilitate reference to Tisdall's translation. 

Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and Hindi text:  There are Arabic, Greek, Hebrew, and Hindi language quotations in the following text. These languages are encoded in Unicode. It may be necessary to configure your web browser to visualize these languages.  This site has help files for Unicode.  Make sure that your web browser displays properly the Unicode characters.

The Hindi text occurs on pages 172 and 173 and displays properly with Mangal.ttf or Arial Unicode MS fonts. These fonts are installed when Windows 2000 is configured for the Hindi language. 

The text that occurs within the gray boxes was not in the original text of 'The Religion of the Crescent.' This additional English language text is a translation of a non-English language in Tisdall's original work. It is offered to aid our English readership.

Last edited 02-24-2001

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