Reference: Rev. W. St. Clair-Tisdall,
Sources of Islam: A Persian Treatise,
translated and abridged by Sir William Muir,
T. & T. Clark, Edinburgh, Scotland.
1901, xiii, 102 pages.
Background: This book
presents the original sources from which
Muhammad obtained the various stories and
myths that
appear in the Qur'an.
Note: The text of the HTML and Zipped
files is the same. The pagination for the
HTML and Zipped files
corresponds to William Muir's book.
This is done to facilitate
reference to Muir's translation.
Netscape: The
Greek letters on pages x and
66 can be viewed by selecting the Greek
Character set. In Netscape, click on View
==> Character Set ==> Greek.
To reset the Character set to normal
viewing, click on View ==>
Character Set ==> Western.
Additional References:
1. William St. Clair Tisdall,
The Original Sources of the Qur'ān,
Imprint London, Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge,
E.S. Gorham, New York, 1905. pp.287, illus. 18 cm.