The case of "Lovesick" (Schizophrenia from love lost)

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry © Version 7 (CBP-7)

Based upon
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Real Cases
Real People
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Real Solutions

Casebook of Biblical Psychiatry© brings the principles of Biblical Psychiatry to life based upon real-world cases and familiarizes Christians with different types of situations. This practical companion volume to Biblical Psychiatry© includes not only diagnosis, but also in-depth discussions by experienced Christians for Biblical approaches to treatment. This meticulously detailed volume of dynamic real-life case studies is simply a "must read" for all clinical Psychiatrists, mental health care professionals and Christians interested in expert opinion on today's treatment approaches. Psychiatric students, educators, and practitioners—as well as social workers, nurses, medical physicians, and interested laypersons—will find this unique volume of inestimable value in their day-to-day work.




The case of

(Schizophrenia from love lost)

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The case of "Lovesick"


Biopsychiatric labels DSM-5



Checklist Behaviours DSM-7

Depression, delusion, violence, uncontrolled anger, rage, lazy


Insights MMPI-7



Quick Pick EDS-7.1

Sources of personal trauma: I was dumped,



Self-disablement EDS-7.2

Not working but lives in asylum


Chemical imbalance EDS-7.3



Benefits EDS-7.4

Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4

Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5

Control over others: EDS-7.4.6

Revenge: EDS-7.4.8


Monetary EDS-7.5



Annoyance Scale EDS-7.6



Diagnostic Laws EDS-7.7

Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC

Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB

Law of Pediatric Multifarious Obfuscation (PMO) EDS-7.7.12.PMO

Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP


Determine the Problem

He was suffering from a broken heart from love.


Ask a Child

He is upset about something  EDS-7.7.12.PMO


5 years later EDS-7.7.LPT




The case of "Lovesick"

Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD: A young man is jilted by a woman who then commits a crime, ends up first in jail, then the asylum


In Vendemaire, (Sep. and Oct.) of the year 3, a young man, of twenty-two years of age, confined in the prisons of Bicetre, was brought to the infirmary of the same establishment. He was exceedingly dejected and silent during my first visit to him. As I found him free from fever, I merely prescribed a light diet, persuaded that his disorder consisted in great depression and distress of mind. On the succeeding days I observed but little change in the state of his symptoms. He still persisted in his silence, even when questions were put to him. He sometimes sighed deeply, and moaned piteously. He had little appetite, no sleep, and, according to the report of the attendants, was subject in the night to nervous agitations of extreme violence. He frequently got out of bed, walked about the ward, and was obliged to be reconducted to his couch, as if out of his mind. Two months after his admission into the infirmary, and during one of my visits, he advanced with an air of wildness, and forcibly seized one of the attendants with the intention apparently of throwing him down. His looks were wild and fixed. He wished to be informed relative to some particulars connected with a certain female of his acquaintance. He sighed profoundly. Such was the sensibility of his epigastric region [tummy], that he could scarcely bear the weight of his bed-clothes. Being desired to ascertain the nature of his disorder, I felt no hesitation in pronouncing his state to be that of decided insanity, consequent either upon disappointed love, or upon the depression of mind occasioned by his confinement [as a criminal], or, perhaps, upon the united influence of those two causes. His conveyance to a lunatic asylum was, at length, decided upon, and all judicial proceedings against him were withdrawn. (A Treatise on Insanity, Philippe Pinel, 1806 AD)



In 1806 AD, Philippe Pinel, doctor for the Bicetre Asylum in France, gets our gold star of achievement of all the major mad house doctors. He used "moral therapy" that merely threatened torture. Unlike all the other mad houses, Pinel refused to torture and use vomits, blistering and bloodletting of the day. Pinel correctly understanding that insanity was a spiritual problem, not an organic/physical problem with the brain. Instead of drugs, he cured insanity by "moral treatments". "My faith in pharmaceutic preparations was gradually lessened, and my scepticism went at length so far, as to induce me never to have recourse to them, until moral remedies had completely failed" Philippe Pinel would rise up today and oppose the chemical psychiatrists who believe insanity is a chemical imbalance of the brain, that insanity is incurable. He would object to labeling the insane as biological misfits for life because it unnecessarily robs the soul of all hope.


The prison at Bicetre was like that from a horror movie and a horrible place to be. In 1788 AD a portion of the Bicetre was torn down and 18 pit style dungeons were built in its place. The prisoners were chained to the walls and they were fed through a small grill in the roof, though which came the only light or fresh air. (The fabrication of virtue, Robin Evans, 1982 AD)


The young man's crime that landed him in jail is not disclosed, but it was clearly in response to being dumped by the girl he loved. Perhaps he went on a rage and did property damage. Perhaps he began to stock the girl or threatened her. After he landed himself in jail, he chose to become depressed to the point he was sent to the asylum. Such depression is rather predicable given the stupidity of his choice of behaviours that landed him in jail. However Pinel give two etiologies for his insanity: "either upon disappointed love, or upon the depression of mind occasioned by his confinement". Pinel is not sure if the man went insane when he was chained to the wall of the jail dungeon as a criminal or because he got dumped by the woman he loved. The point for us, is that either way, Pinel certainly knew it was no a biological matter like a chemical imbalance in the brain.


We can be certain that he was not fabricating the insanity to escape prosecution, because after the criminal charges were dropped, he remained in the asylum.


Benefits from behaviour: This illustrates the Law of Narcissistic Behaviour Choice (NBC) EDS-7.7.1.NBC  

  1. Escape duty or life situation: EDS-7.4.4. He was avoiding the fact that the girl dumped him so he chose to become depressed and become insane.
  2. Sympathy: EDS-7.4.5. Perhaps if the girl saw how she hurt him, she might offer sympathy.
  3. Control over others: EDS-7.4.6. He was hoping that if the girl did offer him sympathy, that she would be under his control to manipulate.
  4. Revenge: EDS-7.4.8. He wanted to say to the girl. See what you have done to me! I hope you feel as bad as you made me feel.


Diagnostic laws that are seen illustrated in the case of "Lovesick":

  1. He calculated that the cost of being insane was worth the benefit of maybe getting the girl back. This illustrates the Law of Derivative Personal Benefit (DPB) EDS-7.7.2.DPB
  2. While doctors would diagnose him with numerous and complex diseases, he knew all along that he wanted to restore the relationship with his girlfriend. He would disagree with any medical explanation for his behaviour. This may explain why he went on a wild rage of anger during one of Pinel's visits. Nobody had comprehended the real cause of his delusions and everything they said was stupid and wrong to him. And it was! However with Pinel's visit, the man finally told him what the real problem was, by asking about the welfare of his girlfriend. It was only then that Pinel realized the man was suffering from "disappointment in love". The man's deceptions and failure to disclose this earlier, are his own fault. This illustrates the Law of Pediatric Multifarious Obfuscation (PMO) EDS-7.7.12.PMO

3.      He was walking down a path that led to him fully internalizing the fact he was dumped. Instead of crossing that electrified line of acceptance, he chose, like the warthog, to not cross the fence but stamp around and squeal in insanity. This illustrates the Law of Anticipatory Warthog Psychosis (AWP) EDS-7.7.13.AWP


By Steve Rudd: Contact the author for comments, input or corrections.

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