The Expository Files

Sin and Morality

Sin - General

If America Fell Enron: The Greater Tragedy What Was Wrong with the Tower of Babel? Grape Vines Camel Swallowers and Speck Pickers
 Great Mysteries "The Truth is Out There" Dangerous Doctrines and Bad Logic Weapons or Wickedness "You Cannot Legislate Morality
James 5:19-20 - Responding To The Wanderer Standards Have Gone To An All Time Low Politically Correct; Morally Incorrect What the Bible Says About Sin 2 Corinthians 7:9-11 - Sorrow In A Godly Manner
Deuteronomy 13:6-11 - A Principle Many Need To Relearn Genesis 4:1-12 - It Was A Religious War Hosea 6:1-4 - When Loyalty Fails 1 John 5:16-17 - To Pray Or Not 1 Peter 2:11 - Abstinence From Animal Appetites
Luke 15:11-32 - The Prodigal's Journey 1 Kings 16:25-33 - It Was Only a Trivial Thing Mark 12:38-40 - The Best Seats In The House Ephesians 2:1-3 - The Course of This World Proverbs 4:14-19 - "Do Not Enter"
Hosea 7:4-8 - "Fired Up" 2 Timothy 3:8 - Jannes And Jambres 1 Peter 2:11 - "To Whom it May Concern" Hebrews 2:18 - The Help All Of Us Need 1 Peter 4:3-5 - "They Think It Strange"
Galatians 5:16-21 - Works of the Flesh #2 Galatians 5:16-21 - Works of the Flesh #1 Judges 13-16 - The Weakest Side of the Strongest Man 2 Samuel 14:25 - 18:18 - The Absalom Complex Truck Envy & Asaph
1 John 2:15-17 Love Not The World Ephesians 6:11 - The Wiles of The Devil Warning Against "That First Instinct"  Romans 1:18-19 - Wrath of God 1 Samuel 2:12-36 -  "For Those Who Honor Me, I Will Honor" 
2 Corinthians 6:14-18 - The Unequal Yoke Forbidden 2 Timothy 4:3,4 - They Will Not Endure Sound Doctrine John 9 - "Are We Blind Also?" 1 Kings 11 - A King's Heart  What Are You Tired Of?
1 Corinthians 10:13 -  What 1 Corinthians 10:13 Teaches About Temptation Acts 13:6-13 - A Tough Act to Follow  Daniel 5 - Belshazzar Matthew 4:1-11 - That's Very Tempting  Sin is All About Choices
1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - The Game of Life  Luke 17:1-4 -  You Sinned AGAIN? A Modern Example of an Ancient Warning Satan Has Desired to Have You Nehemiah 9:6-31 - God’s Work Acknowledged – Man’s Sin Confessed 
Psalm 50:16-21 -  “You Thought I Was Just Like You”  1 Peter 4:1-5 -  Sin – Are you done with it yet?  Raw Meat Matthew 27:3-10 - Lessons From Thirty Pieces Of Silver Genesis 39  Joseph's Defense
Mark 4:10-12 - “Lest They Return, and I Should Heal Them” 2 Samuel 13-19 - The Story of Absalom Ephesians 4:30  - “And Do not Grieve the Holy Spirit of God”

Matthew 4:3 - The Devil’s Always In On It

The Scourging of the Temple in Jerusalem
1 Corinthians 6:12-20 - A Problem Then – A Problem Now Jude 11 - The Hall of Faithlessness 1 Kings 18:17, 21:20, 22:8 - Am I the Problem?    

Sin - Specific

Wolves and Dolphins Adulterous Eyes The World's Most Popular Drug Stem Cells: Faulty Thinking Exposed Neither Shed Innocent Blood
Alcohol Benefits Debunked What is Pornography? Violence "Save the Baby Humans!"
Electronic Gossip McCort's Book "Send in the Clones" Licentiousness The Bible and Abortion
"Gateway" Drugs" The Bible and Euthanasia Paul Had His Good Moments and His Bad Moments Abortion and Cannibalism Galatians 1 & 2 - Hypocrites in Your Hearts
James 2:1-13 - The Sin of Favoritism Matthew 12:36,37 - "Every Idle Word" Proverbs 20:1  - "Wine Is A Mocker" James 4:13-17 - All Such Boasting is Evil Matthew 12:31 - Blasphemy Against The Holy Spirit
Zephaniah 3:2 -  The Essence of Rebellion Numbers 14:39-45  -  The Foolishness of Presumption Acts 8:4-25 - The Sin of Simon Mark 7:1-9 - One of the Devil's Pitchforks "If You Did Not Vote To Defend the Sanctity of Marriage..."
Psalm 106:32-33 - Beware of Sinful Anger Exodus 32 - The Calf of Gold The Church of Apathy  Judges 6:1-32 - Gideon's "Tunnel Vision"  2 Peter 2:1 - What Is Heresy?
Jeremiah 36:23  - Burning the Scroll  James 4:1-4 - Behind All Fighting - Poor Attitudes  Unscrupulous Tactics Appropriate Dress: Hmmm... James 5:1-8 - Corrupt Wealth Acquisition
"A Very Odd Thing"?  James 5:1-6  - Rust As A Witness Ephesians 4:14,15  - Beware of False Teachers  Luke. 13:10-17 -  Hypocrisy: How Bad It Can Get  Acts 5:1-11 -  The Account of Ananias & Sapphira
1 Peter 2:1 - Five Destroyers  Isaiah 56:9-12 - Leaders Condemned Proverbs 8:35-36  - Sinning Against Wisdom 1 Timothy 2:9-10 - "Modesty" Mark 6:1-6 - The Marvel Of Unbelief
“He Was A Hypocrite” 1 Thessaonians 4:3-4 -   Reasons for Abstaining Syncretism 1 John 2:18-22 - The Antichrist and the Last Hour  Matthew 12:1-8  The Facts Lead Us To The Truth

Consequences of Sin

Defiled! The Story Behind Johnny Bin Walker Does One Sin Really Matter? Judgment and Justice Why I Do Not Drink
2 Timothy 3:1-7 - The The Peril of Sin Genesis 6:1-8 - Causes Of The Flood Zechariah 1:6 - Overtaken By God's Word 1 Corinthians 6:9-20 - One Text: Nine Reasons Not To Fornicate Hosea 8:1-14 - "They Sow the Wind, and Reap the Whirlwind"
Genesis 3 - Sin and its Consequences in This Life 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Sinners Anonymous Ezekiel 18 - "The Soul That Sinneth" Hebrews 10:31 - It is a Fearful Thing 2 Timothy 2:24-26 - Those Who Oppose Themselves
Genesis 3 - Sin Changes Things Ezekiel 18 - Sour Grapes 2 Thessalonians 1:6 - The Righteousness Of Divine Retribution Luke 14:15-24 - The Great Supper 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - "They Shall Not Inherit The Kingdom of God"
Luke 16:22-31 - The Rich Man and Lazarus John 12:39 - “They could Not Believe”: Why? Matthew 10:28 - The Limited Power Of The Wicked Jeremiah 14:11-16 - When the End Comes Matthew 25:14-30 - How to be Useless Without Really Trying
Genesis 13 - Pitching Tents Toward Sodom Mark 6:23 - The Dance of Herodias' Daughter Luke 16:26 - A Great Chasm  Genesis 19 - Effects of Sin  Ephesians 4:26-27 - "Do Not Give the Devil a Foothold"
Genesis 4:1-13 - Walking Cain Galatians 1:6-12 -  One Gospel – No Turning Away!  Luke 22:31-34  - Diary of a Fall  Treating Everybody The Same Way? (Jude 3)   Bad Men  
1 Chronicles 21:17 - Confession Psalm 38  The Burden of Sin Psalm 49 - The Life and Death of the Fool Rehoboam - “So the King Did Not Listen to the People" Galatians 6:7,8 - Fooling God?
Eve’s Mistake – Our Warning Mark 12:1-12  The Wicked Vinedressers 1 Kings 22:51-2 Kings 1:18 - The King's False God Malachi 3:13-18 - The Distinction Between The Righteous & The Wicked  
Ecclessiastes 2:1-11 - Solomon’s Carnal Adventure A Nation That Does Not Remember